
The girl's voice was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say a complete sentence for a while. Tears began to accumulate in her eyes.

"Don't be impatient, don't get excited, and tell me slowly if you have anything to do."

Gao Hai could only be as friendly and kind as possible, and stood up and took a step back to avoid irritating the other person by being too close.

"I...I will...I will try my best not to hold back, so, Mr. Gao, please don't expel me from the team, don't sentence me to death..."

The girl who finally finished speaking her words bent down deeply, her head almost reaching her ankles.

As for Gao Hai, well, he really doesn't know what to say now.


Sentenced to death?

Girl, except for the reversal ability of the black watch, if we distance ourselves and have a one-on-one fight, it’s really not necessarily certain who will sentence the other to death, okay?

Are you really a fierce man who has cleared 13 missions and has double S-level dusk blessings and A-level red moon blessings? Is it possible that you are the player version of the wild wasteland that is popular online recently? With your divine outfit and top-notch basic statistics, can't you be a little more confident?

The inner desire to complain is growing vigorously.

But Gao Hai knew that if he really let go of this Shimokitazawa hammer snake here, Pochi-chan might actually dare to melt it on the spot and show it to him. Therefore, after enduring it for a long time, Gao Hai finally took a deep breath and showed a very friendly smile to the girl.

"Miss Goto, without your help, I don't think I would have been able to get out of Touka Middle School so smoothly. So in the bottom of my heart, you have always been a very strong and kind-hearted senior. So please help me with the next task. You use your power to help me, support me, and let us completely smash this twisted copy of [Campus Mystery], rescue the people trapped in it, and rescue your cherished good friend Miss Kita."

Gao Hai's voice was extremely solemn and sincere.

He tried his best to show his most sincere attitude.

After Goto Ichiri was stunned for a moment, he subconsciously said to himself, "Am I strong?"

"Yes, you are very powerful and powerful. As a senior Red Moon-level player, you are willing to help me and Zhen Fei, who were still newcomers. I am very grateful for this alone."

Seeing that the other party was showing signs of recovering from his autistic state, Gao Hai did not hesitate and immediately continued to boast.

"Huh? Is it really that powerful?"

The girl's expression was shaken.

"Of course, you are a very reliable and trustworthy player, and the next mission depends on you!"

Gao Hai's voice gradually became louder.

"Hey, hey hey, I, I'm not that powerful either."

It only took a few seconds for the expression on his face to change from depressed and desperate to a silly smile.

At this moment, Gotou's face was filled with sunshine. He unconsciously stretched out his hand to scratch his head with an expression like "Keep praising me!"

He seems to be more understanding and easier to coax than expected.

At this moment, Gao Hai understood the characteristics of this girl more deeply.

With such a character... I can only say that she was really lucky. She was able to meet a senior who took care of the newcomers in the novice mission, and then met Aoyama Nanami, a mother-like character who is good at taking care of others. No wonder she has been a player for so long. Later, after being promoted to the red moon level player sequence, he was still able to retain his personality as an ordinary person.

However, considering that the girl herself possesses the Dark Night-level blessing of sensing malice, she should not be able to continue to behave like this when she encounters someone with evil intentions.

All in all, let's continue to comfort and appease him for now.

"There is no doubt that Kazuri Goto is a strong and reliable player."

Gao Hai's expression was serious and his voice was full of emotion.

"Hey, hey, is it true?"

Goto Ichiri narrowed his eyes and said intoxicatedly like a kitten enjoying being touched.

"It is really a great thing to have a reassuring player like Ms. Goto as a teammate!"

Gao Hai continued to praise, his voice becoming more and more ups and downs.

"Hey hey hey hey, that's it~"

Gotou Ichisato swayed slightly, as bright as a flower bathed in the sun.

"Miss Goto is the most powerful!"

"Hey hey hey hey hey ( ̄▽ ̄)~"

"Miss Goto is the best in the world!!"

"Hey hey hey ( ̄︶ ̄)~"

“Miss Goto is the best!!!”

“Hey hey hey hey hey hey︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿”

So after a few words of praise, Gao Hai felt that the girl in front of him was about to float into the sky.

To be honest, this was really fun, so much fun that he couldn't help but want to add some unharmonious content to the conversation to see if he could deceive this little girl.

But in the end, probably because the other party was too innocent, Gao Hai restrained some bad thoughts in his heart, and took advantage of Xiao Boqi's ecstatic state to ask for her phone number and home address. He said goodbye directly to the other party.

"Goodbye Gao Sang, I will protect you for the rest of the mission!"

When they parted, Goto Isato, who was already completely swollen, said with an arrogant expression.

As for the past few minutes, Goto Kazuri realized what he was saying and fell into the [Screaming] form after Takahai left and left her alone for a moment to calm down, and the girl took a sip of juice nervously. After drinking the cup that Gao Hai had finished, after taking a sip of air, she realized what she had done and her face turned red and her spirit almost collapsed... It can only be said that Gao Hai still left some face for her, He didn't watch the whole scene of her embarrassing appearance.

Interlude 3-38: The Dream of the Desperate and the Final Challenge of Meeting the Campus Ghost Stories

Gao Hai had a dream.

In the dream, he returned to his high school years, became a student, and continued his study life without any setbacks.

But, the school I was in in the dream seemed different from the memory?

The class bell rang loudly.

The teacher opened the textbook and began to talk about the text in a rhythmic manner.

The students sat drowsily in their seats, or wrote some whispers on small notes and threw them to others.

So familiar.

He has obviously been away from the classroom for several years.

I obviously thought I had completely forgotten those years.

But now, after stepping into such a place again, all the scenes began to become familiar, and everything returned to the way it should be in the memory.

That's right.

I belong to this place.

Am I a member of this school...a member?

It seemed that something was tightly grasping his consciousness, preventing him from falling into the depths.

Abnormalities that were not noticed or noticed at first began to gradually become noticeable.

Ban: No, I don’t belong here.

Even though everything is becoming more and more familiar and familiar, this is still not the school where I once lived.

This place...is made of something else.


It's different from where I live.

[So, what is the difference? 】

It was as if someone was making a questioning voice towards him.

It was as if someone's eyes were looking at him at this moment.

Everything around him was cast in a blur of color.

Things that were once familiar become strange again.

The students in the classroom were still chatting and laughing with each other. They walked past him, but there was no sound of footsteps.

No, it wasn't just footsteps.

When he came to his senses, he noticed that there was no sound coming from the classroom under the warm sunshine.

The dim light of silence illuminated the dim classroom.

All the figures have disappeared without a trace, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Only a few vague figures were still sitting on the seats, as if waiting for something to happen.

Those figures, those people are...

He opened his eyes carefully and tried his best to look at those figures.

The originally vague outline gradually took on a distinct appearance at this moment.

Sitting next to him were Shijo Maifei, Fujiwara Chika, and several other girls he was familiar with.

A little further away, you can also see Xiong Mi and Kenbake from the "Moyu Gang", as well as Kenta Hayashibe and Ren Nanagawa from the "Red Club".

Goto Kazuri and Aoyama Nanami sat the farthest away and closest to the classroom door. They seemed to be impatient to get up and leave the classroom and leave from here.

Where is this place?

Consciousness is waking up little by little.

Why am I in this place now?

Gradually, I began to feel my hands and feet, my body, and my own existence.

The cold breath filled the body.

I felt the cold air from every pore.

Then, I saw the clown sitting on the podium, holding flowers in his hands.

[Whether the final result leads to tragedy or comedy, the overflowing emotions of people who face difficulties in their persistence always make me long for it, but cannot get it]

[I put on this costume, perform tragedies and comedies to people, give them experiences that are rare in life, and harvest their emotions hidden under reason]

[But this is not enough after all. I was born inhuman, but I long for humans, so my thirst will never be satisfied. My constant exploration will only lead me into this whirlpool entangled with death and sacrifice]

[But it doesn’t matter, it is in this hell that I can experience more emotions that are difficult for me to touch, and I can get closer and deeper to you humans]

[Please show me more, darling of fate, please give me more things! 】

The sighing clown lowered his head at the last moment, as if about to shed tears, even though the face that looked like it was painted on had no change in expression at all.

Everything becomes blurry again.

Just like rising from deep water, the chaotic consciousness became clear again.

Gao Hai opened his eyes and stared at the familiar ceiling that he had been looking at for more than a week. Apart from silence, he did not show any reaction.

"Uuuuu...tonkotsu ramen hey..."

Qianhua, who was lying in her arms, murmured the name of the food, subconsciously licked Gao Hai's shoulder, and then continued to sleep soundly.

There was already some white light and shadow in the sky outside the window.

Gao Hai knew that time had come.

After a half-month of rest, and after a short period of quiet daily life, the dark copy of the sacrifice game will begin again. As slaves who cannot escape from this twisted rule, they have to risk their lives again and step into the terrifying world of ghost stories.

It really sounds exciting.

Gao Hai's mouth curled up with a smile.

Wake up Qianhua, who came to play games last night and stayed to sleep because she played too late.

Take a shower, change clothes, and go downstairs for breakfast.

When we arrived at the [market], the players of [Moyu Gang] and [Red Society] had all arrived, and Zhenfei, Kaguya and Hayasaka also came to this place early.

There was no greeting, and there was no greeting or laughing.

Everyone's face was extremely serious.

Everyone was ready for the next action, waiting for the moment when the game started.

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