Burning flames, broken trees, collapsed temples.

And the tall statue of the unscathed statue was looking at him, with a smile on his lips.


Chapter 20: The Blessing Power of Resurrection and the Unscrupulous Man

Little by little, consciousness gradually woke up from the chaotic light and shadow.

It seems that one can see the burning fire, the ruined villages shattered by the violent explosion, and the charred forest.

Can't feel my body.

But the self has not completely collapsed.

Vision... hearing... more or less still retain a certain part, but the sense of touch and smell have been completely lost, but that's okay. Just looking at the dense smoke and flames around, you can already imagine the high temperature and temperature here. The smell of smoke is choking, so it's a good thing that you can't feel it.

All in all, it seems that he is not dead yet.

Gao Hai woke up from his confusion and realized this fact.

Why, I'm not dead yet?

The body has been vaporized and annihilated in the ultra-high temperature and shock wave of the aerial bomb, and not even the dregs can be found.

Even with the physical fitness of a Red Moon-level player, under the explosive power of aerial bombs, a lethal weapon created by modern human civilization, and the blessed version of the weapon, they are still incredibly fragile, and there is no possibility of survival.

Of course, this was Gao Hai's own choice. After all, if he didn't do this, his girlfriends would be disemboweled by those weird villagers as sacrifices. It was completely impossible for him to accept this kind of thing. As for himself, under the curse of the paper man, more than 90% of his body had been transformed into a paper structure at that time, and he had reached an irreversible death situation, so there was nothing wrong with self-destruction.

To be honest, Gao Hai was actually quite surprised that he could still maintain his thinking ability despite the situation at that time. He was convinced that at that time he had lost the complete brain structure needed for humans to maintain normal thinking. Maybe the entire brain was gone. As a result, he just felt that his thinking speed had slowed down and it was difficult to think normally, instead of directly becoming a vegetative state. It's quite amazing if you think about it carefully.

Could it be that because he has been continuously strengthened after becoming a player, he has to a certain extent got rid of the physical weaknesses of weakened humans. Even if he loses the organs, muscles or nerves that control body functions, he will not die suddenly. Can it be temporarily resisted by a relatively mysterious non-material structure such as [soul]?

Gao Hai felt that if these issues were left to a scientist to study, they might be able to publish dozens of top papers.

But that is a question for later. The key now is, why am I not dead yet?

The raging flames seemed to show no signs of extinguishing for a while.

The crumbling ruins of buildings show no signs of being repaired.

In other words, it should be right after the explosion ended, within 10 minutes.

Andres Blessing can no longer feel the presence of Zhenfei and the others, but there is nothing that can be done about it, after all, it was me who killed them this time.

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the first time he has sent his wives to heaven... No, to be precise, it is the second time. The first time was when Qianhua was freed from being deeply transformed in Yeluoshan Middle School. Haha, why should I remember this kind of thing? This kind of thing makes people feel uncomfortable just thinking about it...

Well, speaking of which, I myself have been killed by my own girlfriends a few times. Does this count as even?

While thinking, Gao Hai continued to try to activate his existing blessing power, trying to confirm what his current situation was.

Then soon, he found the reason why he could still stay awake.

It is the blessing of Eriko Asamoto.

This number one core obsession from Yeluoshan Middle School gave the main blessing power to Gao Hai and Goto Kazuri respectively. Among them, Goto Kazuri received the highest degree of blessing, so he kept the obsession guitar, while Gao Hai's spatial coordinate blessing is different from others. Not only can he move in space without anyone observing, You can even move in space and resurrect with full health when no one is sure whether you are dead or alive.

I see.

Because I was evaporated in the intense light and heat of the bomb explosion, there was no strange thing coming to confirm whether I was dead or alive.

And when I was really killed, because my body had directly vaporized, even if something came to observe, it would not be able to confirm that I was dead because it could not find my body. Therefore, on the premise of being vaporized and evaporated, I can activate the immortality of this blessing and maintain my existence for a period of time.

Haha, it’s kind of interesting. This blessing can be understood from this perspective.

While sighing, the power of blessing has been activated.

After receiving this blessing, it was naturally impossible for Gao Hai not to set the coordinates for space teleportation in advance. In fact, he had already completed the coordinate setting not long after entering the dungeon, and its location was not far from the notice board in the [Lijiacun] space.

At that time, he just thought that the place where he could get the first rule sheet in the Kaidan dungeon should be relatively safe under normal circumstances, so it could be used as a return point. If you see a more suitable place later, it's completely okay to change it. As a result, it's like being driven forward step by step. It seems that you don't have much room to operate from the beginning to the end, even if you release [Teacher] The investigation failed to yield many valuable clues.

However, in the final analysis, this episode had major deviations from the very beginning, so it was only natural that it would reach this ending.


open one's eyes.

Gao Hai had already seen the notice board not far away.

The body has been restored to its full strength under the power of blessing. In addition, it seems that because the previous evaporation of flesh and blood eliminated the paper man's curse, Gao Hai's restored body this time is completely normal, a flesh and blood body without any problems.

Well, it's not completely okay. After all, all my clothes are gone and it's a bit chilly.

"You can't restore the clothes? This blessing doesn't know how to be harmonious."

Gao Hai, who was feeling deep in his heart, suddenly had a rescue team uniform appear on his body. The rescue team badge on the side of his chest shone brightly, and then the police officer's figure appeared next to Gao Hai. He stood up, then turned his head slightly, picked up the invitation that fell next to him, and was undamaged even after the explosion, and put it in his pocket.

{Hmm...I'm not dead? Hey, what the hell...}

Kita Ikuyo's somewhat confused voice sounded beside him. As Gao Hai recovered, the red-haired girl who had already existed in Gao Hai's consciousness naturally also recovered.

Gao Hai didn't pay much attention to this. After most of his teammates had died suddenly, leaving only himself, this little ghost, and the still missing Yili, Gao Hai knew that he didn't have much room to operate now. It can be said that the first game of this copy is now completely scrapped.

In this case, there is no need to care too much about success or failure in the next action.

This time, Gao Hai decided to go directly into the village.

Considering that the head of the Li family showed previously that "if you get our benefits, you must repay us, and if you don't get our benefits, you must compensate", that is simply unreasonable and weird rules. If you can't find out where the boundaries and gaps of this weird rules are, then There is no doubt that this copy is completely unsolvable. After all, whether you accept the gift from [Lijia Village] or not, you will be judged as violating the rules, and then your body will be controlled by these villagers and you can only watch yourself die.

Gao Hai didn't believe that there were completely flawless and absolutely invincible rules in this world, so he wanted to go back again. He wanted to use his life to give it a try to see what the shortcomings of these little beasts were.

{Mr. Gao, Shijo-san and the others...have they already...}

Because the two spiritual links were not connected to each other, Kita did not see the process of Zhen Fei and others being vaporized by the bomb. But she still saw the two simultaneous explosions, so she had already vaguely guessed what might happen.

{Don’t worry, they’ll be fine}

Gao Hai just replied to Kita in a calm tone.

{fine? No, I am not a child, Mr. Gao, the explosion just now, they...}

Kita was stunned by Gao Hai's attitude, and then frowned and retorted, but he didn't dare to really say it.

{I said it was okay, and of course it really was okay. Haven't you always been curious? Yili told you, right? It only took me a short time to unlock all the core obsessions in the dungeon at Yeluoshan Middle School. This clearance process seems unreasonable to you, doesn't it? Next, you will soon know how I successfully passed the level}

As Gao Hai spoke, he and the police officers beside him advanced towards the village ahead with pistols in hand.

The [Teacher] who has remained in the village until now has re-established contact with Gao Hai through the rescue team badge, so Gao Hai can clearly see that the current Lijia Village is in a state of depression, with almost no villager activities. There were many corpses of villagers in the destroyed square that had not been disposed of at all, and there was almost no villager activity in the houses. Of course, the activities of the players that should exist here are almost invisible.

A considerable number of village houses have collapsed, and the woodland leading to the mountain temple in the village is now a mess. The two aerial bombs released by Gao Hai at the desperate moment obviously affected [Lijiacun] on this side, causing even more serious losses to the village that had just suffered a disaster.

It seems that, unlike the [Liujia Village] that can automatically repair, this [Lijia Village] with living villagers seems to have difficulty repairing itself after being damaged. It seems that the problem will be even greater if the villagers are dead. Maybe it was because he had released the first aerial bomb to destroy the ritual through Mianzi before, that [Lijia Village] showed a violent abnormal reaction, killed so many players for sacrifice, and Gao Hai's team, who may go further to kick the goal, kill them all.

If this is the case, then these villagers seem to be quite fragile. Is it because even if this dungeon has a set of invincible monster mechanisms that give them great advantages, they are still just ordinary humans? But that Li Ziyong did come back to life, so it would definitely be wrong to just understand them as ordinary humans. They should still be able to use various extraordinary powers, but the use of these powers may require huge costs, so they usually don't Will be used easily.

Step - step -

Gao Hai was thinking as he slowly walked towards the village ahead.

He did not hide his presence, but walked forward in a swaggering manner. Therefore, Gao Hai can be sure that he must have been discovered by the villagers now. Then Li Ziyong and Li Duosun, if they have been resurrected again now, they should be ready to deal with his attack, right?

Gao Hai was still a little curious, wondering how these villagers would deal with him.

The previous curse of the paper man and isolation were already a great killing move, but after two aerial bombs were dropped, these guys could still get no advantage. Although Gao Hai now only has the last fourth aerial bomb left that requires life to be activated, he estimates that these villagers are not sure about how many aerial bombs he can use.


In the steady footsteps, Gao Hai could feel the cold atmosphere gradually gathering and getting stronger from the front.

"Why, I'm still not welcome in this wretched place of yours? Don't forget, I have an invitation on me."

Gao Hai grinned, shouted to the village from a distance of about four to five hundred meters, and reached out to take out the invitation.

[The invitation is for guests, not jackals. We can’t afford to invite evil guests like you]

What is somewhat surprising is that the voice of reply actually came from the village. Li Ziyong, who had been bombed twice, appeared again at the entrance of the village, but his originally smiling face was now clouded, and He became noticeably paler, as if he was seriously ill.

"Whether you are a hospitable guest or a bad guest, you are a guest as soon as the invitation is sent out. You guys didn't even let me finish a ceremony to invite the gods and you want to drive people away. It's so unreasonable. Look, your whole village is so big. You owe me. How about it? Have you figured out how to pay it back?"

Gao Hai continued to smile and continued walking towards the village.

Hmm, I didn’t feel any triggering of the power of the rules. Sure enough, taking advantage through words won’t work, right?

As soon as he finished speaking, Gao Hai immediately carefully sensed whether there were any changes in the surrounding aura, and then found with some regret that no changes had occurred.

[Haha... I, Lijia Village, have lived here for generations. We are the only ones who can make the decision here and say whether we owe something or not. Who do you think you are? A castrated pig that has been driven into a butcher's pen is worthy of negotiating terms with us, and is it worthy of saying that we owe you? You are really shameless. I think you foreigners have already fallen into disgrace.]

Li Ziyong's face became even more distorted, and for a while his facial features even showed signs of being misaligned.

Around him, villagers holding knives, forks, hoes and other farm tools came out one after another. Each of them had a fierce look on their face, and everyone looked at Gao Hai with hatred in their eyes, as if Gao Hai was the truly heinous one here. Same as people.

"Really? Then why don't you dare to kill me? Could it be that you've tried to kill me twice without success, so you're afraid?"

But Gao Hai just continued to smile, continued to speak in a provocative tone, and continued to move forward towards the village ahead.

Morihara Koji's second blessing was silently activated at this moment.

Every word Gao Hai said at this moment carried a strong spiritual suggestion, and had extraordinary power with special direction. At this time, in the entire dungeon, any living person who can hear his voice and has the characteristics of [evil person] will uncontrollably have a strong hatred towards Gao Hai, while the evil spirit of [harming people for no reason during life] will be ignored. The rules feature forced locking on Gao Hai, forcing the pursuit target to be temporarily fixed on Gao Hai.


The old man named Li Ziyong had obvious cracks on his cheek in an instant.

Under the torn face, Gao Hai clearly saw pieces of rotten flesh, and saw...the flesh and blood of the killed players that had been reassembled and fused together.

Although the old man returned to his normal expression the next moment, and even the cracks on his face disappeared without a trace, Gao Hai could still clearly hear the "click-click" sound of his teeth, and through Li Zhaodi's Blessing felt the undisguised surging malice in him.

Is it because the living flesh and blood on their bodies has been endowed with some special properties that I couldn't feel the malice of these villagers at first?

Because he only glanced at it from a distance, although Gao Hai had some guesses in his heart, he was still not completely sure of some things. However, although the old man was gritting his teeth in hatred, he did not take action directly like he did in front of the mountain temple. It seemed that he was really afraid of another big explosion from Gao Hai.

In this case, it can be confirmed that even if these villagers can be resurrected after death, there must be great limitations. Perhaps, they must rely on fresh flesh and blood obtained after killing players to restore their damaged bodies. And this kind of recovery should have an upper limit. The more times they are resurrected in a short period of time, the further away they will be from humans and the closer they will be to strange things. After a certain limit, it is very likely that they will really die, leaving only the evil strange with the same name.

Although this is only Gao Hai's speculation at present, from the attitude of these villagers who are full of hatred but dare not step forward at all, he feels that the facts should not deviate too much from his imagination.

Then, it's almost time to take action.

[We do not recognize that invitation. The welcoming festival has ended. This guest, you are holding an expired invitation. Lijia Village has no obligation to serve you]

A cold voice came from behind Gao Hai at this time.

Gao Hai turned around and saw Li Duosun, who had a cold expression and looked a bit like Li Ziyong.

As the old man finished speaking, Gao Hai immediately noticed the change in the invitation in his hand. The invitation, which was bright red when he took it out just now, had faded to dark yellow, and looked like it had been placed for dozens or hundreds of years and was about to rot.

[Now, this guest, go where you should go]

Then, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

In a flash, Gao Hai had disappeared from the space where [Lijia Village] was located.

As he disappeared, the villagers who were waiting for him breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly cheered and began to speak in praise of Li Ziyong and Li Duosun.

Li Ziyong smiled and said, "Don't worry, fellow villagers. As long as I, Li Ziyong, am still your clan leader, I will protect all of us and protect the interests of our Lijia Village under the command of the mountain god."

Li Duosun still had no expression on his face, but just looked at the direction where Gao Hai disappeared, showing a trace of disgust and contempt, and then took a step to prepare to return to the village.


Then, his steps were forced to stop.

Through the qualitative analysis of the invitation, the man named [Gao Hai] had indeed disappeared. This man who possessed a strange power that was difficult for everyone to understand, but unfortunately failed to sacrifice successfully, could not threaten the village now.

But the question is, why is the strange thing in blue clothes that he created by strange means still here?

Beep beep beep--

A sharp whistle sounded from behind Li Duosun.

He turned around and saw a huge fire truck, which rushed straight towards him with an extremely fast posture. By the way, on the fire truck, there was a rescue team member sitting on the roof with a submachine gun, shooting at the village.

The police officer who stood silently for a long time, after confirming the malice around him through Gao Hai's mocking blessing, also drew his pistol. Inside the village, the illusory figure that had been hidden for a long time finally appeared.

Boom boom boom boom——

The next moment, as the four rescue team members attacked at the same time, the interweaving loud noises continued to shake the village.

Chapter 21: A land full of dead silence and unique DNA data

Where am I now?

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