The core curse of 304 has once again stared at him.

On the doll side, Kaguya had already taken a deep breath, rushed out from behind the stool, and rushed towards the bedroom door.

The murmur of the woman on the other side also slowly sounded at this time.

[Another rat has entered the house...]

Chapter 52: A man named Sanchez is buried here


Kaguya could feel how heavy her breathing was.

At that moment just now, when she ran past the cardboard box, for a moment, she felt two eyes converging towards her, two extremely cold eyes, which were obviously not looking at each other, but were strong enough to be felt immediately and knew the consequences.

[If you are seen, you will die]

The strong instinct made Kaguya's body almost stiff.

But at this time, a burst of music suddenly sounded on the other side of the living room, at the rat hole where the two people first walked out.

The woman and the man slowly shifted their eyes and looked at the source of the music.

Kaguya took this opportunity to speed up her pace and leave. Zhenfei, who was holding a phone, followed her closely. The two of them slipped into the bedroom one after the other.

Foul smell.

This was their first impression when they entered here.

The pile of dirty clothes was thrown in the corner.

There were clear yellow-orange stains on the sheets thrown on the ground on one side of the room.

A little boy with a runny nose, who looked about two years old, was lying on the only big bed in the room, snoring loudly. One of his feet was hanging down from the bed, and it was also emitting an unbearable stench. It was unknown how many days he hadn't washed his feet.

Kaguya frowned deeply, and the expression on Zhenfei's face beside her was not much better.

In any case, let's investigate this place first.

Thinking of this, Kaguya took a step forward, and then couldn't help but stop.

No, that's not right, that's not the stench caused by not washing frequently.

That's the smell of a dead person rotting, so it's so unbearable that you can't help but vomit.

Only then did Kaguya notice that the huge boy was not sleeping, but had already died.

His body was covered with purple spots, and white maggots crawled out of the spots, and then he opened his eyes——


Shinki's hand gently patted Kaguya's shoulder, bringing her back to her senses from her trance.

The boy, who was about to sit up from the bed, lay back down and snored again.

Was it because of the snoring that formed a weak interaction and began to produce hallucinations?

Kaguya, who realized this, quickly took out her earplugs, and Shinki behind her had already plugged her ears.

Turn off the communication on the phone.

Shinki's phone, which was left in the rat hole in the living room, stopped ringing.

Although this haunted place cannot make calls to the outside, it can somehow connect to other phones in the apartment. Therefore, when she came in, Shinki left her phone at the entrance of the hole, so that she could use it as bait in an emergency.

Zhenfei didn't understand why this kind of weird "normality" was forcibly maintained in this abnormality, but it didn't stop her from taking advantage of it.

It was just a bit of a pity that I had lost my new mobile phone. I wondered if I would have a chance to get it back.

Fragmentary thoughts flashed through her mind.

The footsteps of the two girls had already penetrated into the darkness under the bed.

It was covered with dust.

Every step she took would splash a lot of dust, so much that it almost blocked her vision.

In the living room on the other side, Gao Hai had closed his eyes, frowned and sat silently on the sofa.

Those voices were becoming stronger and stronger.

The voices that were still echoing in that room.

[Get out of the way, don't bother me]

[What's the point of giving birth to you? You're just causing trouble for me]

When I was very young, I saw the disgusting faces of men and women.

[Finally I have a son, haha, that's right]

[Finally I have one, but this money-losing thing is even more annoying]

After the second child was born, the two people's happy expressions, and their more disgusted looks.

[This is the candy I bought for your brother, not for you]

[If you dare to eat it, I will beat you to death! ]

And more, those ugly faces.

It's really endless.

Gao Hai opened his eyes and didn't look at the vague figure standing above his head.

He didn't want to see more of these things, but the senses on the doll side were still transmitting these images and sounds to him.

At first, he could obviously cut off the connection with the doll and ignore the sound and images on the other side, but after staying in 304 for a while, the doll seemed to have established a closer connection with him. Not only could he not block it, but the signal became stronger and stronger.

He knew the age of the child, 5 years old, which was the age when her life stopped moving forward.

Before she was 3, she was only beaten and insulted. In those vague memories, the treatment she received was not particularly bad, at least it was just the level of "suffering". But when she was nearly 4 years old, after her brother was born, she became a hated burden, and the torture she suffered became more and more severe.

From being punched and kicked when she said anything she didn't agree with, to an increasingly strict door and curfew that was purely for the fun of tormenting her. Her father would even hit her a few times when he saw her, otherwise he would feel uncomfortable. Her mother would point at the wall clock at home, scold her and hit her, and would Prick her arm with a needle and watch her cry.

She didn't know how to resist, or even the concept of resistance was unrealistic for a child her age.

Of course, she was not completely stupid. She once secretly adjusted the clock so that her mother who wanted to punish her could not find a reason, and finally just kicked her.

It was only on that day that the debt collector broke into the house again, took away the old TV at home, smashed the table, bed, stove and other things at home, scaring his younger brother who was at home at the time to tears. On that day, my mother was beaten again by her angry father, so that she was angry all day long. What happened that day was something she could not have predicted or imagined. Who could have imagined that such a thing would happen?


Gao Hai covered his forehead and took a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

Can't fall into it.

You can't let your consciousness get caught up in these things.

These fragments of the past in that room, permeated with strong pollution and curses, will not help him solve the problem at hand, but will only make his situation worse and worse. Don't let yourself get too caught up in it. No matter it's sympathy or anger, you can't have any thoughts about it.

What exists here is, after all, just weirdness without any human emotion at all. These miserable memories will only contaminate everyone who understands their contents and pull them into the abyss. Other than that, they have no meaning.

Gao Hai could feel that his clothes were getting hot, as if they were being soaked by boiling water.

Please, we must find useful clues.

Gao Hai prayed secretly in his heart.

On the other side, Kaguya and Zhen Fei had stopped moving forward.

They found a body.

Unlike that overly huge family of three, the corpses of Kaguya and Zhenfei had normal human body shapes.

The other party has been dead for a long time. Basically, there is only a skeleton and a small amount of human tissue remaining on the skeleton. There is no smell anymore.

Judging from the skeleton, this should be a tall adult man, wearing adventure clothes that are easy to move around, and there is a backpack beside him.

Kaguya stood guard carefully, holding the blood doll, and was ready to throw the blood doll out as soon as the thing got up. The true concubine walked forward carefully, took the backpack away from the body, and opened it to check the situation inside.

The first thing she pulled out was a piece of paper with writing on it.

【To those who come after】

[I am a fool and a sinner who is buried here, Sanchez]

At the top of the paper, there are trembling handwriting written like this.


Is this his body?

This discovery surprised both Kaguya and Zhenfei, and also made Gao Hai, who was watching this scene through the doll that could not be disconnected, slightly stunned.

[These are my last words, the last thing I have left in this world]

[I made a mistake, arrogance swallowed up my soul, judged my existence, and turned it into evidence of my fall into hell]

[I have harmed many people, many poor people who are trapped like me who hope to leave this apartment one day. I have harmed them, and I am unforgivable]

[I don’t know if this crime will end one day after I atone for my sins in hell, and whether God and the people I hurt can forgive me, a sinner]

[But for the sake of the successors who may come here, I must write this last words]

[The real key is indeed 309, but 304 is also included. You can't just rely on an isolated room to complete all this, but you have to combine two rooms together]

[This room has been repeating the past, but it will only repeat what happened on six days. One day was hidden. That was the last day and the day when ■■■’s death began (it was originally written here The name of the individual was erased in the end. Judging from the lines, it seems that the person erased the name after realizing it)]

[Pull the calendar in the room to the 17th, and on that day, the room will begin to play out what happened on that day. The time in this house will accelerate from this moment until 1 o'clock in the morning three days later, which is the most critical opportunity to solve everything. We couldn't wait until 7 days later. When the rescue team came after 7 days, it was already too late. Only the third day could save everything. I'm so stupid, why didn't I notice earlier that 3 is also a key number]

[Only people wearing rescue team uniforms can open 309. I don’t know if this is Xu Sheng’s idea, but as the only survivor of the rescue team that year, I really shouldn’t doubt him. But what's the point of all this now? He should have completely become a part of the dead rescue team members now, and can no longer retain himself as before]

[Open the door of 309, open it for the second time, take her to the place where she can hide, the place where she believes she can be safe. This is the only flaw in her obsession, and the only way to end this endless retracing and repetition. I tried to destroy this way. I listened to the wrong information. I thought that as long as the corpse as the root was destroyed, everything would end. I soaked her in boiling water, which she feared the most. This did destroy her corpse, but the result was only to distort her existence and make this apartment crazier than before]

[Now she no longer has a real body, but she still cares about something, and her existence will be attached to that thing. I think it should be a treasure that she cherishes very much, but I have never found that thing in the room. Maybe it was thrown somewhere. I guess I might find it under the bed. But I can't move forward anymore■■■■■■ (The text here starts to become intermittent, with a lot of meaningless content and random strokes, and words like "Mom", "I'm wrong", and "Don't" can be barely recognized)]

[I'm going to die]

[I don't want to become one of them, I don't want to continue to harm people after I die, I got a kind of ball made of ashes and something unknown, it is said that if you eat this thing and die, you won't become those terrible things. Haha, those people lied to me and said that destroying the body would end everything, I don't know if they lied to me about this matter. Anyway, I still have one bullet, I think I can still die as a human being (the handwriting gradually becomes clear again from the chaos)]

[My daughter, I can't see you again, and I can't fulfill my promise]

[May my suffering in this life end here, and I will no longer hinder your future path. I will go to hell to atone for my sins and repay those who have been hurt by me]

[Farewell, this damn world, this damn apartment]


The content on the paper is not much, and it doesn't take too long to read it.

For the culprit who caused the deterioration of Shirakawa Apartment, Maki and Kaguya did not make any comments.

At this moment, they are more concerned about what this man left behind at the last moment of his life, which may involve the secret that ends everything in the apartment.

Is there anything important under this dusty bed?

Thinking of this, Maki was about to take action when she felt that Kaguya Shinomiya's mobile phone in her pocket vibrated.


What's going on? Someone called her?

Calling in a place like this? !

Taking out her cell phone, Shinki threw it on the ground without any intention of opening it, and then signaled Kaguya beside her to leave quickly.

But even so, their actions were still a beat slower. The phone on the ground turned on automatically, and the screen showed a bright light. The caller ID was [Shijo Shinki], and she answered it directly on the spot, and she also turned on the hands-free function.

[There are mice in the house again...]

A gloomy woman's voice sounded from the phone.

[There are mice in the house again...]

A sound like a sigh sounded faintly around the two of them.


The huge, twisted and gloomy woman's head suddenly fell from nowhere and hit the side of the bed. The head was facing the bottom of the bed, staring straight at Shinki and Kaguya who were under the bed at this time, and then her mouth slowly moved and made a sound.

[There are mice in the house again...]

The next moment, the huge head slowly rolled under the bed, blocking the light from outside, making the entire space under the bed darker.

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