But now, after the curtain call performance of Dennis, a newbie seeking death, he suddenly discovered the breaking point.

The reason why the security guard cannot survive in the world is because this twisted and hateful obsession is always paying attention to those who escape from the cave. Therefore, as long as he ensures that the thing attracts the attention of other players during the time when he and Zhen Fei and others are escaping, it can guarantee its survival.

This method is very feasible.

But if you want to succeed, at least one player must remain as a victim.

No, there should be two. Although the corrosive effect of the security uniform has not been shown yet, it is not difficult to infer from various codes that this identity is very dangerous. Therefore, there must be a player who plays the role of a security guard to say to other security players "You are off work, now I am on duty" so that other players can smoothly leave the cave and go to the ground.

In just a few seconds, Gao Hai successfully thought of a feasible way to pass.

A method with a high probability of success, but a lot of trouble in operation, can achieve [normal clearance], which is the so-called normal end method condition.

Worth a try.

Gao Hai thought secretly in his heart.

Although this would inevitably involve sacrifices and let others die, Gao Hai really didn't want to experience those twisted and painful ways of death. With the opportunity to clear the level normally, he still wanted to try to see if he could succeed. Even if he couldn't succeed, he could at least send the true concubine out of this copy.

"Gaojun's aura was so strong just now that I didn't dare to speak at all, and those voices just now..."

It wasn't until she was completely away from the four people and reached a larger space that Chika Fujiwara breathed a sigh of relief, and then whispered with some fear. When she escaped just now, she was very careful not to look back to see the situation of those people, but she was still startled by those weird sounds.

"If they choose to accept a newbie who knows nothing and has a bad temper, they must be prepared to be tricked."

Gao Hai shook his head and said casually.

"Hey, Gao Jun, do you think I'm the kind of novice who will trick you?"

Chika Fujiwara was stunned for a moment, and then asked in a worried voice.

"At least so far, you are very reassuring, so you have to perform well next."

Gao Hai, who didn't expect Qianhua to ask such a question, was stunned for a moment, then showed a serious expression and spoke seriously.

"Okay, then the novice explorer Qianhua will report to you. I will work hard not to be delayed!"

After hearing this, Chika Fujiwara suddenly looked serious, stood up straight and bowed to Gao Hai.

Chapter 32: About the differences between girls and girls and the changes in the cave

Pass through the arteries, reach the heart, and return back to the large space.

Along the way, the corpses lying on their heads warmly signaled to Gao Hai, each of them wanting to have some intimate communication with him. Every time they passed through a narrow area where they couldn't turn around, Qianhua's voice would be heard behind them, and then the four voices would be heard behind them. The voices of players, even the voices of Concubine Zhen and Kaguya, have appeared. It can be said that it is quite lively and lively, giving Gao Hai a sense of intimacy that there are "people" everywhere, and he does not feel that this narrow cave is gloomy or cramped at all.

Even though these things were too kind, if possible, he still hoped that they could be a little more tactful, at least they wouldn't always pull his clothes, pull his pants, touch his face or something like that.

With this thought, Gao Hai wiped off the blood on his face, patted his head to shake off the maggots that had fallen on his head, moved his body and took a deep breath.

Different from the first week, this time the things Gao Hai saw in the [Arteries] were no longer hallucinations. They had begun to touch him and even left various traces on his body. traces.

What is certain is that as he knows more and more things, the influence of these strange things on him will inevitably become stronger and stronger. If he wanted to clear the dungeon, he had to explore more information and put himself in danger again and again. This made Gao Hai feel quite helpless.

However, compared to ordinary players who only have one life and are completely dead when they die, I am lucky enough. Although this black watch is full of doubts and appears more and more weird, one must admit that without the power of this watch, he would have died long ago.

The distracting thoughts in his heart only made a few waves, and then Gao Hai took the initiative to suppress them.

He roughly estimated that this time he and Fujiwara Chika arrived in the large space very quickly. About fifteen to seventeen minutes had passed since the two had just set off.

It's not yet the inspection time mentioned in the second-category code, but it's better to confirm the situation in advance.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai checked his clothes and found that there was no sticking to his skin, but he could already feel some discomfort when he tried to pull the collar.

The examination of Fujiwara Chika encountered a little difficulty. When Gao Hai first asked for the examination, the girl thought he was planning to do something terrible. She subconsciously crossed her arms and took a step back. Then she became a little worried after Gao Hai explained the reason. He walked forward awkwardly.

Then Gao Haibian discovered that the adventure suit on the girl had some adhesion. Although it had not melted into the skin, it was obvious that the situation was not good.

"Change your clothes and move quickly."

Takahashi, who picked up two expedition suits on the way, threw one of them in front of Qianhua and said to her seriously.

After getting the clothes, Qianhua subconsciously wanted to find a sheltered place to change clothes, but thinking of the terrible things she had encountered before, she finally took a deep breath and plucked up the courage to take off her expedition suit in front of Gaohai and put on this slightly dirty expedition suit she picked up on the road.

I have to say that her figure is really quite good. I'm afraid that the nutrition of this child is not as good as that of Zhenfei and Kaguya multiplied by two?

Gaohai sighed in his heart, and then quickly turned his head away, not paying attention to Qianhua's fair skin, beautiful body curves, rosy cheeks like apples, the weight under the collarbone, slightly fleshy thighs, smooth calves and feet, etc.

Speaking of which, why does it feel much more awkward for a girl to take off her clothes on her own initiative than to take them off by herself? It feels very strange.

Especially the cute little face that was almost crying with shyness, and the slightly trembling movements of the hands, it felt very, very good. Well, especially when some tight tops were taken off, it felt like two little monsters jumped out with a "pop".

Well, Gao Hai didn't pay any attention to the process of Fujiwara Chika changing clothes, this was serious.

{Auntie has entered the cave. According to what you said, the first exploration will end safely, but the player who plays C3 will be shot dead for excessive behavior, is that right? }

Just right, the voice of Zhenfei sounded in Gao Hai's mind at this time.

{Yeah, yeah, that's right, so next you have to pay attention to that C3. When I entered the cave to explore in the last round, this number had a problem}

Gao Hai quickly answered the girl, but for some reason, he felt a little uneasy.

{I always feel that the tone of your answer is a little strange, what's the matter? What are you doing now, have you returned from the [heart]? }

Even though they were just chatting, Shijo Shinki still noticed the slight change in Gao Hai's tone and immediately asked.

{Well, I've come back from the [heart], and I have to say that this trip was quite exciting}

But Gao Hai adjusted his tone to normal immediately afterwards, and calmly began to tell Shinki about his experience along the way.

{Well... Anyway, you should be careful and be sure to pay attention to safety}

Although it still felt a little suspicious, Shinki didn't get too entangled in the tone of the problem in the end, and finally stopped talking after giving two instructions.

Under the interference of Shinki, when Gao Hai looked at Fujiwara Chika again, the other party had changed into a new expedition suit, took a deep breath, and pulled the zipper of the top to the neck. And in Gao Hai's sight, the beautiful curves of the girl were tightly entangled and suppressed by the clothes, but still outlined the beautiful scenery of youth.

Taka Hai couldn't help but think of Shinki's body curves that didn't have much ups and downs, and the touch he felt on that rainy night.

Hmm... the small and the big ones should feel quite different...

No, what am I thinking about? Now is not the time to think about this kind of problem.

After retracting his somewhat scattered attention and confirming that Fujiwara Chika had changed her clothes, Gao Hai took a step and took the lead to move deeper into the area called the large space.

The dark and gloomy cave was filled with moisture, and the temperature of the cave could be felt to be gradually decreasing with each breath.

The noisy sounds seemed to have no end. Gao Hai could always hear the sound of someone chatting from all directions, but he could not find the source of the sound.

The pink-haired girl beside him followed carefully, not daring to make too much noise, and just moved forward step by step.

This place is bigger than expected.

Gao Hai walked among the dense stalagmites and stone pillars for five or six minutes, and he had not yet walked out of this place.

He found many traces left by explorers, such as some damaged safety ropes hanging on the wall, several abandoned tents, and some wrapping paper and small boxes discarded on the ground, which seemed to be some instant food packaging bags.

It was also in this place that Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika met two people in exploration clothes, one man and one woman, whom they had never seen before.

The other party seemed to have a lot of experience in exploring caves, and they noticed the appearance of Gao Hai and Chika early. Of course, through the power of blessing, Gao Hai also discovered their existence before seeing the other party. The two sides kept a certain distance and looked at each other very restrainedly, and then the two explorers spoke first.

"Explorer Lixer, also a player."

"Explorer Susan, also a player, have you been to the [Heart]?"

Both men and women answered very calmly.

"Explorer Gao Hai is also a player."

"Explorer Fujiwara Chika is also a player."

Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika also introduced themselves. After confirming each other's identities and confirming that they could communicate normally, both sides reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that there are quite a lot of players coming into this dungeon. How many players have been seen since the last round? However, this dungeon is very easy before it is fixed, so it is normal to attract players to come in, although this ghost place has now become a place of death.

Unlike the four players before, these two players had no ill will towards Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika. On the contrary, they could feel a certain degree of goodwill, so Gao Hai was still willing to communicate with them.

"Are you going to go forward? Be careful, something is wrong with the road ahead. We went forward three times, but something was wrong every time. How should I put it? There are some things on the road ahead that shouldn't exist in this natural cave. We are really not sure about the situation. If you plan to go in, be careful."

The player who called herself Susan said to Gao Hai and the others seriously.

"Thank you for the reminder."

Gao Hai nodded and said, seeing that the other party was willing to take the initiative to tell some information, he told the other party about the relevant rules for checking the exploration suits that he saw in the second category rules, and told the two about the situation of Kawano's group of death masters so that the other party should be more careful, and then continued to move forward with Chika to the front of the cave.

The caves they passed along the way were all large, relatively flat and open, and could accommodate many people. It must be said that they were much more comfortable than the narrow environment in the [artery] before.

But soon, as the two of them passed through the large space and came to the Stone Pillar Square with stone pillars, and explored further ahead of the square, Gao Hai began to understand why the two players stopped and dared not move forward.

"What's going on..."

The rugged rocky ground was abruptly mixed with the cement concrete ground.

A few white lights illuminated the dark cave.

And the sign that read [Municipal Fire Department] was hung on the wall that was built in the cave, or more like integrated into the cave, next to the half-open door.

The road in front of the Stone Pillar Square led to a building? !

Chapter 33: The scene and the trance that emerged in the memory

Return to the Stone Pillar Square, and then return to the passage in front.

It was still the door of the fire station.

Back again, and then back again.

The scene in front of me remained unchanged.

After five rounds of this, the door still appeared in front of Gao Hai and Fujiwara Chika.

"It seems... there is really only this one way."

Gao Hai sighed, looking at the entrance of the fire station that was so out of place and didn't match the cave, he felt helpless that trouble was coming.

"So, should we go in?"

Fujiwara Chika asked cautiously. She didn't seem to be afraid of the cave, but she wanted to give it a try.

Gao Hai knew that this was Chika who started to turn herself into a coc investigator after the initial horror stage, and reduced her fear in this way. It was just that her relative excitement had increased slightly, and she didn't try to commit suicide for this.

However, in the current situation, I'm afraid I really have to go in and find out. For this reason, Gao Hai hesitated for a while and then turned back to find the two people who were resting in the stone pillar square. He asked the two people who called themselves Susan and Lixer, and got an unexpected answer. The two people also saw the entrance to the fire station in several operations.

"It seems that we can only go in and find out."

After some thinking, Gao Hai chose to move forward.

Although he has learned a lot of intelligence now, there are still many gaps in the information from all aspects. This abrupt fire station may hide some clues worth his serious search. But if you want to get the clues, you must take some risks. Even in the worst case, something big may happen.

"I'll go ahead and check the situation first. You stay at the door. Don't close the door. If you find anything unusual, pinch the doll. I'll know something might have happened. Do you understand?"

When he walked to the front door of the fire station, Gao Hai thought for a moment, took out the bloody doll from his watch and stuffed it into Qianhua's hand. He gave her a serious instruction, then carefully approached the door and looked inside the transparent glass door. After confirming that there was nothing strange inside, he gently pushed the door open.

"Well, I'll guard the door well."

Fujiwara Chika nodded seriously, then held the doll in her arms, letting the doll's back and buttocks stick to her chest.

When Gao Hai was about to say something like "Be careful not to break the doll", he felt a wonderful soft touch on his body, and suddenly he didn't know what to say. So after a short silence, he chose to shut up, just nodded to Qianhua and set off.

On the other side, Zhenfei was still guarding the command room, observing Kaguya's actions, so she did not communicate with Gao Hai again.

Thinking about the last mission, he fought side by side with Zhenfei in the apartment building, but this time he was cooperating with Qianhua. Gao Hai had a slightly subtle feeling, but he quickly restrained his thoughts and stepped into the building carefully.

The temperature inside seemed to be lower than that outside.

The white floor looked pale under the white light, which made Gao Hai think of the thing that dragged him into the crack and killed him.

There are rooms on both sides of the long and narrow corridor. Judging from the signs above, they should be different offices, but for some reason the words on these signs are blurred. Gao Hai can only barely recognize the handwriting of "office", but there is no way to clearly determine the specific ownership and purpose of these rooms.

It's like those who have been here before can no longer remember these details, so that the restored things have gradually become distorted.

Gao Hai tried to open one of the doors, but it didn't work. It's not that the door is locked and can't be opened, but that this door is just a decoration. After trying it, Gao Hai realized that this door and the wall are actually one, and it is a fake door that cannot be used.

Because these doors, because this place is actually the memory of the obsession that exists here, so for them, those places that no longer remember the specific content, essentially do not exist?

Fujiwara Chika, who was guarding the door, was still looking carefully behind.

And Gao Hai had already moved along this corridor and soon came to the end of the corridor, a door that was obviously different from other rooms and was also half-closed.

He heard the sounds coming from this door, whistles, breathing, and the sound of uniform movement.

After thinking for a while, Gao Hai took out the black umbrella, opened it, made sure he was covered under the umbrella, and then quietly approached the door and looked inside through the crack in the door.

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