Goto Ichiri felt that his brain was about to burn.

Mr. Hai... He was too close... too close too close too close too close too close...

The strong smell of hormones belonging to adult men rushed into his nose, mixed with the not-so-obvious smell of sweat caused by continuous running.

The skin of his arms rubbed against each other and felt rough, and his heavy chest sounded a heavy and powerful heartbeat through his clothes.

The joy of reunion at the beginning, the nervousness of trying every means to help each other escape, all turned into panic at this moment of body contact. If the two people at the end of the Yeluoshan Middle School mission had not been together for a long time, Ichiri would probably have fainted by now.

{Wow... You two... Mr. Gao, don't bully Pochi-chan...}

Kita Ikuyo, who was watching all this, had blushed, but she had no intention of looking away. Instead, she carefully observed Goto Ichiri's expression, wanting to confirm whether her companion had fallen.

Well, based on preliminary observation, it is very likely. She blushed to this extent, just like Mr. Gao's classmate Shigong in the Five Armies Battle.

This man, although he said that he did not push Pochi-chan, has it really developed to that point? Maybe, now it is only a layer of window paper away, right? Is he actually enjoying the feeling of deliberately not making the situation clear?

Perhaps because it is finally a little safe now, and Gao Hai promised so confidently that Zhenfei and others will be safe, Kita Yuyo has relaxed a little, and even has time to gossip.

{Don't talk nonsense, Ichiri and I are indeed innocent. Uh, at least so far, nothing has happened between me and her}

However, because she forgot to deploy her inner defense, all her little thoughts were heard by Gao Hai. Therefore, Gao Hai, who was still enjoying the trembling of the girl in his arms, couldn't help but turn his head and expressed his protest very seriously.

In response to this, Kita Ikuyo silently reopened her defenses, and then showed a completely distrustful expression to Gao Hai. Gao Hai could only sigh silently, wondering how a pure and upright good man like himself could be misunderstood as a sentimental scum who deliberately teased girls.

Well, could it be that Kita already likes me, so he deliberately said these words to attract my attention?

No, no, no, this idea is too low, this kind of thing is still not suitable for me. Okay, okay, let's focus on serious matters now. After all, the rescue team has been demolishing the house for a while, and Gao Hai estimates that it won't be long before the villagers will have a corresponding reaction.

{Ichiri, can you tell me about your specific situation here? No matter how you came to this place or what you have investigated here, any valuable information will do. I need information now, and now you are the only teammate I can get information from.}

Through the obsession to establish a temporary mental connection, Gao Hai spoke seriously to Goto Ichiri.


But Pochi's condition obviously didn't recover so quickly. The girl who was leaning against Gao Hai's chest had her eyes turned into circles and she felt dizzy.

So Gao Hai reached out and patted the girl's pink head with a little force.


"Woo wow!"

The system restarted successfully.

{Calm down, we are still in the dungeon and are still in a very dangerous situation}

Gao Hai said again through the temporary mental connection established by the obsession.

{Um... um... sorry, I, I, I am a little bit uncalm, um, where are the others...}

The girl, who finally woke up a little, gasped for several times in a row, and then moved her body awkwardly because the space in the cardboard box was too small. She replied to Gao Hai in a low voice through the mental connection with some discomfort.

It was so uncomfortable that even breathing became unsmooth.

And I always felt that my body was pressed against, hard, ah, could it be... could it be... woo wow, don't think about this now, don't think about this!

{I, I... I... I don't know how I got to this place. It seems that I was transferred away the moment I stepped into the village. Then I have been hiding here and investigating intelligence through clones...}

Goto Ichiri, who was slightly misunderstood by Gao Hai's black watch against her waist, almost had her CPU overloaded and melted on the spot.

However, Ichiri is a Red Moon-level player after all, so she finally calmed down, forced herself to divert her attention, and began to narrate what she knew.

From the moment she separated from Gao Hai and others when she entered the village until now, Ichiri has been quietly collecting intelligence in this abandoned village.

Because the clones are special weird things made by the guitar, they do not have a particularly obvious living nature compared to Goto Ichiri himself. The invisible death intentions are not very sensitive to these clones. Even if they will eventually kill the clones, the process is relatively slow, which is enough for Ichiri to use her expertise to find something to do in the process.

It took several hours for the girl's clones to run all over the village and confirm the following facts.

First, this abandoned village has no name. Unlike [Lijia Village] and [Liujia Village], this strange village does not have any name, and there is no wooden sign or stone slab with the name like the first two villages.

Second, there is really no moving, observable thing in this abandoned village. All the weird things here are invisible, just like the spreading death intentions. There is no physical structure that can be described, and there is no part that can be touched. All threats always appear in an elusive state.

Third, this abandoned village has been used for at least a period of time, and the original users were very hurried when evacuating here. The clones found a large number of houses with open or half-closed doors. After entering these houses and exploring them, the clones found that most of these houses had packed or unpacked luggage, and some other houses were completely empty, with no furniture inside. In some buildings, broken porcelain bowls and basins can be seen, and messy bedding scattered on the ground.

What kind of people used to live here?

What did they go through that made them move away in such a hurry, or run away?

What is the connection between this abandoned village and the current [Lijia Village], [Liujia Village] and other villages? These questions popped up in Gao Hai's mind one after another.

However, he did not speak. He just listened to Ichiri's investigation and the information he continued to tell.

The fourth point that Goto Ichiri wanted to talk about was about a person.

That was a man whose birth and death years were unknown, whose origins were unknown, and who was extremely mysterious from beginning to end.

According to some subtle clues found by Ichiri and the soldiers' self-talk, the name of an old Taoist priest called Ge Yuan appeared in Ichiri's investigation scope.

{I found a torn record at the edge of the village)

{It was a grave mound on a small hillside leading down the mountain. This piece of paper was placed in front of one of the inconspicuous graves and pressed down with a stone}

{The paper was severely damaged and stained. I have no way to restore it. Mr. Hai, can you try? I remember you have a related blessing}

After talking about serious matters, Yili quickly put aside her little girlish shame.

Gao Hai naturally did not refuse, so the two struggled in the cardboard box. Yili took a lot of effort to take out the damaged paper and handed it to Gao Hai. The posture of the two in the cardboard box also changed from face-to-face hugging at the beginning to Yili lying in Gao Hai's arms.

The power of blessing was quickly activated to restore the originally damaged document.

Then, Gao Hai saw the crooked record on it.

[Mountain and River Travel Notes 963, Ge Yuan]

[Today, I passed through the Dead Man Mountain again. This mountain stretches for at least 160 miles, and there are countless poisonous insects and beasts. If it weren't for the fact that I am still strong and brought a few young and strong apprentices, I am afraid it would not be so easy to get out of this place]

[However, the difficulties along the way are also a kind of spiritual cultivation for me. Haha, although I am just a fake Taoist priest with no background and only a little knowledge of pharmacology, I travel around the mountains and rivers, saving people and curing diseases along the way. After this journey, I can probably say that I am free and easy.]

[But the place I arrived at this time is really too weird.]

[The distribution of villages among these mountains is surprising enough. It is even worse that there are evil things hidden in this village.]

[These isolated villagers have lived with those things for a long time. Both sides have been at peace so far, but such a balance is really frightening. Maybe one day, as long as these villagers take a wrong step, the consequences will be irreparable.]

[How to boil herbs and how to treat patients, I know a little bit.]

[How to kill evil spirits and destroy weird things, this is difficult for me. After all, I am not a real Taoist priest. I am just an old man who still refuses to accept his fate.]

[However, since we have come to this place, it is fate.]

[There seems to be some kind of pattern in the actions of those evil spirits. Maybe if we find this pattern, we can eliminate the hidden dangers that these villagers need to face.]

[Ghost Crying Cave]

[Bottomless Lake]

[You must walk along these two directions. The Ghost Crying Cave is located at the top of Xiaohei Mountain and is difficult to reach. The Bottomless Lake can be reached by following the river. I heard that the Bottomless Lake is one of the two major lakes in Xiaohei Mountain. Unlike the Water Ghost Lake, this Bottomless Lake is located deep in the forest and is easy to encounter wild beasts. You still have to prepare swords and spears.]

[I don’t understand the grudge between the Bottomless Lake and the Ghost Crying Cave. I’m afraid that all the people in this village will be buried with it.]

[Alas, natural disasters and man-made disasters are inevitable, but why do man-made disasters always happen again? No matter what, at least I hope there will be a good result.]

[Then continue ■■■... (subsequent content has been torn up)]

Chapter 23: Many doubts and clues collected by Goto Ichiri

Taoist Ge Yuan.

Gao Hai silently wrote down the name.

Gao Hai himself was not surprised to find this new name and record in this dead village. After all, before this, he had already discovered another group of outsiders who entered this village besides the people who suppressed the strangeness through empathy with a certain strangeness.

According to the information I perceived at that time, the child was talking to a "little Taoist priest" and was telling the little Taoist priest not to go to his "master". So was Ge Yuan the so-called master?

Speaking of which, a considerable number of names and forces have appeared in this copy so far. Li Ziyong, Li Duosun and others in Lijia Village, Liujia Village is full of paper figures, the Jiang family, a ghost-suppressor from the outside world whose mission is to control the spread of monsters, and the old man Ichiri Gotou discovered in this abandoned village. Taoist priest Ge Yuan is already four different parts.

Among them, Liujiacun is the strangest place. This place seems to be opposite to Lijiacun, with day and night cyclically transforming each other. However, judging from the subsequent actions of the villagers from Lijiacun entering Liujiacun wantonly, it seems that this is not the case at all. One thing, I don’t understand how they operate. The same goes for the mountain temple. Kaguya could meet a seemingly friendly old woman there. There were also messages left inside the temple from generations of victims who had entered by mistake. As a result, the group of villagers emerged from the mountain temple again. coming. And... Gao Hai was very convinced that when he first watched the ceremony in the small square, when the villagers lifted the statue down, the direction they came from was different from the direction of the mountain temple that Kaguya found. .

Well, those villagers came down from the road leading to the mountain, and the mountain temple Kaguya found was on one side of the village, and the temple on Kaguya's side was very close to the village, just because the trees were denser. It's just hard to tell.

There are too many doubts.

The information in this copy may have been actively covered up and forged by the villagers. It is definitely not easy to find the correct information and the correct timeline. Apart from anything else, you must know that from entering the dungeon until now, Gao Hai has hardly seen any strange objects. In the end, those paper figures are just derivatives, and almost none of them truly represent the power of the dungeon itself. Never appeared.

"Besides this thing, have you found any other clues?"

After thinking for a while, Gao Hai looked at Yili, who was still in his arms and his face was still red, and asked.

"Well... there are a lot of graves outside this village. Well... well... I'd better... let Mr. Hai take a look."

The pink-haired girl carefully organized her words for a while, but she still couldn't speak clearly after a few words. So she thought about it, stood up on tiptoes in the carton, reached out to grab Gao Hai's shoulders and arched her head upwards, then pressed her white forehead directly against Gao Hai's forehead.

I feel that Goto Isri's spiritual power is gradually being passed on.

Gao Hai quickly realized what Yili wanted to do, closed her eyes, and allowed the other party to pass on her feelings.

Soon, a blurry picture appeared in Gao Hai's consciousness, and gradually became clearer.

It was a mass grave outside the panic village.

Mound after mound spread out on the withered hillside.

There are only rough wooden signs erected in front of many tombs, and there is nothing on the vast majority of tombs that can identify the deceased. Only a handful of tombs have tombstones properly erected, although the inscriptions have also been Just vague.

{Not just that, this is just what you see from the outside}

The girl's voice rang in Gao Hai's heart, and the scene that appeared in Gao Hai's consciousness began to move, heading deeper into the cemetery.

So next, Gao Hai saw many dug pits and corpses wrapped in straw mats next to the pits.

This is……

One after another, the number of corpses continues to increase as the perspective becomes closer. hundred...three hundred, no, more than three hundred, more than that...

There were a large number of corpses piled up on the hillside. Some corpses were not even wrapped in straw mats, but were thrown directly into the graves. And what is very strange is that although these corpses are bruised or swollen, there is no obvious signs of decay, and no maggots or the like can be seen. Some of the decay processes that should have occurred on corpses seemed to have been suspended on these corpses, forcibly interrupted by some force.

Gao Hai focused on the faces of the corpses.

Adults, old people, children...all are there. It's not like the Lijia Village and Liujia Village we passed before, where there are the bodies of children. In addition, all the corpses were in an extremely twisted and painful state. It seemed that they had experienced considerable pain before death. The fingernails of some corpses had turned over or fallen off, and there were a lot of scratches on their bodies, as if they were trying hard to grab something from their bodies before death. .

A small number of corpses were even disemboweled, with purple-black internal organs scattered on the ground, and some were caught by the dead.

Most of the corpses dumped in the center of the tomb are relatively neatly arranged, and they are either lying on their backs fully clothed, with unexcavated earth pits next to them, or they are naked and stripped of their clothes and then wrapped. The state of being on a straw mat. Near the edge of the graveyard and towards the village, the corpses were in a very messy state, as if they had been thrown into the graveyard casually and ignored.

Not far from the tomb, Gao Hai also discovered a large pit, in which were piled many charred corpses that were completely black. It seems that people in this village have also tried the strategy of burning corpses, but the effect does not seem to be very good.

{Plague? }

Gao Hai thought and spoke through the spiritual link.

{Well, it should be the plague}

Unlike speaking directly, Goto Ichiri's tone seemed to be much more cheerful in the spiritual link, and there was no stuttering or sudden interruption in the content of his words.

It was also at this time that Gao Hai saw that the picture that appeared in his mind suddenly began to flicker and darken. Then the perspective suddenly fell to the ground and began to shake violently. After a short time, the perspective suddenly fell to the ground. The darkness is gone.

So Gao Hai immediately understood that this was the perspective left by the clone created by Goto Isato.

{The maximum time a clone can survive in a graveyard will not exceed 3 minutes. Even if I give the clone the highest resistance by adjusting its basic data, it will still die quickly. That place is shrouded in the deadly power of rules, and nothing alive can maintain its ability to move for a long time}

Goto Ichiri was still explaining the situation to Gao Hai seriously.

{Well, this clue is quite valuable. I feel like my brain is a little messed up. What happened in this poor village...}

Gao Hai just sighed softly at this, and at the same time, his head turned faster. I began to think hard about the place Ichiri Goto discovered, the events represented by this area, when they happened before this copy was formed, and how they are related to the current [Lijia Village] and [Liujia Village].


If this is indeed a plague, then for a small village in the mountains, it can be said to be a complete disaster.

The population of this village, I think, is around a thousand, right? If a great plague really happened here, resulting in the death of more than 300 people, then almost 30% of the population would be lost directly, and I am afraid that the loss of young adults as the labor force would not be too small. After all, according to the era this village belonged to, the average life expectancy was not very long, and Gao Hai didn't see many old people from that perspective.

So, could it be because of the plague?

Because of the plague, the entire village suffered a disaster, so the survivors quickly fled the village, leaving only corpses in a mess on the ground, unable to even be buried, and a completely abandoned village?

Because of the plague, the whole village was in a desperate situation, so some things that were originally hidden in the shadows found the opportunity to find the village at that time, promised something to the people in the village, and then used it to threaten the entire village. exerted some influence and led to today's situation step by step?

No, there is no need to invent a "mastermind". What is the situation of these villagers in Lijia Village can only be known after more careful investigation.

There is also the problem of [Little Black Mountain Mountain God] and [Fox Lady]. The mountain god seems to be an inhuman thing with a clear self at present, but it is artificially created like Alice. Whether it is a special existence of monsters and humans, or something else, it is currently impossible to make a conclusion. That fox lady didn't even know what it was. After all, Gao Hai had never encountered that thing from beginning to end.

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