The real Liujia Village also appeared in front of Gao Hai at this moment.

This is a village full of flowers.

It was completely covered with countless blood-red flowers. From the ground to the walls to the forest, anywhere you could see, you could clearly see dense red flowers and blood-red vines.

The power of blessing had quickly repaired Gao Hai's body and restored him to normal, including his lost heart, arms and eyes.

But almost immediately, the dark red color spread again, and the blood-red flowers bloomed again on Gao Hai's body.

Gao Hai didn't care about these.

What he cared about was the thing that slowly walked out from the corner of the street.

It seemed to be a child, or something with a child-like body. Although it was essentially just a human-shaped object entangled with blood-colored vines and flowers, there seemed to be no difference between those things and children in terms of their actions.

Gao Hai could even hear them humming and what these human-shaped blood flowers were singing.

[Laughing monk, laughing at the crazy~]

[Every family offers incense, laughing and playing every day~]

[Who is watching over the three realms and ten directions, how many sad brows and tearful eyes~]

[Only hear a voice of despair, that sad heart is a smile~]

[As long as the four seas are afraid and happy, everyone will smile and fill the universe~]

In the singing again and again, those human-shaped flesh and blood surrounded Gao Hai one after another. In less than a minute, more than 30 human-shaped blood flowers gathered around Gao Hai. In addition to the children at the beginning, the blood flowers that appeared later in the shape of adults actually held farm tools such as sickles and hoes. They looked like they were quite afraid of Gao Hai.

Chapter 35: The bloody village in a dead loop and the next target point

The air is very turbid.

The strong smell of rot and blood mixed in the already humid air, and it feels like mold is growing in the lungs when you smell it.

But this kind of thing is nothing to Gao Hai.

Compared to the smell that just made people feel a little uncomfortable, Gao Hai felt that the art style of this village was more worthy of discussion. After all, the blood-red flowers all over the mountains were too bright and too dazzling.


Blood-red that covered the sky.

Countless blood-colored vines and blood-colored flowers spread everywhere, growing continuously on everything Gao Hai could see.

Even the color of the sky showed a dark red light. Thick clouds completely covered the sky, and the dark red light of unknown origin shone from behind the clouds, adding a bit of weirdness to the already weird blood-colored village.

Could the thing emitting red light above the clouds be the red moon that must exist in the red moon-level copy?

Thinking of this, Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the thing in front of him.

[Liujia Village]

On the outskirts of the village covered with blood-colored flowers, he found a half-collapsed door plaque that was so blurred that it was almost impossible to distinguish.

Later, by comparing it with the [Liujia Village] full of paper figures in his memory, Gao Hai finally determined that although the two villages were very different in appearance, the overall house layout, road division and direction, etc. were indeed exactly the same, and basically completely consistent.

No, not just [Liujia Village]. In fact, including [Lijia Village], including the village full of dead silence and no active individuals that Goto Ichiri entered, every building and every road in the four different villages discovered so far correspond to each other and are completely consistent. Maybe there will be some different places outside the village, such as the signboard outside [Lijia Village], the graves outside the nameless village, the mountain temple outside [Liujia Village] under the night sky, etc. But only the village area is completely one-to-one, without any difference.

Why is this so?

Gao Hai thought silently, but he couldn't think of any answer for a while, but he determined that the specific area of ​​[Village] probably has an extraordinary meaning in the copy, so that no matter which space he travels to, this place can maintain a certain stability and convergence.

Apart from that, regardless of the village that has now changed four different skins, the villagers in this bloody village are what Gao Hai cares more about.


A twisted and entangled figure walked past Gao Hai in a murmur that was unclear.

It was a figure that maintained a basic human shape, and from the outline, it was probably an adult male figure.

The reason why it was described as "probably" was because the thing was actually just a shape of blood-red vines and flowers entwined with each other. This thing was like the plant-like zombie in the "Resident Evil 2 Remake" that Gao Hai had played before, and it was even further than that thing, because there was no human tissue or bone left on this thing, only pure vines and flowers.

As for what this thing was doing, just look at the hoe on its shoulder and the other busy vine figures outside the village not far away, and you can understand it. Well, that's right, this monster with a twisted and weird appearance was about to do farm work, or to do something like "looking like it was doing farm work".

After all, the rice ears and vegetables in the farmland have all turned into blood-red flowers and vines. It really doesn't seem like there's anything worth taking care of, let alone something that can be eaten.


More voices echoed in the village.

Gao Hai looked inside the village again, and he saw several children made of blood-colored vines and flowers, chasing each other on the loess road, waving branches and stones, looking very lively and lively.

There were also some vine people who looked like women washing the wriggling vines and flowers by the blood-red river, just like washing clothes. And if you go inside the house, you can also see vine people burning vines in the stove covered with vines, and boiling vines and flowers in a big pot, just like cooking.

When they first came here, these vine people showed strong hostility to Gao Hai, or... fear? In short, when these things surrounded Gao Hai with hoes, sickles, kitchen knives and other things, he thought about whether he would be beaten to death on the spot by these weird villagers. But I don’t know if the blood flowers growing on their bodies attracted attention. After surrounding Gao Hai for a while, these things suddenly dispersed on their own and completely lost interest in him. No matter what Gao Hai did, these things just kept repeating what they were doing, even if he broke into the bedrooms of these vine people and searched around.

This seemed to be a place that had entered a dead loop.

After walking around the village for a long time, Gao Hai couldn't help but have such an idea.

He repeatedly observed the actions of many villagers and found that they were actually repeating a certain behavior, and it could even be said that this space was repeating a cycle. For example, a vine villager who was chopping wood would pick up an axe in a fixed place, walk to the woodland outside the village, then cut off some branches, and then walk back. Gao Hai tried to take the axe from this villager, but the other party had no reaction. He continued to hold the axe, waving it in the air to chop, and the branches would really break as this thing chopped.

Then, at some point, the axe disappeared from Gao Hai's hand and returned to the villager's hand. Even if he put the axe in a space-type obsession, it would disappear after a while. Then Gao Hai checked the branches that the villagers had cut and found that those branches would disappear by themselves after the villagers returned to the village, put down their axes, and piled them in the corners. The cut branches in the woodland would recover, and then the villagers would set out again to cut and collect again.

All the villagers were repeating a behavior, which was long or short, mostly about 5 to 10 minutes. Any items that interacted with these things would return to their original state after the repeated behavior ended, waiting for the villagers to come again. As a bystander, no matter how Gao Hai interfered, at most he would only make these villagers pause their actions, return directly to the starting point of the cycle, and then reset and start a new round of actions again.

The blood-colored flowers and vines that absorbed Gao Hai's flesh and blood and continued to grow showed completely different properties on these villagers. It neither killed the villagers completely and turned them into dead objects, nor did it become a highly aggressive monster like Jianzi. They just kept repeating, repeating the same behavior over and over again, and there was no other movement. Even the aggression shown to Gao Hai at the beginning was not triggered again, so that Gao Hai could not help but start to doubt whether these things had shown hostility to him.

In addition, he did not find any statues of the Fox Goddess in the village.

It was clear in the intelligence that [Liujia Village] believed in the so-called Fox Goddess, but [Liujia Village] could find the existence of the Fox Goddess under the night sky, but there was nothing in this village covered with blood-colored flowers.

Not only the Fox Goddess, but the altar of the ghost-suppressing man did not exist here, and the ancestral hall where the mountain god statue was placed in [Lijia Village] was also empty in this space.

Gao Hai also followed the path that Kaguya and others had taken in the first round and went to the location of the mountain god temple in the forest. As a result, he found that there was only a ruin that looked like it had been burned and had collapsed, leaving only the foundation and some ruins.

No documents that could be read and identified were found.

Even if Gao Hai almost turned the entire village upside down, he could not find any documents that could provide information or valuable clues.

There are only a group of villagers in a loop and blood-colored flowers everywhere.

It's like this space, this world has been completely abandoned and completely abandoned. Gao Hai can't find anything meaningful here.

"Is this the real [Liujia Village]?"

Gao Hai stretched out his hand to rub his forehead, then pulled off the flowers growing on his side face and sighed deeply.

It took him almost half an hour to complete the exploration of [Liujia Village]. At this time, a large number of blood flowers have grown all over his body. Even wearing the rescue team badge can't suppress the growth of this ghost thing.

Time is running out.

It's meaningless to stay in this village.

But it doesn't make sense. The group of unruly people in Lijia Village can live so well and can continue to kill people to obtain flesh and blood under the leadership of the mountain god. Why is Liujia Village like this? In the information provided by the gang of [Red Society] before, weren't the people in Liujia Village alive and well?

Or did I enter the wrong time point?

Gao Hai frowned, silently thinking about what he had said to the Fox Queen.

At that time, in order to be as cautious as possible, he said he was going to "the current Liujia Village" and "the Liujia Village area in this copy." If this fox lady is obsessed with words to fulfill her wish, then might the problem lie in the word "now". After all, the sentence "Liujiacun in this dungeon" is actually not rigorous. There has never been a saying that there is only one identical area in a dungeon. Gao Hai had already learned this when he was in the Red Nut Gray Cave.

"Before fixation, during fixation, and after fixation, except for the fixed copy of [Infant Cry Village] that I came to, the shape of this place before fixation and after fixation are completely different, and it is also different between fixation and after fixation. . Some players will enter abandoned villages, and some players will enter villages where three different groups of villagers are gathered. What I see are villages with different surnames that are independent of each other and separated from each other. This may represent the timeline. difference."

"In other words, each different village is the result of slices and transformations at a certain period in the past history of this place. And the 'present' Liujia Village probably represents the last one, which will no longer happen. The changed Liujia Village. In other words, I reached the [ending] of Liujia Village?”

Gao Hai whispered to himself, trying to summarize and analyze his current situation.

Understood in this way, it seems much more reasonable.

No, that's not right. Just saying this may not be enough to explain everything.

After all, the villages I have seen so far have all evolved based on a template. They are like applying the same set of map data and adding reuse areas of different textures. There is no big structural difference between them. any difference. Among them, Gao Hai has never been able to find any trace of the space where villagers with different surnames gather together, which was discovered by the players in a fixed stage.

The four spaces discovered so far are all from the same village model. In a sense, it can be considered that these four villages are actually one. So, when the Liu family was wiped out by this strange blood flower, there was no reason why the Li family could be spared. You must know that Zhen Fei and others are at least the top starting players of the Dark Night level, but they couldn't stand in front of that thing for a second, and were killed by the group on the spot. Ordinary people would not be able to survive in any case.

But thinking this way, it seems that the existence of the mountain god has been ignored. After all, judging from the reaction of the mountain god after being infected by this thing, that thing should have faced the blood flower head-on and be able to understand it deeply.'s still a mess. I thought I would be able to solve the mystery after entering Liujia Village, but it turns out the situation seems to have become more complicated. Tsk, forget it’s complicated. If you can’t find the Fox Lady here, it might not be that easy to leave here.

After thinking for a moment, Gao Hai turned his head and looked outside the village at the trees covered with blood-colored flowers and vines.

So, now that you're here, let's try to go deeper. If I remember correctly, there should be something up here, such as the [Ghost Crying Cave] and the [Bottomless Lake] where the river branch flows.

Having made up his mind, Gao Hai stepped forward and accelerated towards the road up the mountain.

Soon, he came to the square where he watched the festival of gods. Different from [Lijiacun], the square here is empty. No trees or high platforms exist at all. Even vines and blood flowers do not grow here, and the yellow-brown ground can be directly seen.

Through the perspective of the [Teacher] lurking in the rescue team's badge, Gao Hai could clearly see that the weird God's Day ceremony had begun again in the square over at [Lijiacun].

Mao Busi and others, who had met once before in the first week, were also in the square at this time. They had preliminary contact with the rescue team before, and they were aware of Gao Hai's existence. But now they are trapped here like other players, with no way to take any action.

Speaking of which... there seems to be a certain connection between villages in different dimensions. For example, the aerial bomb detonated in Liujiacun at night can also have an effect in Lijiacun. So, if an aerial bomb is detonated in this bloody space, what will be the result?

Thinking of Gao Hai here, he couldn't help but pause slightly and his eyes lit up.

Chapter 36: Communication with the Moyu Gang and re-exploration of the Lijiacun space

The time went back to more than an hour ago. At the same time that Gao Hai entered [Liujia Village] under the night, the [Teacher] and police officer who were left behind at [Lijia Village] were also at Gao Hai's. Act under command.

Even though Gao Hai's team was brutally wiped out shortly after entering Liujia Village at night and only Gao Hai was left alone, the operations on this side did not stop and were still under Gao Hai's command. However, because Gao Hai did not know the action routes of the three players of the "Moyu Gang" in advance, even though Gao Hai had ordered the "Teacher" and the police to act as quickly as possible, he still could not reach the three players in time. Stop him before entering the village.

However, despite this, Gao Hai still successfully found the route of the three players and confirmed that they were in another forest about 15 kilometers away from the initial location where Gao Hai and others entered the dungeon. It is worth mentioning that through this observation, Gao Hai discovered many hidden paths that were not discovered in the first round. These inconspicuous roads cover many mountains and dense forests within a range of hundreds of kilometers around the village, and the roads are crisscrossed and extremely complex. Unless players have a super-wide range of perception, it is almost impossible to meet other players on these forest roads.

And it was also during this exploration process that Gao Hai discovered that there were more than 30 different notice boards set up around this [Lijia Village]. By setting the length and path of each road, it ensured that the players entering the dungeon could hardly meet before entering the village, and they would definitely see the text information on the notice board shortly after entering the dungeon.

Through further observation, Gao Hai also found that the villagers who came to guide the players into the village were not hiding near the notice board in advance, but were "refreshed" near the notice board after the players read the content on the notice board. If it weren't for the fact that the person in charge of the investigation was a [teacher] with the ability to be invisible, there were several times when the rescue team almost ran into the villagers who appeared out of thin air around the notice board.

So, is there some hidden connection between the words on the notice and these villagers? Or is it that the behavior of [reading information] triggered some rules?

Then the reason why Li Duosun was able to throw Gao Hai into another entrance to another space with just one sentence in the first round, and Li Ziyong was able to control the mobility of Gao Hai's team members with just a few words, could it be related to the notice they had read on the notice board?

Seeing the dungeon rules and recognizing the relevant rules is equivalent to [acknowledging] certain hidden rules. If this idea is correct, it means that the fact that players first enter the dungeon, find the notice board and see the content of the notice is a trap in itself?

Generally speaking, when a player first enters a dungeon, he or she will soon be able to obtain a basic rule sheet through some means. Generally speaking, this rule sheet obtained in the initial stage will not be too detailed, and the content in it cannot guarantee that the player can pass the level. It only gives the player a perspective to understand the dungeon. The player can understand what kind of place he or she has come to through the text information on the rule sheet, which can be said to be a very critical early clue.

Because this point has not been missed in the Dusk, Dark Night, or Red Moon dungeons, a consensus has been formed among the player community. After entering a new dungeon, everyone will subconsciously think that they can find a document recording the dungeon rules by looking around nearby. This has even been summarized by the players as the first of the [Three Basic Rules of the Sacrifice Game], which means that the players have formed an inertial thinking on this matter and will no longer subconsciously doubt it. Even if there are initial rules such as [Alice's Game Rules] that do have traps, at least it is a rule sheet that can be referenced, and as long as you look carefully, you can find the problems in it.

As for the notice in the dungeon [Infant Crying Village], the "rules" in the notice seem to have no big problems on the surface. After all, there are messages left by survivors in the mountain temple of Liujia Village under the cover of night as a comparison. But considering the use of the rules by these villagers, Gao Hai had to think about a possibility, that is, the act of players obtaining this rule sheet itself would trigger some hidden rules. Just like the invitation, it unknowingly led the players into a dangerous situation, allowing the villagers of Lijia Village to gain an absolute advantage in some rules.

Of course, this is just a speculation, and there is no evidence to prove it. But for Gao Hai, having certain speculations and inferences is enough for him to take action. After all, as a player, he has no restrictions on finding 100% accurate evidence before taking action.

Therefore, at the same time that Gao Hai was hugged by the fox lady, the police officer began to search all the notice boards near the village under his instructions, and conveyed the locations of all these notice boards to Gao Hai through the link of the badge. As for the reason for doing this, it was very simple. He wanted to use a pistol to remotely lock all the notice boards at the beginning of the third round and destroy them all. For the blessed pistol that can ignore the spatial distance to lock the target attack, this operation is quite simple. Of course, making such an attack may cause great trouble to Gao Hai's team like the previous glance of the mountain god.

But that kind of thing will be left to the next round to think about. He can't take care of these problems now.

So, at the same time that Gao Hai finally arrived at Liujia Village, which was full of blood-red flowers, the police began to walk quickly along the mountains and primeval forests near Lijia Village, looking for and marking the location of each notice board.

As for the [Teacher], he has now arrived in the village and directly found the location of the three players of the Moyu Gang.

The man called Brother Cat was staying in the bedroom of a resident at this time. Among his other two companions, one of them looked very young and was on guard at the door of the bedroom, and the other was sitting in the corner, staring at an old tortoise shell in his hand. It looked like the turtle shell was an obsession, but Gao Hai really couldn't figure out how to use it.

Unlike his own teammates, as a weirdo teammate summoned by the rescue team badge, [Teacher] cannot directly reflect Gao Hai's thoughts, nor can he establish a mental link to communicate. Although this thing has been basically harmless, it is still essentially a weirdo from the Red Moon-level dungeon. Even top players would be courting death if they interacted with it mentally.

Not only that, it is also very difficult to get [Teacher] to fully execute the delicate operations he ordered and communicate verbally. The weirdos who have become rescue team members still have their own set of behavioral logic, and forcing them to order is very troublesome. For example, when giving instructions to police officers, if they encounter a situation where they need to fight the enemy and protect others at the same time, it is difficult for Gao Hai to order the police officers to protect them. Its behavioral logic as a weirdo will make the police officers strongly inclined to rush up and kill the enemy. However, although this is said, Gao Hai finally succeeded in finding the correct way to communicate after trying for a while.

[Brother Mao, the following are listening questions, please listen to the questions. Question 1: You are a member of the Moyu Gang, and I am a friendly monster summoned by the obsession. My summoner is Gao Hai, a player known by your companion Xiong Mi. How many people's network do you need to go through to establish contact with me? ]

[Question 2: There are 55 players in the village, 10 of whom are Red Moon-level players, and the rest are Dark Night-level players. Half an hour later, you will be taken to the central square of Lijia Village to participate in the Welcoming God Festival ceremony. Among them, 8 players may choose to escape when the villagers are not prepared. How many players will be in the square to participate in the Welcoming God Festival ceremony? ]

[Question 3: The villagers of Lijia Village worship the mountain god of Xiaoheishan, and are mainly from the Li clan. However, according to the early intelligence of the Red Society, there should be villagers from three different clans in the "Infant Crying Village" dungeon. Do you think the other villagers are located in a physically separated area on the map that can be directly reached, or are they isolated by some kind of spatial force and need to be reached by specific means? 】

【Question 4...】

The "teacher" in a black suit, holding a newly dismantled bed leg, used the wall on one side of the house as a blackboard, and began to ask questions to the three players of the Moyu Gang.

This was a very formal on-site test. The three players not only had to answer the "teacher's" questions, otherwise the conversation would be stuck and could not continue. After the conversation, the "teacher" would actually give the three students scores, and the scores and rankings would be based on the standards when the "teacher" could still retain a clear self-awareness.

Although this might be a bit strange, Gao Hai could only use the "teacher's" mechanism in this way to quickly pass on information.

As for the appearance of the teacher, although Mao Ge was stunned on the spot at first, and vaguely had the posture of launching an attack, as questions that actually contained information appeared, he quickly understood it, and answered all the questions of the [teacher] with a surprised face and added some information he had investigated in his answers. The two sides completed their first formal meeting. Well, Gao Hai felt that it was quite formal. At least this time everyone talked and communicated well, instead of being beaten into meat patties before they could even say a word of greeting like last time.

Gao Hai knew the names and nicknames of the three players. Among them, Brother Mao’s real name was Mao Bu Si, and he had always been one of the central figures of the Mo Yu Gang. The young man was Xiao Guo, whose real name was Guo Hang. To be honest, this nickname almost immediately reminded Gao Hai of Lao Guo, whom he met at the first level. Of course, Xiao Guo was a member of the first-class Red Moon-level player team, and he was definitely not on the same level as the fried fish tumor. As for the last one, this person was nicknamed Taoist, and his real name was Li Nianyou. He was a fake Taoist who grew up in a Taoist temple and wandered around. From the richness of his experience alone, it can be said that he was far ahead of others, and he really had a prophecy blessing that sometimes worked and sometimes didn’t, which made him a little weird.

The conversation between Gao Hai and Brother Mao did not last long. First, Gao Hai was not present, so the Moyu Gang was more or less vigilant. Second, the restrictions of the [Teacher] interfered with the speed of communication, so that Gao Hai was not able to explain his intelligence and speculation until the villagers came to call for dinner.

Then, he saw the actions taken by the three players.

None of the three players on the table planned to try the delicious food on the table. But if they really refused, it was hard to say what would happen. So Brother Mao thought about the information conveyed by Gao Hai, and immediately took out a small gold bar from his backpack and stuffed it into the villager in the name of "giving a red envelope". As a result, the villager kept refusing at first and refused to accept it, so Xiao Guo came up and sang the same tune with Brother Mao, and forced the gold bar into the villager's pocket while talking and reciting.

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