
Struggling, Gao Hai gritted his teeth and suddenly activated the power of the runaway blessing.

The blood-red light covered his pupils, and then Gao Hai suddenly jumped up, knocked open the door of the ancestral hall and landed on the open space outside, and then climbed up.

The paper man village shrouded in darkness fell into Gao Hai's eyes again.

A clear smell of blood also fell into his nose.

"Ah, you can really escape alive? Now I lose again."

Standing in the corner of the yard, Chen Qiucai curled his lips and played with the blood-colored dice in his hand. He looked a little lost, but at the same time showed a bit of weird pleasure.

Turning around, Hayasaka was lying not far behind him, leaning against the wall on one side of the ancestral hall.

Her legs were broken at the knees, and the fracture surface was very uneven, as if they were torn apart alive by some animal. There was also a deep penetrating wound on the abdomen. Even though the girl was covering the wound with her only remaining broken arm, two or three intestines still slipped out.

"Don't think it was me. I have no such interest. I just bet that a few dogs could dismantle her, and I lost the bet. Hey, since I met you, I seem to have been losing every time I bet. Could it be that you are actually a bit unlucky for me?"

Chen Qiucai, who was not far away, laughed and pointed to his side with an innocent expression. There were a few black dogs covered in blood and surrounded by ominous auras, feasting on a broken hand and two broken legs. At this time, they had been scrambled to the point that only a few pieces of meat and bones were left.

It is a Red Moon-level obsession.

And this feeling is like an illusion and like reality. It is a Red Moon-level obsession with the characteristics of virtual-real transformation.

This type of weird power is somewhat similar to the power of the Void [Teacher]. Although it is much lower in level, it is likely that only one of these dogs can exist at the same time, and the rest are "false" forms that cannot be touched but can only be touched. However, it is fatal enough for players like Hayasaka who have not actually reached the Red Moon level.

"Please... be careful... that dice is... the most dangerous..."

Hayasaka barely raised her head and said weakly to Gao Hai.

At this time, Gao Hai noticed that the air around him was actually surrounded by a faint blood-colored light and shadow. I am afraid that when I was trapped in the ancestral hall, Hayasaka had been using the power of the blood-colored field to protect the ancestral hall to prevent Chen Qiucai from doing anything to the ancestral hall. Maybe it was because she focused her main energy on protecting the ancestral hall that she suffered such serious injuries.


Chen Qiucai let go of his hand, and the blood-colored dice fell to the ground. Then Gao Hai felt the parasitic vines in his body tremble, as if guided by some external force. However, because of the fox lady, the blood flower power in Gao Hai's body has almost been lost, so he can't really guide anything.

"It doesn't work. I lost again. Mr. Ziyong said that you would die if you entered that door, but you came out alive and there was no hidden danger. You really made me lose miserably. If I had known this, I should have used this trick before you entered that door."

Seeing this scene, Chen Qiucai shook his head and sighed even more unhappily, and then disappeared directly from the spot.

Already ran away?

The opponent escaped at the moment when Gao Hai's mental power locked on to him and was about to launch an attack. This is very strange. Gao Hai can be sure that Chen Qiucai did not notice his attack, but the opponent ran away and disappeared a second before Gao Hai was silently preparing to attack, as if he had predicted the future, and did not leave any trace at all.

No, there was still a trace.

Gao Hai looked at the blood-colored dice that was still left in the yard.

He could feel that something in the dice was also watching him at the same time, waiting for him to make some kind of action.

[Teacher, compared to this player who doesn't even dare to confront you head-on, I think it's more important to quickly escape from the thing behind you. Don't forget that there is something chasing you now. Or do you actually like the feeling of being held in the arms of a small-looking mother-like girl? If so, can Alice try it reluctantly? Maybe it will be very comfortable? ]

"Huh... It seems that I can only remember the grudge first."

The blood-colored domain suddenly bloomed.

Gao Hai activated the power of nothingness at this moment, quickly moved to the side of Hayasaka Ai, picked her up, and quickly healed her injuries through the power of the blood-colored domain.

The treatment process was not smooth. The wound on Hayasaka's body was obviously accompanied by some kind of curse power. But compared to the Red Moon-level obsession, it is obvious that the strength of the Red Moon-level blessing is still more powerful. Therefore, at the cost of consuming most of the power of the bloody domain, Gao Hai still repaired the wounds on Hayasaka's limbs and stomach, and by the way, re-established a temporary mental connection with the obsession object.

{Sorry, master, my strength is not enough, I can only barely stop him}

Hayasaka's voice rang out from the mental connection.

{This time it was considered an ambush, it's not your fault, the player and the villagers must have a deep cooperation, otherwise it would be impossible to set an ambush in that place. This kind of thing will not happen again, I will kill him next time I see him! }

Gao Hai's tone was very calm, and there was no accumulated anger in his voice.


Something pushed open the door of the ancestral hall and came out from inside.

Gao Hai and Hayasaka had already passed through the courtyard gate and came to the dirt road outside in a very short time.

The mental connection between the players of the Moyu Gang and the historian had not been restored. Gao Hai and Hayasaka had disconnected the mental connection within the team for various reasons, so there was no way to confirm the situation of the other two for the time being.

In the dark paper village, something was squirming and approaching the location of the two.

[Teacher, you'd better be faster. The power of the fox lady has left this village. That thing is turning this place into its territory. If you don't leave quickly, you and the little maid in your arms will not be able to get out.]

Alice's voice sounded again, but this time it was not as joking as before, but became much more serious.

However, she didn't need to remind him. Gao Hai could already deeply feel the changes in this place. Even if those paper figures did not appear, the feeling that the space itself was targeting him, so that every step became slow, was quite uncomfortable. Without the power of nihilism, Gao Hai suspected that he might not even have the strength to run out of the yard.

If he used the blood key... No, not being able to find the door was one thing, but the space here had undergone abnormal changes. The blood key, a dark night-level obsession, might not work at this time, and it might also bring danger to Zhenfei Qianhua.

Sending blessings... No, I can't abandon Hayasaka at this time. Besides, if she hadn't been guarding the door, my round would have ended long ago. How could I consider such a thing at this time... Then, it seems that I have to use this trick.


Gao Hai's footsteps fell heavily on the ground. He suddenly lifted the state of nihilism. The things in the darkness around him accelerated at this moment, and it seemed that something was coming forward from all directions.

Second bomb, start!

The surging flames bloomed from behind Gao Hai the next moment.

Amid the roaring sound, the terrifying shock wave hit Gao Hai's body, knocking him who was hugging Hayasaka directly out, and accelerated to move out of the village.

The thing in the dark disappeared under the blazing light, and only vague screams and cries could be heard.

Behind Gao Hai, in the direction of the thing that had been locking onto Gao Hai, he felt a strong gaze, staring at him at this moment, and...seemingly looking at the languid Hayasaka Ai in his arms at the same time.

Chapter 77: Falling into another twisted space and the land of ashes

In the raging flames, Gao Hai had already crossed the edge of the paper village with Hayasaka in his arms and landed steadily on the dirt road in the woods.

He could feel that the space behind him was constantly twisting.

Sure enough, the Paper Man Village and Lijia Village were not supposed to be in the same space, and these two places should not have been directly accessible in the dungeon. But now that the welcoming ceremony was interrupted, the Xiaoheishan Mountain God, one of the gods in the dungeon, began to have problems, so the spatial structure in the dungeon also began to have problems.

However, considering the ambush of the villagers and the player Chen Qiucai, maybe someone had done something secretly during this process, which further aggravated the spatial disorder in the dungeon. All in all, the current specific situation cannot be easily judged.

Speaking of which, if the different spaces in this copy have begun to overlap with each other, if you go in other directions, you may encounter similar situations. If this continues, what will this copy become under the butterfly effect? ​​I can only say that I hope things will develop in a good way. After all, he has experienced enough bad things.


With heavy footsteps, Gao Hai's speed is constantly increasing.

In just a few seconds, his moving speed exceeded more than 100 kilometers per hour, which is almost the same as a car running at full speed. This is based on the premise that he is traveling through complex mountain terrain and holding a person in his hand.

Crossing the forest in front, Gao Hai felt the distortion of space more clearly, felt the normal road extending continuously, or suddenly shortening, and the surrounding scenery was also stretched and compressed at this moment. Gao Hai could even see the outline of the trees breaking off, revealing the dense rings inside, and saw the bodies of the animals standing silently in the forest being cut off, and the flesh on the cross section was still gently wriggling, and the blood was still flowing silently.

[The teacher's luck seems to be very bad, or is it too good luck? Hehe, although I don't know if the teacher likes this way of development, Alice can secretly tell the teacher that the teacher has entered a new space now. The teacher was not able to return to the village, but was trapped in another place again, and can start a new adventure again. Do you feel excited, teacher? 】

Alice's voice sounded in his mind, and the tone was full of bad taste.

Enough, just hearing this voice makes me want to punch it.

Gao Hai has begun to regret applying Alice's personality template to the mountain god's operating system. Although this thing can bring certain help to Gao Hai, it is really annoying to see him making all kinds of sarcastic remarks and acting cute all the time!

【But this is the teacher's own choice, the teacher is also very clear, right? It is precisely because the teacher is talking to Alice that the teacher can stay awake. After all, only with the terrifying threat that once killed him, people's nerves can continue to be tense. The teacher also decided to bring Alice back with this idea, right? But Alice is very sad. The teacher actually looks at Alice like this. Alice obviously likes the teacher and wants to be friends with the teacher. Oh, the teacher is really a bad adult~】

Are you done yet! ?

Gao Hai held Hayasaka expressionlessly and continued to run, the fire in his heart was already burning.

{Haijun, how is your situation now? You have been there for a long time, and the temporary mental links established by the obsession have all been broken. Nothing happened, right? Where are you now? }

At this time, the communication from Zhenfei came through the mental link of the black watch. Gao Hai quickly calmed down and told the other party about the general situation on his side. After telling Zhenfei not to worry and to guard the village to ensure the safety zone, Gao Hai turned his attention back to the current location. He noticed that as he continued to move forward, the surrounding trees and bushes began to show more and more obvious signs of burning and felling. Then, when Gao Hai walked a long distance along the dirt road in the mountains and forests, the trees around him began to become sparser and the dark marks left by the burning began to become more and more numerous.

What is going on?

The abnormal situation that was different from the several spaces he had visited before made Gao Hai's heart alarm bells ring, and he became more and more cautious in his actions.

As he continued to move forward, Gao Hai gradually noticed a ruined village under a towering mountain in the distance of the road, and a mountain village on the mountain.

The ruined village that seemed to have been burned and was in tatters was similar to [Lijia Village] in terms of location. Most of them were isotopes in different spaces. The village built on the mountain was brightly lit, and Gao Hai noticed from a distance that there were obviously people walking in the village. It was just because the distance was too far, even if he activated his extraordinary mental power, he couldn't confirm the specific situation.

The scorched smell condensed in his nose and could not dissipate for a long time.

When he walked to this place, Gao Hai could already see that in this space, the surrounding woodlands and the original site of the village seemed to have been set on fire more than once, so it became the current scorched earth situation.

Who set the fire, abandoned the village, and destroyed the surrounding woodlands? Maybe it was the same group of people who built the mountain stronghold, but the problem is that building the mountain stronghold itself also has a lot of

Where exactly did I go this time?

Gao Hai's ominous premonition in his heart gradually became stronger.

{Master, the house in front always feels like a building that would be built by bandits}

At this time, Hayasaka, who had recovered a lot and could walk normally, stood beside Gao Hai and said in the temporary mental link very vigilantly.

{Well, I know that different spaces should be divided based on different historical periods. The place we are in now should also be a microcosm of a certain historical period. In other words, has this village hidden deep in the mountains ever been conquered? }

Takahashi answered Hayasaka while thinking about the past history of this village in his heart. He did not forget that this village was far away from densely populated areas and it took dozens of kilometers to walk to the nearest town. With this distance and the harsh environment of the primeval forest along the way, it is unlikely that any soldiers would take the initiative to come and cause trouble, so the situation they saw at the moment was actually very inconsistent and abnormal.

Soldiers under normal circumstances would not enter such a place, so could they be fleeing soldiers? As for the bandits Hayasaka mentioned, Takahashi did not deny this possibility. It's just that he doubted whether the bandits' organizational ability could achieve a team march in the harsh terrain of dozens of kilometers.

{Um... Um...}

It was also at this moment when Takahashi Hayasaka's movements slowed down and the two were carefully investigating the surrounding environment that Kita's vague voice sounded from the depths of Takahashi's mind, sounding like he had just woken up.

At this time, Takahashi remembered that when he faced the tearing of the fox lady and the bloody flower before, there was actually someone who faced the erosion with him. However, compared to the strong-willed Gao Hai, Kita Ikuyo probably lost her self-awareness after just one encounter. If it weren't for Gao Hai's mental protection, she might have been scared to death.

{Are you awake? How did you sleep?}

Taka Hai teased Kita.

{My head hurts... I feel like my mind is torn apart. Hmm, have you encountered something that far exceeds the upper limit of your willpower? Mr. Gao... I always feel like you are easily targeted by some dangerous things...}

Kita, who was obviously seriously injured, was in a trance for a long time before recovering, and whispered with lingering fear.

At this moment, she would no longer say that Gao Hai had a cheat that could easily conquer the dungeon, but she sincerely felt that Gao Hai's life was very difficult. This change made Gao Hai feel very relieved, and if she could not bring up a certain topic, he might be more relieved.

{By the way… I lost consciousness before, but vaguely, I always felt like I saw Senior Nijika, and she was wearing very indecent clothes. Mr. Gao… Do you know what happened? }

Kita asked in confusion.

{I don’t know at all. Maybe you dreamed about something?}

Takahashi quickly denied it.

{Is that so? Well, although I don’t quite understand, it may be a dream. It’s just that I heard Mr. Gao shouting “Alice, help me” in the dream, which feels really strange. It feels like Mr. Gao is being coerced by something…}

Kita mumbled a few more words. From the tone of her voice, it seems that she really doesn’t know what happened before. Maybe she was still half asleep and half awake when Takahashi embarrassed herself.

However, the memory of Red Moon-level players is very strong, and Kita Ikuyo is integrated with her own mental power, so she can retain her memory even if she goes back. This made Gao Hai have a little ominous desire in his heart. He couldn't help but worry whether Kita would recall the specific situation at that time, remember the black historical line that Gao Hai was forced to shout out, and tell others. If this kind of thing really happened, it would be a big crisis of social death for Gao Hai.

[Hehe, isn't this good? Alice is looking forward to the teacher saying that line again. If you say it again, maybe Alice can give the teacher a reward~]

Alice, who had just been quiet for a while, found a topic to start with and immediately yelled in Gao Hai's ear.

However, Gao Hai was almost used to this thing at this time, so he didn't react. He just walked carefully on this dirt road while being alert to the abnormal things that might exist around him.

Then, Gao Hai and Hayasaka saw a lonely sign hanging in front of the road, and the words written on the sign:

[Summary of precautions for the year of war and disaster]

Chapter 78: New notice record and two people taking a temporary rest

[Summary of precautions for the year of war and disaster]

[To all those who can still see this notice, please be sure to read the contents of this notice carefully. This matter concerns your own life and property, so please don’t take it as a joke]

[The rebels recruited by the former clan leader Li Ziyong have completely destroyed our village. I don’t intend to make any more comments on this person. In the final analysis, the incident has already happened, and it is meaningless to dwell on the cause. The most important thing now is how to preserve the survival of the majority of people and how to survive. As a member of the Li family, we must now make the survival of the family our top priority. The rest can only be settled after we survive this disaster.]

[At this point, these rebels have completely destroyed the arrangements for the Welcoming God Festival, and the mountain god has almost stopped responding to our prayers. As far as I know, some elderly villagers have shown signs of aging again. I know that this incident has made many people panic, but there is no need to be afraid. The power of the mountain god should be able to continue for at least a few months. The mountain god who has protected us for more than hundreds of years will never abandon us like this. The only thing we need to do is to avoid being killed and try to survive.]

[According to some tribesmen who have mixed in with the rebels, these rebels are all from other places. They don’t know our local dialect and can’t read the ancient characters we write. In fact, there may be at most one or two literate people among these rebels, and the rest are fools who have never read books. But even so, these soldiers are still very dangerous, so before they kill themselves, we’d better not get involved in their affairs. This notice is also deliberately posted in a place where they are unlikely to pay attention. But even so, we cannot rule out the possibility that they will tear it up randomly, so if you encounter a torn notice, please try to find other notices around.]

[In short, there are some more important situations that need to be cautious. I will record them all in this notice. Please check carefully to see if there are any omissions or places that you have not done well.]

[First, don't forget the identity of the Li family. Once we are a member of the Li family, we will always be a member of the Li family. After so many years of protection from the mountain god, no matter whether we live or die in the future, we must never give up our faith in the mountain god and lose the face and heart of the Li family. If you forget who you are and how you have survived to this day, I am afraid that the mountain god will find it difficult to save you.]

[Second, you must not go deep into the forest, nor touch stagnant water, nor walk alone on the road, nor touch sacrificial objects such as paper people, and don't try to identify things in the sky. The power of the mountain god can no longer protect us. The original threats will become more dangerous now, and the threats that did not threaten us before are no longer certain. Please be careful, saving your life is what we need to do most now]

[Third, avoid the wedding and funeral teams. The ceremony has gone out of control, and the mountain god will take the initiative to find us if he fails to receive the sacrifices. If you are exposed in front of these things, the result will be death, so don't think you can use them at this time]

[Fourth, if you hear the sound of opera at night, please cover your ears. If you really can't, you can poke your ears. In short, you can't continue to listen to opera. The opera troupe controlled by Li Ziyong is now out of control. I believe you all know what the result will be if you are found by that thing, so don't think you can still listen to opera at this time]

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