Its body outline was still very vague, perhaps because it was not described in detail.

But for Xiong Mi, this was enough.

Bang! ! !

The bullet flew out from nowhere and penetrated the monster's body, causing it to almost collapse on the spot in an instant.

Taking a step, Xiong Mi rushed forward to meet the monster the next moment.

[Of course, it just looks like a beast. Ordinary beasts would not be so strange anyway. What exactly is it? This question may not be answered easily. The girl who thought about it then heard a sound outside——]

The commentary on the radio quickly restarted after a short jam.

Following the narration inside, Xiong Mi noticed that the thing in front of him was quickly becoming transparent, and the body structure except for claws and teeth seemed to have obvious signs of disappearing again.

But this time, the narration stopped halfway.

Because the corridor had become quiet.

The bronze eyes slowly dripped red blood.

The strange creature that was forcibly fixed by the power of the obsession kept trembling, but it could not move at all.

[The voice did not sound, because the nature of the monster had been completely revealed. It could be anything, it could be anything; it could become mysterious or real, everything just depended on what the narrator said. If its rules were not revealed, it would be a terrifying and unsolvable nightmare for anyone who encountered it, but as long as its weaknesses were figured out, then for the person who challenged it at this time, it would be nothing more than an animal whose behavior pattern had been figured out, and it was the hunter's prey.]

In a gentle voice, Xiong Mi took a dirty chalk and gently drew under the [black bear] that was fixed in mid-air and could not move in her eyes, and quickly drew a rectangle.

Then, she drew a circle in the middle of the rectangle.

Then, Xiong Mi reached out, held the door handle, and opened a door on the ground.

One after another, dark and rotten human hands stretched out of the door, grabbed the nearest [Black Bear], and dragged it into the door.

The originally fixed [Black Bear] seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly broke free from the restraints of the obsession, and then wanted to break free from these arms and escape.

But it didn't do so.

Because Xiong Mi had activated her blessing, shifting the lock target of the [Black Bear] to the inside of the door where countless arms were squirming.

So this monster, which she had identified as a [beast], pounced into the door without hesitation the next moment, and sank into the squirming rotten human hands.


As the door closed automatically, there was only a door drawn with chalk on the ground, which was impossible to open no matter how you looked at it.

Although Xiong Mi himself was pale and didn't look very good, he still stood there without falling down, and reached out to take out the cigarette that was about to burn to the filter, and gently flicked the ash on the chalk door.

[Now, the prey has been caught]

The next moment, as Xiong Mi made the final summary with the microphone, the radio hanging on the side of the corridor suddenly sounded a violent electric current.

Zizi... Zizi... Bang!

The black smoke was floating, and the damaged loudspeaker fell down and hit the ground heavily.

Mahi and Qianhua, who obviously felt that the danger that was originally lingering had disappeared, had already opened the door and walked out carefully. Then they saw Xiong Mi leaning against the wall, reaching out to touch the bloodstains at the corners of his mouth and eyes, and lighting another cigarette.

"Next time you take an adventure, remember to think about the retreat before taking action."

Xiong Mi exhaled a puff of smoke and smiled indifferently.

Chapter 33: The separated investigators and the discovery of the ruins

"Finally... I came out alive, ah, it's not easy. That, thank you very much!"

In the open space outside the teaching building, Qianhua covered her chest and let out a long breath, her words were full of emotion after surviving a disaster. Looking back, she noticed Xiong Mi, who was smoking a cigarette, coming out from behind. She bowed and thanked him without hesitation, her voice extremely solemn.

"Thank you very much. If you hadn't come to help, we two wouldn't have been able to get out of that studio."

On the other side, Zhen Fei almost subconsciously called out "Ms. Xiong Mi", but she finally held back and just bowed and thanked him solemnly like Qianhua.

"You don't have to thank me. Now we can only barely survive one round. Let's talk about it after we leave this dungeon alive."

Xiong Mi herself just sighed softly, then coughed softly a few times, barely supporting her body and not falling on the spot.

Although the previous battle in the corridor seemed to be a crushing victory, the continuous use of multiple obsessions and blessings in a short period of time still brought a lot of burden to Xiong Mi, especially one or two of the obsessions had a considerable cost, so Xiong Mi's condition was not good at the moment.

Moreover, the thing in the corridor just now was undoubtedly a mechanism of "creating something out of nothing". Shouldn't this mechanism belong to the unsolvable [Third Core] mechanism of Yeluoshan Middle School? How come you are in this place? Moreover, the broadcast sound was also very strange. It was completely inconsistent with the previous investigation records of Yeluoshan Middle School. It was something completely new that had never been seen before.

Of the three life-saving obsessions I carried this time, I used two just to deal with that thing in the corridor. Although one of them could be used again after a few hours, after using several obsessions, If something happens again now, there is no doubt that my ability to cope will become much worse.

Bah, if only my original obsessions were still there, instead of just borrowing some obsessions from my friends in the [Moyu Gang]...

Forget it, what's the use of thinking about these things? It’s better to think carefully about what to do next.

This copy has shown enough surprising things so far, especially the cognitive blocking mechanism. Obviously I had seen the capabilities of this thing when I was investigating [Haori Elementary School], so I should have been prepared. However, I had to wait until two teammates left the team for no reason before I finally took advantage of this opportunity. Examine yourself to find flaws.

Before this, perhaps she had seen similar "opportunities" more than once, but under the influence of cognitive blocking, she was completely unaware of the problem. Although strange phenomena were clearly happening around her, she still thought that the surroundings "Everything is normal", continuing to play house pretending like an idiot.

Well, now I have at least realized that although it seems that the cognitive blocking mechanism at Yeluoshan Middle School is obviously more outrageous than that at Zaoli Elementary School, with the continuous breakthrough of cognition, this mechanism should not be able to force players to Then he becomes an idiot who doesn't know anything.

It's just that people other than myself seem to be ignored because of this mechanism...

"Let's talk about what you all know and the next action plan. I guess it's hard for others to know the current situation. Now we can probably only rely on the three people here."

With that said, Xiong Mi threw away the finished cigarette and let it fall in the grass.

"Although I don't have any specific plans for the time being, I do still have some general ideas."

Shijou Maifei slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and her expression quickly became serious.

Through long-term mental link communication, she had roughly recalled some things, and through what Gao Hai told her about the experiences of the three people on his side last night, she roughly inferred part of the situation of this copy.

If you follow the rules, it will probably be impossible to break the situation no matter what.

Violating the rules will put you in a difficult situation.

Because of this, there must be multiple communication channels. Someone needs to break the rules to obtain information that is impossible to obtain if they follow the rules. Then, among the people who abide by the rules, those who break the rules can be selected to trigger the next clue. But coincidentally, the [cognitive blocking] mechanism appeared in this copy. This rule makes it impossible for those who violate the rules to be correctly recognized by those who abide by the rules, and even the spaces between the two parties will be misaligned to a certain extent, which makes the situation that was still able to be solved begin to move towards a dead end. go.

Just like Kaijun's previous evaluation of [Fujihana Middle School] and [Hayatachi Elementary School], such dungeons have never been intended for players to clear the level since their creation. They deliberately create traps to kill people.

However, compared with those players who can only rely on obsessions and blessings, Haijun has that mysterious black watch, so when faced with this seemingly impossible situation, he can still try his best to find flaws in it. .

And now, as the only teammate who has established a spiritual connection with him, Zhen Fei knows that she is one of the key points that Gao Hai can rely on now.


"I am the only one who can contact the 'lost people' now, so please ensure my personal safety no matter what."

Zhen Fei said to Xiong Mi very seriously.

"no problem."

Xiong Mi nodded slightly and didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence.

"Then, we will go to Class 10, the second year of high school, to look for Eriko Asamoto there."

Then, the true concubine slowly stated the next course of action.

In response, Xiong Mi just nodded again, and then took steps forward, signaling Zhen Fei and Qian Hua to follow.

Sure enough, this senior is just like Hai Jun said, she is an action person who does what she says. There is no need to talk nonsense when communicating with her. As long as the conditions and requirements are explained clearly, you can immediately take action.

I have to say that it is really reliable and reassuring to act with such teammates.

"Are you going to be a sophomore in high school? You're a grade ahead of schedule. Does that mean you're a year ahead of schedule? Well, I feel like there are still a lot of things hidden that I haven't figured out yet..."

Qianhua on the side sighed softly. Although she was a little envious and jealous of the spiritual link that the true concubine had in her heart, she knew that she was not paying attention to that kind of thing at the moment, so she quickly adjusted her attention and prepared herself for what was coming next. Preparation for action.

At this time, there was no one on the road under the sun. It seemed that Xiong Mi's companion had thought of some way to successfully restrain all the students and prevent those things from leaving the teaching building.

In other words, all the students are now in the teaching building, and the three of them are going to face those things face to face.

I hope I can survive. Even if I can't survive, at least I have to investigate enough information and tell Haijun as much as possible through the mental link.

Thinking of this, Zhenfei took another deep breath and was ready to die.


And in the sound of feet rubbing against the grass and bushes, Gao Hai and the other three finally arrived at an unusual place.

"This place..."

In front of the overgrown weeds, there is a dilapidated small square with cracks everywhere and even puddles.

Further ahead, a dilapidated building that has been abandoned for who knows how many years stands among the woods. The upper floors have obviously collapsed. Only the 1st to 3rd floors are still intact. From the 4th floor, it has completely become a collapsed ruin. It is impossible to tell how many floors this thing should have originally.

The air is very humid, as if it had just rained.

Some gray and white paint lines can be seen in the cement ground that is full of cracks and partially covered by vegetation. From the general direction of these lines, it can be judged that this destroyed small square may have been a playground for students.

A little further away from this small square, you can also see a bicycle lying on the ground, which has rusted into a dark red color.

"So... it's here?"

Goto Ichiri stopped in a daze.

She recognized this place.

For her, this abandoned teaching building is really familiar.

In the previous mission, she entered this teaching building with her good friend Kita Yuyo and her predecessor Aoyama Nanami and went deep into the underground area.

Then, she lost her friends here, and the originally solid four-member band also broke apart.

But this place... is quite different from the teaching building in her memory.

The teaching building in Goto Ichiri's memory, although very similar to the one in front of her, is intact, or basically intact.

The ground part of the teaching building has 3 floors, and the underground part has 10 floors, which is the open school area. Below the 10th floor, the research institute of the past is hidden, and it has been abandoned for many years and has collapsed and damaged.

The teaching building I saw at that time is completely different from the abandoned building now.



In this way, the intact 5-story teaching building in the changed Yeluoshan Middle School campus that we escaped from seems to be able to match the abandoned teaching building in the original version of Yeluoshan Middle School to a certain extent. Hmm... It doesn't seem to match, but at least the abandoned teaching building has only about two floors left, which is less than five floors. The reason for the abandonment seems to be an earthquake?

Goto Ichiri frowned and tried to think, but he couldn't think of anything for a while.

Gao Hai took the lead and walked carefully to the front of the building.

Is the base of the [Life Club] in this place?

While thinking, Gao Hai looked around, but did not find anything that could be called a mark.

To enter or not to enter, this seems to be a question worth serious consideration.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai first looked at Jianzi who was following him. After confirming through the girl that there was nothing hidden in this place to prepare a trick on the three of them, he looked at Xiao Boqi again and saw that the pink-haired girl looked dazed.

What's wrong with her?

The girl's abnormal reaction made Gao Hai stunned for a moment, and subconsciously began to suspect that the other party was possessed by a ghost. However, Gao Hai soon remembered the powerful strength of Goto Ichiri, and knew that the other party was unlikely to be silently possessed or replaced. Then he realized a possibility and observed the building in front of him again.

It seems that there are indeed some similarities.

Gao Hai recalled the school maps and building pictures that players who had explored Yeluoshan Middle School had brought out in some way from the data he had read before entering the dungeon, and quickly matched the dilapidated building in front of him with a building in the data.

The intact building in the data has become a ruin in this changed Yeluoshan Middle School dungeon? In this case, could the intact building now be the abandoned building in the data?

One thing that can be confirmed is that Goto Ichiri's teammate Kita Yuyo should have lost contact in the underground area of ​​this building and was possessed by a strange creature.

In other words, is he now close to the core obsession hidden deepest in Yeluoshan Middle School, the one that is considered unsolvable and truly [created out of nothing]?

Gao Hai, who realized this, immediately didn't want to enter the building in front of him.

Goto Ichiri behind him took a few steps forward at this time, looking at the building in front of him with a somewhat hesitant expression.

She wanted to rush into the building to rescue Kita Ikuyo immediately, but after many missions, the girl knew that she was not suitable to take such a big risk at this moment. What they should do now is to find the traces of the [Life Club]. Therefore, after a short silence, Xiao Boqi finally turned around and looked at Gao Hai, looking at him with a complicated look.

...Then he quickly looked away because of social phobia, and didn't dare to look into Gao Hai's eyes again.

Gao Hai:?

This child suddenly looked at me and then looked away immediately. What's going on? Did she have something strange in her mind?

"Over there, there seems to be something over there."

At this time, Jianzi whispered a reminder, and pointed in a certain direction, diverting the attention of Gao Hai and Goto Ichiri.

As the two looked at the place where Jianzi pointed, Gao Hai soon noticed that there was an abandoned building hidden not far away in the dense forest.

That building seemed to be relatively intact, but the building itself was also covered with dense vines and weeds and was full of cracks. It looked like it could collapse at any time and was obviously a dangerous building.

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