【Ghost Crying Cave】

To be honest, Gao Hai was not completely sure that this was the "Ghost Crying Cave", but the problem was that there were really no other cave entrances around. He also used his auditory blessing to scan the surroundings and confirmed that there were really no other ventilations around. I came here after I was completely sure that this deep cave only existed.

To be honest, I really don’t want to come here. This kind of dark cave makes people feel uncomfortable just looking at the entrance.

But according to Gao Hai's judgment, the time and distance traveled from the Festival Square to the [Bottomless Lake] should be less than the [Ghost Crying Cave]. Although the three players should be good in strength, if they are trapped by the monster The situation is equally as bad as the other, so it is better to choose [Bottomless Lake], which may be reached faster, while [Ghost Crying Cave], on the other hand, must be reached from high seas, regardless of whether he wants it or not. .

But I didn't hear anything crying.

Do you have to enter a certain area inside the cave to hear it? Hopefully there will never be a time when you have to crawl around in a tight area.

Thinking like this, Gao Hai, through the perspective of [Teacher], happened to confirm that the three players of Moyu Gang had arrived at a lake area in a woodland. It was a very quiet lake covered by fine aquatic plants, so peaceful that the players You can't even hear a sound of insects or birds even if you get close.

Both sides arrived at their destination smoothly, which made Gao Hai a little relieved. He looked back at the way he came, but did not see the bloody figure, and then looked back at the cave ahead. He gritted his teeth and started walking.

Then he heard footsteps chasing him from behind.

That thing moves too fast.

Even though he was aware of the other party's appearance and approach and had made preventive preparations, this time, Gao Hai only had time to call out the third aerial bomb, and the thing stuck to Gao Hai's body from behind.

I felt the other person's touch.

There is a sign that consciousness will be cut off in an instant.

There is no time to specify, the third aerial bomb must be detonated immediately, explode now——

boom! ! !

Flames swept up.

Gao Hai didn't see anything.

All he felt was a deep hug.

An embrace that was so strong that it overwhelmed all the senses, overwhelming all cognition in an instant and overwriting all existence.

is it.

It finds you.

It has finally found you.

After spending a long time in this cage of ignorance, it finally embraces you again.

Stay... awake... I have to...

Don't resist.

Stop resisting it.

Accept her.

Just like before, just like everyone has done before, accept her.

I'm...not right...no...

Don’t get lost…it must not be like this…

Do you forget it?

Have you forgotten that time?

We once hugged each other so closely, and we were so intimately connected by flesh and blood.

As she falls from the starry sky.

When she comes to you who are still ignorant.

do you remember?

She loves you so deeply.

She has been with you since you were a naughty child.

She once walked the muddy paths with you, moved stones in the river to look for crabs, and climbed up small trees to look for bird's nests.


This is not...


Don't reject her.

Stop rejecting her so cruelly.

She loves you so deeply, she loves you so deeply.

She is not that blood moon, she doesn't want to take anything away.

She's not a gambler either, she doesn't want to distort anything.

She is not like those things that have not yet arrived here and have been spying here. She is not the same as those evil things. She just loves you.

She doesn't deserve to be imprisoned.

She didn't deserve to be banished.

She didn't deserve to be taken away from you.

She loves you.

Why do you want to abandon her?

do you remember?


do you remember


? ?


Here is the sky


She created it with you


This place is broken now

can you fix her

accept her

She is mother's embrace

she is a word

She is your every breath

She is the third word of a book The wheel on the baked cake after melting

She is the traffic light, the paint, the crayons, the egg tarts, the feathers, the shoes, the desk lamp, the gel pen, the cell phone, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the



Don't leave her, okay?

Love her

Please love her

she is here



it's here


Love her

Don't abandon her again

The garden is rotten

Everyone has forgotten


No one remembers

don't want

Don't leave her again


is your paradise

she is yours



What happened to you


Why don't you come and meet her?


She loves you, she loves you so much

Don't leave her again

Throw away that black watch

Stop making wishes, stop escaping again

You obviously finally found her,

You finally found her

stay here

This is your paradise

this is your home

She will cook for you, sing for you, walk with you, melt with you, rot, rot, grow, melt, grow, bloom, bloom, melt, rot, grow, bloom, bloom, mom, mom, mom, mom is here, mom is here, mom is here, mom is here. Accept mom mom mom mom mom accept mom mom mom accept love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you love you


do not leave Me




don't leave me again





I won't do it again


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