Wicked Island Of Ireland

Chapter 4 - Memories (4)

Chapter 4. Memories (4)

Translator: Aura / Editor: Vy

“What do you want then if not money?”

Hayden held out his rain-soaked jacket.

“We can grab some coffee or watch a movie. Dinner would be nice too.”

Hearing that answer, she felt bad for having misunderstood the man. It seemed his aura tended to make people nervous. His dress shirt, which was drenched from the rain and clearly displayed his chest muscles, caught her attention, and she struggled to look away as she accepted the jacket.

“Thank you. I’ll find a way to repay you as soon as we leave this island.”

She didn’t really want to repay him with just coffee or a movie. To the person who had saved her life, she wanted to give him something with much more value.

However, right now, she only wanted to escape this unfamiliar place and return to the safety of her home. It also didn’t help that the cold temperature was causing her teeth to chatter.

‘But where is my house? I should have valuable goods I can use to repay him and warmer clothing in my house…’

“Do you know where this place is?”

The woman shook the water out of the heavy jacket.

It was a senseless act in the rain. Still, Hayden looked at her closely and said,

“An island somewhere in Ireland.”

“An island in Ireland?”

They soon began to climb the hill on the other side of the coast.

“There was an accident as a result of a collision between an airplane and a helicopter. The fire must have occurred when the helicopter crashed on top of the building. In any case, we have to seek shelter from the rain until the rescue team arrives.”

“A plane crash? How could that happen…”

The woman put on his jacket and continued to climb with her arms crossed under her breasts. Not only were her legs busy, but her mind was preoccupied as well.

“Hayden, were you on that plane too? Or are you from this island?”

He frowned as if the wound on his forehead bothered him.

“I was on the plane.”

Although fortunately the bleeding had stopped, the woman looking at him nodded with a grim expression.

The airplane must have been the source of the burning flames in the distance. The woman felt regret and fear as she imagined the dreadful tragedy.

“… I hope there are more survivors.”

She quickly realized, though, that this was not the time to worry about others. The rain falling mercilessly on her body was as cold as ice, and the jacket he had given her did not fit her body properly.

It exposed her collarbone and breasts, so she pulled the collar of the jacket up to cover herself. But as a result, the bottom of the jacket lifted up and her panties were clearly exposed. This meant that if she was going to cover herself, she either had to choose between her breasts or her buttocks. The woman decided to cover her breasts with her arms, and used the coat for the other.

At that moment, Hayden looked over at her involuntarily. His blue eyes slowly roamed over her breasts.

He didn’t seem to have the ability to peek discreetly. Perhaps he was once such a popular man that he never felt the need to peek at a woman’s breasts. She shrugged and turned her back to him.

Hayden noticed that the jacket couldn’t cover her from the rain very well, so he untied his necktie, held it in his hand and stood in front of her.

“Look at me. I’ll adjust it onto your body.”


“The longer you hesitate, the harder it’ll rain.”

If she had known this was going to happen, she would have thought of another solution, but there was no time for that now. The heavy rain wouldn’t stop, so she turned to look at him quickly.

“All right.”

Once she faced him, he squatted down in front of her. He began to tug the jacket down the front as if it were a bathrobe and tied the necktie around her waist.

The fingers that tied the necktie like a ribbon were delicate, long and firm. As his wet fingertips stole her attention, his rain-soaked lips let out a brief comment,

“It’s amazing how thin a woman’s waist is.”

She was overwhelmed by his authoritative tone and arrogant look. Still she responded without showing an ounce of expression,

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

The man nodded, then slowly raised and lowered his thick eyebrows.

Looking down from above, the lines of his face appeared exceptionally smooth. She suddenly thought that many women must have coveted this man. There was no woman who wouldn’t like a man with an authoritative air that acts with confidence. Those were traits that most influential men had.

To the woman who had forgotten even her own name, this man conveyed tranquility. However, she took a step back as if to avoid getting too close to the man.

After climbing the hill, they headed into the forest. The downpour only became heavier as time passed.

As she followed Hayden through the trees, she saw a gray bird perched on a branch.

The feathers around its neck were black as if it had a scarf. She had seen a bird like that in the past, so naturally she said,

“Huh? That looks like a plover. It’s a bird that lives near water sources. There might be a lake around here.”


“There must be villager houses near the lake as well.”

Hayden stopped and looked at her. It was strange that a woman who couldn’t even remember her own name would recognize a plover.

Although sad, she agreed that it was indeed strange. How did I recognize the plover if I can’t even remember my own name? Perhaps the areas of my brain responsible for memory are damaged, but the areas of my brain responsible for knowledge are intact? What the hell happened to me? Who did it? Why?

She felt her head heating up. She rubbed her forehead with a frown. At that moment, Hayden turned his attention back to the forest and said,

“Great. Now that you’ve recognized the plover, you just need to remember your name.”

Her thoughts, which had been directed at the plover for a brief moment, reverted back to the current situation. He was right, it was more important for her to try to remember her own name.

But her mind wandered as she tried to recall her forgotten identity. It was as if she had become drowsy after taking strong medication.

She did not know what was going on with her head. The more she tried to recollect her memories, the more her head throbbed.

Suddenly, she heard the voices and footsteps of several people.

“This is the worst day of my life.”

“I want to go home and take a shower.”

Those voices penetrated her head, shaking up her thoughts. She was afraid she was going crazy.

The woman looked down the hill as if possessed. There were people climbing up the hill. They had also been soaked to the bone from the rain.

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