Why Not Soar Your Majesty

Chapter 41: .粉哒哒哒哒哒哒2

Qiao Yijing made the film a sturdy one, and there was no one in the studio. This marks that as long as Tang Xiao is willing, she goes out and yells that I have to dry up the bowl of Xiang, no microphone or lens facing her.

On the second day, there was Tang Xiao’s play, and the male and female two met for the first time. The framing place was chosen in the garden of a house. Tang Xiao sat in a wheelchair and went back and forth. Qiao Yijing gave a group speech.

Tang Xiao used a wheelchair to play drifting. When turning, the wheelchair drifted out like a decent, and suddenly there was more sorrowful sorrow. One brain pumped up and said, "Ai Qing is working hard, and he wants to drive the pro It is."

Qiao Yijing looked at her eyes just like looking at mental retardation.

The first scene was the scene where two people met for the first time. Qiao Yijing's request for Tang Xiao was very simple. Don't die.

Tang Xiao:...

Song Anran, played by Tang Xiao, saw Chai Tianhan played by Mu Wei for the first time. The moment when Song Anran turned back, he saw the person standing behind him and smiled at him. This smile directly slammed into the eyes of the man.

It’s this one that turned back and made Qiao Yijing speechless.

"Tang Xiao, if I am Mu Xi, I will see you laughing like this, and the backhand is a scorpion monkey to send you to heaven."

Tang Xiao:...

Mu Wei:...

"Tang Xiao, don't be expressionless, do you think that you are playing a girl with a cerebral palsy? The cerebral palsy girl has at least a brain, what about your brain?"

Tang Xiao:...

"Tang Xiao, you are doing awesome. When you see you, I feel that life has no hope. You tell me honestly, are you always sending me to Ning?"

Tang Xiao:...

She deeply doubts that Qiao Yijing is not a director. In fact, it is a cross talk.

A few times later, Qiao Yijing was not tempered. "Mu Wei, you give her a demonstration of what is called a smile."

Mu Hao explored his hand and turned and took Tang Xiao a few steps. In the absence of any preparations, she turned back and smiled.

Tang Xiao felt that the softest place in her atrium was touched. Mu's eyes seemed to have a pool of light water, and he could see his appearance in his nephew. Just turned around and stared at her, feeling that she touched her heart.

Mu Hao converges on her face and touches her head. "Recall, you stared at me in a dazed look yesterday."

Tang Xiao asked very seriously: "What is the look of a daze?"

Mu Wei gave a slight glimpse. "Think about it yourself."

What he wants to say is - just like filling a whole piece of stars.

I adjusted the state, I came back again, and finally passed one. Tang Xiao feels that he is getting into a good eye. Qiao Yijing likes to capture her eyes. A shot was taken several times.

Her acting skills will not be in the most state, in the entertainment circle, more than enough, more than enough. But in the eyes of Qiao Yijing, this is not the best state of Tang Xiao.

Qiao Yijing looked at the close-up of Tang Xiao in the display. He smiled slightly and said to Mu Wei: "Tang Xiao's eyes are very clean, and this white is not comparable to her."

Muxi took a cup of coffee and drank slowly, watching someone who was sitting in a wheelchair and entertaining herself. "I thought you were very dissatisfied with her. You are not so fierce to anyone."

"It can be done very clearly, but she only has three points. Ning is always too fond of her, and she does not seek to go forward, which has caused her to be so tepid."

"Happy with her."

It’s afternoon after the filming of her play. Mu Hao will continue, Tang Xiao slipped back and continued to listen to Kobayashi’s gossip.

Yesterday, at the end of the evening, knocking on the door, Ning always had a bad face and opened a new room for Tang Xiao. By the way, everything was packaged and sent over. The only thing that made Tang Xiao a little dissatisfied was that the new room was very close to Joe’s room.

The room has been repackaged, and Kobayashi is sitting on the couch drinking porridge. Tang Xiao glanced around and tried to find out what happened to Ning and Xiaolin in the past 36 hours.

"Xiao Lin!" Tang Xiao's eyes are full of excitement.

Scared Xiaolin into a spirit. "What are you doing."

"Come on me and talk about your affairs with Ning. If you don't say me, I will take you and Ning's affairs to the magazine. I feel that I can sell a good price."

Kobayashi clenched his teeth and shook his head.

"Or, I will change your gossip with you! Do you know that Ning was always included in the incident?" This gossip, she can eat for a lifetime. “I just had an advertiser...”

Xiaolin didn't seem to be surprised. A pair of eyes stared at her faintly. He slowly said: "I know the advertiser you said. That is my mother."

"Oh..." Tang Xiao looked at Xiaolin's eyes and was not right. He quickly linked the things of these days with the previous things, and got a story outline. He jumped. Kobayashi’s mother wants to support Ning, and Xiaolin and Ning always got together. Lying in the trough, this is what the story of dog blood, the annual family ethics drama. Actually, I feel that I know so much, I will be ruined. I sighed a bit: "I didn't expect... you play so big, so exciting."

Kobayashi jumped up and took a pillow and started to beat her. "Where are you going! Not what you think!"

Tang Xiaoyi eyes are looking forward to the following. "I don't even see Mu Zhen, just to listen to your gossip."

"In fact, there is nothing. Two years ago, I gave medicine to Ning. He almost didn't drown me in the swimming pool. Mom, it's really a beast. Fortunately, this time he didn't press me in the bathtub." When Kobayashi remembered this, he hated the teeth and tickles, biting the back molars and saying it word by word.

As soon as I heard the words of the medicine, Tang Xiao’s eyes were brighter.

The fact that Kobayashi and Ning always broke this point is really a full expression of the love of two or four words.

Kobayashi studied financial management before, and when I was at school, I heard how a senior is how powerful. Others are learning tyrants, but this is learning the gods. As a student of scum, and learning from the gods and ordinary students, it is very shameful to be with the abnormal people. Kobayashi often comforts himself, maybe the schoolmaster is ugly out of the new world of the universe!

After all, God is fair, and he opened a door to him, and he must have blocked the window.

After graduation, I saw the senior. Kobayashi knows that fairness is fart. God not only opened a door to him, but even the wall was not made for him, except that light is light.

Ning is always the golden superintendent.

The 23-year-old Kobayashi met the 28-year-old Ning Zong, and suddenly became a horror, love at first sight.

Send flowers, send perfumes, and send cars, all of which have been returned. Even her mother failed.

Ning always made it clear that the person he likes is not the type of clear soup noodles of Kobayashi.

At that time, a good-hearted person named her a path: it can be strong! You can't get your heart, you can get your body!

Xiaolin thought about it for a moment and felt very reasonable. I studied it and how to get his body. Pick a slightly gentler method and take the medicine directly.

According to the routine of the dog blood romance drama, this time should be harmonious.

As a result, when Kobayashi shot at the door, the Lingtai was clear, and he got through the second line of Ren Du, and realized the heavens.

She suddenly felt that this method is very unreliable! I thought about it for a moment, if I really slept him, if he didn't recognize it, then he was not losing.

Before she heard that Ning always slept without a girl star, she was not responsible. Kobayashi felt that it was too bad to put himself in.

At the foot of the shot, I regret the death of the protagonist!

The anger in Ning’s eyes can burn her.

Xiaolin looked at him like this, and suddenly he was awkward. Go back a few steps and stay away from the dangers of Ning.

"Well, I apologize to you." Hesitated for a long time, Kobayashi felt that admitting mistakes was the best solution.

Ning always sinks a few points. "Lin Wen, you are looking for it."

Breathing is a bit heavy, and Ning is always restraining himself.

Kobayashi looked innocent: "You said that there are so many fake medicines bought this year, how is that stuff really true! I will give you a little bit, lying, who knows you can't!"

Ning always snorted. "You can't try it, can't I?"

Kobayashi shook his head. Silently spit a beast in my heart.

"Or, do you use your right hand?" Kobayashi proposed very well.

Ning's eyes can kill people.

"Not accustomed to the left hand."

Ning total: ... dying her to kill her

"I like you very much. You can't let me find a woman for you. Or can I find a man for you? I can accept it a little. I heard that boys don't have a taste." Xiaolin almost cried. The atmosphere in the entire room was wrong.

Ning is always horrible, although he has never given Xiaolin a good face, but this is the first time. The eyes are not trying to kill her, I want to tear her hands.

"Lin Wen, you better not let me catch." Ning always gnashed his teeth, and it felt like he would bite her neck in the next moment.

"Forget it, when I recognize it, I will help you." Xiaolin, a pair of heroic and righteous, took off his coat.

Ning finally stunned and breathed a few points. Twist the head to the side and not to see her.

Historical experience tells us that before the end of things, never think that the blood of the dog is high.

As a result, Ning always dreamed of not dreaming. The sober method she said was so unique that he had an unforgettable night. Also, it is a lifetime unforgettable!

Kobayashi turned and went to the bathroom.

"... forget it, you still go." Ning always slammed a large glass of water.

"Don't be afraid, I am responsible for it. Don't come in first."

The sound of water was quickly heard in the bathroom. Ning always wanted to leave at this time. Soon, Kobayashi came out and took off his shirt.

Ning always struggled a few times, but did not struggle to open. Then Xiaolin directly dragged him to the bathroom. When Ning Zong felt that she wanted to play some fun, he directly plunged him into a cold water.

Ning total: ...

"It's worse than a bad boy, or a bad guy. This method is much better!" Kobayashi had a towel and wiped his face. I feel that I can think of this method. It is really too clever, and IQ has broken through the sky.

Ning’s face suddenly became ugly, and Xiaolin mistakenly thought that he had not yet awake, and directly put his head in the cold water.

Ning total: ...

After a few seconds, Ning always floated up to breathe. "Lin Wen! You..."

Was stunned and awake.

Repeated several times, Ning was completely awake, not only awake, but also a little collapse. Being so cold in the cold water, the head is hurting. Looking at Kobayashi's eyes are a bit sloppy.

Quietly sitting in the bathtub, began to think, what was done in the last life, this life will send a Lin Wen to come over, so he.

The wet hair was pulled on the head, and the drops of water slid down the cheeks, all the way across the chest and into the bathtub. A pair of peach eyes, looking at the water without a god. Without the gloomyness of the past, Xiaolin’s heartbeat was accelerated.

One did not pay attention, the hand holding the bathtub did not hold steady, the whole person leaned back, the **** first land, so she hurt and took a breath.

This night, Ning always hurts, and Xiaolin hurts. Commonly known, both lose.

"That, you are fine." Xiaolin suddenly had some embarrassment. He dragged him out of the bathtub and wiped it. He wrapped a layer of quilt and finished it.

"In order to keep your innocence, I am really not easy. Men, must be clean and self-satisfied, understand? Well, let's rest first, I will go first. Take care, if you can't help it for a while." Just follow my own method to calm myself down." Before Xiaolin left, he deliberately sighed.

Ning’s eyes are almost murderous.

Later, Xiaolin knew that this person would be better than Ning. She gave him such an unforgettable night, and he was going to return to her.

The next night, he called people to throw Kobayashi into the pool. It was enough for her to soak in the water for two hours before she came up. The weather at the end of October has begun to turn cold. Kobayashi is in the water.

On the shore, Ning’s voice is colder than water. "Lin Wen, I don't care what you think, but if you want to play, you have to be prepared."

Kobayashi silently compared to a **** in the water. He felt that he was blind and would like this kind of person.

That night, she had a bad cold, as expected, and it took a day to get around in bed.

For the likes of Ning, all night turned into disgust. I have been thinking about it for a long time in bed, and I am ready to invest in the long-term war of resistance with Ning.

It was just that, during that time, Tang Xiao was introduced as a newcomer to the entertainment industry. The media has caught some of the wind and said that Tang Xiao is the new joy of Ning.

Kobayashi feels that his chances are coming. I took the initiative to apply for Tang Xiao’s assistant.

Ning always warned her on the first day, don't move Tang Xiao.

At the stage of being lurking in Tang Xiao’s side as an assistant, Xiaolin always wanted to collect some gossip and gave Ning’s heart a blow. As a result, the news of Ning was not collected. Tang Xiao’s black history knew a bunch.

For example, if you don't move, you can open the microblogging trumpet in your own microblogging. Tang Xiao Tang Xiao is the most beautiful ~ you don't know how good Tang Xiao is, and so on.

There is also a trumpet and their own black powder separated from each other.

Or use the trumpet, confess to the bottom of the day.

This is the tip of the iceberg where Tang Xiao is shameless.

On the other hand, Ning Zong is almost zero scandal. Kobayashi also wants to catch a few times Ning always stays in Tang Xiaojia. As a result, he spent half a month outside the community and half of the shadows were invisible. During that time, she began to swear for Tang Xiao, and it took only a long time to fall out of favor.

After a while, I gradually relaxed my vigilance. Even Ning has developed into a firm card friend.

After the end of a certain card friend's party, Kobayashi won a slam. I offered to invite guests to dinner.

In the evening, a table of people drank more.

Alcohol is a pothole thing. Xiaolin has deep experience.

Xiaolin first knew that Ning had been drinking too much, and he was more serious than usual. A pair of eyes stared at her without hesitation. Xiaolin drank too much, her brain was a bit slow, but her instincts told her that Ning always looked at her and she had no good things.

"I want to be singled out?" But the words are just out of my mind.

Then Ning always nodded.

Only this single-handed place is in bed.

The form of heads-up is - melee.

That is, she did not pay attention to letting Ning always sleep.

Of course, when she woke up the next day, she couldn't help but slap herself. The last time she didn't sleep, he almost didn't drown her. This would be a success. If it wasn't done, it would be shipped to the Yellow River. So she ran away.

Pretending to be nothing, I went home for a few days. During the few days at home, she is greeting the 18th generation of the ancestors of Ning.

Ning always blocked her in the door after a few days. Gloomy face, asked: "Is that night you?"

Kobayashi is so innocent. "I don't know what Ning is always saying."

"A few nights ago, I drank too much." Ning always stared at her eyes.

Xiaolin ducked for a moment. "Well, I also drank too much. Call me directly, don't believe you ask my driver, or he will pick me up."

After that, I originally wanted to hold my waist back. Considering that behind him is Ning, the hand holding the waist has become a waist. He has a temperament of being physically and mentally ill.

Ning always does not really go to ask the driver.

However, since that time, Kobayashi has been surprised to find that Ning always seems to have improved his attitude towards himself.

After listening to Tang Xiao’s ins and outs, I thought that the overbearing president fell in love with my drama. I didn’t expect it to be a new experience of death.

"The strong man! You are still alive!" Tang Xiao held her hand and sighed.

"Truth and stealing."

"You are still alive."

"There is a retreat."

"What surprised me even more is that Ning always did not take you any more, but actually bought you porridge."

"Reluctantly ask for sin."

Tang Xiao: "I want to correct your idioms. If you are guilty, you are not guilty."

Kobayashi: "...all are sin, is there a difference?"

"Yes, one is because of the negative heart, it is to be immersed in the pig cage. The other is the song that has been passed down through the ages. The difference between words, heaven and hell."

Kobayashi: ...

"But to talk about this, I remember that there will be a girl chasing Ning always, and I don't know how to add me. I gave her some ideas." Tang Xiao recalled. Speaking of it, Ning’s total rotten peaches are also quite a lot. I have known her assistant before, and many young girls said that it is okay to fall asleep.

Ning always does not eat soft and hard, and this kind of rejection has fallen on her head. There is a girl who is particularly persistent and sees that Ning is always being taken care of. Tang Xiao feels that she is a girl, and Ning is not losing.

"How did you come up with an idea?" asked Kobayashi.

"If you like to go to strong jian, what is the use of confession, if you can't catch it, you can't get it. If you break up, you will get a fruit photo. If you are too big, you will be jailed. You don't even dare to jail, but dare to say that you like it?" "Tang Xiao recalled it." "Probably this is the meaning. Anyway, I am nonsense. You have said this to me before in the game."

Kobayashi: ... nonsense... eight...

Kobayashi’s mood is very subtle. I really want to discuss with Tang Xiao about your mother’s surname. Nima has no way to represent her mood.

"Very good, the girl you said is me." Kobayashi looked blank.

Tang Xiao:...

She suddenly felt that Mu Xiao did not take Tang Xiaoyu, this special is true love! Tang Xiao is now invincible. It turned out that she only made it herself and died. Now it has evolved into oneself, and others have died.

She and Ning always have a miserable past, because Tang Xiaoyi is serious nonsense.

"Stupid child, when I was young, I saw the Tianzhu Dragon Slayer. I didn't hear Zhang Wuji's mother educating the children. The more beautiful the girl, the less I can believe. For example, I am so beautiful, you must be careful." Xiaoyi touched her head kindly.

Kobayashi: "...you have to face."

"What's the face, I hang it out and let others appreciate it."

Kobayashi: ...

She and Tang Xiao were a lot worse than shameless.

"But to be honest, Ning is always a big boss. The family reminded me not to know how tight. Before I said that I would bring Joe back, and the family recognized it. If you are ready to be with Ning, go back and you will settle down." I have spent so many and unforgettable nights, hehe."

Xiaolin suddenly felt big. "Don't be wretched."

"Xiao Lin, it is a good thing to carry forward our policy of helping the people to keep the line safe. But this policy is useless to Ning. The more you hide, the more things can't be solved. You don't think too much, Ning always busy every day. No. There are some messy time hidden rules actress." Tang Xiaoyi changed his wretched tone, suddenly and seriously discussed a person with her, let Xiaolin somewhat uncomfortable.

Tang Xiao changed his tone and said, "What have you done in 36 hours? Ning is so fierce! Can you still get up?"

Kobayashi took a fruit knife out of the fruit bowl. She swayed in front of her, and she was serious.

Tang Xiao rushed out and felt that his mood was very comfortable. Finally, I know why Ning always deliberately runs her. Because of the taste of the crowd, it’s so cool!

When there was no drama, she started playing games again. Especially after Kobayashi came back, two people sat in a row with a notebook. Occasionally Xia Ziyang also joined them.

Dyeing fingers and roses are now in love with each other, and they passed the sixth level in the snow wolf. Everyone found that this copy of the snow wolf has no difficulty at all. As long as there is no small Tang poem, as long as there is no wind blowing pants, it is flying.

When you don’t have a crazy command, shout with the roaring volume: Rise! We don't have a small Tang poem! No leg hair! We are invincible!

Tang Xiao expressed dissatisfaction. But in this copy of the snow wolf, she is really bad. Fighting the streets in a variety of ways, not to die, is on the way to death.

When Tang Xiao and Xiao Lin were on the line, the two gangs of Dye Finger and Rose were robbing. The two gangs are usually miserable by the snow wolf, and they want to find some comfort from the other side.

The current help has changed from helping the unit to being single and temporarily single.

A parting and July station together, the power hot pot and the old time Xiaoxiao station. There are also some men and women who have developed love in the long-term love and death of the two gangs. This is a party that is temporarily single.

And the single side, with no madness and leg hair led the team.

I found a place where no one was, and started doing it with my sleeves.

Tang Xiao did not think about which camp to join, and was bombarded by a wave of madness.

[Current] July: Hey? I seem to see Xiao Tang poetry?

[Current] No madness: Great, we are not gangstered, brush the little Tang poetry!

[Current] Tang Poetry: ...

Tang Xiao found that habit is a terrible thing. For example, now, being surrounded by a group of people, she has accepted it.

Here, I am saddened by the abuse of Tang poetry. There is a group of people gathered in the Forbidden City, just blocking a group of people in the wild.

The Forbidden City has recently dug a lot of masters from other districts. On the Monday before seeing the excitement, Su Mubu directly exploded her equipment.

Two gangs of dyed fingers and roses, saw the helpers of the Forbidden City, no matter what they did, they sent them to the street.

Some time ago, the Forbidden City was called a miserable. But recently it seems that it is decided to rise?

It’s well prepared, and a group of people here have been killed by surprise.

Tang poetry can't stand the other side, and it has gradually fallen.

[gang] Tang Poetry: What is the situation?

[gang] July: At the beginning of your wife's abuse, they helped the chrysanthemum flowers to bloom, this will be to revenge! Lying in the trough! Damn, what is the explosion of labor-management equipment.

Tang Xiao saw the image of the character in July, and the upper body was instantly stunned. Before the killing of Tang poetry accumulated a lot of sin values, the higher the sin value, the higher the record of equipment after death.

A piece of separation saw the equipment in July, and he glanced at the red eyes. He took the medicine and rushed to the crowd.

In July, under the cover of a group of people, he retired to a safe place.

You can only ask for foreign aid. Tang Xiao went around a big circle and pulled a nine-tailed fox back.

In July, I saw the nine tails flying in the wind. Once the attack was received, several of the nine-tailed foxes ran out. Tang Shi followed by a string.

[Current] Tang Poetry: All are on!

After shouting this sentence, the nine-tailed fox patted a paw, the moonlight in the sky, lying on the ground.

There are no surviving players in the map, and the nine-tailed fox has also taken several of them to the rescue site and slammed them on the ground. For the sake of convenience, they also picked it next to the resurrection point. This time, just sent the reply to the live point, there was a shot down.

The fingers of the dyed fingers and the roses burst into tears, and this is really the same. Not only abused each other, but also abused himself.

[Current] You are not crazy: in order to clean up the Forbidden City, you really hate it.

[Currently] Tang Poetry: You are willing to be blessed by the big lords of the Forbidden City, or willing to be beaten by the nine-tailed fox.

[Currently] I am not crazy: In my life, I have left the two choices of base and human-beast hybrid.

The helper of the Forbidden City:...

[Current] Tang Poetry: You made a mistake, your life is only to die and die! Two options.

The nine-tailed fox did not leave, and the three gangs could not continue to fight. It was transmitted back to the main city.

[World] Exquisite: The Forbidden City will become a hostile gang from now on. See the helpers of these two gangs and kill innocent people.

When the words came out, the world was boiling. The Forbidden City is the first to dare to declare war on two gangs at the same time.

At the same time, there was a battle book to help.

[World] Million Loli has crossed the river: Oh, I am the first time I saw the daring to write to us.

[World] Dawn in the old days: Dyeing fingers, seeing the forbidden shackles, killing them. The more you kill, the more dividends you have.

[World] Power Hot Pot: Want to get finished equipment without spending a penny? What do you feel like trying to abuse a big god? Want to try to spur the stimuli of a person randomly dropping equipment? Don't hesitate, our goal is to explode their gear.

[World] Wind blowing pants and flying feathers: I heard nothing! Still waiting for the guy to prepare for the rack!

[World] frame: hate, but also want to do me ~

[World] Wind blows pants and flies:

Although the Forbidden City has dug a lot of great gods, but when it comes to fighting such things, Rose recognizes the second, and no gang has dared to recognize the first.

In the evening, three gangs came to live in Huangquan.

Many of the great gods invited by the Forbidden City, all of them aimed at Tang poetry. In particular, a shooter, holding the bow and arrow all the way, aimed at her.

Tang Xiao manipulated the characters and hid in the crowd. Wherever people go to run, one to two, the damage will be greater.

I ran over with the blood and wanted a few mouthfuls of Lori milk.

[Team] July: Little Tang poetry, careful shooter.

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Shi was shot and flew out.

The female charm of the thigh and thigh is from the edge of Huangquan, flying down three thousand feet, rotating and jumping with eyes closed, and directly planted into the misty clouds.

Tang Xiao is a bit worried. She found that Xiao Tang poetry was gone!

Do not!



In the game screen, no matter how you rotate and jump, the characters will be on your screen. However, Tang Xiao will turn around for a long time, so she did not see herself on the screen.

[Team] July: Little Tang poetry, can you come up?

[Team] Tang Shi: You may not believe it when you say it...

[Team] July: What strange place are you stuck in?

[Team] Tang Shi: No... I am missing.

She would rather be stuck somewhere, but now her characters are gone.

When I saw this sentence in July, I had a bit of a glimpse.

[Team] July: What do you mean?

[Team] Tang Shi: My screen is still in the picture before being shot, but my character has fallen.

[Team] July: ...

A group of people struggling on the front line crowded over. Tang Xiao can see them in the picture, but they can't see themselves.

[Team] July: Wait a minute, I let the shooter just shoot me again, maybe I can see where you were shot.

In July, the fruit rushed out and threw the street in a few steps.

[Team] Millions of loli over the river: ... or I will go.

Loli found the shooter and slammed a few words, and the other quickly ran over. Before Tang poetry provided the coordinates of her standing before her death, Loli waited and flew down three thousand feet.

After waiting for a long time, I didn't wait.

On the screen, Su Muyu, a white man standing in a group of colorful, was particularly eye-catching.

When Mu Hao just got on the line, he saw the help of this side. He rushed over and killed a shooter. I ordered the couple to transfer the skills, but when I sent them, there was no figure of Xiao Tang poem.

[Team] Tang Poetry: Lady! You are here!

[Team] Su Mufu: Where are you?

[Team] Tang Shi: I am here! Your heart!

[Team] Su Mufu:......

[Team] Everyone:...

Explained again to Mu Wei.

[Team] July: You just said that you are gone, scared me to Tintin.

[Team] Million Loli has passed through Dajiang: Hey, will your Ding Ding fall? I usually wear socks in my socks.

Seeing that the topic is not right, I am not crazy and I will diverge.

[Team] You are not crazy: Sue’s boss recently called a pet to Xiao Tangshi!

This topic forked a bit failed. The discussion about Tintin continues.

[Team] Power Hot Pot: I am usually wrapped around my waist.

[Team] Tang Shi: I have cut it. It is the popular front line that can be disassembled, such as me and Su Mufu. When you sleep, cut it down and put it on the pillow, wake up and put it on.

Don't go crazy, don't give up, keep up the good work.

[Team] You are not crazy: with your mouth, you are afraid of it.

[Team] Su Mufu:......

Chinese people: ...

The men in the team are suffering from chrysanthemums. Wait, where is it wrong?

[Team] Million Loli has passed through Dajiang: ... Whose mouth is you afraid of?

[Team] Nothing crazy:...

[Team] July: It may be his own.

[Team] Nothing crazy:...

[Team] Tang Poetry: It took so long, a lot of it, not so much, let it out, lest it will be gone for a while.




I am crazy and crazy. Never be ashamed of the group of women, because you are better than nothing.

[Team] I am not crazy: I am talking about Su Mubu and Xiao Tangshi.

[Team] Million Loli has crossed the river: Oh, the little Tang poetry contains Su Mufu...

[Team] Tang Shi: No, he is with me.

[Team] Su Mufu:......

The style of painting is not right. The name of madness is really too much.

Mu Hao had wanted to copy the guy's poems and sang a poem. Suddenly she remembered that she lost her own. Turned to Lolly.

Anyone who just said a speech can't escape.

The forbidden shackles are a bit confused, how can the other party be good, then start fighting?

[Team] July: Lying! A parting, you do not help me blocked off point no problem, you actually helped him beat me.

[Team] A parting:...

At this time, Tang Xiao was a little afraid that the world would not be chaotic. Anyway, the characters were gone, and Su Mufu could not find himself. It will be the same when I go to find gm again.

[Team] Tang Shi: There is a famous saying, man, before I met a man I like, I thought I liked a woman. I said before, if you want to break through the secular barrier, I will complete you in July!

[Team] A parting: Xiao Tang Shi, I admire you.

[Team] Tang Shi: Because I am versatile and exporting into a chapter of literature and art?

[Team] A parting: No. Before you didn't know the true identity of Su Mufu, when I was always dead, I would admire you. Later, you know his true identity, and even dare to die, I admire you. Later, Su Mufu wished you next to you, the same crew with you, you are still not afraid of death, so shameless, I am quite admired by you. It is a man.

[Team] July: There should be a good song here.

[Team] You are not crazy: Oops, you are two. Hey, you are two~

[Team] Tang Shi:...

[Team] A parting: Oh, yes. Mu Hao can't find you in the game. I have just gone out and went to you.

As soon as the voice fell, Mu's figure appeared at the door.

Kobayashi looked up and glanced at the ceiling. "I mean, I will always be able to take me to stay up late. I will leave first."

Tang Xiao:...

"Is there anything I want to say?" Muham sat down beside her, faintly opening.

Tang Xiao immediately bowed his head and admit his mistake. She has done much to apologize for the softness of this matter. "I'm wrong."

"Where is it wrong?"

"Where everything is wrong, wrong is outrageous, I promise not to commit again."

"Ning always said that the speed of your mistakes, no one can match, but die without repentance."

Tang Xiao’s face retorted solemnly. "He said, I am not dead or repentant."

"Well, it's just not long-term memory." Mu Yu added.

Tang Xiao:...

Mu Hao did not go back, just studied her game.

"It's too late now, remember to give gm an error tomorrow."

"Uh huh." 2k novel reading network

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