If there is no way to enter the village smoothly and be teleported again, Yili will use the power of the guitar to change the order of action between himself and his clone, let the clone be teleported instead of himself, and then stay outside the village to support Gao Hai and his group.

Floating in the air, Kita looked at Yili very nervously at this time, worried that his friend would encounter problems again and be forced to be alone.

Fortunately, the [Liujia Village] on this side did not seem to have the problems on the [Lijia Village] side, and Yili easily stepped into the village without any rejection.

{I successfully entered without encountering any problems}

Through the temporary link established by the obsession, Yili said to Gao Hai with a little nervousness.

{Okay, continue to act, find a safe house first, and then start searching for houses where fox statues may exist! }

Gao Hai nodded, and then turned his attention back to the village in front.

At this moment, the entire team has entered the village, officially passed the stone engraved with [Liujia Village], and entered the building area covered by earthen houses.

I can feel the temperature around me is still dropping.

However, the atmosphere inside the village is not much different from that in the first round. It seems that even if the existence of the paper man is confirmed directly, as long as the paper man in the sight range is killed on the spot with bombs, the paper man in other areas will not trigger the chain hatred.

Then, what's next...


I instinctively felt something.

The instant crisis instinct made Gao Hai's attention quickly shift to a certain direction.

Then, before he could react, his thinking had slowed down rapidly.

At this moment, I felt the sight of something, projected from a distant place.

The creepy chill almost immediately covered my whole body.

Even if it was just a sight, just a gaze staring at me, Gao Hai felt extremely uncomfortable, as if his consciousness and body were torn apart at this moment, uncontrollably peeling off layers of structure, and being peeped and observed at will in every cell.


The next moment, that feeling had disappeared.

The gaze that was looking at him just glanced at him casually, and then he was too lazy to look at him again.

What was going on?

Gao Hai was a little confused. Of course, he could realize that it was the gaze of the [Mountain God], but he couldn't understand why the Mountain God suddenly cast his gaze at him to observe him. After all, it was only the beginning of the second round. He had never contacted any villagers and had no formal interaction with [Lijia Village]. In this case, the [Mountain God] should not notice him, but it just looked at him inexplicably at the beginning.

Even if the other party just glanced at him casually, he lost interest and stopped paying attention to Gao Hai and others, showing the same arrogance as in the first round. But this abnormal behavior itself has explained the problem, and Gao Hai really couldn't ignore it.

Why is it like this?

Obviously, when Jianzi and others entered [Liujia Village] in the first round, they did not attract the attention of the Mountain God. Why is that thing looking at him now?

"Well... that's..."

The girls around him also showed some reaction at this time. Cold sweat broke out on the foreheads of Zhenfei and others, and their forward movements were more or less deformed. Among them, Jianzi almost fell to the ground. They were all watched by the mountain god in the previous second, and they had a strong reaction.

Were all watched?

Is it because a large group of us entered [Liujia Village] that attracted the attention of the mountain god? So, it's just because there are so many people?

If so, it seems that there is no need to worry too much for the time being.

Gao Hai breathed a sigh of relief.


Then, he heard Jianzi's trembling voice beside him.

The moment he realized that the situation was not good, Gao Hai had turned his head to look at Jianzi and activated the blessing of Chiyo Hachiya, preparing to adjust Jianzi's memory.

But what was faster than Gao Hai was the speed at which Jianzi Yotsuya's condition deteriorated.


A crack opened on the girl's beautiful cheek.

Bang! ! !

The next moment, Jianzi's head exploded directly, and the splashing blood dyed the street red and splashed on everyone.

On her neck, dark red vines spread, and a bright blood-red flower grew from the broken neck.


Gao Hai's shout did not come out in time.

The girl whose head was replaced by flowers had already reached out her hand and took out Gao Hai's heart directly.

Chapter 32: It's beautiful, it's beautiful, it's in your body, accept it quickly~

The severe pain spread in the chest.

The bright red color was splashing everywhere.

The girls around him reacted differently, all of them were shocked and astonished, and immediately began to respond.

Gao Hai did not move.

In this instant, he did not move at all, but silently stared at Yotsuya Jianzi in front of him, or... something that should have been Yotsuya Jianzi.

The blood-red flower has replaced the girl's head.

The flowers covered by the bright colors could not tell the specific species, but only made people feel the magnificence and splendor of the flowers. The flowers themselves seemed to be completely condensed from Jianzi's blood, and if you look closely, it seems to be still flowing, maintaining the dual posture of liquid and solid.

If Gao Hai had just found such a special flower somewhere and appreciated it, he would not have such a complicated mood.

Well... Now that his heart has been dug out, can he cosplay as Bi Gan?

Feeling the intense pain after his heart was directly taken out of his body, Gao Hai's thoughts could not help but deviate, and then returned to the right track.

Regardless of this, this attack was too fast.

It was so sudden and so unexpected that there was no clear sign at all, so Gao Hai had no time to make any preparations and was hit hard on the spot.

The question now is, why did it become like this?

Gao Hai must figure out the specific reasons for the current changes and the root cause of the problem.

He could clearly sense that the strange power had taken over Jianzi's body, and the girl's consciousness had been annihilated and disappeared.

Even with Hirano Sosuke's immortal blessing, it was impossible to resurrect if the holder of the blessing had lost himself. At most, he could only resurrect a humanoid piece of meat without humanity and reason.

Once again, Yotsuya Jianzi died directly at the beginning of the copy.

And this time it was the fastest one, from the beginning of the second round to now it was not even half an hour. And unlike the last time when Gao Hai was not around and could not protect her, Jianzi died directly in front of Gao Hai this time. And during the whole process, Gao Hai had no time to make any effective response, and could only watch her die in front of him, and then be possessed by the strange power and turned into a manipulated monster.

Why is this happening?

Time was almost stagnant at this moment, and the pain caused by the chest injury could not interfere with Gao Hai's thinking speed. He looked at the girl in front of him with a broken head and a strange bright flower replacing her head, and his thinking speed became faster and faster.

The god of the Little Black Mountain, that thing cast a gaze towards himself and the entire player team.

There was not much emotion in that gaze, and the other party seemed to just glance casually, and then no longer paid attention to the situation here. Well, just like the characteristics of this thing in the first round, it has a contemptuous attitude towards any player, so even if Gao Hai did this very strange and unreasonable behavior at the beginning, the god of the mountain would only take a look at most, and would not seriously observe and confirm the situation.

But just such a glance directly killed Yotsuya Miko.

There is no doubt that she saw something.

When all the team members including Gao Hai did not find anything, but just experienced the oppression of being watched by the superior, Miko's overly powerful perception played a role again, allowing her to directly see and perceive something special.

And as the price of observation, that thing directly polluted Miko, killed her and turned her into a weirdo.

Cognitive pollution.

The only thing that can explain this situation is something that has polluted cognition. This thing is not unfamiliar to Gao Hai. He has been exposed to this kind of thing that changes with the player's cognition since Shirakawa Apartment.

The problem is that the spread of polluted information should usually be a gradual process, unless it touches something too outrageous, close to the root of the copy or even directly a certain aspect of the root of the copy... Ah, this kind of thing is not impossible for Jianzi, so what she saw at that moment was some key clues behind the existence of [Xiaoheishan Mountain God]. The key is that the girl only took a look and the price was paid in one step. The person died on the spot.

However, the speed is a bit too fast.

Obviously, the current Yotsuya Jianzi has grown a lot. Whether it is willpower or the extraordinary power she possesses, she should not die so quickly. She should not be polluted immediately because she sensed something, so that she became like this now.

Is it because the enemy this time is too heavy, so Jianzi can't withstand this pollution at all?

Or is the problem somewhere else, but it is just difficult to find the key on the surface?

Gao Hai suddenly recalled some of his experiences in the first round.

If we only consider the intensity of the mental pollution he has felt, this mountain god does not seem to be able to kill Jianzi instantly. In fact, the reason why Gao Hai is so confused about Jianzi's situation is mainly because he has felt the breath and power of that thing more than once, and knows that this level is not enough to threaten the player's life, at least it cannot kill the player instantly within one second.

However, that is just Gao Hai's "felt one second", and the actual time that has passed in Jianzi's perception may not be the same.

Just like when Gao Hai provoked the mountain god before and was covered by the opponent's power, without the [Moyu Gang] coming to the rescue and without the power of the mysterious paper money obsession, Gao Hai's consciousness might still be trapped in the There was no way to break free in that second. This is also the same situation when it comes to Miko. Everyone was indeed just glanced at, but in fact, the time when this thing really stared at the player may be completely different for everyone.

If we think in this direction, is the different passage of time experienced by different players adjusted according to the player's spirit, or is it completely determined by the mountain god?

If it was the latter, would it have been done deliberately by the mountain god?

{Haijun! }

Before the thought was over, Zhen Fei's shouts were heard beside her.

But the one who was faster than Zhen Fei was another girl whose eyes were already stained with blood red.

{Everyone, be careful! }

The bloody field bloomed violently, knocking Miko's headless body out, and quickly enveloped every player present.

Goto Kazuri had already strummed several notes in succession, but the expression on her face was very heavy, and the surrounding situation had not changed much. Obviously, no matter how she manipulated the clone or changed her actions just now, there was no way to prevent Miko's death and strange possession. This matter seems to have been fixed on the timeline. It will inevitably happen when the time comes, and nothing can be done.

{Takakun, Yotsuya-san, she...}

Kaguya, who had just released her domain, opened her mouth and wanted to say something to Gao Hai.

But before she could say anything, the headless corpse had already climbed up from the ground, with many wounds scratched out from its body by the bloody field. The strange thing is that Gao Hai can clearly see that large and small red flowers have begun to grow at the bloody mouth.

very beautiful.

This was Gao Hai's first subconscious reaction.

Although this idea is really strange, at this moment, when he saw the crumbling and mutilated corpse standing up, and when he saw the blood-red flowers blooming from the body one after another, Gao Hai felt... My first reaction was that I thought it was beautiful.

Yes, it's really beautiful, isn't it?

Such beautiful flowers.

So cute, so beautiful.

As long as you see such beautiful flowers, there will be no worries at all, right?

Just accept it.

Accept it with your body and mind.

Just like the sweet and beautiful years you had with it.

Just like your ancestors did, accept its existence.

Accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it accept it...


Gao Hai coughed up a large mouthful of blood.

The bright red liquid fell on the ground, and blood-red flowers bloomed.

And at the same time, several dark red flowers slowly grew on Gao Hai's chest.

The curse and pollution of the spirit... no... it's the curse in the blood... What is this feeling? These sounds and breaths are like a reunion after a long absence... No, to me, this is not a reunion after a long absence. I have never seen or been exposed to this thing, but, but...

Gao Hai looked around in silence.

Shinbi, Kaguya, Chika, Hayasaka, Ichiri.

The five girls had all lost their voices, all of them had grown blood-red flowers, and they stood still in silence.

The bright and beautiful blood flowers came out from the girls' skin, hair, eyes and noses, and even from every corner of their bodies. Large and small holes spread across their bodies, and more and more vines grew inside them, producing more densely packed flowers.

What a beauty.

Can you feel it?

It never really left.

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