Gao Hai breathed a sigh of relief as he spoke, looking back at the tunnel he came out of, which was empty and no one was inside at this time.

"About...two or three minutes? Gao Jun, you haven't come out yet. I've been worried for a long time."

Qianhua patted her chest, which was somewhat strangled by the protective clothing, and answered Gao Hai in a slower tone.

"Is that so?"

Gao Hai nodded lightly, stood up without saying anything more, and looked at the huge cave dotted with many stone pillars.

Chapter 6: Thinking and communication time about strange rules

Stone pillars stand in the cave of rock structure, standing quietly in the darkness, like silent giants.

Gao Hai and Qianhua took some time to find an iron sign standing in the cave, and saw the handwriting and brief introduction written on it.

【big space】

[This is Area 12 of the Red Nut Ash Cave. It is a large natural area, second only in size to the "Plain". After passing through this area, you will reach the "Artery" area and move towards the deepest part of the cave." heart"】

[Please note that the temperature in this area is low, do not stay for a long time, especially after strenuous exercise]

There isn’t much content, and there isn’t much to analyze.

However, I can at least confirm my current position a little bit.

"If this is a big space, where are those people who were there before?"

Qianhua reached out and touched her lips, showing a somewhat puzzled expression.

"Who knows, the terrain of this place can change on its own. It's better not to use common sense to measure it."

As Gao Hai spoke, he looked back at the road they came out of. At this moment, the entrance to the cave was still there. You could still see the safety rope, and the man squatting upside down and lying in the cave holding the safety rope. Bodies at the top.


There were no corpses, it was just a short and narrow cave.

"First make sure there are no forks here. Don't move separately. Let's walk around this cave together. Once we find the second cave besides the entrance, we must immediately return to where we came in."

As he said this, Gao Hai motioned for Qianhua to follow him, while his eyes unintentionally glanced at the girl's chest.

In the cave before, the ghost following him imitated Qianhua's voice, trying to coax him into establishing a conversation.

Because of the blessing, Gao Hai could immediately tell that the thing behind him was malicious and not human. Of course, even without the blessing, he would not be fooled. The rules clearly stated what could not be violated. Furthermore, he had already encountered this trap once before on the first floor of Bai Chuan's apartment, so there was no way he would make the same mistake again.

However, it is worth noting that when that thing imitated Chika Fujiwara, it specifically used "stuck" as the reason.

Although the protective clothing is relatively close-fitting and tight, with only a rough comparison, Gao Hai was able to determine that although the shoulders of this perfectly developed girl were not as wide as his own, her majestic scale was still astonishing.

The narrowest part of the cave just now only required crouching down to move forward. Once she encountered a place that was so narrow that she had to lie down, would she really not get stuck?

You have to think carefully about this possibility.

"Report, found a new entrance."

Qianhua stretched out her hand and pointed to a cave entrance behind several stone pillars.

This hole is relatively large, and even Gao Hai's height can walk in without bowing his head.

Asking Chika Fujiwara to leave a warning in place, Gao Hai walked to the entrance of the cave and found that the entrance was slightly tilted upward, and he could feel a very subtle wind. Perhaps this was the direction of the Unicom exit, the way to leave the Red Nut. The path to the gray hole.

"Keep looking. We must confirm that there is no third cave entrance here."

Gao Hai, who briefly checked the entrance of the cave, turned back and said that he remembered clearly that the rules emphasized that there are no forks in the passage of the [correct] Red Nut Gray Cave. If you encounter a fork in the road, you must return the same way.

Before, the two of them were in a chaotic area where they didn't know where they were, and there was no way to apply this rule. But now that they have come to what seems to be the correct area, they must confirm this rule.

This time the two people searched for a long time, but were unable to find the third passage. They also checked the top of the cave and various edge and corner areas, but still found nothing.


Slightly relieved, Gao Hai took out a bottle of water from his backpack, unscrewed the cap and took a sip. Then he handed the bottle to Qianhua and gave her two energy bars.

"There will definitely be more forks waiting for us next. Replenish water, eat something, and don't let yourself get too tired. We can only rest here for about five minutes at most, and then we will return to where we were. ”

As Gao Hai spoke, he looked at the vertical stalactites at the top of the cavity.

This time he didn't see a body stuck in it.

Speaking of which, when he met the four people before, he heard the voice of the corpse talking. The tour guide was asking the tourists to raise their heads and gaze at the stalagmites above. But stalagmites are things that emerge from the ground and stand on the ground like bamboo shoots. Stalactites are the spikes that grow from the top of the cave. When stalagmites and stalactites grow longer and longer, until they contact and merge with each other, they will become stone pillars.

Is it possible that the tour guide’s level is not very high?


Gao Hai thought of the corpses that fell on the top of the grotto, and the things lying above him one by one when he passed through the tunnel.


In the minds of the corpses of tourists and tour guides, is everything here upside down?

If that's the case why didn't this happen to the first corpse they encountered that had a bloom on the back of its head? Generally speaking, the weirdness in the same copy should have certain similarities, right? Could it be because of their different identities?

And... Concubine Zhen and Kaguya, until now, no trace of them has been found at all. Where on earth could they be...

All kinds of questions and pressure made Gao Hai feel a little heavy at this time.

He took out a vanilla-flavored energy bar, unwrapped it and ate it, then crumpled the package into a ball and stuffed it into the small space on the side of his backpack.

"Well, thank you Gaojun for the food and water."

Qianhua on the other side had already drank water and eaten an energy bar. At this time, she returned the half-empty water bottle to Gao Hai, and carefully folded the finished energy bar and put it into her In your own clothes pocket.

"It seems to be getting cold. Let's rest for another three minutes and then go back in three minutes. Along the safety rope, we should be able to reach the [heart] position."

Gao Hai, who gradually began to feel the temperature in this place drop, looked around again as he spoke.

This time he saw a vague figure flashing past in the distance, as if someone was walking in the cave.

Chika Fujiwara didn't seem to see many strange things along the way, but she could feel a lot of abnormal things. Could it be because the reaction caused by the guy named Dennis before affected her?

When Gao Hai was thinking like this, he felt that the gaze of Qianhua beside him was getting stronger.

So he turned his head and looked directly at the girl. After seeing that he noticed her, Qianhua hesitated and then asked.

"That rule sheet, I feel a little concerned about it. Some of the rules in it actually conflict with each other, right? But Gao Jun trusts the contents of the rule sheet. Is there any reason for this?"

Do you mean the conflict rules that emphasize identity and the conflict rules about the description of the interior of the cave?

It seemed that the girl had been thinking about those rules along the way. She probably couldn't understand why those conflicting rules existed openly, so she hoped he would answer them.

"It is normal for there to be conflicts in the rules table. What determines the way this place operates is inhuman weirdness and twisted obsession. Therefore, there may be situations where the rules are outdated and something will happen if you act according to the rules completely. There may also be situations where True rules and false rules are mixed with each other, and there are many different forces that affect the content of the rule list. However, in this rule list, I prefer that every rule is true.”

Gao Hai said very seriously.

"Is every one of them true?"

Qianhua was slightly stunned, not quite understanding what Gao Hai meant.

"No matter what kind of rule sheet it is, the first rule sheet that players get at the beginning must be meaningful and can provide various clues to help analyze and deal with the situation at hand. Even if it is an outdated and inaccurate rule sheet, there will be information in it. It contains something very crucial that determines the probability of survival.”

"As for this rule sheet, regardless of the superficial rules and regulations, its most fundamental core is actually an identity issue. We are [explorers], and now this is our identity. At present, it seems that adhering to this identity does not make sense. The disadvantage is that through this identity we can improve the survival rate. From this point of view, I prefer that this rule table is true, and we need to rely on the above rules to act.”

Gao Hai pondered for a moment, and then began to tell Qianhua his views.

"But, if this is the case, there is a rule that conflicts with this identity principle."

Although Qianhua did not specify which rule she was talking about, Gao Hai knew that what she was confused about was that when facing the rescue team or the fire brigade, the identity of [explorer] cannot be used. Instead, she has to claim that she is a [tourist]. point of conflict.

"Although this is just speculation, I think this may be because we, as [explorers], have no way to avoid them through this identity. In other words, the essence of conflict rules is that they can only take effect under limited conditions, and limited conditions It will lead to failure in the future. However, we can only know what is going on when we actually face this situation. Therefore, it is better to pray that we do not have the opportunity to verify the authenticity of the rules. .well……"

Gao Hai patiently explained and explained, and suddenly reached out his hand to cover his face, and his mood became depressed.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?"

Qianhua, who didn't understand why Gao Hai suddenly lost, was a little panicked for a while.

"It's nothing... It's just that for my newbie mission, it would be great if I could meet such an experienced player who is willing to patiently explain the settings and information to me..."

Gao Hai felt extremely sad when he thought that the lessons he was explaining to Fujiwara Chika were all obtained after he completed the novice mission, and she only needed to sit here and listen to him.

But soon, he no longer struggled with these little emotions.

Because he heard footsteps and the voices of people talking to each other.

There was a sound coming from the spacious passage in this [large space], as if someone was approaching.

Chapter 7: Don’t let them know what you’ve discovered


Amid heavy breathing, a woman with somewhat torn clothes and obvious scars on one arm slowly walked in.

After this person, a young man and the neon man who talked to Gao Hai before also walked into the cave. It seemed that the three of them were not in good condition, and they all showed signs of injury. It was like the three of them rolled around on the gravel.

It's the three players I met before.

Gao Hai stood up almost immediately and signaled Fujiwara Chika to stay back some distance.

"We are explorers, who are you?"

When Gao Hai reacted, the three people on the other side also reacted quickly. The woman walking at the front pulled out her pistol and asked coldly.


Gao Hai, who simply answered like this, also pulled out his pistol, grabbed Qianhua's shoulders and stepped back a little, and the two sides faced off in this cold cave with a distance of about twenty meters.

None of the three players died, which was a little surprising, but considering that none of the three players were novice players, it was not incomprehensible.

However, considering the corpses and phantoms that appeared from time to time when he passed through the tunnel, Gao Hai didn't think that the conditions of these old players who were still alive could be much better. There is no telling when they will be completely contaminated and transformed by the strange power, and become a serious threat to other players.

"Hey, everyone, please don't get excited. There are only a few of us left at the moment. There is no point in doubting each other. Only through cooperation can we survive better."

The neon man stood up again and waved his hand to signal Gao Hai and the woman to put down their guns.

"This copy is being fixed, and the rules we obtained clearly point to the content of [Identity Playing], which means that there are definitely some [instant death] rules and [contamination transformation] rules here. Under these types of rules , no matter how many people gather, it is meaningless. On the contrary, the entire army may be wiped out because one person violates the rules.”

The woman spoke coldly at this moment, her eyes sweeping over Gao Hai and Qianhua, the expulsion in their expressions was very obvious.

She doesn't trust Gao Hai and Qianhua.

"Don't be like this, Shebir, our current situation is not good."

The neon man didn't expect the woman to show such an attitude, so he whispered awkwardly for a while.

"It's just because I'm in a bad state that I have to be more cautious. I don't want to be dragged down by others, and I don't want to be a drag on others. In addition, Mr. Kawano, we just met and were traveling together. If you feel that If the team is better, you can go there, I have no objection.”

As the woman named Shabir spoke, she sat down directly on a higher rock platform, took off her backpack and began to bandage the wound.

Neon Man Kawano's expression looked a little unpleasant, as if he was about to say something, but he finally held it back.

As for the last man, he still did not participate in the conversation, but he just found a place to sit down and bandage himself.

It can be seen from the actions of Shebir and the man that both of them should have professional medical skills. Among them, Shebir is obviously very professional. It can be seen that he has certain skills in many small details and movements during bandaging.

"Are we going to go with them?"

Qianhua approached Gao Hai, stood on tiptoes and asked softly.

"When we met these people just now, one person said something wrong, which almost directly led to the annihilation of the entire army. In a place like this, having more people is not necessarily a good thing. We have almost rested, and it is time to continue setting off. It's time."

Gao Hai shook his head and had no intention of having in-depth contact with these three people.

If it is a new player, such as a newcomer like Fujiwara Chika, Gao Hai feels that he can still lead a group, and it may be useful at critical moments. But these three old players seem to be working together, but they are obviously not the type to work together to pass the level. Shaibir, Kawano, and the man who has not said a word so far are obviously in a state of being forced to work together. . Gao Hai was afraid that he would die faster by acting with such a seemingly incompatible team.

It's just that sometimes, things don't always go in the direction you want.

Gao Hai just turned around and looked at the narrow entrance of the cave where he came in, and then he saw a figure slowly crawling out of the cave.

The pungent smell of blood is spreading rapidly.

The man had already raised his head, which was half sunken, and smiled at everyone present. Behind him, there was a purple-blue boy, about 13 or 14 years old, wearing only boxer briefs, and a woman whose face was almost smashed, which made Gao Hai think of "failed diving".

[Are you also explorers who come here to play? ]

The man with half of his face sunken and one eyeball hanging from his mouth asked with a smile.

Gao Hai first glanced at Fujiwara Chika, and then found that although the child was frightened, he did not scream at all, and kept his mouth shut to remain calm.

Then he turned to the direction of the three "people" and found that in just a moment, the three of them had come a lot closer.

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