What appeared in Gao Hai's field of vision at this moment was another corridor, a corridor that he was somewhat familiar with, but was somewhat dilapidated.

He knew this place because he had seen it in another reverb during the first week. This is the office building of the Red Nut Gray Cave Tourism Development Company. It is the place where Auston, the first director of this attraction, and Pedi, his successor, once appeared.

And now, Gao Hai could see the familiar window at the end of one side of the corridor, the place where he could directly overlook the ground area facilities of the Red Nut Ash Cave amidst the reverberation.

At the end of the other side is a red door.

The deep blood-red color makes people feel strongly uneasy, as if the blood-red door is emitting light in the darkness.

Chapter 37: The gradually pieced together past and powerless anger

red door.

Just like Room 304 of Shirakawa Apartment, it has a blood-red door.

However, according to Explorer's Rule No. 2, the man named Welbo is in this room. He seems to have retained a certain degree of self-awareness like Xu Sheng. Those codes were probably put down by this man in some way. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why players can always quickly get new information related to them when changing identities. rule.

Although he said that, the research base should have nothing to do with Welbo. The situation in that base was a bit unusual. Gao Hai knew that he did not dare to draw conclusions now.

All in all, according to the rules on the table, he should be able to find the man named Welbo behind the red door.

Thinking this way, Gao Hai took a step towards the blood-red door, then stopped.

Then, he turned around and quickly moved away from the door without any hesitation.

Intense malice is spreading.

Almost the moment Gao Hai turned around, he heard the sound of the door opening behind him.


Water drops fell to the ground.

Rapid footsteps followed from behind.

At this moment, Gao Hai unleashed his full potential and ran with all his strength. He crossed a distance of 15 meters in one second and quickly crossed the corridor at a speed exceeding the world record.

Tiny sounds spread.

Like who toasted with whom and laughed together.

It seemed like someone was arguing fiercely with whom, throwing various things on the ground.

It's like someone talks to someone indifferently, and then they go in different directions and say goodbye, without any trace of warmth.

The thing behind is catching up at an extremely fast speed.

Without the blessing of S-level physical fitness, Gao Hai had no doubt that he would be caught up immediately. But even after having a physique that exceeded the limit of human beings, he was still being kept close by the other party, and there was no way to get rid of that thing.

Use obsessive objects? No, there's no time to turn around. I'm afraid he will be caught by the opponent before he can throw the obsession.

The corridor is almost at the end, and from this position it can be seen that there is no road ahead. Should I just try to jump out of the window?

Gao Hai's eyes quickly swept across the doors on both sides, observing with the dynamic vision that was also blessed, but found that the house numbers on these doors were also blurry, and it was obvious that they could not be entered at all, and were just decorations. That’s all.

No, there is a door with a clear number!


Gao Hai's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he hit the side of the corridor, knocking open a door. Then before he landed in mid-air, he stretched out his feet to build the door handle. With a rotation and force, he slammed the door open. The ground is closed.

The thing that was chasing stopped at the door and did not come in.

At the last moment when he was about to close the door, Gao Hai saw clearly what the thing looked like. It had lost its human shape, and was like a ball of minced and stirred minced meat stacked back up, with a barely humanoid structure. Dark red blood continued to flow from the thing's body and dripped on the corridor.


It was as if there was such a sound, such a vague and clear sound coming from an unknown place, from a place close in front of me.


The door has been closed, locking the thing out.

Gao Hai could hear the heavy breathing, the lingering footsteps of the thing, and finally the sound of it slowly leaving.

He got up from the ground and turned around to look at the room.

This is a small office. There is a large bookcase on one side of the wall. On it are various information documents and reference books on various professional subjects. They all seem to be about how to build the foundation of tourist attractions. Facilities and safety and security work books.

On the desk in the middle of the room are a miniature model of the Red Nut Ash Cave scenic spot, a safety certificate, and two documents. On the other side is a large open cabinet, which contains tools such as bolt cutters and screwdrivers. It seems that these tools have been used for a while, so they look a bit old.

Gao Hai knows where this place is.

This is the office of Welbo, the head of the safety department of the Red Nut Gray Cave Tourism Development Company.

When he ran into this place just now, he saw clearly the words [Security Department Supervisor's Office] on the door number, and the name [Welbo] posted below. In other words, this is Welbo's office in this company when he was the security director.

[If you can't find the entrance to the blood vessels, go to my office. I'm behind the red door. They've kept that door for me. I'll leave a key inside...]

Gao Hai recalled the contents of the rule sheet and suddenly realized that this thing actually set a trap for him.

If you can't find the entrance to the [blood vessels], you can go to Welber's office to look for clues.

But Welber's office does not mean the "red door". These two things are actually completely different, but they are mixed together in the last paragraph, forming a misleading statement. If Gao Hai himself was not more cautious and didn't dare to go through the blood door of the same model as 304, he might have started the third round by now.

"The second type of rules is for players who know more information, so the content will be more precise and involve more things. But at the same time, this type of rules itself has been polluted to a certain extent. Are there traps and malice in the content?"

Gao Hai, who realized this, let out a long breath and felt a trace of indescribable fatigue.

This chaotic copy that was twisted into different time and space was already tiring enough. If it was just the kind of information exchange that was poisonous like the one in Shirakawa Apartment, it would be fine. But if there were various traps in the information itself, it would probably become more and more difficult.

I don't know where Fujiwara Chika is now.

If these scenes are the remnants of memories left by people who died in the cave, then she should also be in a scene composed of some memories. I just don't know where she will be, and how far away she is from me.

He couldn't help but think of the moment when Chika, who followed him, died in the last round.

Gao Hai didn't dare to look back at the other person at that time, but he knew very well that Chika died because of his own reasons. Although it was not his original intention, this still made Gao Hai very unhappy. As a result, the girl got lost halfway, and he didn't know if he could find her again next time. Well, he meant to find her alive.

Forget it, don't worry about these problems that can't be solved now, let's see what intelligence clues are hidden here first.

After calming down, Gao Hai carefully observed the office again. After confirming that there was nothing hidden, he carefully came to the bookcase and took out the documents one by one to check them.

These documents... are all detailed records of the replacement and maintenance of the facilities in the Red Nut Gray Cave. Surprisingly, each one has detailed and specific content. Under normal circumstances, most of the files in the reverberation should be blurred. Only things involving key memories can remain clear, right?

Gao Hai realized something and put the document back in his hand, and then picked up a maintenance reference book of at least three or four hundred pages and flipped through it. He found that although the content on it was somewhat blurred, there were quite a few parts that could be identified.

It seemed like he could see such a scene.

The man conscientiously led his subordinates through the cave again and again, checking the safety of various equipment and facilities day after day, and never gave up learning knowledge, and spent every day with a serious attitude.

Put the book back in the bookcase.

After confirming that there should be nothing hidden on the bookshelf, Gao Hai turned to the desk and reached out to pick up the two documents on it.

The former is a letter, which seems to have just been written and has not been sent out yet.

[To Howard:]

[It's me, Welbo]

[You may not have a deep impression of me. After all, you are a rising star in the city fire department, and I am just a marginalized little character]

[But now you and I are both caught in the same storm, and there is no way to escape from it. After the tragedy of Andres, you are the one who has the most say in what happened in the Red Nut Ash Cave. You went in three times and came out three times. Many of your teammates stayed in it forever, and next, more people will definitely die in that damn cave. As long as it is still in operation, nothing will change]

[I never thought that one day I would come to this point, turn against my best friend, and even destroy his future. But there have been too many meaningless sacrifices and too many innocent people have died. I can't watch this go on. I have to find a way to shut down that damned scenic spot.]

[You are the only person I can turn to. We must expose all this and put an end to this disaster and these tragedies.]

[This can't go on any longer. If you receive my letter, please reply as soon as possible. I have already found a reporter responsible for exposing it. As long as you are willing to speak out, we will definitely be able to create enough public opinion to shut down the scenic spot.]

[——Wei Bo]

The content of the letter is very simple and appears to be very messy. It seems that when Wei Bo wrote this letter, his mental state should not be very good.

Howard, this name has never appeared before. But Wei Bo called him the rising star of the fire brigade, so in the cave world under the heavy rain where the rescue team exists, there may be clues related to it. It may even be that the reverberation I just saw in the warehouse is Howard's, which can make the timeline of this copy clearer.

Gao Hai, thinking like this, then picked up the second document.

It was also a letter.

However, unlike the handwritten letter just now, this one is printed out by a printer, and the format is not very strict. It feels like it was written in a hurry.

[The letter you sent to Mr. Smith has been intercepted. Now you are not dead because I asked Mr. Anthony Towan for mercy]

[What do you think you are doing? Do you think you can change anything by exposing some specious things and shouting about them? ]

[Do you think that as long as everyone knows that there is danger in the Red Nut Ash Cave, everyone can sit down happily and shut down the scenic spot, and then work together to find a way to solve the problem inside? ]

[I don’t remember you being such a stupid person, Welbo. I have known you for so many years, and I never thought you were such a fool]

[This matter is no longer something you and I can decide. Don’t you understand? The Red Nut Ash Cave was selected as a new national scenic spot this year, and this year happens to be the last year of the mayor’s term. Don’t you really understand what this means? ]

[Why do you think Mr. Anthony Towan, as a dignified senator, comes to care about our scenic spot for no reason? Why is it that our scenic spot is so simple, but it is specially introduced on the front page of an international travel magazine for seven or eight pages? Why have so many experts and celebrities visited our scenic spot in the past two years, and why can our park win so many awards all of a sudden? The mayor is his grandson-in-law, and now the mayor's term is about to end. The Red Nut Gray Cave promoted by the mayor himself is the face of these people.

[You want to ruin everything directly? Oh, do you think that if you find a third-rate quack show and run up to it and shout a few words that dozens of people have disappeared in this scenic spot, so we must close this dangerous scenic spot, then things will develop on the good side? ]

[Such an important matter, do you really think that no one knows about your tricks? The reason you can sit here and read the document I wrote to you instead of dying in a river in the wild is because I am trying my best to plead for you.]

[Stop your irrational behavior and stop sending your love. If you are so kind, just go to help the slums instead of staring at this place.]

[You are my most important friend, Wilber]

[Don't die for this kind of thing, okay?]

[I will find a way to close the Red Nut Ash Cave, but that can only be after the mayor's term ends. Even if this place has many problems now, it must be maintained. Please, please, Wilber, don't push yourself to the edge. You are a billionaire now, aren't you? We have made so much money and gained such a high reputation from this scenic spot. Why should we die for something that you and I can't do anything about?]

[Don't forget, you still have your mother to support. Do you want her to see the news of your death? 】

【——Pei Di】

At the end of the cold printed words, there is a hideous handwritten sentence [Fuck You].

It can be seen that the content of Pei Di's letter to Welbo is quite heartbreaking. Gao Hai can almost imagine what kind of expression Welbo will have when he sees this letter.

No, it seems that there is no need to imagine.

Because Gao Hai can already hear the extremely heavy breathing sounded beside him, and the disgusting bloody smell that seeps into his nose.


Chapter 38: Secret Passage and Operation to Save Fujiwara Chika

Quietly, Gao Hai stood motionless beside the desk, listening to the heavy breathing passing by him.

The footsteps of that thing slowly passed by, and each step was extremely heavy, stepping hard on the ground.

The sound of sighs sounded in his ears, followed by the sound of fists hitting the table hard.

It was as if someone had been walking back and forth in this room, mumbling something in a low voice, revealing an unpleasant emotion that anyone could detect.


Gao Hai just continued to remain silent.

After a while, the footsteps came to the door, creaked open the door of the office, and then with a "bang", the door was closed hard, and everything fell into silence, without a sound.


But Gao Hai still did not make any sound, did not make any movement, and continued to stand in the same posture, motionless like a statue, and even his breathing almost stopped completely.

After a few minutes, Gao Hai heard the second door opening sound, followed by the sound of footsteps stepping out of the room, and then the sound of the door closing gently.

This time, Gao Hai turned his head and looked around.

The ground was covered with blood.

Bloody footprints circled around him several times, and the walls were covered with dark red handprints and blood marks that looked like they were dug by fingernails. The door of the office looked like a bucket of red paint had been overturned, and almost the entire wall was stained with hideous blood.

Gao Hai silently stepped back a few steps, then bent down in front of the desk, and after trying a few times, he quickly opened the only unlocked drawer.

In the drawer was a key, and next to this key was a brief document, explaining that this key was the key to the area where the power relay system in the Red Nut Gray Cave was located. This key can be used to open the door of the relay area, thereby turning on and off the power supply inside the Red Nut Gray Cave.

Does this kind of key have any special function?

Gao Hai picked up the unremarkable little key, turned it around twice, then put it in his pocket and zipped it up to avoid the weird situation of [accidentally dropping important items].

Then, Gao Hai searched the room again, but this time he didn't find anything of great value.

Is that all?

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