"Ha, what, do you think I am strong because I have my family to rely on? Humph, you inexperienced guy, I am an all-rounder in the true sense. I can handle any situation, and the skills I master are not something you can Imaginary. Mathematics, fighting, kendo, housekeeping, art, foreign languages, etc., the knowledge in daily life is not comparable to that of a stay-at-home guy. Okay, just step aside, isn't it just the refrigerator? Am I afraid of being disgusted by seeing rotten leaves and meat? Isn’t it too disrespectful of you? Stand aside, I’ll investigate, and I’ll let you see what the Shijo family’s style is!”

Concubine Shijo, who spoke very fast, stretched out her little hand to stop Gao Hai, looked at him with a look of contempt, snorted and took the initiative to walk to the refrigerator.

Just in terms of the attitude and tone of her words, I have to say that she is quite unlovable. If you don't know the other person well, you might think that she really despises Gao Hai. Although in fact she was worried that something bad might be hidden in the refrigerator in such a weird place after hearing Gao Hai's words, so she planned to conduct an investigation by herself first to prevent Gao Hai from being in danger, so she said this deliberately. That’s all. As a result, before she finished speaking the heroic words in her mouth, the girl's calves were already shaking slightly when she walked to the refrigerator, and her fingers to pull the refrigerator were also a little hesitant.

Could it be that something really came out after opening the refrigerator?

Concubine Shijo was not very courageous, and she was already shrinking a little at this time, but she still insisted on not showing her weak side in front of outsiders.

I see, this is tsundere.

Gao Hai, who noticed the little movements of the true concubine, just touched his chin and nodded slightly, sighing in his heart about the different expressions of the arrogant character in the third dimension and the second dimension.

You can obviously feel the sense of tsundere at a glance when reading comics, but when you actually face a real person, unless you really observe all the micro-movements in detail, I just thought she was looking down on me. Hmm, so a tsundere girl can only look cute if she understands the other person, right?

If I ask her about emotional problems at this time, can I guide her to say the famous line "I am the master of love"? Ah, suddenly I really wanted to hear her say this, it must be full of a different kind of pleasure.

Although Gao Hai was still thinking wildly in his heart as always, he quickly approached and stood beside Zhen Fei.

"It looks like the refrigerator hasn't lost power yet, so be careful. Who knows what's going on inside."

With that said, Gao Hai stood next to Zhen Fei, stretched out his hand and took the lead in holding the refrigerator door.

"Ha, as long as something doesn't come out and attack me, there's nothing to fear. I've seen a lot more of the world than you."

Concubine Shijo, who felt that she had been underestimated, showed an unhappy expression. As she spoke, she also grabbed the door of the small refrigerator, and then pulled it open with force.

The face of a frozen man came face to face with the real concubine in the next moment.


At that moment, Gao Hai could feel the girl next to him tense up all over, and her whole body became almost completely stiff.

And as the refrigerator door was completely opened, the figure of a man who had been completely frozen huddled in the refrigerator was revealed in front of the two of them.

Even though he had been dead for a long time, the frozen and ferocious face full of fear and despair still seemed to illustrate the fear in the heart of this man when he finally hid here.

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked inside the refrigerator. Unfortunately, he could not find common clue files in decryption games such as [the note next to the body] and [the handwriting carved before death]. It can only be said that a game is always a game, and it is not that easy to find clues in reality.

"He was only wearing a thin vest and shorts. Maybe he encountered something while sleeping and rested, and he was caught off guard and chose to hide in the refrigerator?"

Feeling the cold air coming from the refrigerator, Gao Hai tried to analyze the deceased's last encounters and behavior, but he didn't come up with any valuable clues for the time being.

"Ha... This, this kind of thing cannot be known at a glance... Phew... that's all. Wait, is there something wrong with you? Why are you so unresponsive after seeing the body? Analyze, are you really a novelist?"

As for the frightened Concubine Zhen, she had just regained her composure. She first managed to say a few words to protect her self-esteem, and then immediately reacted and looked at Gao Hai with a frown.

"Well, it's probably because I've read a lot of bad stuff in the past to look for information, so I'm immune to it, like the most disturbing person in the world..."

Gao Hai thought about the appropriate words to explain, but he was interrupted by footsteps behind him as soon as he said a few words.

Kaguya Shinomiya stepped into the kitchen quietly at some point. It wasn't until he approached the two of them that he deliberately made footsteps to make them aware of his presence.

She didn't speak, her eyes just glanced at the half-open refrigerator door behind Gao Hai and Zhen Fei, as well as the huddled body that was completely frozen inside. Then she made a silent gesture to the two of them, and showed her mobile phone.

[There is something going on outside, don’t make any noise, come here]

After showing the brief information to the two of them, Kaguya's eyes finally stopped at the moist spots in the corners of Zhenfei's eyes that had not been wiped away after being frightened, and then took the lead to walk outside.

The wall clock had been taken down by Kaguya and held in her hand, while Gao Hai and Zhen Fei followed without hesitation. The three of them tried their best to keep quiet and make sure they acted silently.

Knock knock knock——

Walking through the living room and coming to the corridor.

Before he even reached the door, Gao Hai heard a knock on the door, and a voice that sounded along with the knock.

[Gao Hai, Xiao Gao, are you in there? ]

[Why aren't you talking? It's me, Sun Dajun]

[Everyone is outside, we are discussing what to do now, why are you hiding in there, and the two girls with you too, what are you doing? Hey, hey, don't be silent, can you say something?]

It was the voice of the fat executive that I heard not long ago.

There was no abnormality at all, and the voice full of doubts that followed the knock on the door was ringing just like that. At the same time, the voices of the black guy and the yellow-haired girl could be vaguely heard, and the voices of the three people were all outside the door.

Along with the steady knocking sound, it reached the ears of the three people in the house.

Knock knock knock --

Chapter 9: Knock -- knock -- knock --

[Xiao Gao, why don't you speak? ]

The sound outside the house continued to ring.

It was as if the silence before was just an illusion, just as the silence in the corridor after the footsteps appeared did not exist at all.

Knock knock knock --

The knocking sound continued to ring.

And the three people standing in the house were silent at this time.

What's going on?

After all the sounds outside were silent, although the three people said that they were not sure about the situation outside, in fact, whether it was Gao Hai or Kaguya Maki, they were ready for all the people in the corridor to die. Especially after Maki and Gao Hai saw the frozen corpse in the refrigerator, they were more determined to think so.

But now, their voices appeared again.

Why did they appear now?

It was silent for such a long time before, and there was no movement at all. Could it be that everything was just their misunderstanding? Could it be that nothing fatal or bizarre happened, and the footsteps just blocked the voices of the people outside, making them unable to detect the movements of these people?

[Okay, okay, nothing has happened outside, don't hide]

[That's right, we have been knocking on your door for a long time. We have been calling you since you entered. Why don't you answer? ]

[You hid for no reason. What happened? Nothing happened.]

The voices of the three people outside the house continued to ring.

Together with the knocking sound, it continued to ring.

Knock knock knock——

As if the rhythm would never change, the knocking sounded steadily.

Should I respond to these people?

No, I can't act rashly like this. There are too many suspicious places.

As soon as this idea came up, it was immediately rejected by Gao Hai.

If it was really safe outside, then the white man and Lao Guo should not have done nothing. At least Lao Guo, who showed the posture of leading everyone at the beginning, should not remain silent. He should be among these people.

It just so happened that the three people who stayed in the corridor kept talking and knocking on the door. There were too many suspicious places.

[I don’t know why Lao Guo refused to open the door or talk to us. The foreign devil was the same. We had no choice but to knock on your door.]

[That’s right, open the door quickly. Please at least say something. Do you think it’s fun to stand in the corridor without saying a word?]

[It’s really okay outside. We are all members of this apartment. If there is any problem, we can discuss it.]

Knock knock knock——knock knock knock——

The knocking and talking sounds continued.

I don’t know why this group of people are so tenacious. Even though the people in the room ignored them, they still kept knocking on the door.

Gao Hai remained silent.

Kaguya and Shinki beside him were not prepared to approach the door at all.

On the contrary, the three of them retreated a little and kept a distance from the door in tacit understanding.

[I said, are you so wary of us? ]

[Why do you have to step back? Let's talk it out.]

[We are all neighbors. Why can't we talk face to face?]


The knocking sound seemed to get louder.

It was like hitting the door with a fist.

The force used was not too great, but the gradually anxious attitude emerged.

Something was wrong.

There must be something wrong.

Gao Hai rubbed his head and felt that his mind seemed a little confused for a while. He subconsciously wanted to respond to the voice outside the door and say something, but he instinctively closed his mouth and remained silent.

He couldn't tell what was wrong.

He just instinctively remained silent and stared at the direction of the door without saying a word.

[What's wrong? You have seen us before.]

Sun Dajun's impatient voice sounded with the sound of knocking on the door.

Yes, what's wrong?

Gao Hai thought silently in his heart.

[What's wrong? Are you a racist? 】

The black guy spoke Chinese fluently, almost like his mother tongue, with a hint of displeasure.

But, he just felt that he shouldn't do this.

Gao Hai still felt that there must be something wrong with the current situation.

[Please, come out, open the door, there's really nothing wrong with us]

The dyed-haired woman said helplessly in neon language, and the sound of knocking on the door rang out along with her words.

Why do you keep emphasizing that you have no problems?

Gao Hai wanted to ask like this.

[Because we really have no problems]

Then why don't you knock on the other two people's doors, but keep blocking us?

[Knocked, what can we do if they don't open it? ]

Then I won't open this door either.

[Why, is it necessary to treat neighbors like this? Open the door, we can discuss it if there's something]

What to discuss? We don't even know each other, what do I have to say to you.

[What you said, aren't we all neighbors? Neighbors should love each other, everyone says so, if you don't believe it, ask others]

I don't want to communicate with you, you go away.

[Don't be like this, we are all living in the same place, we should get along well, open the door]

I said, I don't want to communicate with you, I won't open the door.

[Open the door, open the door, open the door]

I said I don't want to communicate with you, I don't want to... communicate?

It was like a basin of cold water mixed with ice cubes was poured over my head when I was drowsy.

Gao Hai suddenly woke up at this moment.


What kind of communication is this! ?

He has not said a single word since just now!

These damn things can directly see his thoughts? And can they talk to his thoughts? What the hell is blocking the door now? !

Turning his head to look at the side, the four real concubines were still standing there, but Kaguya had subconsciously taken a step forward. The expressions on their faces were sometimes serious and sometimes confused, as if they were talking to someone, even though they didn't open their mouths.

[Open the door, open the door, open the door]

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