Before seeing the watchman with his own eyes, Gao Hai couldn't make an accurate judgment. The only thing he can be sure of is that if the contents of the torn notes collected by Mitsuko Hayasaka are true, then the danger of this watchman is probably not trivial. Once he comes into contact with it, it will be a dangerous situation with a narrow escape from death.

However, who is this so-called magician?

Trick Suppressor... If this title is taken literally, could this be a special organization organized by people who came into contact with the Trick and survived before the [Sacrifice Game] officially appeared?

If this is the case, what is the size of this so-called organization that suppresses ghosts, and what special powers do its members have?

Gao Hai doesn't think that these Trick Suppressors are ordinary humans without any extraordinary powers. Since the Ameili Kingdom and the Neon Kingdom can artificially influence or control the monsters themselves to a certain extent, then these so-called Trick Suppressors, Gao Hai felt that the same situation should happen.

It's just that no matter whether the ability is strong or weak, the final outcome will probably not change. After all, this is still a dungeon world, and trickery is the core here.

Step - step -

While thinking, Gao Hai's footsteps walked silently, and Zhenfei and Qianhua beside him also remained silent. The two girls were currently listening to the information from Mianzi with Gao Hai, so the three of them were thinking in silence and did not make any conspicuous actions.

The villagers who led the way also said nothing and moved forward slowly and stiffly like a machine. But sometimes they suddenly become more flexible, and with a smile on their lips, they suddenly turn their heads to look at Gao Hai and others behind them, and then turn back with expressionless faces and continue walking forward with stiff steps.

That [Li Duosun] was still in the small square, seemed to be still talking about something, and was busy doing things with some villagers.

But in fact, through [Teacher]'s observation, Gao Hai could see that the man was just watching the leaving players around him expressionlessly, and was just silently observing all the players who had turned their backs to him and left. I don’t know if I am observing any details.

Perhaps he was looking for the person who ruined the square ceremony?

The cold atmosphere is gradually spreading.

At this time, there was no strong abnormal aura on the villagers in front and around. But in the overall atmosphere of the entire village, the uncomfortable coldness has become more and more obvious and intense.

Has something changed?

Gao Hai raised his head and looked around him.

Just by looking at it, I can't seem to find anything wrong.

This is just a small village at dusk.



Has dusk arrived?

When he realized it, Gao Hai discovered that the sky had turned dark red, the sun was setting, and darkness had spread bit by bit from the end of the earth.

{Attention everyone, time anomalies may have occurred in the copy. I just observed the sky at dusk, but the time that has passed since we entered the dungeon is far less than one day, and the flow of time in this place may have begun to accelerate}

At the same time when he discovered the problem, Gao Hai immediately reminded his teammates in the mental link.

{Senior, I have also discovered that the sky here is gradually getting brighter, and it may be dawn in a while. Hmm, it’s so sudden. Neither I nor Hayasaka-san noticed this at all just now}

Miko's voice sounded soon after, with a tone of disbelief. The girl was still a little surprised that she didn't notice the abnormal change in time at the first time. But before she could think about it carefully, new questions appeared.

[Cackle--cluck! 】

The loud crow of a cock suddenly sounded around Miko and Hayasaka.

The village that originally became dilapidated after the aerial bomb explosion, with no signs of abnormal activity, then gradually began to sound, and something began to move in various buildings.

It seemed that the villagers were gradually waking up with the arrival of daytime and starting to prepare for a new day of work.

Blinking, Miko looked back at the way she came, towards the center of the aerial bomb explosion, and found that at some point, the destroyed houses had been restored to their original state, and there was no trace of the original at the explosion site. Not only that, faint white smoke began to float out from various houses, and increasingly clear voices also came one after another.

They have all come alive.

[I pay my respects to the Fox Empress, and please wish me a safe and sound life today.]

[Hey, my Majesty, please bless me. Your Majesty, I will also bless you today.]

[Fox Empress, please bless me today. I am willing to dedicate my life to the Empress]

Men's voices, women's voices, and old people's voices sounded at the same time at this moment.

However, no children's voices could be heard.

This bustling village is filled with all kinds of voices, as vibrant as a real village, but the only thing missing is the voices of children, and even relatively younger people in their teens and twenties. There is no sound.

Why can't I hear the child's voice? Moreover, why do these people's voices sound like this...

[Hiss, hiss... Fox Queen, I seem to smell it, smell it...]

[So fresh... Such fresh meat, such fresh blood, she must be less than 20 years old...]

[My Lady, My Lady, I will offer you fresh meat right now, hehe, hehehehe...]

The noisy voices became chaotic and crazy in an instant. Although Jianzi vaguely felt the problem in the voices at the beginning, she did not expect that these things would expose their abnormalities so quickly.

They can't stay in this village any longer.

They have been discovered by those things now.

{Something is wrong, Hayasaka-san, we have to leave the village immediately——}

Jianzi, who was talking in the short-distance mental link, had already turned her eyes to the endless primeval forest outside the village.

The distance was still a bit far, but with the physical fitness of the two people that had been strengthened beyond the limit of the human body, they should be able to rush out smoothly. However, whether this could avoid the peepers in the houses, Jianzi was not sure in her heart.

"Come here!"

But before Jianzi and Hayasaka could take action, the door of a house not far away suddenly opened, and then the figure of Shinomiya Kaguya emerged from it.

Without any extra nonsense, Kaguya, whose clothes looked much dirtier and seemed to be stained with blood, waved to Jianzi and Hayasaka, signaling them to come forward quickly, and immediately showed the longbow that she had brought with her before.


Jianzi could already hear the continuous sound of houses being opened around her.

The power of blessing... came from Hirano Sosuke, which could prompt players to find a safe area, and gave guidance at this moment. The direction indicated... yes, it was the direction where Kaguya was now.

Without hesitation, Jianzi and Hayasaka accelerated and dived in an instant, moving closer to Kaguya's position.

At the same time when the girls here were in crisis, Gao Hai's side did not stop.


In the harsh sound of suona, there were figures in white clothes, dancing from the front and slowly approaching.

Those people either wore masks with green faces and fangs, or painted their entire faces pale, dancing, waving paper money, and carrying black coffins and walking slowly.

The direction of these people's advance was completely opposite to the direction of Gao Hai and the other two. If they did not evade, the two sides would undoubtedly collide directly.

The breath of the strange creature was becoming more and more intense, and the strong chill came from all directions without concealment.

Gao Hai heard the exclamations and screams of the players on other roads. He heard that some players tried to communicate with the villagers who led the way to change the road, but were ignored directly. Then another player tried to force a change of road, but immediately lost his voice and disappeared. Some players realized that something was wrong and directly attacked the villagers who led the way, and then made a shrill scream.

{Ahai, there are also people behind us}

Qianhua reminded Gao Hai in the mental link, so Gao Hai looked back and saw another group of people in white carrying coffins, moving along the road they came from, approaching at a very fast speed.

The villagers who led the way gradually slowed down their pace at this moment, as if they were going to stop directly.

At this point, the malicious intent of these things has been completely undisguised. Although the specific situation is still unclear, Gao Hai is sure that now, whether it is to escape to the surroundings, attack these guides, or contact those people in white regardless of the consequences, it will only be a dead end.

The players' screams of fear are becoming more and more frequent.

The players who realize that something is wrong are trying hard to try various self-rescue methods, but the current situation is obviously not easy. At this moment, Gao Hai can strongly feel that these people in white who appeared from the front and back of the road are completely coming to take their lives.

Are you too lazy to even prepare and go through the motions? Or is the effect of my bomb too good?

No matter what, we can only retreat now.


Andres's teleportation blessing was activated in an instant.

Gao Hai's figure disappeared from the road first, and directly arrived at the location of Yotsuya Miko on the other side.

Then, Zhenfei and Qianhua disappeared immediately after, and were directly teleported to the current location of Gao Hai through the power of blessing.

Although there are still some unclear points about the spatial structure of the [Infant Crying Village] copy, it is certain that Andres's blessing judgment is still valid, so as long as they are willing, several people can achieve spatial transfer through the power of blessing.

At the last moment when the surrounding scenery changed, Zhenfei saw one of the villagers who led the way turned around and looked at her and Qianhua who were about to disappear with an expressionless face.

In an instant, Zhenfei's eyes widened suddenly. She felt the strong emotions coming from that villager at that moment, as if... something was struggling and squirming inside the villager's body, trying to break free from it.

That thing wanted all of them.

Zhenfei could clearly feel that the unknown thing had an extremely strong twisted desire for all players and all living people.

The next moment, Zhenfei blinked and found that she had arrived in a village that seemed subtly different from before. The sky was slightly bright, as if it was just morning.

Gao Hai's big hand suddenly stretched out from the side, grabbed Zhen Fei's shoulder and threw her into an open wooden door.

Qian Hua followed and staggered in from the side, and was supported by Kaguya inside the door.

Gao Hai rushed in at the end, turned around, grabbed the door and closed it.

In an instant, the cold wind blew into the house from outside the door, and Gao Hai's movements suddenly sluggish, and then he closed the door and took two steps back.

Then he reached out and grabbed the rusty sickle that flew over and pierced his cheek, and came out from the back of his head, threw it on the ground, and turned his head with blood all over his head to look at the girls in the house.

"The villagers in Liujia Village here seem to be much more enthusiastic than those in Lijia Village."

Gao Hai complained like this, and his brains flowed down the hole on his face and all over his body.

Chapter 15: Fatal attack without source and Kaguya Shinomiya's unique experience

The sky, which was originally dim, was gradually turning to daytime at this time.

From the early morning when he entered the dungeon to the dawn of another day, it seems that a day has passed, but Gao Hai's own physical sense of time is only about five hours at most. And considering the [Lijia Village] where he stayed before, in fact, the three people on Gao Hai's side did not really live in the village under the night, but directly entered another village in the daytime from one daytime village.

This gave Gao Hai a slight sense of dislocation in time and space, but compared to the cool feeling of the hole in his head being blown by the cold wind, this small abnormal feeling was not a big deal.


Another gust of cold wind blew, and Gao Hai's body subconsciously shivered, trembling for the 360-degree all-round physical sense.

Hiss... This feeling is really quite novel.

Thinking of this, Gao Hai wanted to reach out and touch the hole on his face again.

"Can you stop touching it? It looks disgusting, okay? At least don't dirty your sleeves."

At this time, Zhenfei grabbed Gao Hai's hand and interrupted him with a somewhat disgusted expression.

Qianhua on the side showed an expression of seeing a new world, eager to try, and seemed to want to touch the hole on Gao Hai's face.

The source of this hole was the process of Gao Hai and the other two hiding in the house after they had just transferred to the space where Jianzi was through Andreas's blessing. At that time, Gao Hai, who was walking at the end, had not had time to enter the house, and felt a strong malice coming from behind.

Although he had a reaction speed far beyond the limit of human beings, and Gao Hai activated the blessing of nothingness without hesitation at that time, the sickle that flew out of nowhere still pierced his forehead without any obstruction, and opened a hole in the middle of his cheek from front to back, so that the brain immediately flowed out.

Of course, because of the immortal blessing of Hirano Sosuke, this degree of injury would not affect Gao Hai, it was just a short experience of what a through wind was.

But considering that he had used the power of nothingness and activated Andreas's blessing to come to a new place, it should be impossible for him to trigger any fatal rules immediately in theory. You have to know that Jianzi, Hayasaka and Kaguya have been active in this village for a long time. They have been here for so long without any trouble. It doesn't make sense that he would get into trouble as soon as he came here, and he could ignore the nothingness and kill with a fatal blow.

And the biggest problem is that Gao Hai can't find the source of the attack.

Before entering the door of this farmer's house, at the last moment, Gao Hai actually turned around and observed the street outside.

As a result, Gao Hai didn't find anything abnormal at that time.

A fatal sickle just flew over, but he couldn't find the murderer. Although this kind of thing is not impossible, Gao Hai feels that with the abnormal characteristics shown by those villagers, if he triggers some killing rules to attack him, the other party should not have any cover-up actions, and will go straight to him.

So Gao Hai couldn't help but think that the reason why he was hit was not because he triggered some rules of [Liujia Village], but because he triggered some rules of [Lijia Village]. As the first to leave the range of [Lijia Village] and take away Zhenfei and Qianhua with the power of blessing, he triggered an unknown killing rule in [Lijia Village]. So he was walking at the end of the team and was pierced through the head by a sickle whose source could not be found at all, triggering the power of immortal blessing on the spot.

It is easy to verify this point. Let the new rescue team teacher who is still lurking in [Lijia Village] go to the place where he disappeared to investigate, and it is estimated that clues can be found.

As for why the three of them are no longer harmed by the power of ghost stories, the reason is very simple, because they entered a [private house]. In this [Liujia Village], "streets" mean danger and insecurity, and "mansions" represent safety and stability. This is the rule of this place. Although in fact, even if you are inside a private house, it is still possible to trigger something and cause bad consequences, but in general, this rule can still be effective in most cases, especially when the source of the threat is outside the house.

The one who found this rule and applied it was Shinomiya Kaguya herself.

Unlike Jianzi and Hayasaka who immediately entered the interior of [Liujia Village] to investigate, Kaguya found that those paper figures had been following her closely, and the number was increasing. After a brief thought, she determined that she had been locked by the power of the strange creature to a certain extent. Continuing to ignore the paper figures at this time would not bring good results, but might lead to further deterioration of the situation. So she directly activated the domain blessing of Chiyoko Hachiya, and directly shot away the paper figures that followed with a more dazzling blood-colored domain.

Then, Kaguya took out the [Soul Reaper Bow] obsession, condensed her blood and shot directly through the nearest paper figure. Using the powerful characteristics of the [Soul Reaper Bow], a red moon-level obsession, Kaguya sealed the strange creature's ability to move, and to a certain extent also obtained the related abilities of the strange creature.

Then, Kaguya took out the [Corpse Candle] obsession and ignited it. After combining the effects of the [Soul Reaper Bow] and [Corpse Candle] obsessions, Kaguya was not attacked by the paper figures after turning off the blood-colored domain blessing, but was directly recognized as her own kind and completely ignored by them.

For safety reasons, Kaguya put on the [gangster hood] again. She was almost at her limit when using three obsessions at the same time, and she could not use the fourth obsession at the same time. In this situation, Kaguya found the entrance of [Liujia Village] after walking a distance. She did not enter immediately, but decided to walk around the periphery of the village quickly to try to confirm the approximate area of ​​the village.

It was under such circumstances that Kaguya found an abandoned road on the outskirts of the village that was covered with weeds and shrubs and had not been passed by anyone for at least decades, and found the dilapidated temple at the end of the road.

The identity of [paper man] temporarily obtained through the power of [Soul Reaper Bow] told Shigong Kaguya that the temple was "a place that cannot be set foot on". Of course, the premise of this not being able to set foot on is that Kaguya is really one of those paper men. This means that this seemingly dilapidated temple is actually a safe zone that can effectively prevent the invasion of strange paper men, so Kaguya stepped into it without hesitation and decided to investigate this place to confirm whether it can be used as a temporary safe zone.

{It was a mountain temple}

In the temporary mental connection established through the obsession, Kaguya calmly told everyone about her experience.

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