Gao Hai counted the seconds silently in his heart.

1051 seconds, 1052 seconds...

Everything around was so quiet, so quiet that only the three people's subtle, deliberately suppressed breathing sounds could be heard.

1599 seconds, 1600 seconds... 10 minutes.

Gao Hai counted 600 seconds in his heart, and he didn't hear any sound during this process.

Not hearing any sound means that the voices of several people in the corridor that could be heard when the door was closed are now completely inaudible. Separated by a not-so-heavy iron door, the sounds in the corridor completely disappeared, and for a full 10 minutes, no one came to knock on the door or ask a question.

Outside the door, it was quiet like this.

Gao Hai still remained silent.

He could notice that Shinomiya Kaguya had been tense and didn't relax at all.

So now he would not be unable to bear it and ask questions because of the silence for a while, but continue to remain quiet and wait.

But he couldn't help but wonder if there was something wrong with the door of this room. Because the door was closed, he couldn't hear the sound outside.

Maybe, in fact, this room was chosen wrongly. He shouldn't have chosen this locked room. This room was a trap and a place that couldn't be visited.

Once this thought appeared, it was difficult to suppress it. Gao Hai was a person who liked to fantasize. Now he was in this almost tormenting silence, and he couldn't help but think about it.

Until he heard a very clear sound of the door opening.

It came from outside the house and from the corridor. Judging from the location of the sound, it can be confirmed that it came from the direction of the door of Room 204. The sound of the door was opened.

Gao Hai turned his head slightly and looked at the four concubines standing next to him.

Judging from the other party's slightly tilted head, she should have heard the sound of the door opening.

So, there was no sound insulation. In fact, they could hear the sound in the corridor clearly.

So the outside was just quiet.

At this time, Kaguya Shinomiya took out an old-fashioned mobile phone from her bosom. She said at the beginning that her clothes had no pockets, and no one knew where she took out this old-fashioned mobile phone that looked a bit old. Then she pressed a few times on it, and then turned the screen of the mobile phone towards Gao Hai and Shijo Maki.

There was a short text message being edited on it.

[I didn't see anything]

It was just such a message.

Whether it was Gao Hai or Shijo Maki beside her, they already understood what Kaguya Shinomiya wanted to express.

Before closing the door, at the last moment, Kaguya Shinomiya looked at the stairs. She heard footsteps arriving at this floor, but she didn't see anything coming out of the stairs.

Hey hey...

Gao Hai felt that his heartbeat was accelerating.

From waking up to this place to hiding in this room, it has been about half an hour.

So far, he has not witnessed anything weird or abnormal.

But at this moment, Gao Hai already felt an indescribable depression, as well as fear of the unknown footsteps that he had never seen before.

Director, where is the safe time? How can you play this game right away...

Of course, even so, his habit of complaining in his heart has not changed.

Chapter 6: The investigator team has been successfully formed

The silence in front of the door lasted for more than half an hour.

Shinomiya Kaguya stood by the door for a long time before finally standing up again, and no longer sticking to the door to listen to the sound outside.

"The footsteps went downstairs."

She whispered, then took a step and motioned Gao Hai and Shijo Maki to walk deeper into the corridor.

The layout of 208 is no different from 204. It still turns at the end, and it is a strange corridor structure with a straight right angle turn.

There is also a wall clock at the door leading to the living room. Gao Hai recalled the time on the wall clock he saw in 204 before, and added it to the time he had spent so far. He found that the time on this clock should be the same as the clock in 204.

Is the clock in every room absolutely accurate?

Gao Hai suddenly recalled this rule.

Assuming that the rule is absolutely correct, if I change the time on this wall clock, will this clock still be [accurate]?

Although he had some ideas, Gao Hai did not act. The focus at the moment is not to test the rules, and you know, a strange situation that does not conform to the rules has just occurred. It is still daytime, but the life rules say that it is unsafe outside the room after 9 o'clock in the evening, but such a strange situation happened just now.

Maybe the rules are not wrong, it is safe outside, but it is just an abnormal incident that is not fatal.

Maybe they got the time wrong. It was actually night time now. The light coming in from the window was problematic. The time could not be judged by the dim light coming through the sealed windows.

Or maybe the rules were wrong. This so-called life rule could not serve as a guide. The various rules summarized above could no longer protect the survivors here.

After comprehensive consideration, Gao Hai felt that the third possibility was very likely.

After all, according to the author of this code, this code is essentially a [code of life], and the focus is on [life] rather than [survival]. Gao Hai believes that the person who can summarize this code cannot be an illiterate who cannot use words. In addition, the other party has the ability to leave a copy of the code in each room, so it is very likely that at a certain time, the survivors in this abandoned apartment building formed a small circle and lived together hand in hand. This code was also summarized during that time.

When Gao Hai's group was pulled in by the idiot's "sacrifice game", the houses here looked very dilapidated, and there were no traces of life left recently. Even these codes were covered with a layer of dust, but it was not as serious as those broken furniture.

Therefore, the codes in their hands may be outdated and no longer accurate and effective.

This conjecture made Gao Hai's uneasiness intensify a lot.

No, you can't make such an arbitrary conclusion.

The strange incident just now did not invade the house, at least they didn't see anything abnormal in the house. Therefore, the rules should be correct that the room is relatively safe. However, Gao Hai and Shigong Kaguya are not in the room they started with. Considering this point, Gao Hai feels that he still needs to be careful now.


While he was thinking, Shijo Maki, who was walking in the front, had opened the door of the living room and walked in, followed by Gao Hai, and Shigong Kaguya stayed at the end.

The living room of 208 is also not much different from 204, except that there is a square coffee table instead of a small round table, and there is a slightly shabby sofa and three or four small stools. The kitchen door was not removed, and it stood there intact, but it was open.

Gao Hai did not see the printed paper placed in this room. Could it be that the group of survivors missed this place?

"Don't worry about the safety of this room. This is the room I stayed in when I woke up. I have searched it in advance."

Said this, Shijo Maki leaned against the wall, spoke slowly to Gao Hai and Shinomiya Kaguya, and casually placed the rules in her hand on the cabinet on one side of the living room.

Unlike the loser girl that Gao Hai saw in the original work, Shijo Maki's aura at this moment was somewhat similar to Kaguya, both with a bit of coldness and oppression, but compared to Shinomiya Kaguya, Shijo Maki's gaze at most made people feel uncomfortable, but not like being stabbed by a knife.

Ah, speaking of it, Shijo Maki was the loser version of Kaguya or the sunny version of Kaguya in the original work. Although she is easily looked down upon because of her strong loser element, she is indeed the daughter of a top chaebol. Her knowledge, vision and skills are all at the top level among her peers. It can be said that apart from the tsundere loser element, she is a Shinomiya Kaguya Lily. She is a teammate with great value to win over that Gao Hai needs to take seriously, and even more valuable than Shinomiya Kaguya. After all, Shinomiya Kaguya has a distorted personality due to her upbringing, so even as a teammate, she has to be careful to get along with him, while Shijo Shinki is a pure little angel, and as long as he doesn't do something stupid, she will never stab him in the back.

"Mr. Gao Hai, what do you know?"

Shinomiya Kaguya obviously trusts Shijo Shinki very much. When she sees that the house is safe, she looks directly at Gao Hai and asks questions.

"When you were in the corridor, you were just observing the surrounding situation at first."

"At that time, you had already noticed the man who called himself Lao Guo, and your eyes stayed on him many times. This attention was not just because the other party seemed to be very prestigious among the people around, but for some reasons of your own."

"Then, after seeing the other party make an abnormal move to enter the house and lock the door, you immediately decided to hide in a certain room, just like taking his behavior as a guide. When you read the rules before, you didn't seem to have any doubts about the truth of the rules, as if you already knew and had seen similar things, so you could understand them immediately when you saw them. I hope you can explain these things clearly. If you can be honest, then I think we can temporarily form a cooperative alliance. I believe that with your observation skills, you should know how much help you will get if I and classmate Zhenfei help you."

Without waiting for Gao Hai to answer and giving him more time to think, Shigong Kaguya spoke a series of words in a cold tone but at a very fast speed.

When Gao Hai observed other people, it was obvious that Shigong Kaguya was not idle.

She focused her attention on Gao Hai, and found many abnormalities through Gao Hai, and told them all at this time.

Gao Hai could feel that the two girls in the room were very alert at this time. Among them, Shigong Kaguya's knees were slightly bent. Gao Hai had no doubt that if he showed any suspiciousness, he would be hit hard. On the other side, Shijo Shinki took a little step back with an imperceptible movement, and her left hand was put behind her back at some point. Gao Hai could vaguely see that she was holding a thing that was not sure whether it was a dinner knife or a fork. It looked a little rusty. It was estimated that if it was stabbed up, it would immediately apply tetanus enchantment.

Whether it was an ally or an enemy, it depended on his attitude next.

Gao Hai raised his hands to ensure that Shigong Kaguya and Shijo Shinki could see his hands. After a little contemplation, he was ready to speak.

Actually, I am a time traveler. I have visited many forums for rule talks in the world I lived in before. At the same time, I also like to watch infinite works, so I would suspect that someone is a hidden old player who is paying attention to his actions.

He has considered saying this directly, or slightly disguising his identity as a time traveler, and then talking about rule talks and infinite works.


[Don't let anyone know where you come from]

I can't remember where I saw this sentence.

It's just that I suddenly recalled it at this moment, and felt a strange and chilling illusion.

I can't say that.

It's not just that I can't say that I am a time traveler.

I can't mention rule talks and infinite works, because this is the world after I traveled through, and the two concepts of rule talks and infinite works are things in my previous life. When he searched on the Internet, he checked many keywords and confirmed that many things that he was familiar with in his previous life did not exist in this world. Although the search was not comprehensive at the time, it was not clear whether rule talks and infinite works were also included, but if so, he would be discovered.

Wait, who discovered it?

This thought made Gao Hai a little confused.

However, he soon stopped thinking about such insignificant things. Gao Hai, who had already thought of how to introduce himself, gently pulled his collar and opened his mouth:

"My name is Gao Hai, 19 years old."

"I live in a single-family residential area on xx Street. I dropped out of school and live alone. Every day I play games until 23 o'clock before I wash and go to bed... Ahem, no, because of playing games, I am a person who likes to imagine, so I once thought of combining the precautions and rules posted in places such as hotels and supermarkets with horror stories and writing them into works. I think this may be popular and famous."

"It's just that this idea has not been realized yet and I encountered this situation, so when I saw the life rules, what I felt was A very interesting sense of familiarity. As for the man called Lao Guo, his demeanor and actions were suspicious, and I had a guess since I came in here, because the voice told me that this was the [first game] I participated in, which means that this kind of thing has happened many times, and there must be veterans who have experienced more than once and accumulated a lot of experience, and that Lao Guo, I suspect he is that kind of person. "

"So, I decided to observe his actions. If he behaved abnormally, then it is very likely that something bad would happen. And for the safety of my life, in this case, I think it is best to imitate the other party."

Although it almost became a classic speech of a hand-controlled pervert in the middle, Gao Hai finally made an explanation. Although it may not be possible to be completely trustworthy, it is at least enough to explain his behavior.

By the way, the fact that he planned to write a rule-based ghost story was not completely fabricated. First, Gao Hai did have this idea in his previous life, and second, the notes left by the Gao Hai who disappeared in this world also had similar content, so Gao Hai did not lie, and what he said was right from any angle.

"......Is that so?"

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded slightly, without making any statement about Gao Hai's answer, and it was impossible to tell whether she accepted or rejected it.

"There's no need to beat around the bush. Auntie, you should be able to see that this man is a smart guy. Moreover, he obviously knows our identities. The expression he looks at us is obviously different from that of others. Your name is Gao Hai, right? You know my name, right?"

Shijo Maki on the other side spoke slowly at this time.

She took a step closer to Gao Hai, turned the fork in her hand twice, and the first half of her words were addressed to Kaguya, but the latter part was directly addressed to Gao Hai.

"I know, Miss Shijo Maki, one of you is the daughter of the Shinomiya family, and the other is the daughter of the Shijo family. I traveled all over Japan in the first year after dropping out of school. I went in once when Shuchiin held an event, and saw your names on a ranking list."

And Gao Hai just answered calmly.

Traveling around Japan, and visiting the Shuchiin during the time when outsiders were allowed to enter during events, these are all the contents left in the diary. As for whether you have seen the ranking list, this is a fabrication by Gao Hai, but this level of fabrication is no longer important.

"So you know the identities of my aunt and grandmother very well, and you have indeed entered the place where we went to school, and now, we are together in this ghost place. Have you ever thought that your words actually add a layer of suspicion to yourself?"

Shijo Shinki stared at Gao Hai's pupils, and her tone gradually became cold.

"That's true, but it is indeed a fact. If I deny it, it would be a wrong move. As for my suspicion, I believe that we are all very clear now. Although this incident looks like a kidnapping, the power of operation is obviously not something that common sense can measure. Whether it is the weird voice or the feeling of being deprived of the ability to move, I think these things do not need me to emphasize repeatedly."

Facing the girl in front of him who is not tall but has a strong aura, Gao Hai just continued to speak calmly, without any wavering in his expression.

The room fell into silence for a while.

Shijo Zhenfei crossed her arms and stared at Gao Hai closely.

Although Shinomiya Kaguya standing aside did not make any movement, his eyes were also observing Gao Hai, silently judging him.

"...Okay, grandma, I think this guy should be trustworthy. But then again, are you really 19 years old? You always feel calmer than those in their twenties?"

In the end, Shijou Maifei sighed, then waved her hands and spoke, her tone becoming much more casual.

Gao Hai knew that he had gained the basic trust of this young genius, which was equivalent to unlocking the favorability level to about 10%. In contrast, Shinomiya Kaguya on the other side remained silent. Apparently, she still remained wary of Gao Hai until now.

"Maybe it's because I have a rich life experience, or I've actually been looking forward to this kind of adventure storyline for a long time, haha..."

Gao Hai, who rubbed his head, let out a wizened laugh and casually said something very contrary to his will.

"But anyway, at least for now, I think we need to work together to at least understand the current situation. Although I am still very confident in my abilities, and I still have my aunt by my side, but, you guy , your name is Gao Hai, right? You are quite smart. I think you can see that both I and Auntie (referring to Kaguya) have extraordinary physical abilities and senses, so as long as you don't do anything. With small actions, we can work together, okay?”

Concubine Shijo on the other side had already made a decision. She showed a somewhat arrogant smile to Gao Hai and stretched out her hand to him.

Is this decided directly with Kaguya's opinion?

Gao Hai could tell that Shinomiya Kaguya on the side was a little dissatisfied with Zhenfei's decision. She had not completely let down her guard until now, so she could not decisively propose a cooperation plan like Zhenfei. However, despite this, Kaguya did not express any objections, but chose to acquiesce.

"Although I'm probably not as good as the two, I will try my best to play my role."

No matter what, I was basically accepted for the time being.

In this weird and run-down apartment full of mysteries, a time traveler and two beautiful girls temporarily united to form a team of investigators, and started a real rules-based ghost story running game.

Gao Hai, who was filled with emotion at this moment, couldn't help but think in his heart:

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