【I caught you hehehehehehe——】


Gao Hai's feet were forcefully dragged into the gap of less than five centimeters.

Unable to make a scream.

Because as his body was dragged further, the rock wall pressing his chest had completely blocked Gao Hai's breathing, making him unable to even make a sound.

Click! !

Gao Hai's entire lower body was completely pulled into the gap.

Amidst the continuous sounds of bones exploding, corroded flesh and blood flowed.

All the ribs in the chest had been broken, and the broken bones were inserted into the internal organs. Gao Hai's open mouth was filled with blood.

Click! ! !

His upper body began to pass through the narrow gap.

From belly to chest.

Little by little, compress in 5 cm increments.


Gao Hai started to vomit.

Uncontrollably, he started vomiting from his mouth.

The tattered flesh and blood, the fragments of organs, and the dregs of bones were spit out from his mouth together.

It was like a ball of meat filling in a dumpling hand, spitting out from Gao Hai's mouth, and scattering the crumbs around.

Just like squeezing out toothpaste, it passed slowly.

Until the entire abdomen was squeezed through the narrow gap.

Until the entire chest was completely squeezed into the narrow gap.

Then the neck, then the head.

With the final explosion, Gao Hai's consciousness finally disappeared.

And what he saw at the last moment was the mangled bodies one after another around him, flattened into people less than 5 centimeters in height.

And the thing that was still watching him at the last moment and laughing at him.

Everything fell silent in this darkness.

And among the rotten flesh, there was a black watch that was somehow undamaged. The hands on it began to move slowly at this moment.


After a crisp sound, the pointer moved from the 2 scale to the 3 position again.

Chapter 29: Burning firewood and fulfilled wishes

Bloody city.

We have arrived again, this silent blood-red city.

The pain is gone.

The nightmarish experience was like a dream, and when I woke up it was no longer painful.

There is only the diffuse color of blood.

There is only this silent city in front of you.

No, this time, something seemed to be heard.

The sound of wailing and screaming, the sound of struggling, the sound of being subjected to terrible torture.

The sound that echoed continuously from somewhere in this blood-red city reached Gao Hai's ears.

How is this going?

Gao Hai looked at the source of the sound.

Every time he arrived in the city, he would appear in the same square.

But this time he discovered something different. He discovered a long crack on the ground of the square that was not there before.

He walked up to the crack and lowered his head to look.

He saw raging flames spreading underground throughout the city.

As well as struggling in the flames, two twisted figures, as well as scattered shadows.

Li Youcai and Xu Jiazhen are those beastly parents.

The two people somehow still maintained their intact appearance in the flames. They were being burned all the time, and they were suffering from the torture all the time. However, no injuries could be seen on their bodies, and they could only repeat it over and over again. With this pain.

Except for these two people, those porcelain dolls and those illusory human figures have basically dissipated, leaving only some residue.

The weirdness derived from obsession has no real foundation, so it will soon burn out and become pure nutrition. And the weirdness that has self-awareness and is directly transformed by humans will continue to repeat infinite pain, being continuously squeezed like a battery?

Gao Hai understood why he said the words "Give eternal life" at the moment when Bai Chuan's apartment collapsed.

He indeed gave these two people eternal life, or in other words, the power of [the watch] and the power of this city gave these two people eternal life.

As long as Gao Hai still holds this watch.

The city will continue to maintain the existence of these two people.

In other words, these two people can no longer leave the supply of this city. Once they lose the maintenance of the city's power, they will lose the foundation of their existence and collapse and dissipate.

The reason for maintaining the existence of these two people is very simple. Their pain and despair, as the strange power of obsession, will be continuously transformed into the power of the watch. As long as a certain amount of time accumulates, it can help the watch restore the number of resets, giving it one more chance to start over.

"I see."

Gao Hai already understood.

At the moment when Shirakawa's apartment was destroyed, the hands of his watch returned from 3 to 2. That was because the watch digested derived weirdness such as porcelain dolls and invisible footsteps. The existence of these things has no foundation, just like eating. The food in the stomach will be digested quickly, so the watch resets to one on the spot.

As for these two people, their existence is higher in personality than those derivative and weird things that have no foundation. Although they are not as good as the core obsession, they can be reused and can be used as a long-term energy output source.

It's this process of utilization, which may be a little inhumane.

They truly received eternal life.

The eternity of eternal punishment in the flames composed of this strange power will be repeated forever.

Unless Gao Hai, the holder of this watch, decides to grant them death. Otherwise, theoretically, they can really gain eternal life, although they probably cannot accept this kind of immortality anyway.

"Speaking of which, the will of normal people will collapse in such an environment soon. Why can they still scream so energetically? Are their memories being cleared regularly?"

Gao Hai still had some doubts, but the watch didn't intend to answer him.

All in all, a stable way to restore the number of retracements has now been demonstrated in front of Gao Hai.

By the way, he also already knows how quickly his return times can be restored after having these two obsessions as energy sources.

At present...it will take 893 days for this watch to recover one level and provide it with a new number of resets.

It takes more than two years, which is too long, right?

Gao Hai was a little regretful. According to what he had vaguely guessed now, this watch would force him to play high-end games. These two scumbags Chai In a cycle, he must liberate more core obsessions, destroy more copies, and absorb more and more obsessions, so that he can deal with the increasingly difficult situation that follows.

Although I can't even deal with the copy in front of me now, it's hard to say whether it will happen again in the future.

"Is the research base a place of death that you absolutely cannot leave?"

After personally experiencing the execution of the female spy, Gao Hai has understood that the world of the research base is where the opponent's body is located. It is very difficult to find a safe way to solve her obsession there, especially after she has been [watched] Afterwards, it is unknown whether Gao Hai can go to the research base after his resurrection.

However, it was Zhenfei and Kaguya whose initial location was in the research base.

Gao Hai vaguely felt that even if he stayed in the research base honestly, he would still fall into total annihilation before long. Maybe, that time is 15 days. After 15 days, which is the time limit for clearing the game, the female spy will enter the research base and kill everyone there. And because Gao Hai, who was [watched], established a connection with that thing, his entry caused this process to be restored in advance, leading to the early arrival of destruction.

It's like 304 has been repeating various things that happened in the past seven days.

This research base is probably repeating various things that happened in the past 15 days. Just like the characteristics of obsessions themselves, they are always restoring what happened in the past in a distorted and confusing way, repeating the past over and over again. .

And just like Kaguya pulled off the calendar, Gao Hai did something similar this time. He introduced the power of the core obsession into the research base in advance, which directly caused the plot to be greatly skipped, and then bad ended on the spot. Everyone is finished together.

Damn it, doesn’t this mean that not only can I not enter the research base, but I also have to pay attention to other players who change clothes and sneak into the research base. Once a [watched] player runs into the research base, Kaguya will have to die early. ?

All kinds of possibilities made Gao Hai more and more depressed the more he thought about it, and he couldn't help but sigh again.


The first bell rang.

Gao Hai knew that he was about to start the copy in the twisted cave again.

At the same time, he has already felt the connection between himself and the true concubine, knowing that he can use up a chance to turn back at any time now, so that the other party can retain the memory of the first week.

But he didn't do that.

The true concubine witnessed the true appearance of that thing, and she saw the woman with her own eyes.

It's very possible that she has established a [contact] with that thing and is already in a situation of being [watched].

Her starting location is in the research base. If she retains her memory, she will most likely be in a dead end from the beginning, so she cannot be allowed to retain her memory.

Tsk, in this case, the situation over there probably won’t change at all, right?

When there was no way to exchange information or meet each other, how could he pass on the various information that he had exchanged for a week in exchange for his death, and how could he let her know about it?

when! !

The second bell rang.

Gao Hai's pupils narrowed slightly at this moment.

He felt something different.

There was something slightly different about the relationship between him and Shijou Zhenfei.

It was like there was an extra choice. He could choose to let the true concubine retain her memory and let her go back together with him.

He can also establish a connection between himself and her. Through this connection, no matter how far the distance is, he can take the initiative to communicate with the real concubine and exchange information. The real concubine can also tell her what she wants to tell him at any time. , no matter how far apart there is between two people, they can achieve zero-delay communication. And this communication can be opened and closed at any time. The two parties will only let each other hear what they want the other party to hear, and will not let anything pass through that should not be heard.

"Because I want to achieve zero-distance communication, did you give me this power?"

Gao Hai lowered his head and looked at the tattered black watch.

He has realized that with his repeated deaths and the regrets and resentments from the bottom of his heart, this watch is actually selectively satisfying his regrets and helping him accomplish things that he could not do on his own.

But why? And what is the price?

Now Gao Hai can only establish this kind of communication with Shijo Shinki.

Because only those who truly believe in him and are willing to trust him unconditionally, and both parties must have an exchange of body fluids, in this case, Gao Hai can establish a connection with the other party.

In other words, I can establish a connection with Shinki, thanks to the previous kiss on a rainy day...

Once the connection is established, it is permanent.

And establishing a connection requires a return to the archive.


After the third bell, everything began to melt, and it was the time for Gao Hai to return to the copy.

Without any hesitation, Gao Hai chose to establish a connection.

Even if it was a highly poisonous poison wine, he had no choice now, and he had to hold it tightly.

So, let's start, the second round!


The hands of the watch moved from 3 to 4.

An invisible connection connected Gao Hai and the proud girl.

He opened his eyes, and the darkness spread as usual.

And the vague breath of the girl who existed somewhere unknown had spread in his mind.

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