Lin Yuzhen and Xia Feifei are unhappy. Mu Jinyang has never felt better. He hasn't been calm for a day since he learned that ye Youran divorced and remarried and had children.

He always thought that ye Youran's blind date program was just counting. Now it seems that she really wants to find a father for her children, so she chose people like Hua Yuwei.

Thinking that ye Youran was almost destroyed, the emotions of self blame, regret and hatred have been filled with his nerves. Ye Youran now is caused by him, and he must find a way to make up for it.

Because of this idea, Mu Jinyang is not in the mood to work these days. Instead of going home after work, he drives to the community where ye Youran lives. This stroll unexpectedly finds that Qin Zifei has become a regular guest of Ye Youran's home.

Watching Qin Zifei swagger in and out of Ye Youran's house and play with Lele, Mu Jinyang's mood is unspeakable.

Qin Zifei, the second ancestor, saw ye Youran's eyes full of heat. The blind can feel it. Ye Youran can't know it.

She did not refuse to let Qin Zifei go in and out of her house freely. She must have thought about Qin Zifei. Mu Jinyang was hurt, anxious and angry.

How can ye Youran see and love one? The most important thing is that Mingming asked Liu Jian to disclose the news of Qin Zifei and ye Youran to Gu Qingyun. Why didn't the Tang family take action?

Mu Jinyang felt uncomfortable, but he had no way. He just stayed in the community where ye leisurely lived every day.

Watching Qin Zifei send ye Youran home, and then after they eat, they will see Qin Zifei holding Lele. Ye Youran and ye Wenhui are walking and eating outside with several people.

They were happy and looked very happy, but he looked like a thousand arrows through his heart and wanted to die in pain.

But no matter how painful it was, he couldn't leave. He didn't trust it. He had to watch Qin Zifei leave with his own eyes before he put down his hanging heart.

Mu Jinyang knows that his behavior is ridiculous. He is just an ex husband who made mistakes in divorce. He has no reason to interfere with ye Youran's freedom. He stays here and looks at everything. He is only looking for abuse. He knows everything, but he has no way to control his behavior.

Mu Jinyang came home after ten o'clock. When he came in, he saw Lin Yuzhen sitting in the living room with a gloomy face. He told his aunt tired, "help me prepare some rice and I'll take a bath and eat."

Seeing him go upstairs, Lin Yuzhen called him, "why don't you answer my phone?"

"Didn't I say that I was busy and didn't have time to eat with you."

"I asked your secretary. They said you didn't have anything important today, but you said you were busy and didn't even have time for dinner. Why did you lie to me?" Lin Yuzhen said calmly.

"Don't you think the tube is too wide?"

"You are my son, and I take care of you as a matter of course." Lin Yuzhen was right.

"So I'm your son? I thought it was your pet." Mu Jinyang was in a bad mood and spoke sharply.

"Since you want to control everything about me so much, why don't you lock me at home with a chain so that you don't have to spend so much time under your eyes all day."

Lin Yuzhen choked half to death, but mu Jinyang ignored her and went upstairs.

The next day, Mu Jinyang was still not in the mood to work. In a trance, he drove to Jiangnan community. Unexpectedly, I saw Lele playing ball on the lawn of the community.

Seeing Lele mujinyang, his heart was soft. He didn't belong to the kind of person who especially liked children, but he would feel very kind and comfortable when he saw Lele. The feeling of familiarity surprised him. He thought it was probably because he loved Wu and Wu, because he loved Ye leisurely, so he liked her son.

Lele didn't notice at all. Mu Jinyang stood quietly watching him. He focused on hitting the ball and counted "one, two, three..."

Clapping, clapping, the ball in his hand rolled to one side, and a bald head came with his son. The son was older than Lele. When he saw the ball, he immediately picked it up and held it in his hand.

Lele saw someone running with his ball, "give me the ball back."

"No!" the child was very arrogant with adults. Bald see their children will not suffer or stop, just staring at their mobile phone to play.

"This is my ball, give it back to me quickly!" Lele was anxious.

"I won't give it." seeing Lele reaching for it, the child pushed him and LeLe fell to the ground. Mu Jinyang hurried over.

Lele didn't cry like ordinary children after falling to the ground. Instead, he got up and jumped at the child. The child reached out and pushed him. He fell to the ground again. This time Lele was angry. He got up and grabbed the child's hand.

As soon as he went down, the child loosened the ball and cried loudly. He immediately stopped playing with his mobile phone with his bald head. When he saw that his child's hand was bitten by two tooth marks, his bald head suddenly became angry, "little red man, I won't kill you!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to catch Lele, but unexpectedly, a hand was stretched out in the oblique thorn and twisted the bald hand back. Mu Jinyang looked at him coldly, "is it decent for an adult to bully a child?"

"You let go of me, it hurts me!" Mu Jinyang shouted with great force and bald head.

Mu Jinyang let go, and his bald head was pushed out. He staggered for several steps before he stood firm. "Is this your child? Look what he bit my son's hand?" the bald head bluffed.

"I didn't see you so angry when your son bullied him just now?" Mu Jinyang sneered.

"That... That my son just pushed him, but your son bit my son. What if he was infected?" baldheaded argued. "My son was bitten. I have to take him to the hospital to break the cold needle. You'll pay for it."

Looking at the bald scoundrel, Mu Jinyang was angry. "Before I get angry, take your son away immediately! Otherwise, I will bear the consequences!"

Seeing the cold air in Mu Jinyang's eyes, his bald head couldn't help shivering. The person in front of him didn't look like the one he could provoke. After measuring the situation, he left bitterly with his son.

Baldheaded and took the child away. Mu Jinyang picked up the ball and handed it to Lele. Lele looked at Mu Jinyang with some worship, "uncle, are you a policeman?"


"It's not the police. Why is the bad man so afraid of you?"

"Because he did something wrong, his heart was empty."

"Oh." Lele seems to understand. "Uncle, you must have a bad fight? Can you teach me?"

"Why learn to fight?"

"If you fight badly, you can protect your mother and uncle from being bullied!" Mu Jinyang was a little sour when he heard Ye Wenhui's voice, "Lele! Lele!"

"Uncle and grandpa called me, I'm gone! Uncle, remember to teach me later!" Lele didn't forget to let him teach him when he left.

In the evening, ye Youran came back. Lele and ye Youran talked about being bullied during the day. Ye Youran was afraid, "Lele, when you go out to play in the future, you must be with your uncle and grandpa, and don't bite. It's wrong to bite."

"He robbed me and hit me, mom. I'm not wrong."

"Mom knows you're right. They're all children. If he likes to play, just play for him for a while."

"But he took the ball away and I didn't have to play after that. In this way, my mother has to spend money to buy it. My mother is very hard. I don't want to spend money indiscriminately."

Ye Youran sighed that it was useless for her to let Lele feel the economic pressure of adults when she was so young. She secretly vowed that she would never mention money in front of Lele in the future. "Mom has money. What does Lele want? Mom can buy it for Lele."

On Sunday, Qin Zifei took Chu Fei on a business trip. At noon, he called Ye Youran and said that there was a document in the safe. He asked ye Youran to the company to find it and fax it to him.

Ye Wenhui has something to go out. Ye Youran is alone at home with Lele. He receives a call from Qin Zifei and hurriedly takes Lele to the company by taxi.

Entering the office, ye Youran ordered Lele to sit on the sofa in the lounge and play. He opened the safe to find documents and began faxing. Lele felt fresh everywhere when he went to the company for the first time. Touch here and see there.

He walked out of the door with short legs and walked slowly to the elevator door. There was a sightseeing elevator in the building where Qin Zifei company was located. Lele felt very curious, so he pressed the button to enter the elevator.

Standing in the elevator, he looked out curiously. The elevator was really fun. He could see the outside clearly. It was as fun as watching the light car.

Lele happily took the sightseeing elevator from upstairs to downstairs. The elevator door opened. The security guard in the hall on the first floor was shocked to see that there was only one child in the elevator.

Immediately brought Lele out: "what about your adults? How can you take the elevator alone?"

"My mother works upstairs." Lele answered with milk.

"Children, you can't take the elevator alone when you are so young, okay?"

Lele shakes his head. Isn't it just taking the elevator? It's so fun. Why not?

"I want to find my mother. My mother can't find me. I should be worried."

"You tell my mother's phone number and name, and I'll call her to pick you up." the security guard can't rest assured that such a small child can take the elevator.

"My mother's name is ye Youran. I don't know the phone number." Lele replied.

"Then wait here. Your mother will come down and pick you up if she can't find you."

"No, I'm looking for my mother!" Lele shook his head.

"Listen to uncle! We'll stay here and wait for mom to come to you!" the security guard tried to appease him. Lele wouldn't listen. Mom often said that children can't walk around. If they walk around, they will meet bad people.

Bad guys steal children and sell them far away. They can't find their mother anymore.

Thinking like this, Lele began to be afraid. Isn't the uncle in front of him a bad man?

He remembered what his mother often said to him. His mother said that when there were bad people, he must shout for help, so that someone would come to save himself.

But there was no one around, and his cry for help would not be heard. Lele began to think of countermeasures nervously.

Mom said to calm down and paralyze the bad guys.

Lele then let himself sit on the sofa in the hall and look at him. The security guard was very happy and didn't pay attention to him after saying a few words with him.

Looking at the security guard on the phone, Lele crept up from the sofa and ran out.

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