Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 102 - My Wife Doesn’t Like It

Chapter 102: My Wife Doesn’t Like It

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The hall of the teahouse was elegantly furnished. Inside, a few patrons were playing chess and drinking tea. The shopkeeper emerged from upstairs and made his way down. Su Jiu’s intentions were obvious; she wasn’t here for tea. The shopkeeper smiled and asked, “Are you looking for someone, sir?”

Su Jiu nodded her head. Just as she was about to ask if Ji Yuxian was around, the waiter she had encountered previously came rushing in. His face white with fear, he pointed his shaking finger at Su Jiu accusingly and said, “Shopkeeper, these two are troublemakers!”

The waiter was the shopkeeper’s nephew, and when the shopkeeper saw how beaten-up his nephew looked, he asked gravely, “What happened?”

Afraid of Su Jiu talking first, the waiter hurriedly gave his version of the story. “These two people are ill-mannered. The moment they stepped inside, they beat me up.”

With that, the waiter howled as he fell to the ground and clutched his abdomen. What a faker he was.

“Who are you? Why are you causing trouble here? Do you have any idea who is backing this teahouse?” When the shopkeeper saw that it was a family member who had been hurt, he didn’t bother trying to get to the bottom of things. He just questioned Su Jiu immediately.

“We’re not troublemakers. He was the one who provoked us,” Su Jiu stated plainly as her face revealed her clear conscience.

“Shopkeeper, don’t listen to her! Look at my face and my body! They’re covered with bruises!” The waiter wailed as he lay on the floor. What a performance!

“Men! Get them out of here!” After working under the Ji family for so long, the shopkeeper was used to throwing his weight around. When he saw how commonly Su Jiu and Chang Huan were dressed, he had no qualms giving that order.

The instant he gave the command, the few men who were watching the situation unfold from the sidelines rushed forward, intending to throw Su Jiu and Chang Huan out on their ear.

Without sparing any of them a glance, Su Jiu moved her feet and walked up the stairs.

Wham! Bam! Chang Huan tossed the few guys who rushed up to him straight to the ground.

The shopkeeper’s expression turned ugly, and he commanded chillingly, “Men! Stop them!”

He was going to teach these two idiots who had dared to cause a ruckus in the Ji family teahouse a lesson that they would never forget.

More men assembled and raised their sticks menacingly at Su Jiu and Chang Huan.

While all this was happening downstairs, the suite upstairs was a cocoon of tranquility. Lan Zhihui removed her cloak and sat demurely beside Ji Yuxian. Smiling gently, she said, “I knew you’d be here on a snowy day, so I came.”

Ji Yuxian’s almond-shaped eyes radiated warmth. Picking his teacup up lightly, he replied, “It’s just rare for me to be this free.”

Lan Zhihui smiled graciously and placed a booklet on the mahogany side table. She said, “The palace has sent word that they would like to purchase clothing for the ladies and their maids in the concubine for the Lunar New Year festival. I have made a tally of the materials and accessories we’ll need. Please take a look at them.”

Ji Yuxian nodded his head, put the booklet in the palm of his hand, and flipped through it.

Lan Zhihui sat quietly, her eyes sweeping past the man’s handsome face now and then, before finally falling on the rosewood incense burner adorned with lotus carvings. She waved the smoke that slowly emanated out.

Meanwhile, Jin Feng stood ramrod-straight outside the door. Suddenly, a waiter ran over and cried out, “Guard Jin! Some thugs have come to our teahouse to cause trouble. You’d better hurry over and take a look!”

Jin Feng’s brows knitted together, and he glanced over his shoulder before marching over.

Coincidentally, Su Jiu was making her way upstairs with Chang Huan trailing behind her. He had just tossed a guy to the ground with a thud.

The waiter took a step back and pointed at Su Jiu as he said,” Guard Jin, that’s the one! Those two have hurt many of our men in the teahouse!”

Jin Feng was bewildered. He kicked the waiter in his knee as he admonished testily, “How dare you!”

He took two steps forward and said respectfully, “Greetings, Young Mistress.”

The waiter quickly fell to his knees. The shopkeeper who had come chasing behind angrily with his gang of men heard Jin Feng’s words and stood in shocked silence.

The shopkeeper tripped on the step and fell on his face. He quickly prostrated himself and said in a panic, “I must have been blind not to recognize you. Greetings, Young Mistress.”

Su Jiu merely glanced at Jin Feng. “Where’s Ji Yuxian?”

“In his suite. I’ll take you to him right away,” Jin Feng replied reverently.

When the two of them had reached the entrance of the innermost chamber, Jin Feng knocked on the door and announced, “Eldest Young Master, Young Mistress is here.”

Inside the room, Ji Yuxian slowly lifted his head.

Lan Huizhi looked up curiously as well.

Jin Feng and Chang Huan waited outside as Su Jiu entered alone.

Su Jiu walked past the screen and paused in surprise. She hadn’t expected Lan Zhihui to be there. With a feeble smile, she called out, “Miss Lan.”

Lan Zhihui gave a dignified bow as she said in return, “Greetings, Young Mistress.”

Su Jiu nodded in acknowledgment and turned her eyes toward Ji Yuxian. With his back to the light, he was looking at her with an enigmatic expression in his eyes. She suddenly recalled the scene of the two of them painting the night before, and Su Jiu’s heart skipped a beat. She averted her eyes slowly and said, “I have something to talk to you about.”

Ji Yuxian blinked his eyes and pursed his lips gently. “You came all the way here in the snow just because you had something to discuss with me?”

“Actually, yes,” Su Jiu nodded her head.

The man glanced at the booklet in his hand and replied, “If it’s regarding what happened last night, there’s nothing more to be said.”

Su Jiu bit her lip and lowered her pride as she whispered, “Can we at least discuss it again?”

Ji Yuxian suddenly froze while flipping through the booklet. His lips broke into a grin. It was the first time his lady was speaking to him in such a tone.

The man suddenly felt an immense sense of appreciation. He looked up and smiled, but his words were firm and unyielding, “There is no room for discussion.”

Su Jiu’s distinctive eyes stared straight at him. She had initially made up her mind to speak nicely and agreeably with him when she saw him. But now, standing here, she found she was tongue-tied.

Lan Zhihui’s eyes swept across the room. She poured a cup of tea and placed it on the table. With a smile, she said, “Young Mistress, take your time with whatever it is you have to say. In the meantime, please have a cup of tea first. Yuxian is very easy to talk to.”

Su Jiu’s smiled wryly, “Thank you.”

Lan Zhihui turned her head back toward Ji Yuxian, and chided him gently, “Yuxian, what is it that’s putting Young Mistress in a bind? If it’s not too important, will you allow me to intercede on her behalf? Please agree to Young Mistress’s request.”

Ji Yuxian closed the ledger and put it back on the table. “Leave the Yuehua brocade behind. Everything else is fine. You may leave first. I have something to discuss with your Young Mistress.”

The Yuehua brocade was very hard to come by. The cloth shimmered in the light and would be quite stunning when made into a dress.

Ji Yuxian remembered that she had once mentioned that she loved this material and had specially picked it out for her. Joy bloomed in the woman’s heart as she bowed slightly and got up with the ledger in her hand. She said, “I will return to the residence in a couple of days to settle the payments. I shall take my leave now.”

With that, she gave another slight bow toward Su Jiu and floated out of the room gracefully.

Ji Yuxian waited till Lan Zhihui had exited the room before he got up and walked over to Su Jiu. He bent down and reached for her waist as he scooped her up in his arms and turned around to walk over to the wooden platform.

Su Jiu frowned as she struggled to free herself.

“Don’t move!” the man whispered. He reached out to touch her cheek and asked, “What’s so important that you couldn’t wait for my return to the residence? Is that trip as a security escort so important to you? You’re dressed so lightly; aren’t you cold?”

Su Jiu’s expression sank, and she moved her face out of the man’s reach. “Just tell me…Will you or will you not allow me to go to Yunze?”

Ji Yuxian lifted his hand and grabbed her chin tightly. In a low voice, he asked, “Do you know why I refuse to let you go?”

Su Jiu was dazed. “No, why?”

“If you go to Yunze, I’ll be worrying about you day and night. I won’t be able to eat or sleep in peace… just like I wasn’t able to sleep last night when you weren’t around. How am I supposed to let you go for ten whole days?” The man’s voice, soft and gentle, carried a hint of desperation as he regarded her with dark, fathomless eyes.

Su Jiu felt as if her heart had stopped beating. She just stared into his piercing eyes.

Ji Yuxian sat down and held her in his arms, tightening his embrace. He was pleasantly lost in thought while staring at the snowy landscape. “Please don’t go, all right?” he whispered.

His warm breath blew across Su Jiu’s ear, and the slight tickle it caused brought with it a sense of intimacy and sensuality that could not be put into words. Su Jiu suddenly found herself at a loss for words.

After a long pause, Su Jiu finally asked, “Am I that important to you?”

“I want to enjoy the plum blossoms and the New Year with my wife. In the past, I was always alone during those festivals. This year, I hope to have my wife with me for them.” Ji Yuxian leaned forward and kissed her temple.

Su Jiu looked out the window and watched the snowflakes fall. It was as if they were landing on her heart, enveloping her in an emotion that was cool and comforting, and smoothening her troubles.

Upon returning to the residence with Ji Yuxian, Su Jiu instructed Chang Huan to go to the bodyguard agency and notify Ah Shu that they were rejecting the Chen family’s assignment.

A glint appeared in Ji Yuxian’s eyes when he heard Su Jiu’s words, and he stretched his lips into a wide smile.

The next day, however, when Su Jiu had finished her studies, she found a surprise awaiting her when she returned to the bodyguard agency in the afternoon. Ah Shu notified her that the Chen family had already sent the goods over. They didn’t need Su Jiu to escort this batch, but neither had they demanded a lower price for the services.

Why had the Chen family changed their minds so suddenly?

As Su Jiu furrowed her brows in contemplation, a thought flashed across her mind. Her eyes lit up with a sudden realization. She turned around and left swiftly.

“Back to the residence, Chang Huan!” she ordered.

The moment she returned to Ji Manor, Su Jiu went straight to the main courtyard where she found Jin Feng standing guard outside the study. He bowed in greeting when he saw her.

Su Jiu pushed the doors open and barged into the study where she found Ji Yuxian taking a catnap. When he heard the commotion, his eyes flitted open lazily, and his face broke into a wide and dazzling grin. “Why is my wife home so early today?” he asked teasingly.

“The Chen gamily suddenly changed their tune. It’s thanks to you, isn’t it?” Su Jiu asked.

“Come here,” Ji Yuxian said lightheartedly.

Su Jiu walked over, and Ji Yuxian pulled her by her arm and sat her on his lap. “Your hands are so cold.”

Su Jiu had just returned from outside, so her hands were naturally cold from the wind. As her man held her hands in his own, he frowned.

“You’re my wife. It’s a given that I should help you,” Ji Yuxian said as he placed her hands on his chest to warm them.

Ji Yuxian’s chest was warm, and to Su Jiu’s frozen hands, they felt scaldingly hot. She quickly pulled her hands back, but he held them in place. “Don’t move. Leave them here.”

Su Jiu could feel the warmth spread from the tips of her fingers to the corners of her heart. Her whole body warmed up comfortably as she gazed at him in quiet consideration. “Why would the Chen family do as you asked?” she queried.

“Chen Ji still has a batch of cargo that has to be shipped. But it’s the end of the year, and there’s an increase in demand. They had to wait another seven days. I arranged for them to use one of my boats. Instead, Ji Yuxian held Su Jiu’s hand and explained it to her briefly.

In return for that favor, the Chen family had to continue employing the services of the Qinglong Bodyguard Agency without insisting on Su Jiu’s attention.

Also, Ji Yuxian had guaranteed that if any problem arose with the Chen family’s cargo, he would compensate them from the Ji family’s coffers.

The only reason the Chen family had wanted Su Jiu to escort the cargo personally was that it was their first time hiring the Qinglong Bodyguard Agency, and they were feeling apprehensive about it. Now that Ji Yuxian had personally vouched for them, the Chens no longer had anything to worry about, so naturally, they agreed to his terms.

Su Jiu looked at the man, and the look in her eyes deepened. “Will that cause you any trouble?” she asked.

Ji Yuxian chuckled. “Don’t worry,” he replied. “Your husband is very shrewd and will never engage in a losing proposition. They have to pay double the price for the shipment.”

The year was coming to an end, and it was of utmost urgency for goods to be shipped as soon as they could. Every earlier day, the cargo arrived meant additional time for the goods to be sold in time for the New Year at a reasonable price. Naturally, the Chen family was agreeable despite the additional charges.

“Regardless, thank you very much!” Su Jiu said sincerely.

“Did you think you could get away with just a word of thanks?” Ji Yuxian bit Su Jiu’s ear gently and whispered seductively.

In sheer pleasure, she felt warm and flushed all over when the man’s lips touched her. Su Jiu softened her gaze and pressed her lips into a thin line. “So, what would you like in return?”

“I would like my wife to peel an orange for me.”

“That’s all?” Su Jiu raised a brow.

“Yeah,” the man answered leisurely.

Su Jiu picked an orange from the table and dexterously peeled its skin apart before plucking the fibers out. Finally, she even removed the thin membrane, leaving behind only the juicy glistening flesh of the orange in her palm and bringing it to Ji Yuxian’s lips.

He raised his brows and whispered sensually, “Use your mouth to me.”

Su Jiu’s eyes widened as she stared at him with a frown.

“Did you say you wanted to thank me? Where’s the sincerity?” The man circled his arms around her waist and lowered his head toward her.

Su Jiu took a deep breath and placed the flesh of the orange halfway in her mouth before closing her eyes and bringing it closer to his sensual lips.

Ji Yuxian lowered his head and opened his lips, biting on the flesh of the orange and along with it, the lips of the young lady. He bit the orange into pieces and, with his tongue, pushed them back into her mouth.

Su Jiu’s eyes remained closed as the sweet nectar dribbled down her throat. She swallowed instinctively, sucking on her man’s tongue as she did so and tasting the sweetness on it.

Her body slowly went limp. With her arms around his neck, Su Jiu’s actions evolved into a kiss.

A long while later, the two lips finally broke apart. Ji Yuxian’s eyes had darkened with desire, and he gazed at her intently as he asked in a low and husky voice, “Was it sweet?”

Su Jiu’s eyes glistened and shined. She stared at her man’s swollen lips. Her eyes drifted shut, and she leaned forward for another kiss.

Ji Yuxian took a heavy breath before eagerly obliging her with a passionate kiss.

The two of them were immersed in their game of tongue-and-lip entanglement, and their mouths melded into each others’. After some time, voices could be heard outside the door. The door squeaked open, and someone stepped in.

The ledger in Lan Zhihui’s hand fell on the floor with a loud thud as she stared in shock at the two lovers kissing each other.

Blushing furiously, she quickly bent down to pick up the ledger and dashed out in embarrassment.

Su Jiu turned her head and glanced at the door. “Someone’s here!” she exclaimed.

Ji Yuxian turned her face back toward him and continued to kiss her.

“Ignore it,” he said huskily.

Half an hour later, Ji Yuxian slowly emerged from the side garden. With a plain smile, he remarked, “I wasn’t expecting you today.”

Desire still lingered in the man’s fathomless eyes. But his face was expressionless as if nothing had happened at all.

Lan Zhihui had been lost in thought. When she heard his voice, she looked up. She looked at Ji Yuxian’s swollen lips and blushed, lowering her head again quickly. “I happened to be free today,” she replied simply.

With that, she placed the accounts book on the desk. “These are year-end accounts for your perusal, Young Master.”

Ji Yuxian sat on the chair and flipped through the ledger.

“Also, I’ve kept the Yuehua brocade aside according to your instructions,” Lan Zhihui said softly.

Ji Yuxian nodded his head absentmindedly. “Do the seamstresses have the Young Mistress’s measurements?”

Surprised, Lan Zhihui felt disappointment wash through her. She quickly replied, “They do. I’ll have someone make a set of New Year clothing for Young Mistress with that Yuehua brocade.”

Every now and then, the seamstresses from Robes Square would come to Ji Manor to take the measurements of the family members and have them choose fabrics for their new clothes. Everyone’s measurements were kept in their records.

Ji Yuxian looked down, and his eyes returned to the accounts.

With a delighted eye, Lan Zhihui gazed at the man’s handsome profile. Inexplicably she was suddenly overcome by fear.

A servant came in with some tea and respectfully placed the teacup in their hands.

The blue-and-white ceramic cups were so thin they were almost translucent. As the tea was poured, a refreshing aroma filled the room.

Lan Zhihua held the teacup in her hand and took a sip before asking with a coquettish giggle, “Why isn’t this Buxus tea? I’m almost done with the half jar you sent to me. After getting used to it, I finally acquired a liking for that taste.”

“I still have more. You can have it all,” Ji Yuxian said with a laugh.

“If I take it all, what will you drink?” Lan Zhihui asked with raised eyebrows. She knew that Ji Yuxian loved that tea. He wouldn’t have bought a whole mountain for the sake of those tea leaves otherwise.

“My wife doesn’t care for it,” Ji Yuxian replied plainly.

Lan Zhihui froze while drinking her tea. The fragrant fluid entered her mouth, but she couldn’t appreciate its taste at that moment.

Just because his wife had disliked the taste, he had stopped drinking it too. In the past, when it had been Lan Zhihui who hadn’t liked it, he hadn’t even been able to remember that fact.

The lady set her teacup down and forced a smile. “Young Master, you must like your wife,” she remarked.

Ji Yuxian took a slow sip of tea. When he spoke, his tone was indifferent, but his eyes were indulgent. “I don’t know if I like her. But I do know that I love pampering her.”

That urge to indulge her had slowly evolved into something of an addiction. He loved watching her strength being replaced by gentleness when she was in his arms. Deep inside, he wanted to make up for the many years she had suffered a hard life as a mountain bandit. That way, every time she unintentionally mentioned how she had starved in the past, his heart wouldn’t ache as painfully.

The lady’s lips pressed into a hard thin line. “Young Mistress is indeed different from other ladies. You have several concubines, but I’ve never seen you this happy before.”

“She…” Ji Yuxian lifted his head as he gazed into the distance and softened his tone, “can be quite stubborn. When she’s angry, she’ll even lose her temper with me.”

“Really?” the lady chuckled but decided not to probe any further.

The tea in her mouth suddenly became unbearably bitter. She couldn’t identify what she was feeling at that moment. It was a messy mixture of disappointment, bitter agony, and embarrassment. She had always thought he had been in love with her, and she had considered Ji Yuxian a bosom buddy and a confidante. But now it felt as if something she had always assumed was hers had been yanked out of her hands. It was heart-wrenching to realize that she’d been wrong: His heart belonged to another.

Now that she thought about it, Ji Yuxian had never said that he liked her. He had only mentioned wanting to marry her. She had concluded that he had harbored unique feelings for her.

That aside, he had married other concubines. How was she any different?

Embarrassment and unhappiness engulfed her to the point that she felt she couldn’t stay a moment longer. She got up urgently and said, “I just remembered that there are still some matters to be settled with the seamstresses. I’ll leave the ledger here for you to go through at your leisure. I shall take my leave first.”

“As you wish.” Ji Yuxian’s expression was no different from usual, and he nodded his head amiably.

Lan Zhihui bowed slightly and quickly made her way out.

Outside, Qinxiang was waiting for her. When she saw Lan Zhihui emerge so soon with such a horrible expression on her face, she hurriedly asked, “Miss, what happened?”

Lan Zhihui did look back. She made a beeline for the Ji manor’s exit and got into her carriage.

“Miss Lan!” Jin Feng suddenly rushed out of the residence, holding a jar of tea leaves. “Young Master told me to pass this to you,” he said politely.

To her great dismay, Lan Zhihui stared blankly at him and turned pale at the sight of the jar.

She had initially thought that this tea was a special form of favor shown toward her. But in fact, it had been nothing at all. She was sinking in despair.

Qinxiang had no idea what had just transpired, so when she saw that Ji Yuxian was bestowing such an expensive tea upon her mistress, her face broke out in a smile, and she reached out to accept it. “Please thank the Eldest Young Master for sparing such a lovely thought for my mistress.”

“Qinxiang,” Lan Zhihui suddenly barked.

Qinxiang’s head whirled around in shock. “What’s wrong, miss?”

Lan Zhihui belatedly realized that she had forgotten herself and quickly resumed her a calm demeanor. She smiled at Jin Feng and said, “That won’t be necessary. I’ve never really enjoyed this tea, to begin with. It will be wasted on me. Please convey my thanks to the Young Master, Guard Jin.”

“But of course.” Jin Feng was momentarily stunned and took the jar back.

Qinxiang stared at her mistress’s misapprehension. Hadn’t she been drinking this tea daily? Why had she changed her mind so quickly?

Then again, her mistress’s thoughts were never easy to read. Qinxiang stopped her speculations. She followed Lan Zhihui into the carriage and ordered the coachman to return to Robes Square.

Meantime, Jin Feng went back inside to return the tea and relay Lan Zhihui’s message to Ji Yuxian.

Unfazed, Ji Yuxian didn’t pay any attention to him apart from telling him to put the jar back in its place. So, she had been right: Lan Zhihui was nothing to him. Her instincts had betrayed her…

The year was coming to its end, and business at the restaurant was brisk. It was filled to the brim with diners each day. The bodyguard agency had also gotten right on track, and business was booming, especially after they had secured the Chen family’s account. Money was rolling to the extent that Su Jiu’s fingers began to hurt from counting all that silver.

Just as Su Jiu was contentedly awaiting the New Year, something unexpected happened at the bodyguard agency.

The most prominent agency in Shengjing City was Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency. Their reputation spanned a century, and their business was naturally the best in the area.

Now that the year was ending, freight services were tight. The deputy manager of Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency showed up at their door one day and said that they had a shipment of food that needed to be transported to Dingyuan County. Because they were too busy and didn’t have enough human resources, they wanted to pass the business over to Qinglong Bodyguard Agency and simply earn a small commission as the middleman.

Ah Shu found the idea feasible. In any case, the first batch of bodyguards had just returned from their first assignment. The round trip to Dingyuan would take no more than three or four days, and they would be able to return only in time for the New Year festivities.

As a result, he agreed to it without first discussing it with Su Jiu.

By the time the deputy manager came over with the goods, it was already evening. When they loaded up the ten wagons with the food, night had fallen. The city gates were already closed, and they had no choice but to wait for morning to depart. The wagons were left in the courtyard, and before long night turned into morning. Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency sent someone over to check the wagons before they departed.

When the wagons were uncovered, though, everyone got a huge shock: they were filled with rocks and sand. There wasn’t any food at all.

Ah Shu couldn’t believe his eyes. He uncovered one wagon after another. Only the frontmost wagon carried food. All the others were filled with sand.

Everyone was stupified.

Although Ah Shu and Hu Dapao were occasionally reckless, they weren’t stupid: They knew right away that this was a trap that Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency had set for them.

When Ah Shu had retrieved the wagons of goods from Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency, he had only checked one sack. It hadn’t occurred to him that that would be the only one with food in it.

The deputy manager of Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency took out the contract Ah Shu had signed, and declared chillingly, “It’s written clearly in black and white here. You took ten wagons of foodstuff from our agency to deliver them under our name. Now that all the goods have turned to stone, it’s clear that your agency stole them and are now trying to besmirch our reputation. Right now, I want you to publicly admit that you stole our goods and repay us for damages. If you refuse, I’ll take you to court.”

Ah Shu and Hu Dapao had never met such a despicable person before. Without another word, they marched right up to the deputy manager of Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency and his men and beat them all into a pulp.

By the time Su Jiu rushed over upon hearing the news, the entire place was in a mess. Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency had sent over two dozen guards, and they were fighting with her men. Fists were flying in all directions, and so were sticks. A cry rang out in the melee.

Su Jiu’s expression turned icy. When she saw someone about to sneak up on Ah Shu with a wooden stick, she leaped over to his defense and flung the guy into the distance.

“Everybody, stop!” she bellowed.

The fighting crowd suddenly calmed, with each side staring hostilely at the other.

In truth, there weren’t many from Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency left standing. Most were lying on the ground howling in pain.

Their Three-Legged Feline martial arts were no match at all for the skill of Su Jiu’s subordinates who used to be mountain bandits.

They had been decimated.

Everyone on Su Jiu’s side looked menacing and had an imposing air.

The deputy manager of Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency walked over. He looked Su Jiu over angrily, and asked, “And who are you?”

“I’m the one in charge of Qinglong Bodyguard Agency. What do you have to say to me?” Su Jiu’s features were exquisite, and her temperament was impressively calm.

The deputy manager looked at Si Jiu over derisively and scoffed. “It’s good that the boss is here. Tell me how you’re going to solve this problem today!”

Ah Shu immediately stepped forward and gave Su Jiu the details of what had happened.

When he finished speaking, the deputy manager sneered at him. “How are you going to prove that the stuff you took from us was actually stone? I recall clearly that our dear Mr. Shu here personally checked the goods and stamped his fingerprint on it. Now that the goods are gone, you’ll have to compensate us for the loss and make a public apology.

Su Jiu’s eyes were cold as she stared plainly at the deputy manager who was running a scam.

It was their fault for lacking the experience and falling for the other party’s dirty tricks. The cost of ten wagons of food wasn’t exactly high, and it would be easy enough to pay it off. However, the other party wanted a public apology, which was designed to destroy the Qinglong Bodyguard Agency’s reputation.

They had just started their business and had yet to gain a firm footing. If they had made a public admission about the stolen goods, no one would dare to hire them in the future.

The other party had come prepared and was intent on eradicating them.

“Ninth Master Su, don’t listen to him. We’ll just whack. We’ll beat him up every time he shows his face!” Ah Shu shouted angrily. He raised his arms and marched forward. Hu Dapao was likewise white with fury. He raised a sack of foodstuff and flung it against the deputy manager’s body.

The deputy manager shrank back in fright and pointed at them accusatorily. “Now you want to beat me to death? Come on! I dare you to! It’ll be even better if this matter gets blown bigger!”

Watching him act so unreasonably simply fanned the flames of everyone’s fury. The crowd surged forward, wanting to beat him up again.

All of a sudden, the wooden doors of the agency flew open, and a deep voice rang out. “Everyone stop! What happened here?”

Su Jiu looked up and watched as two rows of official guards came running in. They stood flanking the entrance, and their commander entered immediately behind them. He looked at the place testily and said, “Someone reported that there was a fight going on here. Everyone, stop this instant!”

Upon seeing that a civil officer had come, the deputy manager immediately changed his tone and rushed forward to welcome him with a toady expression on his face. “You’re finally here, Officer!”

The constable looked his nose down at the deputy manager and asked, “What happened here?”

The deputy manager gave his account of the situation, adding a dash of salt and pepper to everything he said. He accused Qinglong Bodyguard Agency of swapping the goods, trying to pass the stone off as food, and assaulting the others.

Su Jiu stepped forward, and in a tone that was neither servile nor overbearing, she said, “Greetings, Officer. What the deputy manager from Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency just said isn’t true at all. Firstly, there were a total of ten wagons. However, only the first wagon had foodstuff in it. If we were out to replace the goods with stones, why would we leave the first wagon out? This was a ploy on Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency’s part to trick us into falling for their trap. Secondly, our bodyguard agency just opened. We are not so stupid as to trade our good name for the price of a few wagons of foodstuff. Lastly, we didn’t assault anyone. The men from Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency came here to cause a ruckus. We had no choice but to act out of self-defense.”

Su Jiu’s expression was calm and firm, her words were clear, and her temperament was outstanding. The officer looked at Su Jiu and nodded his head in agreement.

The deputy manager began to panic, and quickly interjected, “Officer, please don’t listen to her lies! I have the agreement that they acknowledged with a fingerprint when they look at the goods with them. It’s all in black and white. One look, and it’ll be clear who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong.”

With that, the deputy manager produced the agreement that carried Ah Shu’s fingerprint on it.

Su Jiu scoffed in disdain. “Didn’t you deliberately trick us into signing that agreement so that you could use it against us today?”

“That’s bullshit! Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency has a pristine reputation throughout the city! Why on earth would we want to frame a small agency like yours? What a joke!” the deputy manager shouted in reply.

The officer looked at the written evidence, and his instinct told him that something was amiss. However, he couldn’t simply disregard the evidence in front of him and declare that Qianglong Bodyguard Agency had been maligned either. He commanded, “Everyone related to this case, please return with me to the government office. We’ll leave it to the magistrate to investigate the case and get to the bottom of it before coming to a decision.”

With that, he swept his eyes through the place and asked, “Who’s in charge of Qinglong Bodyguard Agency?”

Su Jiu stepped forward. “I am!” she replied.

“Alright. Please come with us!”

“It has nothing to do with her! We were the ones who caused this. The goods were brought over by us too! Lock me up if you have to!” Ah Shu rushed forward stood in front of Su Jiu.

“And me! The bodyguard agency is usually under our watch! Our chief wasn’t even around that day!” Hu Dapao cried as he trailed along behind.

Chang Huan’s eyes were gloomy as he followed closely behind Su Jiu.

“Take them all with us!” the officer commanded.

Su Jiu frowned and pushed Ah Shu and Hu Dapao back. In a stern voice, she said, “I am the one in charge. It’s enough for me to go alone. Regardless of what it is, I will take full responsibility!”


Ah Shu and Hu Dapao called out to her in alarm.

Su Jiue turned around and whispered to Ah Shu and Hu Dapao, “Stop acting on your emotions. Look for Master An and quickly find a way to prove that the stones were there from the beginning! The rocks must haven been placed there by someone. As long as we can find that someone, I’m sure you’ll know what to do next! If that doesn’t work, you have to think of a way to save me! That is why the both of you cannot be locked up together with me!”

Chang Huan nodded his head. “Boss is right. Don’t worry. I’ll go with her. I won’t allow any harm to come to her!”

Ah Shu and Hu Dapao frowned, but they knew that Su Jiu was right, and could only nod their heads in agreement. “Don’t worry, Chief. We will get you out of there even if it costs us our lives!”

Su Jiu nodded her head. She turned to the officer and said, “Let’s go.”

“Considering how young you are, we won’t put you in a cangue. Men!” the officer yelled, and two guards stepped forward.

“Take her to the government office!”

The two guards were about to take hold of Su Jiu by her arms when Chang Huan went forward and grabbed them both by their wrists. In a chilling tone, he warned, “We will go with you, but do not lay your hands on our chief!”

The men felt the pain shoot through their wrists and were about to unsheathe their swords.

Ah Shu and Hu Dapao ran forward to shield Su Jiu and stared menacingly into the eyes of the guards.

Behind them, the group of bodyguards stepped forward in unison and glared threateningly at the civil guards. They looked ready to pounce at any moment.

“Stop!” the commander ordered. He waved his hand in front of Su Jiu and said, “She doesn’t need to be held. Just keep a close eye on her.”

The two guards were already cowering in fear at the sight of the bandits challenging them. When they heard the order, they nodded their heads immediately and said, “Yes, sir!”

Su Jiu lifted her feet and began walking with them. Chang Huan followed behind, not more than a step away.

The deputy manager of Zhengyuan looked on from behind, and a sly smile escaped his lips. It was to their benefit that the matter was blown up. It would be for the best if the whole Shengjing city got wind of it!

Ah Shu balled his hands into fists and glared at the men from Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency. “Beat them up!” he bellowed.

All his men rallied behind him and surged forward.

The men from Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency ran off as if there were a ghost at their heels.

As he watched the deputy manager disappear like a wisp of smoke, Ah Shu stomped his foot heavily on the ground. “This is all my fault!”

“Stop saying that,” Hu Dapao retorted, “Let’s search out Master An quickly!”

“Right! We need to find Master An!”

Ah Shu and Hu Dapao got on their horses, and they galloped off towards Yong’an Street.

Qiao An listened as Ah Shu related the whole incident to him. When he heard that Su Jiu had been taken away by the government officials, his brows shot together. He picked up his brush and penned a letter. He called for his servant and instructed him urgently, “Hurry to the Ji manor and ask for the Eldest Young Master. Show him this letter. He will know what to do immediately.”

The waiter had been trained by Su Jiu at the restaurant and was extremely sharp. When he heard the instruction, he didn’t ask anything further. He quickly saddled a horse and rushed over to the Ji residence.

“What should we do now?”

Qiao An thought for a moment and answered, “Given Young Master Ji’s status is Shengjing City, our chief will be able to make it out of there safe and sound. I’m going to get someone else to ask General Nangong for help. That way, chief won’t suffer at all. Don’t worry. However, we cannot allow ourselves to be accused of this way. Do what the chief said. Send someone to check on Zhengyuan Bodyguard Agency. It’ll be best if we can find everyone who was involved in this matter. Regardless of whether you have to resort to bribery or threats, you have to make them confess the truth!”

“Yes! We will get to it right away!” Ah Shu and Hu Dapao answered and left.

Qiao An stomped his foot a few times in the privacy of his room and intended to make a trip personally to the Nangong Manor.

When the waiter from the restaurant reached the entrance of the Ji Manor, Ji Yuxian had just finished his lunch and was about to head out.

The waiter saw him step out of the door and quickly called out, “Eldest Young Master, I seek an audience with you!”

The guards at the door of the Ji Manor saw someone about to trespass and immediately stopped him. “Who are you? Why are you making a ruckus here? Leave immediately!”

“I need to see the Eldest Young Master!” the lad said urgently.

The Ji family ran many businesses. Naturally, they hired many hands as well. Quite a number of them were frequently unhappy with their managers and would often look for Ji Yuxian to air their grievances. Many of them were simply taking advantage and looking for an easy way out. The guards at the Ji Manor had witnessed this one too many times. Now, judging from the way the boy was dressed, they assumed he was another errand boy with a grievance and refused him entry.

“The Eldest Young Master is busy and has left! If you have a problem, work it out with your manager!”

The waiter thought to himself. It was his manager who had asked him to come! Why would he return to talk it out with him?

Seeing that Ji Yuxian was about to mount his horse and leave, he yelled out immediately, “Eldest Young Master! I am from Qingyuan Tavern. Shopkeeper Jiao instructed me to look for you!”

Ji Yuxian jerked back in shock. He turned around and looked at the lad who was being stopped by the guards. “Let him in,” he said to them.

The guards released him immediately upon hearing that.

The waiter ran forward quickly and said between pants, “Eldest Young Master, Shopkeeper Jiao told me to come. Something has happened to Ninth Master Su!”

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Ji Yuxian’s eyes narrowed immediately. “What happened?”

The waiter hurriedly handed the letter over. “Shopkeeper Jiao said you would know what to do after reading this.”

Ji Yuxian took the letter from him and tore it open. When he finished reading it, he knitted his brows together and whipped around.

“To the government office!” he ordered urgently.

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