The bustling paper figurine village did not change at first. They were still minding their own repetitive actions, seemingly unaware of the changes around them.

But when Ichiri Goto's clone approached the entrance of the village and was about ten meters away from entering the village, all the paper figures stopped moving and raised their heads to look in the direction of the clone. Then, the clone that was running in stride was forced to stop moving. At this time, Yili, who was still in [Lijia Village], directly lost the ability to control the clone, and could no longer control it through the guitar. .

【Hello, guest from afar】

A paper man stepped forward with a smile.

[Welcome, welcome, come in and sit down. You must be tired after walking such a long way, right? 】

A paper man took the clone's hand and led the clone toward the village.

[Have a good rest here. Just go to this place. You don’t have to go any further. This is Yingting Village, and this is your home]

One after another, paper figures surrounded the clone summoned by Yili from all directions and forcibly brought him into a house in the village.

Yingting Village?

Gao Hai was slightly startled by the words spoken by those paper figures.

Is this Paper Man Village the same Yingxiu Village that the knock-knocker and the paper man appearing on the mountain road asked about?

Gao Hai lowered her head and pondered. At the same time, because the previous control was cut off by an unknown force, she now had no way to change the action of the clone through the guitar, or to cancel its existence and delete it directly. , so only a few people present could only continue to wait. And not long after, about ten minutes after the clone was pulled into the house, paper figures came out one after another and returned to the repetitive behavior from the beginning.

Is this the end? That clone has been killed?

No, wait, there is an extra paper man among the paper figures that came out, and this extra paper figure looks quite similar to Yili's clone.

Everyone present quickly noticed the paper-man clone who was the last one to walk out of the house.

{Isn’t this a life-size action figure of Pochi-chan? Maybe we can develop a new peripheral product}

Gao Hai complained in his heart.

{The clone and Porchi-chan don’t look alike, how can this be counted? And this paper man is so ugly, why would the band end up selling such poor merchandise! }

Kita, who was spiritually connected to Takakai, immediately retorted.

In any case, the frontal approach to the village is definitely not feasible.

Communication has been sent from Goto Ichiri, and the newly made clone is already heading towards Gao Hai at full speed, and is expected to arrive soon. This time, in order to avoid the problem of the clones being directly disconnected and unable to be controlled, Yili directly brought over three clones. Before the clone arrived, for safety reasons, everyone did not try to contact the paper village ahead again. The historian Tangyuan was a little dissatisfied with this and felt that this style of conduct was a bit too cowardly. But seeing that Gao Hai and Brother Mao had the same attitude, they still accepted this approach.

While waiting for the clone to arrive, several people hid in the bushes on the side of the road and continued to observe the situation in the paper man village. This time, after observing more carefully for a while, Gao Hai frowned and noticed something unusual.

There seemed to be faint traces of children's activities in an area that was not clearly visible near the interior of the village.

Because the viewing angle was not very good, Gao Hai was not sure whether what he saw was a child. He only confirmed based on the blurry figures that passed by that those things that were not moving around the village should not be paper figures, and they were Physically much smaller than adults.

If you can't see it, try [listening].

Through the listening blessing from Eriko Asamoto, which can reach a maximum distance of five kilometers, Gao Hai quickly heard the sounds inside the village. For safety reasons, he did not combine his spiritual power and blessing to extend the distance this time, lest he might be discovered by something. Then, he concentrated and began to carefully distinguish the content of those sounds.

【Stay here... stay here...】

[This is your forever home...This is your home...Don't leave again...]

[I love you... Mom and Dad love you... Everyone here loves you...]

These seem to be the voices of paper figures. Are they repeating these words to someone?




These voices were very weak and did not sound like adults, but seemed to be the voices of children between three and four to ten years old.

Is this the Yingting Village that houses children's monsters and souls? It is actually in the same space as the original [Lijia Village], and is it still within walking distance? Or is there actually some hidden condition that has been fulfilled without my knowledge, so that I can see and reach this place?

Although Gao Hai has not yet officially entered Zhi Village to explore and investigate, Gao Hai has already obtained some information worth thinking about in depth.

[…Won’t they find out? These people are all magicians]

[Impossible, we are still hiding in the house at such a long distance, it is impossible for these outsiders to discover us]

[Okay, stop making trouble, we must seize the opportunity to kill these damn outsiders, the God-Welcoming Festival has been interrupted for a long time, and now the mountain god needs to be worshipped as soon as possible]

Then, Gao Hai suddenly heard other voices, some familiar voices from the villagers he had met in the first round.

Chapter 72: Things hidden in the village and clearing obstacles

What the hell is this?

Outsiders? God-Welcoming Festival? Could it be the villagers I got rid of before?

It’s okay for Li Ziyong to survive, but can ordinary villagers survive? Tsk, so driving them into the dead village can’t actually kill them? Or is it just that some of the more powerful villagers can’t be solved so easily? These villagers are so able to survive, are they the reincarnation of cockroaches?

Or is it what I think?

Gao Hai frowned, thinking quickly about the possible situation at this moment.

Gao Hai confirmed some things from the memory of the member of the [Treasure Digger] who was caught by the police and has now been dealt with. Although the other party, like the organization of the Fanatics, has information shielding between members of the same organization, at least for the situation that Gao Hai had guessed several times, he has obtained the answer he wanted. Although it is really outrageous to think about it carefully, it is indeed reasonable now.

If that is the case, then it is understandable that there are survivors among the villagers.

It is indeed a bit troublesome to clean up the garbage in one go.

{Everyone, please note that at least one member of the [Treasure Digger] and more than three villagers from Lijia Village are hiding in the Paper Man Village. They are hiding in the village to ambush us. I heard their voices through the blessing of enhanced hearing. It sounds like these people are a little desperate because the mountain god ceremony was interrupted}

Gao Hai said in the mental link while looking behind.

{Well, there is such a thing? Is this considered a collusion between the players and the copy NPC? }

Brother Mao was a little surprised. Although he had entered many dungeons so far, the player and villagers acting together as described by Gao Hai was still a new situation for him.

{…If this is the case, it would be a bit embarrassing for the player. He did not take the right path but took the wrong path to get himself to this point. He also had to cooperate with the guy who was obviously problematic in the high-difficulty dungeon with unknown dangers. This makes people doubt his professional level.}

Tangyuan was more disdainful. As a player who took the initiative to join a dangerous organization like [Historian], she had her own pride. Therefore, in the eyes of this player, no matter what background and experience the things in the dungeon have, the player as a raider is at a higher level in status, so he cannot compromise at will. And this [Treasure Digger] chose to act with the villagers in the dungeon, which was quite embarrassing.

{Well, the specific situation has not been monitored yet, but it is certain that they want our flesh and blood, so everyone should be more vigilant. If you are really caught by these things, it will not end well.}

Gao Hai said in the mental link, while turning his head to look at the end of the dirt road behind him that extended into the primeval forest. At this moment, he could already see the clones approaching quickly not far away, and could see several pink little heads shaking.

They came very fast.

Compared with the time it took Gao Hai and others to walk from the village to here before, these clones may have run here in less than one-tenth of the time.

This speed is not normal. Even if Gao Hai and others need to be careful to explore the way and cannot move quickly, the time difference between the two sides is still too big. I am afraid that there is really some problem in the space between this paper man village and [Lijia Village].

{It came too fast, Pochi-chan, is there any difference between the rush you saw from the clone's perspective this time and before? }

Before Gao Hai opened his mouth to ask, Kita asked in the mental link first.

{… Most of the time, it’s similar, but the distance in some places… Hmm, seems to be shortened? The sections of the road that the two clones passed through seem to be different? Hmm, I have sent out the third group of clones, and the third group will do another statistics.}

Soon, Yili gave an expected answer, and this result also allowed Gao Hai to confirm some of his guesses in his heart.

There is some anomaly in the spatial structure between the village full of paper figurines and [Lijia Village]. Whether it is the disorder of distance or the fact that the paper figurine village is gradually approaching Lijia Village, it shows one thing, that is, the space where the two places are located should have been different, but Gao Hai's unintentional operation caused a certain assimilation effect in the areas where the two were located, making the originally unconnected places connected together.

The paper men who were originally in the [Lijia Village] space will bring people who try to ignore them into [Liujia Village]. At that time, the paper men will disperse and wander on various roads in the virgin forest outside the village. Now these paper people are gathered in separate paper people villages, and they will transform those who actively break in. However, unless there are players like [Historian] who trigger special circumstances, these paper people will not leave at all. Paperman Village conducts tracking and attack operations. Also, the root of the knocking thing triggered by [Historian] seems to be from an outsider called "Old Taoist Ge Yuan" who once tried to change the village.

Lijia Village...Liujia Village...old Taoist priest...Fox Lady...Yingtiao Village...children...paper figures...these fragmented information gradually connected with each other, and pieced together a story that, although still very imperfect, at least There are some puzzle pieces with rules and regulations. So the next key question is how to connect the clues more reasonably and find out what the blank parts are.

If you want to do this, you may still have to go to the village.

Avoiding these paper figures and entering the village... this is not an easy task. However, it is not very difficult to elicit the words of the paper man.

{I can give one of the clones a special status to make it easier to attract those monsters. Next, we will take cover in the surrounding area, wait until most of the paper figures are attracted out, and then rush into the village}

Speaking like this, Gao Hai turned his attention to the guitar clone closest to him.


{I have no opinion}

{Just follow your ideas, Mr. Gao}

{Okay, there will be no chain reaction between the clone and me, Mr. Hai, just go ahead and do it! }

Brother Mao and Tangyuan responded in the spiritual link one after another, and Kita, who was floating next to him, also responded. Finally, Yili, who was far away, gave the answer very seriously. After the unanimous vote passed, Gao Hai hid on the side of the road and opened a state of emptiness for himself just to be on the safe side, and then focused on the clone standing in the middle of the road.

Grant—Urian’s blessing!

Strong malice eroded into Gao Hai's senses in an instant.

Even if the clone just stood there motionless, even though Gao Hai knew very well that the clone was still under Yili's control and there was nothing abnormal. But after the power of that "blessing" was given to the clone, Gao Hai couldn't help but feel strong hostility towards it, and had a strong sense of existence that he couldn't ignore even if his back was turned to the clone.


The village not far away was already boiling with excitement.

One after another, the paper figures hurriedly rushed out of the village. Their only target was the clone who had turned around and ran away.

So in the mighty footsteps, countless pale and flat figures chased the clone away. But Gao Hai and others just hid silently in the bushes, watching these things move away one by one, and not even one of them stopped to look around. It seemed that the perceived nature of that blessing was not generally strong, and the intensity of its control was much stronger than Gao Hai expected.

It's just that these things look like they're having dinner in a cafeteria when they're running. Wouldn't it really scare children to use such things to absorb the souls of tortured children?

"It's our turn now."

Gathering the messy thoughts in his heart, Gao Hai stood up and took the lead in facing the empty paper village in front of him.


Then he thought about it, and then let Yili remotely control the remaining two clones who were hiding together to move to the front, and then followed the clones towards the paper village.

No matter what, there are still unknown enemies ahead, and now is not the time to waste time.

With this idea in mind, Gao Hai once again turned on the auditory blessing and tried to determine the enemy's location.

This time, he heard something unusual.

Chapter 73: An irresistible invitation from the gods and what Zhimura felt


A fleeting, almost undetectable chuckle

He couldn't tell the source, and he couldn't tell for a moment whether he heard the laughter from the auditory blessing or whether it was the laughter coming from beside him.

It's like hearing this sound, and at the moment of becoming aware of this sound, some kind of transformation occurs invisibly, making the laughter exist at the same time in Gao Hai's side and the senses extended by the blessing of hearing.

But this is not the most important thing to worry about right now.

What was really important was that Gao Hai identified who the voice came from.

He realized what he might face next.

Fox Queen.

That voice undoubtedly belonged to the Fox Lady.

It's actually here?

What's going on? !

【Ha ha ha ha ha……】

A clearer voice, as if amused by his reaction, came softly from the paper village in front.

Gao Hai looked around, and from the reactions of others, he was sure that he was the only one who heard the sound.

In other words, he was the only one who established a connection with the Fox Queen.

He heard His voice.

He felt his presence.

Cannot retreat.

The moment he remembered that voice, Gao Hai realized that he could no longer choose to retreat.

He is already aware of the other party's existence, so the other party is also aware of his existence.

If he chooses to turn around and leave now, and chooses to retreat, it means that he has shown a tendency to be unwilling to contact the other party when he knows the existence of the fox lady. And this represents the triggering of a certain rule, which will bring unpredictable and terrible consequences.

Through Hirano Sosuke's perception blessing, Gao Hai realized that from the moment he confirmed the voice of the fox lady, he must take the initiative to find the other party and meet with the other party. This is the only way to ensure his own safety.

What the hell is this... uh...

Gao Hai, who did not expect this to happen, was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously had some thoughts in his heart, and then abruptly interrupted, forcibly stopped the thinking process and shifted his focus.

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