Qianhua stood up straight with a serious face, bowed to Gao Hai and answered.

So the next moment Gao Hai walked through the tunnel, turned off his headlights and carefully stepped into this large space that suddenly opened up.

And immediately discovered the four light sources that were already in this cavity, flickering and moving slightly.

Chapter 3: Please remember the identity you play

At this moment, there were four people gathered in this open area.

It's a very unlucky number.

The good news is that through the identification of my own blessing, these four are all human beings.

The bad news that I'm not sure is that these four don't look like new players. They don't feel any clear goodwill or malice, and it's obvious that they have discovered me. All four searchlights are pointing towards me. Photo over here.

"Hey, that gentleman over there, are you an explorer? Are you an explorer player who comes here to play?"

One of the four people took two steps forward and said, his voice sounded like a neon man.

"We are all human beings. Please rest assured that we are not monsters. I am Dennis, an outdoor anchor and an explorer."

Another man waved his hand and said, grinning at Gao Hai. This man didn't look like an old player, he seemed to be a newcomer who had entered by mistake.

In addition to the two people who took the initiative to say hello, there was a man and a woman who did not speak, but stood at a distance and observed Gao Hai.

Judging from the actions of these two people, they should be ready to use the obsession at any time, and they seem quite vigilant.

"I'm an explorer."

Knowing that he was exposed, Gao Hai stopped hiding and stood up and said calmly.

"I'm a player explorer. I'm here to play. I haven't been to the heart yet. What about you?"

He did not ask Fujiwara Chika behind him to come out immediately, but asked the other party to wait for a while, and then asked the four people on the other side.

"We haven't yet. This is a big space, and we haven't determined which direction can reach the artery. You don't have to be so vigilant, just ask your companions to come out. There is no danger here, don't worry."

The neon man asked again. He seemed to have some way of detecting the situation here, and he seemed to be very concerned about the hidden Qianhua.

"Really, the three of them are pretty good. Without them taking care of me, I definitely wouldn't have been able to get here."

Dennis continued, his attitude was very enthusiastic.

"No need, just stay here. Where did you all come from? Haven't you seen anyone else?"

Gao Hai was unwilling to go there. Among the two people on his side, he was actually the only veteran player with an obsession. Not to mention Qianhua, a newcomer, and he didn't have as strong a body as Kaguya Zhenfei, and there were at least three veteran players on the other side. , if a civil war breaks out, he will be under great pressure, so he must keep a safe distance no matter what.

"There are caves all around. As you can see, this place is completely different from the information. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the one leading over there is the return point. But we are explorers, aren't we? We have to find a way to find it. The location of the [Heart] is fine. Otherwise, if you go back directly, you won’t be considered an explorer. If you want to go together, I think it would be much better if we all go together.”

The neon man took a step closer and spoke cheerfully.

"Forget it then. The two of us here are fine. I wish you all the best to reach the heart."

Gao Hai, who had gained nothing from the conversation, frowned and decided to retreat to the cave where he started.

Judging from the current experience, there are indeed dangerous corpses in the cave, but as long as you stick to your identity as an [explorer] and wear a full set of explorer clothes, you can still safely avoid the attack rules of those things and you will be fine. .

But there are too many uncertainties among the three people here. Not to mention the two players who have never expressed their opinions. This neon man seems to have been releasing kindness, but Gao Hai's blessing has no kind response to him. , and even because he was not cooperating with the other party, he began to feel more or less subtle malice.

Although it was not malicious enough to have the intention of attacking him, in Gao Hai's view, the attitude of the three people here was obviously not the type to cooperate well.

In this case, if he gave up contact and cooperation with the other party and continued to act with Qianhua, whom he at least knew the ins and outs of, at least he wouldn't have to worry about someone stabbing him behind the scenes at a critical moment.

Gao Hai, who had made up his mind in this way, took a step back, and then suddenly became confused. He vaguely felt that he had overlooked something just now.

"At least consider the opinions of your companions and don't make decisions blindly, right? Only by cooperation can we survive better, right?"

But the neon man still refused to give up, took another step forward, and said seriously to Gao Hai.

There's no end to this guy, right...

Gao Haizheng was about to recall what he had overlooked when he was interrupted by the other party's words. He was a little unhappy and wanted to choke the other party. But as he followed, he realized something from the other person's words.

He just said, what is your companion’s opinion?

When Gao Hai realized something, he turned his head and saw Chika Fujiwara sneaking up to him at some point, squatting down behind him, and sneaking quietly.

How did this guy escape?

Gao Hai frowned, not expecting the other party to act on his own. Just as he was about to say something, Qianhua stared at him and opened her mouth, then turned to look in the direction of the Japanese man, and then took out her mobile phone to type for Gao Hai to see.

[Just now I kept hearing you talking to two people, but one person's voice disappeared while you were talking. Did you trigger some death plot? ]

This line of words made Gao Hai turn his head suddenly and look at the side of the Japanese man, the direction of the man who greeted him enthusiastically at the beginning and called himself Dennis.

Not there.

The man was no longer in the original position.

Attacked by a strange force?

Did he disappear directly?

But he and Qianhua had seen corpses in the cave before. Generally speaking, the weirdness of this copy should leave corpses.


Gao Hai raised his head.

His eyes looked up, looking at the top of the cave.

He quickly found the other party.

The man, with his mouth wide open, fell on the rock wall, falling in a gravity-defying way at the angle between two rock walls, was staring at him.

In the dim light, the face was pale, without a trace of blood.

The man's eyes had already turned upwards, leaving only the bloodshot whites facing Gao Hai.

The clothes of the expedition team he was wearing had become tattered, no... it should be said that they were dissolving bit by bit, just like a prop that had lost some kind of effectiveness and could no longer maintain its own existence, so it began to collapse and disappear.

Gao Hai's eyes met the man's face, and he felt as if he could see the other party roaring at him silently.

For a moment, he thought he was about to die, and was ready to use his obsession to struggle.

But after calming down a little, he confirmed that it was just a corpse, just like the keyboard warrior he had seen before, who had been sprinkled with ashes by him before leaving, and was still in a state of transformation and infection by strange forces.

The question is why he turned into a corpse silently?

Where is the thing that attacked him?

So Gao Hai's eyes slightly deviated and looked at the top of the entire cave.


A corpse pierced by a hanging stalagmite and hung on the top of the cave came into Gao Hai's sight.

Another corpse was pierced through the belly by a stalagmite and hung on the top of the head in a way that violated gravity.

One after another, corpses died on the ceiling in various postures and died among the dense stalagmites, just hanging there silently. Until Gao Hai raised his head and looked at them, he didn't notice anything.

[Welcome to the Red Nut Gray Cave]

[I hope we can spend a good time here]

The noisy sound rang in his ears.

The corpse seemed to move.

It was not the corpses hanging on the top.

But tourists who were visiting this cave under the guidance of a tour guide.


Are they [tourists]?

At this moment, Gao Hai felt that the sound in his ears became more piercing, more blurred, and more difficult to recognize.

The neon man seemed to be still saying something.

He walked closer, as if he wanted to observe and confirm the situation of Qianhua next to Gao Hai, but because the girl was squatting and there was a stone pillar next to her, he had no way to see her appearance.

Gao Hai just tilted his head slightly and tried to hear the voice clearly.

The voice was saying...

They were saying...

[Now everyone, please look up, look, isn’t the stalagmite structure here very strange? ]

The next moment, Gao Hai rolled on the ground, pulled Qianhua, and the two rolled into a ball and rolled back directly from the hole they just came out of.

Sharp screams, painful cries, chaotic footsteps...

Various sounds mixed together, mixed with the voices of the three players, and some other unrecognizable, creepy and weird sounds.

It sounds like the three players were not defeated by this round of sudden attacks.

However, Gao Hai was not interested in confirming the situation, but simply left and chose to go in other directions.

"Just now, the sound from that place..."

Fujiwara Chika, who was somewhat frightened by the strange and noisy sound, followed Gao Hai closely, looked at Gao Hai carefully, and couldn't hide her curiosity and wanted to ask.

"It has nothing to do with us. We are just explorers. I am the explorer Gao Hai. I want to go to the heart and leave here. What about you?"

Gao Hai turned his head and looked at Chika and said quickly.

"I am the explorer Fujiwara Chika. I also want to go to the heart and leave here. That, did I do anything wrong just now?"

The girl answered hurriedly, and then asked carefully again.

"It's right to remind me after discovering the abnormality, but don't be too sneaky. If you are a step late, there will be no regret medicine. You must explain the situation as soon as possible, unless it is under some special restrictions."

Gao Hai said this, ignoring Chika's head nodding quickly like a chicken pecking at rice, but began to recall the whole process of the abnormality before.

The man named Dennis became a medium for the power of ghost stories, and the things on the ceiling should have appeared through his body. The question is, how did he die silently? Was it because he said something he shouldn't have said?

If that's the case, then what he said at that time was...

[We are all human beings]

Because he made a mistake in describing his identity?

Gao Hai, who realized this, had a more real sense of the [personal identity] that was repeatedly emphasized in the rules.

The clothes on his side were gently pulled.

Gao Hai turned his head and saw Qianhua stretched out her hand and pointed in a certain direction.

So he turned his head and saw the girl pointing to a deep cave, with a faint yellow light that was different from the searchlight of the supply box before.

Chapter 4: The broken traces left in the darkness

Pass through the dark cave.

Carefully move forward in the direction where the light came from.

Gao Hai bent down and carefully passed through a tunnel area with a height of only about 1.34 meters, avoiding the protruding rocks, hanging stalactites, and stalagmites rising from the ground, and then came to another larger cave.

In the flickering lights, Fujiwara Chika followed Gao Hai carefully, also bending over and moving forward cautiously.

Not long after, the two of them saw something where the light was.

It seemed to be a sentry box.

This type of building is a small building set up at the gate, which is very common in schools and government agencies. It is usually used for security guards to guard and control the entry and exit of people at the gate. Some relatively good sentry boxes are permanent buildings such as bricks, tiles and concrete. The more luxurious ones will also have air conditioning, while the slightly worse ones are board houses, or even just a few glass shelves. As for the internal facilities of the sentry box, some sentry boxes are empty and have nothing, while some sentry boxes have tables, chairs and beds, and security guards need to stay and guard them.

At this time, the sentry box that appeared in front of Gao Hai and Chika was a simple board house. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time, and the abandonment time was measured in years.

Most of the glass in the sentry box window had been broken, and the color steel plate used to build the sentry box was rusty, and part of it had even collapsed.

Behind the collapsed sentry box door, you can see a small table in the sentry box. The table itself should be made of wood, but it has rotted beyond recognition in the humid underground environment, and white mushrooms have grown on it. There is also a single bed on the other side, with moss growing on it. Apart from that, there seems to be nothing in this hut.

Strangely, even though it has been destroyed beyond recognition, the lights in the sentry box are still on, emitting a dim yellow warm light, guiding the people who arrive here.

"How can such a thing exist in this cave?"

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