Gao Hai fell to the ground.

His vision became much clearer, and he could barely see that he seemed to be in an extremely distorted room.

The walls were skewed, either concave or convex, or tilted and intertwined with the ground and ceiling.

The tables and chairs were upside down on the ceiling, and the plates were placed on the wall. The stove was almost broken in the middle, with one side tilted on the ground and the other side lying on the wall directly connected to the window. The rest of the place was the same, without even a normal piece of furniture or decoration.


Gao Hai saw the kettle for boiling water, which was constantly steaming.

One kettle after another was placed in various locations in the room, and there were so many of them that it looked wrong no matter how you looked at them.

There were so many kettles that the whole room became smoky and filled with mist.

"Huh... uh..."

Gao Hai couldn't stand up from the ground.

His clothes and pants were completely soaked, the kind that were soaked by boiling water.

A clear pain came from all over his body. Gao Hai could feel that the skin on many parts of his body had been connected to his clothes. If he moved a little, it would be torn off his body directly, so his clothes were stained with dark red in a short while.

"Hu... Woo..."

Gao Hai couldn't speak.

The dense needles and threads sewed his mouth, and blood kept flowing from the wound. Every breath would bring more severe pain.

It doesn't matter, there is good news.

Gao Hai said to himself in his heart.

One is his cut right hand, which was scalded by boiling water and no longer bleeding.

The other is a woman lying on the ground not far away from him, struggling.

That is Maeda Miwa, or in other words, an old player who sneaked into the game with the fake identity of [Maeda Miwa], a bastard who tried to use him and Kaguya, the newcomers who had just entered the game, to work hard and then sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

She looked much more miserable than Gao Hai.

The dense stitches not only sewed her mouth, but also extended along her body. There were traces of stitches all over her body. The burns on her body were much more serious than Gao Hai's. Large pieces of skin and flesh fell off directly, and the whole person looked almost like a boiled monkey.

If her mouth had not been sewn up, to be honest, even if she was almost dying of pain at this moment, Gao Hai would still laugh at this woman.

But before he could do so, the woman had already turned her head and looked at Gao Hai.

[It's all your fault! ]

Although the other party did not speak, Gao Hai could already imagine what she wanted to say.

He wanted to curse back, but Gao Hai's own mouth was also sewn up, so he thought about it and reluctantly raised his hand to raise his middle finger to the woman.

Gao Hai was very satisfied to see the other party's angry expression.

But the next moment, the woman actually got up from the ground, on all fours, and ran towards Gao Hai at a very fast speed.

Fuck, you're still able to move after being burned like this? !

Gao Hai wanted to dodge, but he was also severely burned. Even if he gritted his teeth, he could only turn over with difficulty. He had no way to avoid the woman's actions.


The furious woman threw Gao Hai to the ground and raised the knife in her hand.

This knife may not look impressive, but it is so sharp that it doesn't seem like something that can be owned in the real world. A slight scratch can cut through the bones and directly cut off Gao Hai's right hand.

Seeing the woman stabbing the knife down, Gao Hai's heartbeat accelerated and he tried his best to dodge, but he saw the knife piercing the ground next to him. The blade cut into the concrete as easily as it cut into the sand.

This thing is definitely not a normal knife, right? Is this thing an obsession? !

In horror, the woman had already pulled out the knife and was about to stab Gao Hai again.

I can't hide anymore. I can't hide like this.

Clench your fist.

Before the woman's next stab, Gao Hai threw out a swinging fist with his left hand and hit the woman's face directly.


The woman, who was unprepared for this punch, raised her head, her mouth full of blood, and her lips were torn on the spot.

Gao Hai, whose body had inexplicably recovered some strength and whose clothes began to gradually transform into the uniform of the rescue team, stood up suddenly and pressed the woman to the ground.

Judging from the fight between this woman and Kaguya Shinomiya, although she is an old player, her physical fitness is not too strong, but her speed is much faster than that of ordinary people. The emergency counterattack made by Kaguya at that time could directly kick this woman to the ground, which can explain the problem.

Considering that Lao Guo, who never went with these newcomers, might this woman not be good at direct confrontation, so she had to pretend to be a waste and hide in the team to enjoy the success?

If this is the case, then the most effective strategy Gao Hai can think of at the moment is to press this guy to the ground and beat him up.


The woman, with bloodshot eyes, struggled and tried to get up and fight back. She was very strong, a bit stronger than an average adult male, but Gao Hai was constantly gushing with strength, so he easily pinned her down, making the woman unable to move.

She clenched her fists again.

The woman waved the knife and stabbed Gao Hai in the face.


But Gao Hai's fist, with a longer arm span, landed first, piercing the woman's left eye, making the entire eye socket blood red.

The woman's strength to struggle suddenly weakened, but she still refused to give up and waved the knife.

So Gao Hai's third, fourth, and fifth punches began to fall one after another, and each punch was hit with all his strength, hitting the woman's face without any mercy, almost breaking her face.

At the beginning, the woman was still trying her best to fight back.

The knife cut Gao Hai's side face, cut his ear and arm, and added several wounds to his body.

In response, Gao Hai punched more fiercely than the last punch, each one hitting the woman's head, and each punch could make a dull echo.

Soon, the woman's eyes became muddy, and the hand holding the knife dropped down, and she collapsed on the ground with a dazed look in her eyes.

Gao Hai, panting, grabbed the sharp knife in her hand with his left hand. He trembled inexplicably as soon as he took it in his hand. Then he realized that his clothes had turned into a life jacket without knowing when, and quickly took off the badge on his body.

This seems to be a scalpel.

Just holding it in his hand, it seems that he can see a doctor with a bloody face, lying on a bed and cutting something with a knife.

You can't hold this knife for a long time, holding this thing will affect your spirit.

Gao Hai, who realized this, first pointed the knife at the suture on his mouth and carefully cut it open. Fortunately, this thing is extremely sharp, and basically the line will break by itself when the blade touches it, so Gao Hai did not suffer any pain in the process.

As for this woman who had been beaten and paralyzed on the ground, Gao Hai was still a little afraid that this thing would become a weird thing after death and chase him. Therefore, he kindly did not kill the other party, but cut off her leg bones, and then searched her body again, turning out a dark red doll that looked like a rag doll. Not sure if this was another obsession of the other party, anyway, Gao Hai first put it away in his trouser pocket, and then stood up shakily.

As for the woman who originally fell to the ground and pretended to be beaten to death, she started to struggle again when her legs were cut, and then was hit by Gao Hai a few more punches, I can only say that she was as high-spirited as she was when she jumped out before, and now she is as much like a dead dog.

"Bah, you still want to sit back and reap the benefits, is it fun to pick peaches? Hiss--Mad, you want to pick my peaches, do you have the ability? Hiss--"

Finally, he spit at the woman and cursed, and then Gao Hai, who was grinning because of the pain on his mouth, turned away and began to observe the place in front of him carefully.

It seems that this is a normal house with a completely distorted structure.

I didn't see an obvious light source, but I could see the appearance of the house clearly. Is it because I wore a badge and my body changed to a certain extent?

Gao Hai found that the burns on his body had obviously eased. The effect of the badge seemed to be greater than he had imagined. After wearing it, it could actually heal his injuries. However, as the wearing time prolonged, his self-awareness would inevitably be transformed, so Gao Hai did not dare to wear it for a long time and could only act in the current state.

How to leave here?

Thinking about this question, Gao Hai looked around, his eyes passing through one smoking kettle after another.

Then, he saw what was behind the kettle.

The pale face of a woman slowly rose from behind the kettle.

The woman was holding a kettle and a sewing box in one hand. Her pale face without a trace of blood looked at Gao Hai without any expression, and her lips slowly moved.

[Disobedient dog! ]

Chapter 40: Don't be afraid, I'll save you~~~

The consciousness seemed to be torn in half.

Half of himself was trapped in that twisted and chaotic room. He was grabbed by the pale figure and poured with boiling water bit by bit.

Half of himself stood in the fragmented and chaotic corridor, in the twisted space on the third floor that he had passed in the first reincarnation, wearing the dirty life jacket, limping in the ruins with no way out.

The pain was eroding his will.

The pain of his self being torn apart made his mind even more confused, as if he had fallen into madness.


Gao Hai knew the reason for this situation.

After speaking out the most core abnormality of Shirakawa Apartment, he was equivalent to enduring the most serious curse erosion, and was pulled into the third floor of Shirakawa Apartment on the spot, and it was very likely... in a certain area of ​​304 in the root place, and then he was executed by the power of the ghost story in a way of reappearing the past, and he was about to die on the spot.

But he did not die immediately in the end.

Perhaps it was because his willpower was indeed strong enough, or perhaps he had to consider that he was not killed instantly but executed, so he was finally able to wake up for a moment before being killed, and wore the badge at this critical moment.

And the badge of the rescue team is a strange thing that can gradually transform him into a part of the rescue team's ghost story and make him one of the components of this anomaly. Maybe it is the obsession prop held by Lao Guo and this woman.

This made Gao Hai no longer completely judged as a human being in concept, and no longer met the conditions for execution, so he temporarily gained the ability to move in that room.

But this could only last for a short time. He guessed that it might be because he had gone deep into the root area of ​​Shirakawa Apartment. Even if he used the obsession to temporarily change his identity, like the bug of the corpse identity on the second floor, he would still be recognized in the end. And the result was that Gao Hai seemed to be torn into two halves in some way, not in the real physical sense, but in a conceptual transformation that was difficult to express in words.

At this moment, he could clearly perceive the whole process of his execution in that room, and the pain at every moment was so clear that it could not be clearer.

And he, who was in the chaotic corridor, seemed to be more deeply affected by the transformation effect of the rescue team badge. Even without the badge, his mind kept popping up the idea of ​​going to the first floor to evacuate the people. It was like hundreds of people chanting in his mind, torturing his senses more and more fiercely.

Gao Hai felt that he would probably go crazy soon.

But he was still awake.

Even though his split mind was on the verge of collapse, he was still awake at this moment.

He even had the energy to observe the old player who was being tortured with him not far away, watching her being soaked in boiling water with desperate wails.

Am I going to die the same way as in the first game? No, this seems to be even worse than the first game, right? At least it was soaked to death and the pain lasted only a few minutes, but it must have been more than ten minutes, why am I not dead yet...

Gao Hai, who wanted to complain like this, finally let out a tired gasp.

He continued to walk forward in the corridor.

There were footsteps beside him, but he turned his head and saw nothing.

The invisible footsteps came and went, but they were invisible.

His consciousness seemed to be in a trance again, and then he saw panicked people from all over the world. He saw their bodies begin to fall apart, their consciousness began to become confused, and they became invisible things wandering in the apartment. Some are playing the role of people who come in from outside to collect debts, some are playing the role of enthusiastic good neighbors, and some are completely shattered without even the most basic consciousness, becoming part of the apartment.

"Use actors to recreate the apartment in memory?"

Gao Hai seemed to understand something.

He has seen the root cause, the reason before the dramatic change of Shirakawa Apartment.

Although he doesn't know why such a not uncommon tragedy of domestic violence has evolved into such a terrifying force, at least in the continuous observation and exploration, he has gradually understood all the weirdness of this apartment and the most basic logic of its operation.

Reproduction, interaction...

Reproduction of the past in a distorted and disordered way, pollution and distortion in an interactive way.

The interaction of language dialogue is the strongest in effect. Is it because the child is very young and is more inclined to language?

Reproduction... The memory distorted by the weird power should exist as the foundation of reproduction.

If I can stay awake, and on the basis of staying awake, further deepen the connection with the core taboo of this apartment, and endure stronger pollution, can I obtain deeper information about this taboo? Or even directly understand the root of all this?

It sounds like a good idea, but the problem is that he is already close to his limit. It is extremely difficult for him to stay awake. He may not have the energy to hold on until that time.

"You entered 304 like this, and you can come out alive?"

A surprised voice sounded from the side.

Gao Hai turned around and saw Lao Guo holding a head with the face cut off.

The faceless head seemed to be alive, constantly opening its white teeth without the mouth covering it, as if it was still breathing.

Just by looking at the head, Gao Hai felt a chill all over his body, and it seemed that the chaos in his consciousness also slowed down a little. It seems that... several different strange existences can affect each other and reduce the speed of consciousness erosion? Gao Hai was not sure about the principle, but just took a step back and carefully guarded against the other party.

"Don't be so vigilant. I am not so wary of dying people. Even if you leave 304, you can't survive from the moment you bear the taboo curse. Even now, the boiling water is still flowing out of your body, don't you notice it?"

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