Before the door closed, Hayasaka saw the things outside the door.

Blurred, fragmented human figures, smiling, looking at her, those twisted things, just standing one by one in the darkness.

After the door closed, those things disappeared from Hayasaka's sight.


Then, the girl took a deep breath, reached out to touch the possible damaged parts of her protective clothing, and turned to look at the room to check this place.

A large desk, several stacks of documents, a cabinet for guns, and a small thing that looked like a sand table.

The good news is that there is no moving thing here except for herself, and it seems that those weird things can't enter this place for the time being.

Well, it seems that this seems to be a small office of an officer?

Thinking of this, Hayasaka took a step forward and came to the only desk in the room. He looked at the top stack of documents here and found that it was a job document.

[Transferred personnel: Sora Smit]

[Position: Captain]

[Transferred organization: "Bydos" Research Institute]

Chapter 87: Hidden in the darkness and left in the frequency band

A transfer document?

Hayasaka frowned, looking at this very old document with black and white photos, his eyes lingered on the name [Sora Smit] for a while.

When the master explored and investigated Bydos before, did he meet someone with this name?

{Yotani, did those things outside come in?}

Thinking of this, Hayasaka first carefully observed the surrounding environment and asked in the mental link at the same time.

{No, they stopped outside the door. Well, this room seems to be a safe house, it should be able to hold on for a while}

Kiko quickly gave a reply, and after confirming that it was safe, Hayasaka first took out the document that was of concern and put it aside, then quickly began to check the damaged position of his protective clothing, and soon found a tear at the wrist of his left hand. At this moment, she could see her fair skin directly from the hole.

The location of this hole... is a common place for wrist cutters. Why did my protective suit get damaged at this location?

There was no protective suit to replace in the office, but Hayasaka found a roll of industrial tape and a spare oxygen cylinder. So she wrapped the tape around the hole in her protective suit several times to completely seal the place where it might leak. Then she replaced the oxygen cylinder to ensure that the gas was filled in the protective suit again without leaking again. After her own damp and cold feeling in this institute gradually disappeared, she felt a little relieved and picked up the document to read it.

[Transfer Authorization]

[Captain Sora Smit will be transferred from the army to the "Bydos" Institute with immediate effect. This order will take effect as soon as it is issued]

[Please do your best to cooperate with all the requirements of Professor Urian and his test team, protect the "Bydos" Institute, and ensure the safety of the institute. For the requirements put forward by Professor Urian, you must try your best to meet them if you can, even if they seem unreasonable. Please try your best to meet them. If you are unable to make up your mind, you can submit the professor's specific requirements to the higher authorities. Starting from the transfer, you no longer need to obey the orders of your direct superiors.]

The document itself does not contain much content. Apart from some invalid information such as date, specific location and department, this is the only meaningful information that Hayasaka found.

However, when picking up the document and reading it, Hayasaka noticed that there was a line of slightly blurred text on the back of the document.

[Secret Order]

[Always monitor Professor Urian and report his whereabouts every day. We have sufficient reason to believe that Professor Urian is not as loyal to the Empire as he seems. According to our investigation, this professor is likely to try to use the resources of the Empire to realize his own ambitions. For his communication with the Neon Military Department, it is necessary to accurately record every word, every action, and every change in his expression. We must ensure that Urian's actions are completely under control.]

[In addition, if you find a letter from "Bydos Academy", be sure to confirm the content of the letter before delivering it to Urian.]

Were two different orders issued? In other words, is Captain Smidt responsible for monitoring Urian? It seems that the professor's ambition is not well hidden, and the "Bydos College" in the end refers to the college managed by Urian's friend Jonathan, right?

When players entered this dungeon in the past, they must have entered the Bydos College area in the Bydos area, and Jonathan, the principal of the college, and Urian, the director of the research institute that transformed the college, were the two core obsessions that existed here. Originally, when these two core obsessions still existed, Bydos College would simultaneously present two different states of "school" and "research institute", of which the former was a place where players could ensure safety and careful exploration, while the latter was full of dangers, and even the top players would not survive for long.

Then, I don’t know which team of smart players took action and took away Dean Jonathan’s core obsession in the “Academy” area. As a result, the Bydos area, which was originally in a balanced state, was completely transformed into a research institute, so that players who entered this place later could hardly survive and became a complete death place.

If someone hadn’t made secret adjustments to this copy behind the scenes, Gao Hai and his team would probably not have been able to explore Bydos at all. Hayasaka would never have entered this office and casually flipped through various documents here.

{Those things, they still haven’t come in? }

Hayasaka, who looked back at the door behind him again, asked in the mental link.

{No, the light here seems to prevent those things from approaching. Anyway, let’s collect as much information as possible for now. It seems that there are a lot of documents piled up here}

Jizi’s voice quickly responded, and Hayasaka felt a little relieved, so he turned around and continued to study the various documents on the desk.


Along with the sound of pages turning, the lights seemed to flicker slightly.

Lines of text were reflected in the girl's blue pupils.

The footsteps outside the door sometimes sounded and sometimes subsided, and someone's whispers seemed to be heard faintly.


The broken fragments fell to the ground.

The diffuse smoke had gradually dissipated.

Gao Hai reached out and touched the blood splattered on his face, took a long breath, and slowly sat down in this room.

The wall beside him was full of potholes and bullet holes, and the ground was piled with bullet shells and concrete fragments. If you look forward, you can see many soldiers in protective clothing lying on the ground, and blood has flowed everywhere.

It's a bit unbelievable that Gao Hai had a tense and exciting gun battle with a group of weird creatures who were actually dead in an underground military base in the past ten minutes, and successfully got 22 kills.

Although these things are actually "playing dead", once Gao Hai dares to go up to confirm whether these things are dead or alive, they might bounce up immediately and transform into the second stage to hit him hard. Therefore, when Gao Hai saw these things fall down with a "ah I'm dead" after being shot, he tacitly treated them as dead, and walked and fought all the way from the maintenance port to the training room, defeating wave after wave of weird things, but also trapped himself in this training room and couldn't get out.


The physical burden brought by long-term use of the runaway blessing began to show at this time. Gao Hai felt like he had run around Tokyo ten times, and then had a head-on battle of the century with Zhenfei Chihua Hayasaka Miko and the other four, and he was completely exhausted.

But this is not a big problem. As long as he has the rescue team badge, his physical strength can be slowly restored. The key problem is that there are several soldiers lying next to the two doors that can be entered and exited in the training room, and there are also a lot of soldiers lying in the corridor outside the training room. These things fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. Gao Hai couldn't get close to them in order to avoid irritating them. The two rescue team members couldn't come to help because they had to suppress the ghost hand in the room. As a result, he was temporarily trapped here.

Maybe he could try to break the wall with brute force to get outside? But there were many soldiers lying in the corridor outside the training room. If they approached the bodies of those things and caused abnormal changes, there might still be problems.

Gao Hai frowned and stood up after his physical strength recovered a little. He first looked at the "corpses" lying at the door carefully. As a result, because he looked at them a few more times, a soldier's head began to turn slowly and look at him. For this reason, Gao Hai had to quickly avoid his sight to avoid problems after the two sides met eyes.

How to leave here now?

Gao Hai had to admit that he was in trouble.


It seemed that there was a sound.

Gao Hai turned his head suddenly and looked at the source of the sound.

It was a communicator placed on a flat table at a shooting training position on one side of the empty training room.

This thing seemed to be the same as the standard communicator used by Hayasaka Miko and the other two soldiers, but someone had removed it from the protective suit and placed it here.

[Zizi... Zizi...]

The noisy noise continued to ring.

Gao Hai, who vaguely realized a certain possibility, stepped forward and walked in front of the communicator. After hesitating for a moment, he reached out to take the headset and put it on, and looked at the frequency band displayed on the communicator.

[Band 4: Repeated announcement, Zone 3 has been confirmed to have fallen, Zone 3 has been confirmed to have fallen, there are no survivors here, not one]

In the noisy noise, there was a cold voice that made Gao Hai feel a little familiar.

[Band 4: The number of transformed people in Zone 2 has been confirmed to be more than 80%. They are unaware that they are no longer human, and can still receive and execute orders to a certain extent. This creates time for the survivors to escape, but it won't last long. It won't be long before things change further, and then it will be impossible for Area 2 to evacuate.]

[Band 4: The survivors in Area 1 have arrived at the outer camp... but the gate is not open.]

[Band 4: So that's it. We were abandoned. The door would not be opened from the beginning. The order I received was just a fake order. I was asked to lead the remaining soldiers to rush into Area 3 to find survivors. In fact, it was just to ensure that all the living combat forces could not leave here alive and could not bring out the truth alive.]

[Band 4: ...]

The voice stopped and fell into silence.

Gao Hai frowned. He had recognized that the voice was the voice of Captain Smith who confirmed the order to kill himself in the first round. But compared with the indifferent voice that was obviously a weirdo at that time, the voice in this band was obviously full of strong emotions. It was a voice record left when the other party was still alive.

The loyal soldiers who carried out the order were abandoned in the base, and the researchers who were brewing crazy plans escaped? Haha, it's just a dog-eat-dog fight. There's nothing surprising. After all, these guys are all the same.

When thinking about this, Gao Hai suddenly heard a noisy sound in the communication band again.

[Band 4: So it's like this in the end... sizzle... Just like it has always been, no matter how many high-sounding reasons are given, in the end, the true colors of these people are still exposed in the face of death... sizzle...]

[Band 4: But I don't think I am qualified to discuss this kind of issue. After all, I... After all, all of us are just accomplices in these dirty things...]

[Band 4: There is also... sizzle... There is a road. There is a secret passage hollowed out in the wall of the dormitory area. I asked someone to secretly dig it out when I built the meat grinder processing pool in Area 2. However, the elevator has been completely destroyed. Those survivors who are now gathering in Area 1...can no longer come down...】

[Band 4: Zizi...No, apart from those survivors, there are others who can be saved. Area 3 has not yet completely fallen. The test subject detention area, those ordinary people who are locked up here... Zizi...Is this considered atonement at this point...Forget it, anyway, no matter what, my ending will not change... Zizi...】

[Band 4: Then... Zizi...This is the last band broadcast...Safety exit... Zizi...In the dormitory area...Open the largest Empire poster... Zizi...You will find a...Zizi passage below...There is also a way to the outside...That is where you survived...I hope... Zizi...】

The noise became increasingly stronger, and finally drowned out the man's voice.

Gao Hai frowned and listened to the record of what seemed to be the last words. Then he turned around and looked around, but found that all the bodies lying on the ground had disappeared.


Or have they returned to their previous state and run to other places?

Turning around, he confirmed that the scattered shells and the walls riddled with holes had not been restored and remained the same.

The blood on the ground had not disappeared, and of course there were no signs of dragging, let alone any strange signs. It seemed that only the "corpses" were missing.

Carefully, Gao Hai walked to the door and looked at the corridor outside, and found that the "corpses" of the soldiers in the corridor were also missing.

What is this? Is it a game mechanism that refreshes the corpses at intervals to prevent excessive performance burden?

[Band 4: Don't be curious when you shouldn't be curious. For example, when you hear a strange sound in a certain direction, it's best not to try to explore the sound. In this research institute, curiosity and survival probability are closely related]

The indifferent voice in the communication band and the breathing sound behind the neck sounded at the same time at this moment.

A drop of dark red blood fell on the ground in front of Gao Hai.

At the moment of noticing, Gao Hai lowered his head, just kept his eyes on the ground, and slowly walked forward.


Then, he saw more blood falling on the ground, dyeing the corridor in front red.

And on the ceiling, the sound of something breathing slowly became clearer.

Chapter 88: Gao Hai's concentration skills and the difficulty in distinguishing true and false

[Band 1: Zi... Hey, is there anyone on this band? ]

[Band 1: Night watch is really boring. This is an underground base. There are layers of blockades above. There is no reason for this place to have problems. Alas, the broadcast on Channel 3 has stopped. I don’t know what’s going on. Obviously, the radio program in Area 3 was broadcast on Channel 3 every night before.]

[Band 1: Hey, brother, how is the situation over there? Is there anything fun to kill time? It’s really quiet here, and I’ve finished smoking cigarettes a long time ago. I don’t know what I can do at this moment...]

The sound is still ringing in the headphones.

At some point, the frequency band of the communicator automatically jumped to frequency 1, and then a voice that sounded very familiar began to chatter non-stop.

Of course, Gao Hai did not intend to respond to the voice that sounded in the frequency band. He did not even think about this voice at all. He did not even have the slightest "idea" of responding. He just heard the sound of this thing.

After encountering a strange creature that could communicate directly with his "thoughts", Gao Hai had thought about how to deal with it. At this moment, he was concentrating on the road ahead, completely ignoring the voices in his ears, treating them as non-existent, and avoiding communication with this kind of "ignorance" in his mind, so he walked all the way here peacefully.

Protective clothing storage... arrived.

Gao Hai raised his head slightly and looked at the mark on the door in front of him.

According to Hayasaka Miko's previous investigation experience, he should be able to find protective clothing in this place. Although he has been contaminated by some kind of power at the moment, he can't get rid of that thing whether he wears protective clothing or not, but if he wears protective clothing, at least he won't be beaten when those strange soldiers appear again, so Gao Hai thinks it is still necessary to change his skin.


A dark red color fell from beside him and splashed on the ground.


Gao Hai said nothing, but stretched out his hand to grab the door handle in front of him, slowly opened it, and then looked inside.

His sight was always towards the ground, and he only used the corner of his eyes to observe the surrounding environment, making sure that he would not look towards the ceiling no matter what. The reason for doing this was very simple. After all, until now he could still hear the sound of something slowly crawling on the ceiling.


More dirty blood dripped onto the ground.

Gao Hai frowned slightly.

He really hated this sound, the sound of water dripping drop by drop. It would remind him of the most painful torture he had ever experienced, a painful experience that he had not been able to laugh off or completely overcome until now.

However, this degree of déjà vu did not make Gao Hai lose control. Therefore, he just suppressed the irritable emotions in his heart, and after confirming that there was nothing in the protective clothing storage room, he stepped in carefully.

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