"What are you doing...such a thing..."

I want to be angry, but I can't.

I want to cater to you, but I can’t do it.

The last words he spoke sounded more like coquettishness than responsibility.

"You can close your eyes if you're scared."

And Gao Hai, who came up to him again, just said this, just like this, their foreheads were close to each other again, and their breaths were close again.

The true concubine's body trembled slightly, but in the end she remained obedient and slowly closed her eyes.

The second time the lips pressed together, even tighter than the first time.

(1120 words omitted here)

As well as Zhen Fei's little feet, they finally struggled to touch Gao Hai's chest.

"So I said no -!!!"

The next moment, Gao Hai flew into the air and hit the wall opposite the bed.

Taking a deep breath, Zhen Fei quickly stood up and escaped from the room very quickly.

And it was only then that Gao Hai finally woke up and was slightly dazed. Only then did he realize what kind of behavior he had done under the girl's attitude of refusing to welcome her.

Ah, it seems that I messed up a bit...

Interlude 1-09: On the way to the player’s promised place

The gloomy rain curtain has gradually dissipated.

The morning sun rises, the moonlight shines on the earth, and then a new day arrives.

People in the city just repeat their unchanging daily lives.

For them, ghost stories do not exist, there are no death games, and there are no weird things. Everything they see and hear in their daily life is the whole world in their eyes. Maybe there will be no big changes until they leave this world; maybe such days will suddenly end one day, but there are more people around them. People will continue to repeat the same melody, running the world like machine parts.

However, for those who are no longer in the daily life, such days are gone.

Because their lives are often counted in months, a death game woven with strange rules is played once a month. It is probably not easy for most players to survive every time.

Although he has not officially contacted the so-called player group, Gao Hai feels that his speculation should not be a big problem.

At this moment, it was the fourth day since the end of the Shirakawa Apartment copy, and it was the third day since the information from the TV station investigated by Mafei Kaguya, which was the time when the player market was held.

Gao Hai stood at the entrance to the abandoned old city on the edge of the city, which had been cut off from water, electricity and gas. Basically no one would stay except homeless people. After waiting here for a while, he saw a man dressed casually. The pretending true concubine walked out from a nearby intersection.

"Good morning, true concubine."

Gao Hai greeted the girl calmly.

"...It's a shame that you guys can still say hello like this as if nothing happened."

Concubine Zhen stared at Gao Hai with squinted eyes for a while, and finally snorted and walked forward, walking side by side with Gao Hai.

In the embarrassing situation three days ago, Gao Hai finally called Zhen Fei and apologized seriously. However, after the girl hesitated for a while, she didn't really alienate Gao Hai or anything, she just expressed her seriousness. Never touch her again when they meet again.

At that time, Gao Hai really wanted to ask her what the specific indicators were for touching her, but considering that the girl was still angry at the time, she honestly chose to keep her mouth shut.

After that, Zhen Fei calmed down quite quickly. Perhaps in a sense, she actually had some guilty conscience. After all, in the increasingly intense and deep kiss, she had to admit that she was somewhat addicted to it.

Could it be that I am actually a somewhat slutty girl?

Such questions troubled Concubine Zhen for the whole day, but then she slowly figured it out. After all, she was now trapped in the sacrifice game and had established an inseparable relationship with Gao Hai. In this case, instead of always worrying about these and other problems, it is better to look forward and think about what to do next.

Although she said this as if she had already figured it out, when she actually met Gao Hai again, the girl couldn't help but put on her usual arrogant look.

"Speaking of which, that earphone means that Miss Shinomiya has been listening to what's going on here, right?"

Gao Hai glanced at the miniature earphones worn by Concubine Zhen on one ear and asked.

"Well, my aunt's tutoring is very strict. Unlike me, she can go out at will, so I can only use this method to let her participate as much as possible."

The real concubine nodded slightly, she still would not act arrogant when talking about business.

"Are there any players testing you these days?"

Gao Hai thought for a while and asked again.

"No more. Except for the first day, there has been no more temptation. At least, there is no temptation that I can detect. Maybe the other party intends to wait and see what happens. Now that we are standing in the open, there is no way to be sure. The person hiding in the dark is a friend or an enemy, and I can only hope that he will not be an opponent like Lao Guo. "

The true concubine shook her head slightly, quickly glanced at Gao Hai beside her, and then looked away. After a while, she looked over again, and then quickly moved away before Gao Hai looked over.

After repeating this three times, she couldn't bear it anymore and spoke in a low voice.

"You haven't encountered anything these days, have you?"

The real concubine frowned as soon as she said this sentence, feeling that the topic she chose was a bit too common.

"These past few days, it's been okay. Except for those things that start to appear every day in the evening, I haven't encountered any other problems for the time being. By the way, I heard that the underground market is quite cold. Are you okay?"

Gao Hai said, moving his eyes to the pair of slender legs exposed under Zhen Fei's skirt.

From a long time ago, Gao Hai felt that Neon's practice of wearing short skirts in cold weather was a bit strange. He didn't know if this was a stereotype in anime, or if many Neon people really liked doing it.

"I don't have a problem with this. I can't even think of such small things. Although they look very thin, they are warm socks."

As the true concubine spoke, she lifted up her skirt slightly so that Gao Hai could see the white stockings she was wearing.

The sunshine at this time was pretty good. Under the warm light, two figures, one tall and one short, walked through the noisy border of civilization and stepped into the place where all kinds of garbage and debris were piled up. The outer walls of many buildings had peeled off. An old town overgrown with weeds.

Although it was only one or two streets apart, this place seemed to have become another world, which made Gao Hai and Zhen Fei feel a chill at the same time when they stepped into it.

"Speaking of which, why was this place abandoned?"

Gao Hai turned to look at the girl beside him and asked.

"Well, it's still very complicated to talk about. This is an area that was built many years ago. It seemed that it was originally planned to be built into an economic zone. However, problems occurred during the construction and many supporting facilities were not completed. Later, the person in charge was changed. , there was another problem during the handover, and this area has never been very attractive to live in, and the neon is now getting more and more sluggish. In the end, it is equivalent to being abandoned, and basically no one will come here. Well, except for some homeless people and criminals, I probably wouldn’t have come to this kind of place before.”

Concubine Zhen walked forward while explaining the situation to Gao Hai.

Both of them had studied the map here before coming, so they didn't have to worry about taking the wrong path and headed straight towards their destination.

The sun shines through the abandoned buildings, through the broken windows, and shines on the dark streets.

Gao Hai turned his head and watched the true concubine walking slowly beside him. After thinking about it, he took a step closer, reached out and grabbed the other person's little hand, and then held hands and moved forward together.

"You...what are you doing? Didn't you tell me not to touch you?"

The girl who was caught off guard turned slightly red and immediately raised her head and asked hurriedly.

"Let's hold hands and walk together."

But Gao Hai just smiled and said, pretending to be innocent with his sunny and cheerful big boy smile.

"You guy...you are quite good at bullying girls."

Knowing that he would not let go easily, the real concubine murmured softly, gave up the treatment and let the other party hold hands, and the two of them moved forward together.

The uneasiness in my heart seemed to have faded a little.

It was only then that the true concubine noticed that she was actually still a little scared and had some fear of the unknown underground square.

Could it be that he saw this and insisted on shaking hands?

Thinking of this, the girl couldn't help but glance at Gao Hai secretly, but she only saw the other person's calm expression as usual.

I don't understand. Sometimes this guy seems to be pretending to be stupid, and sometimes he seems to be really stupid.

Well, the only thing that is certain is that it is really astringent, and it is the kind of astringent ghost that rubs the nose and face. You must be careful and careful, it is really too dangerous.

While thinking this, the true concubine suddenly noticed a figure appearing in front of her.

That was a young girl.

A girl with long pink hair, carrying a guitar and wearing sportswear. He looks very good, but for some reason his temperament seems a bit gloomy.

In this empty and silent abandoned city, this girl who looked so abrupt walked out of the street corner. Looking at the direction she was heading, it seemed that she was in the same underground shopping mall as Gao Hai and Zhen Fei, as shown on TV.

The true concubine had already withdrawn her hand and looked at the other party cautiously.

Gao Hai, on the other hand, quickly recognized the girl in front of him after a brief moment of recalling and thinking.

Isn't this little Poch?

Intermission 1-10: Senior Club Fear Girl and Abnormal Newcomer

Poch-chan is the transliteration of the neon word "Little Loneliness", which is also the nickname of this girl.

The actual name is Goto Kazuri. He is 156cm tall and weighs 50kg. He is a guitarist who plays under the pseudonym "Guitar Hero" on the Internet. Gao Hai didn't remember the number of fans of the original work very clearly, but the number of followers he found in this world has exceeded 600,000, which is quite astonishing for a faceless pure music blogger.

It's just that Goto Ichiri is completely socially anxious in his setting. He has never been able to make any friends since he was a child. It is even difficult for him to speak to people properly. He is immersed in his own thoughts all day long. In the theater, even Gao Hai wondered whether the child had some congenital brain disease.

However, this is a comic book world, right?

I have asked Shinomiya Kaguya before. She is not the vice president of the student union. She just lives in school as an ordinary student. She still participates in the archery club and even continues to participate in the annual competition, instead of giving up the competition because the competition day conflicts with Christmas like in the original work. This means that the Shirogane family, the male protagonist of Kaguya's original work, does not exist in this world. This also explains why Kaguya still maintains the form of Ice Kaguya at the age of sophomore.

So there is no Shirogane Kei, which seems a bit regrettable?

In short, after the precedent of Shinomiya Kaguya, Gao Hai knew that it would be better not to measure the anime characters he met with the impression of the original work. Maybe it was a magic version of a parallel world, so it was necessary to communicate carefully.


Therefore, after a brief thought, Gao Hai stepped forward and walked in front of Zhenfei, and greeted the girl not far ahead cautiously.

The girl standing across the street trembled her fingers slightly.

She did not respond to Gao Hai immediately.

The pair of blue pupils shrank slightly, as if they were frightened by Gao Hai's voice, and then moved quickly, suddenly fixed on Gao Hai, and then moved away at a very fast speed, and turned to look at the ground.

Step back, two steps back.

The girl distanced herself from Gao Hai, making the distance between the two parties, which was not close to begin with, even farther.


The girl, who did not look at Gao Hai at all, bowed slightly and greeted him in a small and inaudible voice.

She seemed to be still the socially anxious one.

It was just that I didn't have the ability to read minds, so I didn't know if this girl was having all kinds of inner dramas going on.

"Are you a player too? We came here after seeing the message on TV. Are you going to that market too?"

Gao Hai stood in place, did not approach rashly, and just asked again.

He did not feel the other party's malice.

The power of blessing should not be easily deceived, so Gao Hai decided to be more honest after a little thought.

"Well... I am..."

The other party's answer became a little smaller.

Although the two sides were still talking, Gao Hai felt as if the whole body of the little pink-haired girl was being sucked by some powerful suction force and was about to disappear quickly from his sight, and it was just barely holding itself to the ground with its legs.

"That should be an obsession."

Zhen Fei stood on tiptoe at this time and whispered in Gao Hai's ear.

She was referring to the guitar on the back of the pink-haired girl.

Gao Hai only noticed at this time that the guitar on the pink-haired girl's back seemed a little unusual.

There were obvious red marks on the guitar, and the guitar itself looked a little old and damaged, and even some words that looked like they were carved by a knife could be seen. It's just that the distance is too far now, so there is no way to identify it.

At the moment of noticing it, it seems to be able to feel a bit of gloom, as if something is watching it.

Gao Hai recognized that it was indeed an obsession, and... it didn't seem to be an ordinary obsession?

Holding an obsession, is he an old player?

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