Walking through the shabby living room area, with the night vision ability given by Cat Candy, Jianzi found more signs of destruction and some scattered blood in the living room area.

These signs silently showed Jianzi a dangerous battle, or perhaps a thrilling hunt. And through the spread of blood, she could judge that all this ended in the bedroom on the side of the earth house. In fact, even before entering the bedroom, Jianzi standing at the door had clearly seen the large wooden cabinet that had fallen to the ground and had been torn apart.

What would be inside?

The girl took a deep breath. Even though it was not the first time she was in danger, this feeling of not being able to grasp her own safety still gave her great pressure.

Is there something terrible hidden in that dark bedroom?

Is there any terrible monster hiding in the corner, waiting for her to smile at her when she finds it?

Or will the room suddenly become the mouth or even the stomach of something after she enters that door, and swallow herself up and digest her?

Jianzi couldn't help but imagine many terrible possibilities.

Slowly, one step, then another.

The girl, whose spirit was already tense to the extreme, approached the broken door in front of her in silence.

So far, her hearing blessing and perception have not fed back anything. The bedroom has maintained complete silence, and it seems that there is no moving object. But this does not make Jianzi feel at ease. On the contrary, this complete silence gives her more pressure.

What is inside? What is there in the room?

The girl couldn't suppress her thinking, and instinctively imagined possible situations in her head.

{Jianzi, report the situation regularly. We are watching the villagers start the ceremony of welcoming the gods. To be honest, I don't understand these rituals at all. I will repeat the content of the rituals to you after it's over. Anyway, you report the situation on your side first. Are you okay? }

In the mental connection, Gao Hai's voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Jianzi's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the whole person was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously let out a long breath. The originally tense spirit relaxed a lot at this moment.

{I'm fine here, don't worry, senior}

She said to Gao Hai very seriously through the mental link.

{I just checked the living room of the resident I broke into. I found that the resident seemed to have resisted the invasion of some dangerous monster. They locked the door and used cabinets and other things to block the door to try to stop that thing. But they failed. The door and cabinet were directly destroyed. The whole living room was a mess and blood was everywhere. I just went to the kitchen to take a look. There was nothing special in it, but I haven't checked the bedroom yet. Now I am preparing to confirm the specific situation in the bedroom}

The girl explained through the mental link while slowly walking towards the bedroom and stepped into it without hesitation.

The strong fishy smell doubled in an instant.

Jianzi frowned and looked carefully into the house. He found that it was like ten huskies had entered here. There was no intact area at all.

Everything was torn to pieces, whether it was the bed itself, the sheets and bedding, or the various things that might have been placed in the bedroom, even some of the floors, walls and ceilings had various cracks and dents.

A large piece of black and red blood accumulated in one corner of the room, and there was also a lot of blood splashing in every corner of the room.

A rusty kitchen knife with a bent blade fell among the gravel and wood chips. In addition to the coagulated blood, it was obviously stained with something not quite right. Jianzi came forward and carefully confirmed that the knife was not an obsession before picking it up and carefully observing it. As a result, she was somewhat surprised to find that the knife was stained with hair. It was black and brown, with a length of about 6 cm to more than 10 cm. Judging from the shape and curling degree, it did not seem to be human hair.


Jianzi closed her eyes and recalled the hair on the senior's body that she had seen in her dream.

Hmm... That's right, it's not that kind of hair.

This thing should not be something from a human, is it some kind of beast? Did the people in this house try to fight the monster with this knife before they died, but failed and were killed?

If that's the case, what animal does this hair belong to? Or is it a monster that looks like an animal but is actually difficult to confirm its nature?

The girl lowered her head and pondered for a moment. She didn't know much about wild animals and couldn't think of any answer in the end, so she took some of the hair off and put it in her pocket.

It is worth mentioning that although these hairs do not have any strange properties, Jianzi still felt a gloomy chill when he touched them. This means that the thing these hairs belong to is likely to be a strange thing, or something with some strange properties, otherwise these hairs would not be contaminated with this breath.

So, are there other clues in this house?

After the initial exploration, Jianzi was probably sure that there was nothing in this room that would kill people if triggered, so she relaxed a little. Enduring the stench spreading in the room, she carefully investigated again, digging up the scattered garbage and debris, trying to find clues hidden in them. After a short while, the girl's eyes lit up slightly, focusing on a small piece of soil that was different in color from the surrounding area.

Judging from the color and traces of the surrounding ground, this location should have been hidden under the bed.

In other words, the owner of this house secretly buried something under his bed and didn't want others to find it?

Although it is very likely that there is something very dangerous hidden inside, but... it is worth finding it out.

Jianzi didn't hesitate, and directly dug the soil with her hands and dug out a small pit in this small bedroom.

Soon, she found what was hidden under the soil.

Is this... a page of paper?

Take out the thin paper with obvious torn marks on the edge.

Jianzi looked at the paper and found that the page itself had been stained with dark red blood, and it was impossible to see what was written on it.

However, this problem did not bother Jianzi Yotsuya. After all, she now had a new blessing and her ability was much stronger than before.


With the activation of some kind of extraordinary power, Jianzi clearly saw that the bloodstains on the page in her hand began to dissipate rapidly, and the originally blurred handwriting became clear and recognizable again.

Is this thing... some kind of investigation record?

Jianzi looked at the handwriting on the far right of the restored document. The most conspicuous one was the two big characters [Black Fairy] written vertically. Then, more and more detailed handwriting was arranged from right to left, which made Jianzi, who was used to recognizing words from left to right in modern times, feel extremely awkward.

It took a little effort for Jianzi to slowly recognize and read the words on it normally.

[Record of the Strange Village Investigation No. 16: Black Fairy]

[Record No. 1]

[The so-called Black Fairy is a forest spirit that is passed down by the villagers of this mountain strange village]

[It is said that the creature is completely black, with hands and feet shaped like humans, and can stand up and speak human language. It will cause chaos in the fog when fog rises, pat the backs and shoulders of passers-by to communicate with them, bite off their heads when they turn around, and then quickly eat up the body]

[It is said that those attacked by the Black Fairy will never leave any body residue, at most only blood stains will be left, and the Black Fairy will even eat the mud containing the victim's flesh, and its posture is crazy enough to be called the posture of gluttony]

[Record No. 2]

[As for the existence of this creature, I conducted many investigations around Xiaohei Mountain. At first, I didn't find anything, until one day a strange fog rose halfway up the mountain. Two of my officers tied ropes around their bodies and went into the fog to search, but neither of them came back. Even though I immediately asked my men to pull the rope back after the rope started to move, they only pulled back two bloody ropes and a severed hand holding the rope.]

[The villagers in this strange village said that I had taken the blood food of the black fairy, and it would definitely come to me tonight. I was very happy about this. So many anomalies have been found in this strange village so far, and I must try to solve one or two anyway.]

[Record the third one]

[After careful selection, I chose a village area that had just been built by the river and had not yet been officially used, and chose a house as a defense point.]

[Including myself, a total of 27 men are guarding here. My junior sister is also patrolling on the roof tonight, and everyone is carrying a knife and arrow. Once that thing appears, as long as it does not appear out of thin air from somewhere, we will definitely be able to discover it in advance and surround and kill it.]

[I have full confidence that I can see what the black fairy really looks like, but I have no confidence that I can survive. So far, I have recorded many strange things in this village, and almost none of them can be solved by my own strength. This strange village in the mountains is simply a place of evil spirits. I really don't know why such a situation has occurred here. However, as a ghost suppressor, I was destined to fight these things to death from the moment I accepted the appointment.]

[I have made all preparations for tonight. Let's see who will have the last laugh.]

[Record it.]

[I am still alive, not dead, but my left arm is broken. From now on, it will be difficult for me to fight on the front line.]

[As expected, the black fairy is not an ordinary thing. Swords, guns, sticks and clubs have no effect on it. It can't hurt it at all.]

[But as expected, the essence of that thing is a transformation of some kind of beast, so it can't be afraid of the beast. Exempt]

[To repel this thing, you must first use fire attack]

[The more fierce the flame, the more afraid the filth will be and dare not approach]

[Secondly, anything that can make a loud noise will also work]

[Whether it is firecrackers or something else, the explosion will terrify the filth and scare it away and make it dare not approach easily]

[Finally, although this thing seems to have intelligence, after several tests, I am sure that this filth is just a stupid thing that parrots and does not know what it is saying. It just imitates words randomly to attract people. In addition, the many rumors about this filth in this strange village have begun to affect this thing to a certain extent and change its way of behavior. This is also a place that can be used]

[If I want to explain it in detail, there are still many things I am not sure about for the time being. However, one of the countermeasures that can be confirmed is that when you encounter this black fairy and cannot create fire or sound to scare it away, you can try to turn your back. You will feel something on your shoulder, and a voice will come from behind and talk to you]

[At this time, you are already in danger, but as long as you don’t look back, no matter what, that thing can’t hurt you]

[I will record more information one by one after a more comprehensive observation of the surroundings of this strange village. For the record of the "black fairy" itself, it is temporarily stopped here]

[The ghost-suppressing person·Jiang■■]

It took a long time for Jianzi to read the contents of this page very awkwardly with the translation function provided by the [Sacrifice Game].

Then, after understanding the contents, she couldn't help but widen her eyes. Although she still couldn't quite understand what the "black fairy" and "ghost-suppressing person" written on it were, the girl had already realized that the record on this page must be a crucial clue.

The record above must be told to the senior immediately.

Thinking of this, Jianzi stood up and prepared to turn around and leave the bedroom.

But before she could take any action, the girl suddenly felt a heavy force falling on her shoulder, as if someone had slapped her hard.

[Who...ah...so noisy...in the middle of the night...]

Then, she heard an unclear voice ringing from her ears.

And in this messy room, a thin mist had appeared at some point, bringing a bit of coldness.

Chapter 11: The calm girl, the explosion time, and the first bomb launch


Jianzi's heartbeat rhythm lost balance in an instant.

Although this sudden shock was not the first time for her, she still couldn't be completely unmoved like Gao Hai, without any feeling.

Of course, although she said so, Jianzi's face did not have any expression at this time. In terms of appearance alone, she was actually much calmer than Gao Hai when the strange thing jumped on her face.

[Who...is...noisy outside...]

The thing continued to make sounds.

The voice belonged to an adult male, sounding very sleepy, like the sound of someone just getting up from bed after being woken up by some noise in the middle of the night.

But of course, Jianzi knew that the person standing behind her was definitely not a human.

After all, her perception had already received an extremely clear response, and the strong chill and inhuman cold breath told her that the one behind her at this time was a terrifying thing that would easily kill her.


The girl's breathing had become heavy.

Her heartbeat continued to accelerate, her whole body was numb, and she could hardly stand normally under this strong chill.

But soon, Jianzi gritted her teeth and tried not to show any fear, just standing there expressionlessly.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

Jianzi said to herself in her heart.

If that thing wanted to kill her, it would have done it long ago. But until now, this thing has not made any actual movements, just standing behind her and imitating human speech, which can explain a lot of problems. It seems that this monster should be a strange thing that strictly abides by some special rules. Perhaps... the content on the recording paper in my hand indicates the rules that this thing needs to follow.

So... is this thing the "Black Fairy"?

While thinking silently, Jianzi slowly moved her steps and tried to take a step forward.

Nothing unusual.

The thing that stretched out its hand to her shoulder did not move at all, but the girl could feel that the hand on her back did not move at all. In other words, the thing was following her at this time, so if she just wanted to get rid of it by moving her steps, it might not be realistic.

Then, try to walk back?

While thinking, Jianzi slowly took a step back while facing the wall.

The next moment she clearly felt that she had bumped into something, something very thick, furry, and with a faint smell.

It is certain that this thing is very tall, at least taller than Jianzi's height. Not only that, the thing seemed to be hunched over, as if it had a hunchback... Or, it was like some kind of humanoid thing that stood up and imitated the human posture, but because its bone structure was different from that of humans, it could not be completely imitated.


After a brief thought and guess, the girl thought of a possibility.

At this moment, could this thing standing behind her and putting its hand on her shoulder be a bear?

{Jianzi, what's going on over there? }

Gao Hai's voice sounded in the mental link, and the abnormal situation that Jianzi suddenly became quiet was obviously discovered by him immediately.

{There is an unidentified strange thing standing behind me, putting its hand on my shoulder}

{It hasn't attacked me yet. According to the text on a piece of paper I picked up, the name of this thing may be "Black Fairy", a strange thing that will appear with fog and kill people}

{This strange thing has a special rule. When a living person has his back to it, it will walk up to him, put its hand on his shoulder, and speak to him in the same voice as the victim it heard. But this thing itself cannot understand the content and meaning of the words spoken, it just repeats them. Once the living person whose shoulder is put on turns his head, this thing will kill him immediately. But I haven't turned back until now, so this thing hasn't killed me yet}

Jizi took a deep breath, tried to calm his mind, and explained his situation to Gao Hai in the mental connection.

Of course, for some reason, after using the blessing power to repair the text, the name of the signer could not be seen clearly. Jianzi also told Gao Hai all the words on the paper, to ensure that there would be no information leaks.

At this time, on Gao Hai's side, the complicated ceremony of welcoming the mountain god was far from over. Therefore, in order to prevent possible dangers, the three of them could not leave the ceremony square for the time being. But even so, Gao Hai quickly thought of some ways to help Jianzi.

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