He didn't know how to describe that feeling.

If he wanted to draw an analogy, he might think of his own experiences as a child.

At that time, when he fell asleep at night, he would deliberately turn over and let the quilt wrap him up.

It's like that feeling of being wrapped tightly.

But the difference is that the surrounding rock formations are hard and cold.

Every moment I can feel the friction between my skin and these stones, and I can hear the friction sound of my body moving forward bit by bit in the cave.

It was like the rocks were screaming.


There was no way to tell where the sound of water was coming from.

Only the coldness spreading in the cave was rising little by little.


I could hear my breathing getting faster and faster.

Continue to move forward with difficulty, and then move again.

Time seems to be stretching infinitely at this moment.

He didn't know how long he had been walking in this darkness.

He didn't know what existed in front of the darkness, and when he would reach the end of the darkness.


But he could hear breathing.

The sound came from behind him, from the back of the cave where he couldn't even turn around and could only crawl forward with difficulty.


In the clear sound of water again, Gao Hai heard the sound of something crawling behind him and the sound of skin rubbing against rocks.

The sound came closer and closer to him bit by bit.

Just behind him.

Swinging his arms with difficulty, he grabbed the rocks on both sides and continued to drill forward for a distance.

He couldn't even take his hands back. He had to keep reaching forward to crawl in the small cave.

There was no way to look up.

Because even though he was lying on the ground with his head sideways, his ears were already touching the top of the rock wall.

From the friction again and again, his ears were already bloody and bloody, and even the pain had begun to subside.

Nothing can be seen.

In the dark cave with no light source, he could only smell the sand.


The sound of breathing behind him seemed to be getting closer.

But he still couldn't see anything.

I could only move forward slowly bit by bit, and continue to move forward in this dark and narrow cave that was so narrow that it was suffocating.


The sound of water drops falling was heard again.

Gao Hai slowly stopped crawling forward.

He could no longer hear the breathing and friction behind him.

In this silent darkness, it seemed that he was the only one left again, or in other words, it was only him from the beginning.


Not long after this thought occurred, he heard new breathing.

It came not from behind him, but from in front of him, accompanied by the sound of something squirming and crawling, and the sound of breathing approaching little by little.

There is no way to go back.

This narrow cave is curved. When moving forward, you can grasp the rock wall and squirm forward, but if you want to retreat, it is almost impossible because you can't look back at the structure of the rock wall behind you. It’s also hard to find a place to draw on.


Gao Hai struggled and tried his best to retreat, but he could only retreat a little distance, moving extremely slowly.


And the sound of breathing in front of him was getting closer and closer, so close that he seemed to feel the other person's breath hitting his cheek.


He definitely felt it.

Someone or something was already lying face to face in front of him.

I can't see that person's face, I can't see that person's appearance.

But the cold breath on his face described to Gao Hai so clearly the appearance of that person, the figure right in front of him.

Reach out.

Slowly, stretch out your hand forward, little by little.


The breath slowly caressed Gao Hai's skin.

In the end, his fingers touched nothing. They just touched the air and the cold rock walls on both sides.

No one else exists.

He is the only one here.

The only person in this suffocating narrow cave is himself.


Amidst the sound of dripping water the next moment, Gao Hai slowly opened his eyes.

The sunshine outside the window is still there.

Pedestrians on the street walked slowly, chatting about their plans for the new day, living the same life as yesterday.

Gao Hai himself sat up from the bed, touched his unscratched ear, and then looked at the calendar hanging on the wall, looking at the days that he had crossed off, and finally settled on the remaining days. During the next few days.

He stretched out his hand and counted. The remaining number was 3.

This means that there are still three days left before the next mission begins.

After that day's trading ended, not much happened in the days that followed.

Zhen Fei had gone out shopping with him on dates a few times, but probably because she had been taken advantage of before, the girl was a lot more wary now. She basically just held hands to the limit, and was not even willing to kiss him. .

Kaguya occasionally goes out and organizes tea parties for three people, but I always feel that the way she looks at her is different from before, and she seems to be somewhat wary.

I don’t quite understand girls’ thoughts, but in short, there really wasn’t much progress in the rest of the month.

It is worth mentioning that Zhen Fei found a way to let Gao Hai and Kaguya slip into a private shooting range run by the upper class themselves, and invited professional coaches to guide the use and maintenance of firearms. Considering the environment of the next dungeon, Zhen Fei found someone to get two standard pistols and made some adaptive modifications to better adapt to the wet and sandy environment of the cave. However, the specific situation can only be determined after getting started. Know.

No, it's better not to know. After all, guns are used to deal with players. If such weapons are used, it will only prove that there is competition among players in the dungeon. What Gao Hai, who has experienced the baptism of Lao Guo and the traitor woman, hates the most is This kind of infighting among players.

There are already several unread messages on the phone, including information about the meeting place in three days from Kaguya, greetings from the real concubine, and another message sent after finding out that he didn't reply, "Don't sleep, lazy fellow, get up quickly." "In this case.

Gao Hai stood up, picked up the black pen on the bedside table, marked a day on the date, then turned around and left to wash up.

Everything has been inventoried.

Adventure clothes, anti-cut gloves, helmets, kneepads, hiking boots, searchlights, casual clothes disguised as tourists...

In order to deal with possible situations, the three of them have made preparations.

Amidst the sound of rushing water, Gao Hai had already washed his face.

Take the towel and gently wipe the water stains on your face.


The sound of water dripping from the faucet made Gao Hai startled slightly.

"Have you become nervous lately?"

He recalled the dream he had repeated for the third time.

Climbing in a narrow cave, I heard something following me, but in the end I found that I was the only one dreaming.

A depressing, deep, and terrifying dream.

That might be some kind of omen.

But Gao Hai couldn't do it if he gave up the tickets he got for this omen.

No matter what, this is always a dusk-level ticket, a known dungeon ticket that can get many players' intelligence clues in advance.

If he chooses to give up, he must face the preparation of being separated from Kaguya and entering a completely unknown world alone, and that is obviously not a good choice.


Stretching out his hand, Gao Hai blocked the water outlet of the faucet with his fingers, and stood in front of the sink without saying a word. After standing for a few minutes, he turned around and left.

Today is also a day when nothing happens.

I don’t know how many times I have to check the equipment again.

Waiting for time to move forward step by step, waiting for the arrival of the next day.

Gao Hai seemed to be able to vaguely understand the meaning of the word "suffering" to players.

No matter what he thinks, that day will eventually come.

3 days, 2 days, 1 day...

Until the day the game starts.

"Are you ready?"

When he opened the door and came to the small single room reserved in advance by Zhen Fei and Kaguya, the two girls had already organized their equipment and placed them beside them.

"Isn't it too late for me to say I'm not ready?"

With that said, Gao Hai put his equipment in his backpack and sat down next to Zhen Fei.

The ticket for the copy is already in hand.

None of the three said anything more.

Only each other's breathing and the depressive atmosphere in this small room spread.

"It'll be fine."

In the end, it was Zhen Fei who spoke first, speaking in a positive tone to the two people beside her.

"After entering, if you are separated, please reunite as soon as possible."

Kaguya then continued to speak, and cracks appeared in her cold demeanor the moment she spoke. Obviously, even with Hyou Kaguya's cultivation, she still couldn't maintain peace at this moment when she was about to face a new weird game. state of mind.


Gao Hai didn't know what to say, and felt that it wouldn't be good if he didn't speak up. Finally, he nodded slightly and said yes, which seemed to match the current atmosphere.

Then, they waited until that time came and felt the countdown that ordinary people couldn't understand reaching zero.


The admission tickets in the hands of the three people spontaneously ignited without any wind at this moment.

And that weird voice immediately sounded in everyone's mind.

【Welcome to the "Sacrifice Game"】

[The game level you are about to participate in is: Dusk]

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