Something seemed to be heard.

Sensing something was wrong, Gao Hai turned his head and looked at the toilet next to the stairs.

The moment he walked out of the stairs, Gao Hai seemed to hear singing coming from the toilet. It sounded like a young girl was practicing singing in the toilet. But when he listened carefully now, he couldn't hear anything at all.

{Yotani Miko: Senior, did you find anything? }

Because she was already in a strange indoor environment where she didn't know what she would encounter, Yotsuya Miko did not speak directly, but asked Gao Hai with the help of her spiritual link.偹

{Gao Hai: I thought I heard someone singing just now... Didn't you feel anything was wrong? }

The expression on Gao Hai's face remained unchanged, and while he quickly moved away from the direction of the toilet, he asked Miko in the spiritual link.

{Yoko Miko: No, I didn’t hear singing, um, but I feel like it’s getting colder here. And that... Although there is no evidence, I have a very bad feeling. I think we may have been targeted by something... But, I am just guessing, and there is no concrete feeling.}

Mianzi hesitated for a moment when answering, but finally decided to express the bad feeling in his heart.

{Gao Hai: I can't treat what you say as a guess. If we have really been targeted by something, but the other party is still hiding in the dark and does not appear, we may not be able to continue exploring. big problem}

Gao Hai had somewhat the same premonition about the girl, but he had already reached this place, so he had to take a look at the archives anyway. Therefore, Gao Hai and Mianzi continued to move forward carefully. When passing by the elevator, he paid special attention to the floor where the elevator was currently located on the display screen.


Shouldn't the floor be F? Why is P here? Well, anyway, the elevator should be on the fourth floor right now, right?

I turned around again and made sure that there were no more strange sounds coming from the direction of the toilet.

Gao Hai continued to walk, reached out and grabbed Miko's little hand, and pulled her forward, making sure that her body was always in the corner of his sight.

Soon, the two passed by a sign saying "No Loud Noise" and then walked to the door of the multimedia conference room. Gao Hai looked towards the door of the conference room with transparent glass structure. What he saw was a dark room with almost nothing visible, empty tables and chairs and a podium.

I didn't see anything in there, which was a good thing.

Gao Hai's pace quickened slightly and he continued to move forward with Miko.

I don't know if it was because he didn't go to the broadcast room, but the strange broadcast that Zhoumu Zhenfei Qianhua had encountered before did not sound this time.

He walked to the door of the archives safely, and then immediately discovered that the door required an ID card to open.

I never thought that that thing could still be used now.

Without any hesitation, Gao Hai took out the magnetic card he had received in Tenghua Middle School and swiped it on the card reader on the door of the archives room. Then with a subtle mechanical sound, the door slowly opened, revealing Somewhat dark indoor environment.

{Yotani Miko: That card is still there...}

The girl next to her was a little surprised when she saw the magnetic card used by Gao Hai. She didn't quite understand why the copies of Fujihua Middle School had been destroyed, but this small magnetic card was still intact.

{Gao Hai: Yes, this thing is still there. I guess it will not disappear until the entire [Campus Mystery] copy is completely destroyed.}

Step inside the door.

Gao Hai summoned Howard, the last person who could still be summoned by the rescue team badge, and asked the firefighter to guard the door. Then he found the light switch in the student archives room and turned it on. As the pale lights turned on, Gao Hai also saw rows of cabinets storing paper files in the house.

It looks quite big, so it will probably take a while to find it.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai and Mianzi glanced at each other and nodded tacitly. Then the two of them first checked whether there was any rule sheet in the room. After confirming whether there was any, they walked to a row of cabinets and opened them. I unpacked the cabinet and flipped through the student information.

At the same time that the two people on this side started looking for information, something was also happening in the main teaching building.


Ren Nanagawa, a player from [Red Club], suddenly woke up from the drowsy state caused by the continuous class.

She frowned and looked down at a notebook she had placed on the table. After noticing the abnormality on it, she quickly took out a small button and held it in her hand.

{There is movement at the door to the patio entrance on the first floor}

This message was transmitted into the minds of Shinomiya Kaguya, Shijo Shinobi, and Aoyama Nanami in the same classroom, and then continued to be transmitted outwards to the ears of players in other classrooms.

Has that door been opened?

Shinomiya Kaguya, who seemed to be listening to the lecture attentively, but was actually paying attention to the investigation situation, tilted her head nervously and looked towards Ren Nanagawa.

From the moment she entered this dungeon, Kaguya had a bad feeling that she had forgotten something. This made her restless, always feeling like there was something appearing and disappearing around her that she hadn't noticed and that she should have noticed.

She didn't think of someone's existence, but vaguely felt that someone was missing around her. But there is nothing that can be done about it. After all, Kaguya has not retained any flashback memories. For her, she only remembers the last week of the early copy of Hayachi Elementary School when everything collapsed, and she had to fight against cognitive blockade before. She has no memory of the process. In addition, unlike Zhen Fei or Qianhua, she has developed a very deep relationship with Gao Hai. Before the dungeon was opened this time, Kaguya only dated Gao Hai for a little while, and there were very few intimate actions and emotional feelings. With the development not deep, she couldn't recall that someone was missing from the copy this time.

However, the sense of disobedience is still becoming more and more serious, and the anxiety has been tormenting Kaguya from the beginning, making it difficult for her to concentrate.

She speculated on many possibilities for this. After noticing that Xiong Mi, Zhen Fei and others left inexplicably and acted strangely, and then began to emphasize that "the patio is very important" when they came back, Kaguya began to feel faintly that right now It seems that what I have experienced is not the first time.

Has anyone behaved like this before? Obviously everything has just begun in everyone's memory, but he can know various situations like a prophet... Wow, I can't remember who that person is, what is going on...

The cognitive blockade cannot be broken immediately. At the moment, Kaguya can only focus on important things, which is [finding and opening the patio door of the main teaching building].

The players have already passed through the door once, but it has no effect at all, and the door cannot be opened at all. The proposal to try jumping from the rooftop to the patio was rejected because it was too conspicuous, not to mention the stupid idea of ​​kidnapping the teacher to force him to open the door.

But now, things seem to have changed.

{I saw it, I saw someone took out the key and opened the patio door. I will track the origin of the person who opened the door and the situation inside the door respectively. Miss Xiong Mi, I will leave it to you to interpret the information}

Ren Nanagawa, who had been laughing and joking before, had a serious expression at this moment. She picked up a pen and started lightly sketching on the notebook she had spread out on the table.

So next to the patio door on the first floor, two little people, only five or six centimeters tall, made of paper, sneaked out from the corner and looked at the one who had just opened the patio door with the key, a man wearing thick clothes. Trousers, wearing a big hat, thick gloves and a mask, a tall figure with thick hair that makes his face completely invisible.

{Looks like a teacher? At least he must be an adult, his height is probably more than 1.9 meters}

{The key that opened the door looked to be a silver-gray key with some old marks and scratches. It was put away by the person who opened the door}

While delivering the message through the obsessive object, Ren Nanagawa controlled the two little paper figures to move.

{He stood at the door without going in, just watching from outside. Well, I’ll let one of the little paper figures go in first and take a look}

Then, one of the paper figures quietly walked past the tall figure and stepped into the patio.

{Success came in and the paper man was not destroyed immediately. Well, it looks like a botanical garden. It’s relatively safe for now. There shouldn’t be any problems——}

Bang! ! !

Plasma and brain matter splashed out together, covering the entire room in the blink of an eye.

The next second, both Zhenfei and Kaguya subconsciously widened their eyes, and the relatively calm Nanami Aoyama was also stunned for a moment.

There was absolutely no chance to help. The head of the player named Nanagawa Ren exploded on the spot, dyeing the entire classroom scarlet.

Then, the students hung their heads.

All the strange students in the entire classroom suddenly lowered their heads as if the power was cut off, and lay motionless on the table.

Even the teacher who was giving the lecture stopped, lowered his head like a zombie, and just stood still.


The lights in the classroom went out, and the whole classroom became dim at this moment.

Then, before the players present could react, footsteps suddenly sounded from outside, approaching step by step.

Chapter 52: The spreading silence and dark things

The moment Nanagawa Ren's head exploded, Shijou Maifei had to admit that she was completely stunned.

Although it is not that she has never seen the terrifying power of Guaitan, in Zhen Fei's view, Hongyue-level players should not be killed so easily like a sidekick.

After all, according to what Gao Hai said about the situation during the first week, Miss Xiong Mi came alone to rescue her and Qianhua, and then entered the second grade (10) class alone to obtain the core obsession of Asamoto painting. Information about Lizi. It is said that Mr. Akira Toyama also possessed extremely powerful power even when he was possessed by a strange creature and went crazy, which brought huge trouble to Gao Hai. Therefore, in Zhen Fei's understanding, the so-called Red Moon-level players are the players with the highest combat power in the world, and are the pinnacle of the world except for beings like Haijun who have extraordinary power beyond cognition.

As a result, Nanagawa Ren, who is also a Hongyue-level player and should not be much weaker than Miss Xiong Mi, died like this with a headshot. This is really beyond Zhen Fei's expectations.

What happened to her?

What a terrifying monster it is that even a Red Moon-level player can...


The next second, the true concubine's eyes suddenly widened.

She was already prepared to mourn for her teammate, but suddenly she saw Ren Nanagawa, who had lost his head, tremble a few times, then sit upright again, and raised his eyebrows at the other three players in the room. Thumbs up means you are fine.

For a body that was completely blown up from the neck up to be able to perform such flexible movements is really terrifying. However, Zhen Fei immediately looked at Nanami Aoyama beside her and found that the expression on the veteran player's face was very dull. , and then realized that Nanagawa Ren's current changes were expected, so he calmed down a little.

However, this does not mean that the current situation can be relieved.

In the dim classroom, the atmosphere of silence still spreads.

One by one, the strange students lowered their heads and sat motionless in their seats. They seemed to have lost their voices as if the electricity had been cut off, and even their breathing and heartbeat had stopped.

Even the teacher who was giving a lecture stopped completely at this moment, and the entire school became dead silent, as if there was nothing moving anymore.

It's like something that was supposed to keep these things running and active stopped running at this moment, causing these weird things to change from their original active state to stagnant, like a program that got stuck due to an error.

If it was just like this, maybe it wouldn't be too alarming. But the problem is that as these things came to a standstill, approaching footsteps sounded in the corridor outside.

Step - step -

Something is coming.

Although you can't see what it is, you can feel a strong sense of something bad, something that people don't want to face no matter what.

Kaguya clenched her hands nervously. She was not very courageous. Even after three dungeons, her heartbeat could not help but speed up.

Want to run away?

She turned her gaze to the concubine, who also looked uneasy, and then to Nanami Aoyama, who had already stood up from her seat. The latter walked briskly to the window on the side of the classroom, looked down for a moment, then decisively took out something from his body, and faced Kaguya and Zhenfei.

"Come closer to me and move quickly. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Nanami smiled as she said this, and her indifferent look was very convincing in a dangerous environment.

Kaguya and Zhenfei didn't hesitate, they immediately stood up from their seats and leaned towards Nanami.

The next moment, the figures of the three people had disappeared, replaced by a photo floating in mid-air, and the three figures in the photo with their backs to the camera, who looked very much like Nanami, Zhenfei and Kaguya. .

The photo floated to the desk of Ren Nanagawa, who was still in her senior state, and she grabbed it and stuffed it into the open notebook.

Step - step -

The footsteps finally reached the door, and then the door handle trembled slightly.

The body of Ren Nanagawa, who had lost her head, continued to sit in her seat very calmly. Even now, she did not stop using her obsession to continue to control the little paper man to explore, as if she could not feel the thing outside the door at all. .

squeak - ah -

The door opened.

For some reason, what looked outside that door did not look like a corridor, but darkness, so dark that nothing could be seen. But there is only a door between them. Although the classroom is dark, at least there is light coming in from the window and illuminating the place.

The light seemed unable to penetrate the darkness outside the door.

And the thing hidden in the darkness seemed to have begun to look into the room at this time, looking at the figures in the classroom.


The students still sat in silence in their seats, still hanging their heads.


The opened classroom door creaked slowly, and the light and shadow in the room seemed to be even dimmer, so dark that it was almost impossible to see anything clearly.


The headless body was still sitting on the seat, motionless, and seemed no different from the corpses around it.

The corpse was naturally motionless, and the corpse was naturally silent.

Just like this place has not changed since many years ago, it is just silent and silent.

"Is it okay to leave her alone outside?"

At this time, the real concubine asked nervously.


Kaguya didn't speak, just looked around.

This seems to be a small living room that has been abandoned for a while. On one side of the table is a photo of a family of three. There are various debris piled on the floor, a dirty sofa, and cracked walls. and an entrance to what looked like a kitchen or something.

After Nanami asked her and the real concubine to come over just now, Kaguya felt her eyes dazzled, and then she found herself in this place.

To be honest, Kaguya felt quite bad here, even worse than in the classroom room outside.

Ever since she came in here, she had noticed dried blood in the corner, and from time to time, she would feel something hiding around her, spying on her secretly. As the time gradually extended, she even vaguely saw some shadows shaking at the stairs and the door of the room, and felt a faint malice growing around her.

Is this the power of an obsession? This feeling... is almost like running into the territory of another monster, and the other party has already activated it.

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