Lele was sleeping soundly and even snored, but ye Youran couldn't sleep over and over. Although she tried her best not to think about it, the humiliating past still often appeared in her mind.

With Mu Jinyang, she is under great pressure. She is handsome and has money at home. How can she see Cinderella like her? At first, she resisted and subconsciously refused his approach. Later, she was slowly influenced by him and indulged in his tenderness.

She knew that Lin Yuzhen didn't like her. From the first meeting, ye Youran saw her elongated face. Her critical eyes looked at her with a disdainful look, and her voice was arrogant. "How old are you? What do your parents do?"

Ye Youran heard great dissatisfaction from her expression and voice. She looked at Jinyang, pressed her grievances at the bottom of her heart, and tried to talk to her politely.

Hearing ye Youran say that her mother has passed away, Lin Yuzhen's face is longer, "how can this happen? Is the eight characters too hard?"

The implication is that she overcomes her mother. Ye Youran's face suddenly changes. Mu Jinyang holds her hand, "Mom, that's feudal superstition!"

Lin Yuzhen snorted and expressed dissatisfaction with her son's maintenance of Ye Youran, "can this child have a baby if he grows so thin?"

Ye Youran didn't know how to answer her question. She only kept silent, but mu Jinyang said, "Mom, why do you say this for the first time?"

The meeting was not very pleasant for both sides. Mu Jinyang sent her back. She was worried and asked, "Jinyang, your mother doesn't like me very much."

"Don't think about it. My mother has that temper. She doesn't have a bad heart." Mu Jinyang comforted her.

Later, a few days later, she saw Mu Jinyang's mother who didn't have a bad heart in her mouth in the coffee shop where she worked. At that time, Lin Yuzhen and Xia Feifei drank coffee together. At that time, she sent coffee. Lin Yuzhen spoke very sharply, "Feifei. To be a man, you have to know and know yourself. As a pheasant, you have to have the responsibility of pheasant. Don't think about being a Golden Phoenix all day. It's unrealistic."

This is a clear point of pointing at the mulberry and scolding the locust. Ye Youran only felt a stream of blood rush to her forehead. Thinking of Mu Jinyang, she gritted her teeth and endured her anger. She turned and left with a tray.

Later, a few days later, Lin Yuzhen came to her. She clearly told ye Youran that she didn't like ye Youran. She liked Xia Feifei as her daughter-in-law and asked ye Youran to take the initiative to leave Mu Jinyang.

Ye Youran looked at her aggressive appearance and felt extremely disgusted. She asked Lin Yuzhen, if Xia Feifei didn't have a father like Xia Zhengang, would she like her to be a daughter-in-law? Lin Yuzhen became angry when she asked. She threw 500000 cheques and forced her to break up in front of Ye Youran.

Ye Youran really wanted to hit the check in her face. Later, she couldn't help getting up and leaving.

After returning, she broke up with Mu Jinyang. Mu Jinyang begged hard. She was firm. Later, Mu Jinyang was depressed, went to the bar to get drunk every day, and was sent to the hospital because of excessive drinking and stomach bleeding.

Mu Jinyang finally softened her heart and reluctantly called Ye Youran to the hospital. Mu Jinyang saw ye Youran holding her hand tightly and wouldn't let her leave. Lin Yuzhen finally stopped insisting when she saw her son and acquiesced in everything between mu Jinyang and ye Youran.

But behind this acquiescence is her unwillingness. After ye Youran married Mu Jinyang, she began to stop and often made sarcastic comments. Even after ye Youran married Mu Jinyang, she often saw Xia Feifei, especially after ye Youran found out that she was infertile.

Ye Youran was often forced to drink Chinese medicine that was said to be able to treat infertility. She drank Chinese medicine or the lightest. She would find some odd folk recipes for her. One day, she did not know where she came from. She said she had found a recipe for infertility, which was said to be very spiritual, but she used Baijiu to soak black ants.

Ye Youran saw that those dark things were disgusting to the extreme. She didn't drink according to her requirements. Lin Yuzhen shouted at her and told her to go away if she didn't drink. Don't occupy the pit and don't shit.

At the beginning, ye Youran tried her best to be patient with her, but human patience was limited. The dual pressure of spirit and body made her finally unbearable and began to quarrel with Lin Yuzhen.

She began to have a tit for tat with Lin Yuzhen. Several times, they argued and were hit by Mu Jinyang. Lin Yuzhen was especially able to pretend. She was angry and scolded Ye leisurely, but she immediately pretended to be bullied after seeing her son, looking for life and death, forcing Mu Jinyang to divorce her.

Ye Youran had enough of this kind of life. She really couldn't stand it. She had a deep talk with Mu Jinyang. She said she had drunk enough traditional Chinese medicine and had enough examinations. She didn't want to drink any more and didn't want to go to the hospital to accept the examinations that made her goose bumps.

The Mu family can't live without a son. She doesn't blame Mu Jinyang. She'd better break up.

Mu Jinyang showed an unimaginable look. He held her tightly in his arms. "Leisurely, don't say silly words. For me, the child is not important. Only you are important. I have you enough!"

Women are fools and like to listen to men's vows. She made concessions again because of Mu Jinyang.

Because Mu Jinyang finally made up his mind and had a deep talk with Lin Yuzhen. I don't know what he said to Lin Yuzhen, but Lin Yuzhen agreed to them move away.

Without Lin Yuzhen's mixing, life is relatively much better. Ye Youran no longer has to endure the pain and mental torture of drinking traditional Chinese medicine. She and Mu Jinyang had a relatively peaceful life.

Probably because of her mood, she was pregnant. At the moment she got the pregnancy diagnosis form, she was ecstatic and hurried to call Mu Jinyang.

Reality and imagination are contradictory after all. Ye Youran never dreamed that Mu Jinyang would cheat.

What don't want a child? As long as she, he has found the little three who will have a son. Naturally, he coaxed her with such words. It's funny that she believed his words. Fortunately, Xia Feifei came to the door in time.

She hated Xia Feifei, but later thought about it, she was very grateful to her. If it weren't for Xia Feifei, how would she know that Mu Jinyang was such a disgusting man? How could he witness the meanness and ugliness under his hypocrisy mask.

He vowed that he would love himself forever and that everything about him was hers, but when the lie was pierced, his ugliness and darkness suddenly came out. He couldn't wait to divorce her and deduce the lack of love and righteousness to the extreme. When he saw the lines on the divorce agreement, Ye Youran really wants to laugh.

What a wonderful irony! As a saying goes, when a man likes you, you are a treasure, and when he doesn't like you, you are a grass. She doesn't believe this sentence until now. Sure enough, she is too stupid to count all over the world. She signs the contract without hesitation and cleans herself out of the house in the clothes bought by Ye Wenhui.

The next morning, ye Youran stared at the two panda eyes and went to the company. Looking at his dark circles, Qin Zifei joked, "where are the national treasures?"

Ye Youran is not in the mood to joke with him. She starts to work in silence. Qin Zifei has been peeping at her. How can she find that this woman is worried?

Is it because of Tang Yucheng? He always knew that Tang Yucheng was thinking of a woman, but he didn't know it was her, or what kind of emotion was between her and Tang Yucheng. Tang Yucheng can be sure that he liked her. What about her?

Ye Youran's character is not that kind of pinching character. Qin Zifei can be sure by intuition that she should not have that kind of love for Tang Yucheng. Otherwise, she has been influenced by Tang Yucheng's gentleness for so many years.

Knowing that she is the woman Tang Yucheng likes, Qin Zifei is actually uncomfortable. They all say that a friend's wife can't be a wife. He should quit automatically when he knows that Tang Yucheng likes ye Youran, but now it's not the case. He finds that he can't control his heart. This is the first time he can't control his heart.

He clearly knows what he wants. He likes her, wants to protect her and give her enough warmth and love.

But the woman didn't see him. Qin Zifei knew that ye Youran was not the Yingyan around her. His previous flower heart image had been deeply rooted in her heart. Compared with Tang Yucheng, he lost a little.

But he doesn't want to give up. As a man, he must strive for everything he likes. Ye Youran is his goal now.

Looking at ye Youran's choice of Hua Yuwei, she likes gentle men. During this period, he also tries to be gentle. It seems that ye Youran's attitude towards him has changed.

It seems that women like gentle men. He used this move right. He didn't know that she was the sweetheart of Tang Yucheng. He still wanted to take it slow and wait until it came to pass. Now it seems that he can't wait. He must hurry.

He has made it clear to Tang Yucheng that fair competition is fair. Since it is fair competition, he must let ye Youran know that he likes her. He decided to make a formal confession to ye Youran.

Qin Zifei is a wandering person in the flowers. He knows that women are emotional animals and like romance. In order to please Ye leisurely, he contracted a western restaurant, got a room full of rose balloons and lit candles, and prepared for a romantic courtship.

Ye Youran doesn't know Qin Zifei's idea at all. He cheated him into a western restaurant to know what he wants to do. The flower balloon candlelight dinner in front of Ye Youran reminds him of Mu Jinyang.

At that time, he used this means to get himself into trouble. Now he looks back and finds that he was hopelessly stupid. Her experience proves that men's vows are bullshit!

Ye Youran reached out to pick up a rose and sniffed it in front of his nose. A sarcastic smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Qin Zifei didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing that ye Youran didn't change his face, he thought there was a play.

So according to the rehearsal process in advance, the light suddenly went dark, the soothing music sounded, and the candle flickered. Qin Zifei brewing his emotion, "ye Youran, be my girlfriend!"

Ye Youran looked at him, "Why me?"

"I like you!"

"You like me?" ye Youran smiled thoughtfully. "Don't you dislike me as a divorced woman?"

"I never despised you." Qin Zifei clarified, "I'm just a little unwilling. Why didn't you meet me at the beginning and why did you get hurt like that. But fortunately, I came, ye Youran, I like you! Be my girlfriend! You don't need to work so hard with me. No matter what, I will respect you and won't force you..."

A sneer pierced the sky over the cafe, and then a sudden voice sounded, "is Qin Shao acting?"

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