Gao Hai's uneasiness intensified.

A game of ghost stories with rules in the name of sacrifice, souls trapped by unknown existences who could not rest, strange things that repeated obsessions, and... phantoms that appeared in the real world. It was like a slowly opening curtain, and he was just one of the actors. He could not know or predict the next step, and he did not know where the end of the play would lead to.

"In any case, can we only take it one step at a time?"

Gao Hai, who was sighing like this, turned his head and saw a girl with long black hair and very beautiful light golden pupils walking in front of him, playing with her mobile phone while walking. The other party was wearing a school uniform and seemed to be on her way home from school, or on her way home after going out to play somewhere after school.

It seemed that she lived next door to his house.

The girl's pure and lovely face was very rare even in the two-dimensional world, with a feeling of pity.

Gao Hai could not help but look at her more with concern.

Let me make it clear in advance that he is not obsessed with sex. Although Gao Hai is very clear that he is a bit frivolous and shy, he is not to the point of fantasizing about a good-looking passerby. It’s just that knowing that this is a world of anime, and having met Shinomiya Kaguya and Shijo Maki, Gao Hai is very suspicious that the high-looking girl he met may be the protagonist of another work, so he just pays a little more attention to her.

As for the one in front of him... I can’t tell, there are too many black and straight girls in Japanese anime. The only thing that is certain is that this girl is not Yukinoshita Yukino, and the curvature of that chest can’t be possessed by Hirano at a glance.

However, you can pay attention to her house number... um, Yotsuya family? If it’s Yotsuya family... Could it be the protagonist of "The Girl I Can See", the Yotsuya Miko who is bullied by monsters every day and has tears in her eyes every day?

If she were there, would it mean that these things that ordinary people cannot see will become visible one day, and will gradually be discovered by people around them, and then...

Forget it, it's useless to think so far ahead, it's better to think about how to survive the next mission.

Gao Hai didn't plan to approach the other party just because she was a beautiful girl, but turned and left, searching for the barber shop while continuing to think.

If the first mission, Shirakawa Apartment, is at the dusk level, the next mission will be at the same level as this mission. As long as you act carefully, you should be able to get through it safely. Well, it shouldn't be a big problem, as long as you don't run into Lao Guo and the traitor again.

Gao Hai, thinking like this, just locked his eyes on a barber shop on the street, and then walked in directly.

"Boss, I'm going to meet my girlfriend tomorrow. Can you please give me a hairstyle that is pleasing to the eye?"

Gao Hai's words fell loudly.

The shop assistants in the store raised their heads one by one.

"Here you are."

One of the young shop assistants adjusted his glasses and whispered.

"Here we are, the rare customers that the boss said, the ones who don't order, only make requests, hide their preferences, and use punishment cards when they are not satisfied."

Another shirtless clerk nodded gently, his expression solemn.

"Are you sure the boss didn't play too much in the Night Sparrow Diner last night?"

The last clerk who looked like a normal person raised his hand and asked weakly.


Finally, a middle-aged uncle wearing a pink cat apron slowly raised his head and locked onto Gao Hai who walked into the barber shop.

"Young man, you dare to make such a request to me, the tiger of the back street, Fujimura barber, one of the four kings of Tokyo barbering. It's really exciting. It seems that today is the time for me to return to the arena and forge my name [Hand of Demon Cutting] again."

Oh no, isn't your group of people's complaints a bit too classic? And even if it's the world of two-dimensional anime, it doesn't have to be so awkward. Am I at the scene of some manzai show?

Gao Hai, who wanted to complain, finally fixed his hair in this store and made himself look more fresh. Then he went to the street and bought some casual clothes with matching colors and styles. Although he was not very handsome and trendy, it was much better than the clothes he had put together when he met Zhenfei before.

In the evening, Gao Hai contacted Zhenfei and Kaguya again and asked them if they could see those things outside, but they both got negative answers.

It seems that even among the players, only he can see these things.

"If there is any difference between me and other players..."

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the black watch he was wearing.

Is this thing that gave him the ability to see these things?

The question could not be answered.

Now is not a good time to act.

Therefore, Gao Hai just stayed at home and played games. He tried all the game consoles and sighed that he had never dared to imagine such a day before. He played happily until late at night and then went to sleep.

That night he had a strange dream. He dreamed that he was standing in the middle of a straight road.

On one side of the road stood the lovely four real concubines, and on the other side stood many disheveled beautiful girls.

Gao Hai walked towards the real concubine and heard the real concubine snort and turn around.

"Who cares that you chose me? You ghost, idiot, pervert!"

So Gao Hai turned around and looked at the beautiful girls, who curled their fingers at him.

"Master, come and play~"

Gao Hai had a hesitant look on his face, so he turned around and looked at Zhen Fei, who had his back turned to him.

"Hmph, go ahead if you like, you pervert!"

Then Gao Hai turned his head again, looked at the beautiful girls again, and took steps forward.

"Idiot, who asked you to go there?"

The next moment, an anxious voice came from behind.

Gao Hai turned around and saw Zhen Fei rushing towards him and bumping into him. The force of the collision was too great, and Gao Hai didn't care. As a result, the two of them fell backward together, and fell into the group of beautiful girls on the spot.

Then, in the chaotic movement that was silenced by [beep——], Gao Hai opened his eyes, and the sky outside the window was already bright.

Ah, it's a dream.

"Why do I have such abstract dreams?"

Gao Hai was puzzled, and finally decided to give up thinking, got up, took a bath, and got rid of the bread and milk he bought before going home yesterday. Then he looked at his phone, and after confirming the message sent to him by the true concubine, he was ready to go out and walk to the agreed place.


The mobile phone that had turned off the silent mode made a sound at this time.

Gao Hai lowered his head and saw a piece of news about a dead woman who was found in the toilet of a bar in Tokyo. The deceased was disembowelled, which was very tragic. There is also a coded picture in the news, and it can be barely seen that it is a woman sitting on the toilet.


The mosaic only covered the more important parts, so Gao Hai quickly noticed the woman's clothes.

Could it be that this outfit is... Maeda Miwa?

Gao Hai suddenly stopped when he realized something was wrong.

Interlude 1-05: The intelligence meeting between the three and the date between the two

Shijou Maifei raised her head and looked at the street outside the coffee shop.

She lowered her head again, stepped lightly on the ground twice, twisted her body a little irritably, and then raised her head to look at the street.

"It's so slow. Isn't this guy too slow?"

The girl finally couldn't help but complain.

"There is still half an hour before our agreed meeting time, and you have already repeated this sentence five times."

Kaguya, who was sitting next to the real concubine, glanced at the real concubine and said in a cold tone.

"Even so, he came too slowly. We arrived forty minutes early."

Zhen Fei, who had her head lying on the table, made a dissatisfied "Uh-huh" sound, then put her hands on both sides of her face and raised her head, muttering in a very dissatisfied tone.

"...It seems that you are really attracted to him, Zhenfei-san."

Kaguya's expression became a little playful.

"Who is attracted to that guy? I don't care about that idiot who thinks about getting more and more and has no gentlemanly manners at all."

The girl who took a big sip of coffee said through gritted teeth at this moment.

"Ah, really? I'm very hurt when you say that."

A voice sounded from behind at this moment.

The true concubine was stunned for a moment, then realized something, turned her head suddenly, and quickly locked her eyes on Gao Hai, who was coming up from behind.

From her hairstyle to her clothes, everything is completely different from yesterday.

Although his overall temperament is still cynical, he did listen to my words and take care of his image.

Seeing Gao Hai like this, Zhen Fei's mood suddenly improved a lot.

"It's too slow. Since you have a date with a girl, please arrive a little earlier."

Although her mood improved, the real concubine did not show the slightest hint of happiness on the surface. She just leaned over the sea, then sat inside, and reached out to pull up the curtains to block the light outside the glass.

This is a small private room on the second floor of the coffee shop. There are many people chatting or working here, looking for a quiet and comfortable environment.

Concubine Zhen and Kaguya chose this place to ensure safety and ensure that no one would eavesdrop.

"Let's talk about business first. There are indeed many things that need to be discussed this time."

After closing the curtains, the true concubine's expression immediately became serious.

Gao Hai, who knew that what he was going to talk about next was very important, sat next to Zhen Fei and nodded solemnly. He did not continue to smile playfully with Zhen Fei at this time.

"Then, let me explain it first. I have learned some information about the sacrifice game and players through my own means."

After taking a sip of coffee, Kaguya spoke first.

"The existence of players, or the existence of large-scale players, has lasted for at least two years."

"I did not directly investigate the existence of the players themselves, but tried to use obsession objects. After discovering that obsession objects can be used in the real world, I asked my assistant to investigate some of Neon's recent bizarre and unsolvable death cases. As a result, Since two years ago, the frequency of such cases has begun to increase rapidly, and they occur almost everywhere. "

"Not only that, the frequency of such cases has been increasing in the past six months, but the strange thing is that basically no relevant discussions can be found anywhere. If I hadn't specifically asked someone to search, I think I would have never been able to It is believed that 85 homicides have occurred in Tokyo this month alone, and the number of homicides last year reached more than 80,000. Such large-scale vicious cases cannot be suppressed by the Metropolitan Police Department alone. However, The fact is that no one knew about these events and it just happened."

Kaguya said as she placed some printed information on the table.

Gao Hai flipped through some of the information, which included a family of three who were beheaded and died. However, the investigation found that after being beheaded, they went to the living room to celebrate their birthdays around the table, with cream cakes stuffed in their throats. There is also a man who lives alone and encounters a girl who comes to serve him late at night. When he wakes up the next day, he finds that there is only a piece of bloody human skin under the quilt. An autopsy found that the skin had been peeled off yesterday evening. There was also a cry for help coming from the sewer pipe. After the pipe was opened, a mass of human tissue was found crowded in the pipe and stretched for more than ten meters. The investigation found that these human tissues crawled in the pipe for dozens of meters until the pipe was opened. The people in the pipeline died...

It is completely unreasonable and can be said to be a terrible case that cannot happen in the real world.

None of them can be cracked.

None of it attracted the slightest attention and was hardly discussed by anyone. Whether it is an open online platform or various hidden small forums, no one talks about this matter. Even if Kaguya's helper easily invaded the Metropolitan Police Department's system and found these files, proving that these things were not blocked as top secrets, they just couldn't attract people's attention, just like everyone Just like turning a blind eye to these horrific events.

"My assistant, she... also behaved abnormally towards these things."

After taking a deep breath, Kaguya's voice began to tremble a little.

"When she first investigated the information, she, like me, thought this kind of thing was unbelievable. She couldn't understand why such a thing happened. She couldn't understand why people didn't react at all after such a thing happened."

"But half an hour after handing me the information, when I found her and asked about it again, she couldn't remember what she had done. No...she remembered, but she suddenly didn't care. . It’s as if there is some kind of power, some kind of power that we can’t see, that directly erases these things beyond cognition from her consciousness, so that she will not pay attention to this matter no matter what, even in my If you think about it, she will appear very dull unless you really see the information again, but as long as you let go of the information and stop paying attention, she will return to that state within half an hour. "

When she said this, Kaguya paused slightly and took a sip of coffee, with an extremely complicated expression on her face.

"After discovering this anomaly, I conducted further experiments."

"I used a blood doll to trap an attendant in my mansion, which caused panic in the entire mansion."

"But after I recovered the blood doll, about three or four hours passed, and everyone forgot about it. The order of the mansion returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened. , even the attendant who was attacked only panicked for about half an hour longer than the others, and then completely returned to his normal self. "

At the end, Kaguya took a long breath, put down the coffee cup and concluded in a low voice.

"I think only players can remember these things. These things that are beyond ordinary people's cognition and beyond normal can only be known and remembered by players."

"It's like two isolated islands separated from each other. Ordinary people are on one of the islands, and we are on the other island, separated from each other. No, this separation is essentially a unilateral separation. After all, We can know everything that ordinary people know, but they can’t understand the world in our eyes.”

Judging from the expression on Kaguya's face, the findings of this investigation obviously had a considerable impact on her heart. It may even have a greater impact than the life-and-death crisis experienced in Shirakawa's apartment.

Gao Hai immediately thought of Maeda Miwa.

That woman died a cruel way in a hotel. As a player, her death was reported. What was going on?

Was it an ordinary person who killed her? Or did the person who killed her do it without using any extraordinary power?

He took out his phone and checked it to confirm that he could still see the news.

This made Gao Hai feel a little vigilant in his heart.

"That's about it for my aunt's investigation, so it's my turn next. I have found the gathering place of the players. At least for now, it seems that it should be an agreed gathering place for the players. The time will be 3 days later. , located in an underground shopping plaza in an abandoned old city.”

Zhen Fei calmly took a sip of coffee, and after confirming that Kaguya had nothing to say, she slowly spoke and placed a photo on the table.

It was a TV screen, and the screen was showing a weather forecast advertisement, but the position next to the screen where the host should be was occupied by blood-red handwriting, and a date and a coordinate location were clearly marked, and the word [market] was written in blood at the end.

"This bloody word appears in the weather forecast program every evening, but no one else in the family can see it except me. In their eyes, it is just the host. I think this should be information reserved for players."

"Organized players use TV to release information to other players and organize trading markets. But the specific situation there is currently completely unknown. I think if you want to go there to investigate, you have to be careful. There may be traps or something."

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