Chapter 113: Xie Ying is pregnant

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Jiu had just left Yuming Hall when Lan Zhihui found an excuse to leave the place as well.

Qinxiang was outside of the hall and she whispered as she saw Lan Zhihui, “Young Lady, I saw that the Young Mistress has headed towards the garden!”

Lan Zhihui nodded and walked towards the direction of the garden.

They had just passed the Jade Bridge when the woman stopped in her tracks, her eyes squinted as they stared coldly at a pair of figures lingering within a pavilion a distance away.



“Go to Zhonghe Hall and get Jin Feng to inform the Eldest Young Master that the Young Mistress has gotten into some trouble, get him to come here quickly!” the woman turned around and walked down the bridge while commanding flatly.

A gleam appeared in Qinxiang’s eyes as realization dawned on her, she bowed and acknowledged, “Noted, I will go right now!”

She bypassed the garden and walked through the corridor quickly to Zhonghe Hall.

Meanwhile, Ji Yuxian was going towards Yuming Hall with Jin Feng to offer his birthday greetings to Empress Dowager Xiao, as well as to check on his lady. They had just come out of the Zhonghe Hall when he saw Qinxiang walking quickly towards them. A glint sparkled in his eyes.

Qinxiang went forward and said in a fluster, “Eldest Young Master, the Young Mistress has gotten into some trouble, please go take a look!”

“What happened?” A dark look appeared on Ji Yuxian’s good-looking face as he took big steps down the marbled stairs.

“Your servant, your servant here is unsure as well, our Young Lady had instructed me to come over and inform you!” Qinxiang replied with her head lowered.

Ji Yuxian pursed his lips tightly and strode towards Yuming Hall quickly.

They had yet to arrive in the garden when they saw Lan Zhihui waiting in front of them. She stepped forward immediately upon seeing their arrival and said, “Greetings to the Young Master, the Young Mistress had said she was going out for a walk just now, but she has yet to return after a long time, I’m afraid that she may be lost within the palace and am worried that she may break the palace rules unknowingly, as such I had to get the Young Master over!”

Ji Yuxian’s facial expression was unreadable, “Do you know where was the Young Mistress headed?”

Lan Zhihui raised her head and looked around as she guessed, “She may have gone to the garden!”

Ji Yuxian strode towards the garden with his long legs.

The servants in the palace were serving their duties in both halls at that moment, the sweet-smelling flowers filled the garden with a heady fragrance and complimented the tranquility of the environment.

The few of them did not walk too far in when they noticed the people in the pavilion built on the waters a distance away. Ji Yuxian paused in his footsteps and his face remained expressionless.

Lan Zhihui appeared to sigh in relief and said, “So the Young Mistress is here, I must have made a fuss out of nothing due to my own worries!”

Ji Yuxian looked at the woman’s face coldly and his gaze was unsettlingly calm. Lan Zhihui felt a chill surging from the bottom of her heart as her face turned pale and she lowered her head down slowly.

The man beside her walked towards the pavilion.

Lan Zhihui scrunched the handkerchief in her hands tightly and followed behind him.

Xiao Lie was the first to notice the incoming guests as the group of people approached the pavilion, he got up and said softly, “Young Master Ji, Lady Lan.”

Su Jiu turned around and raised her brows in gleefully, “You came here to look for me?”

Ji Yuxian looked at Su Jiu with an intense gaze as the chillness in his eyes faded and he replied with a smile, “Yes!”

Lan Zhihui peeked at the man beside her out of the corner of her eyes and stepped forward, giving a curtsy as she spoke clearly, “Lan Zhihui gives her greetings to Your Highness Prince Rui and the Young Mistress!”

The two people within the pavilion were stunned for a moment upon her words and instantaneously turned around to look at each other.

Su Jiu frowned as bewilderment filled her eyes, “Your Highness Prince Rui? You?”

Xiao Lie’ eyes glazed over with gloom, “Young Mistress?”

Ji Yuxian’s gaze swept across Lan Zhihui and stepped into the pavilion, he ushered the surprised young woman to behind his back and said with respect, “My lady is a commoner who was not aware of Your Highness Prince Rui’s identity, I apologize to Your Highness on behalf of my lady for her many mistakes in the past!”

Xiao Lie’s eyes widened as he gave Su Jiu an unblinking stare, his eyes flashed with gloom and danger, much like the howling wind during a ferocious storm. He looked at her with much disbelief and appeared hurt and unfathomable.

Su Jiu raised her head to look at him as several memories flashed across her mind, which left her with the conclusion of: No wonder!

No wonder Nangong Shu and Young Royal Highness Liang had behaved so respectfully with him, no wonder he could bring her into Prince Rui’s Manor to steal the ginseng in the treasure pavilion, no wonder Magistrate Lin listened to his orders…

It was all because he was the Third Prince, Prince Rui!

Why did he lie to her?

Was it interesting to watch her being tricked like a fool?

Or was he disdained to befriend a commoner or bandit like her due to his royal status?

Hah! To think that she had been treating him like a friend!

It turned out that they had a great disparity between their identities and status and she was just not worthy at all!

Su Jiu lowered her head as the noon sun shone brightly on her delicate eyes. She appeared aloof as her long lashes shivered slightly under the sunlight.

Xiao Lie’s gaze turned cold as his gorgeous face appeared distant, he took a step back slowly and created a distance between him and the young woman, as if it was the best to be away from her as far as possible.

He said flatly, “So you are Young Mistress Ji!”

The indifference in his tone clarified their relationship clearly.

Ji Yuxian noticed the glumness in the young woman beside him and an unclear expression flashed across his eyes. He tightened the hand that held onto Su Jiu’s and curled his lips into a smile, “Yes, my lady did not reveal her identity to Your Highness previously due to the inconvenience brought about by her status, I apologize to Your Highness on her behalf.”

“There is no need!”

Xiao Lie took a glance at Su Jiu with his intensely dark eyes before he turned around and strode out of the pavilion, leaving behind a clear view of his back which emitted a sense of elegance and nobility.

Ji Yuxian held onto Su Jiu’s hand and said softly, “My lady, let’s go back!”

Su Jiu turned and looked at Xiao Lie’s back view which appeared cold and distant, she felt a stifle in her chest as she nodded and walked out of the pavilion with Ji Yuxian.

Within a brief moment, Lan Zhihui was the only person left in the pavilion. The corners of her lips lifted up into a smile as a glint shimmered in her eyes. She reached out her arm and plucked a blossom flower off a branch and crushed it bit by bit between her fingers before she threw it away on the path made of bluestone.

She stepped across the discarded flower as she spoke demurely, “Qinxiang, the feast has yet to end, let’s go back to the hall!”

Qinxiang gave a curtsy gently and replied, “Sure!”

Xiao Lie had just finished offering his greetings and was exiting from the hall when both of them arrived back at Yuming Hall. His facial expression appeared gloomy and dark.

Lan Zhihui gave a curtsy and her greetings, she passed him by when the man looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and asked coldly, “I guess that Lady Lan had brought Ji Yuxian over to the pavilion intentionally?”

Lan Zhihui had known about Su Jiu being the Ji Young Mistress when the three of them met in the teahouse previously, yet she did not say anything about it and instead chose to reveal her identity when they met again on this day.

It seemed like a coincidence, but it had made everyone embarrassed!

Lan Zhihui stopped in her tracks and turned around, her ravishing face appearing calm and dignified as she replied, “Zhihui has known Your Highness since young and have remained childhood friends even though we did not grow up to have a close relationship. I have felt that it was inappropriate when Zhihui saw the Young Mistress in disguise and hanging out together with Your Highness previously, as such I specially chose to reveal her identity today in order to avoid Your Highness being scammed! Was Zhihui wrong in doing so?”

Xiao Lie looked at her unemotionally as he smiled knowingly, “You were not wrong, I would still be kept in the dark if not for Zhihui, I should be thanking Zhihui if that’s the case!”

Lan Zhihui’s face turned pale as she lowered her head, “Zhihui is not worldly-wise and has a straightforward personality, I hope that Your Highness will not blame Zhihui for minding too much business!”

“How will I?” Xiao Lie gave her a cold hard look before he turned around and left.

Lan Zhihui remained standing at the same place as she took a deep breath and watched the man’s back view. She only walked back towards the hall slowly after regaining composure.

Empress Dowager Xiao saw Lan Zhihui returning alone and asked, “Where is little Jiu? Why is she not back after heading out for so long?”

Lan Zhihui smiled elegantly and answered, “Young Mistress Ji had said that she was feeling unwell and left the palace earlier on!”

“She has left?” Empress Dowager Xiao’s brows knitted tightly.

Imperial Concubine Xian said in a seemingly casual manner, “This little girl doesn’t seem to be sensible, how can she not come and inform the Empress Dowager before leaving the palace when Empress Dowager had treated her so nicely?”

Lan Zhihui lowered her gaze and stood by the side as she remained silent.

Imperial Concubine Rong smiled, “She was probably really feeling unwell and was afraid that Empress Dowager’s birthday celebration will be affected should Empress Dowager be too worried about her. Empress Dowager can call for her to enter the palace for some accompaniment a few days later if you really liked her!”

Empress Dowager Xiao felt consoled at the idea, “You are right!”

The rest of the people dared not dwell on this subject further and proceeded to enjoy the performances by the orchestra and dancers, and the celebratory atmosphere was restored within the hall.

Su Jiu looked out of the window glumly as they rode the horse carriage on the way back to Ji Manor.

Ji Yuxian reached out for her and pulled her into his arms as he spoke with a laugh, “What is the matter? Are you unhappy that Xiao Lie knows about your identity now?”

Su Jiu raised her head and looked at him, “Ji Yuxian, did you bring Lan Zhihui to the pavilion on purpose?”

Ji Yuxian’s smile faded and he looked at her in silence, he only spoke after a long while, “Will you believe me if I say that I did not do so?”

“Then you should have known that he’s Prince Rui, Xiao Lie, am I right? Why did you not tell me?” Su Jiu looked at him coldly.

He must have known that Xiao Rui’s identity was Xiao Lie previously on the day when he pointed out that both of them had not been truthful about their identities with each other, why did he not tell her?

He just sat by and saw her being fooled!

Yes, she was a bandit and did not possess mature and deep thinking unlike these affluent and royal young masters, was that why she deserved to be fooled?

Su Jiu got angrier the more she thought about it, her chest felt stifled with frustration and she needed a channel to vent!

“What did you want me to tell you? That he is Prince Rui, he is the King’s son, and that you should stay further away from him? Did you tell him about your real identity? Both of you had hidden the truth from each other, did you want me to break this unintentional chemistry between you two?” Ji Yuxian asked persistently as he looked at her intently.

Su Jiu was startled by his questions and bit her lower lip in silence.

She did not tell Xiao Lie about her identity because she had appeared in front of him as Su Jiu right from the start, it was also true that she was Su Jiu and not Su Yuejiu, as such she had subconsciously recognized herself as Su Jiu in front of Xiao Lie and did not think that she was hiding her true identity from him!

And him, he was the real liar!

It looked like she herself had not been honest with Xiao Lie, as such Xiao Lie had given her a cold, hard stare when he left, to convey the message to her that they were no longer friends!

Su Jiu turned around and looked out of the window, she suddenly realized that human thoughts could be so complicated!

The man’s gaze turned slightly dark as he watched the young woman’s lonely and dejected back view.

It was late when they arrived back at the Ji Manor, Ji Yuxian caressed Su Jiu’s face lightly as he said gently, “You must not have eaten well at the Palace, let me know what you would like to eat tonight, I’ll inform Old Housekeeper Yu to let the kitchen prepare them!”

Su Jiu shook her head lazily under the dim twilight, “I’m not hungry at the moment, but I’m quite tired from waking up early this morning, I would like to go to bed now!”

Ji Yuxian stood against the light as his eyes revealed a hint of bitterness, yet he smiled adoringly at her the next moment and said, “Sure, then I’ll send you back to the room and let the servants keep the food heated up for you, you can eat them whenever you wake up!”

Su Jiu nodded lightly and turned around to head back to the bedroom.

The begonia flowers have blossomed beautifully outside the window and emitted a refreshing floral scent. Su Jiu laid on her side on a couch right beside the window as she hugged a soft cushion and closed her eyes.

The sky was dark and there were no lights within the room, Ji Yuxian covered the young woman’s body with a thin blanket and sat beside her to watch her for a while before getting up to leave the room.

After the man had left and the doors had shut, Su Jiu opened her eyes and watched the begonia flowers right outside the half-opened windows, her eyes were still but in a daze.

She had been depressed because she had lost a friend, she could not blame Ji Yuxian, but she was not sure who else to blame either?

She tossed and turned and only fell asleep drowsily when the night turned dark entirely.

It was already near midnight when she woke, the Chinese palace lanterns in the room and the candlelight on the table had been lit. Ji Yuxian sat beside her as he flipped through the scrolls, looking like a ravishing character from the painting with his red robes and dark hair.

Su Jiu supported herself with her arm as she sat up and asked, “What time is it?”

Ji Yuxian’s eyes slowly turned to look at her as he gave a bedazzling smile, “It would be the next morning should my lady continue to sleep!”

He poured a cup of hot tea upon speaking and bent forward to feed her as he asked gently, “Are you hungry? Would you like to eat something?”

Su Jiu shook her head as she took over the teacup and took a sip of the hot tea. She raised her head abruptly and looked at him seriously as she said, “Ji Yuxian, I have thought about it!”

Ji Yuxian startled for a moment before asking, “What?”

“I no longer blame Xiao Lie for hiding his identity from me, he has helped me a lot no matter what, and he will still be my friend, I will go explain to him about my intention of hiding my identity from him and tell him, I am really Su Jiu, I did not lie to him!” the young woman said earnestly.

Ji Yuxian squinted his eyes and asked flatly, “Have you been thinking about this matter all this while?”

Su Jiu nodded her head seriously and replied, “Yes, that’s why I have straightened it out!”

“Is it very important to you that you have lost Xiao Lie?” Ji Yuxian stared at the young woman without blinking his eyes and asked softly under the dim lights.

“Yes, he is my friend!” Su Jiu answered with a straight face.

The sparkle in Ji Yuxian’s eyes faded as they turned as dark as the night sky. He stared at her quietly for a brief moment and got up all of a sudden, then turned around and strode out of the room without speaking a word.

The doors shut with a creak and the candlelight in the room flickered and turned dimmer in the next instant.

Su Jiu turned around and looked at the empty doorway as she gave a slight frown.

Did he just leave like that?

The nanny was aware of Su Jiu skipping dinner and therefore served her porridge along with a few light dishes.

Su Jiu gobbled up the food quickly as she did not have lunch during the day and was famished by the time she woke.

The nanny watched her by the side as she frowned with a smile, “Slow down, why are you eating in such a hurry?”

She continued to probe, “The Young Master did not have dinner as well, he had let the kitchen heat up the food and ordered me to serve them to you, but he headed back to the study room alone thereafter, did you quarrel with him?”

Su Jiu turned around and looked at her with bright, clear eyes, “No I didn’t!”

She was mad at him initially for hiding Xiao Lie’s real identity from her, but she was not angry anymore after that.

Moreover, she had cheered up and felt enlightened upon straightening her thoughts, she believed that Xiao Lie had not lied to her on purpose! They were even since they had both lied to each other!

“That’s good!” The nanny nodded and said, “Then quickly eat your food, they’re turning cold!”

Su Jiu took a bath after dinner and waited in bed for Ji Yuxian, but the man did not enter the room even after she had fallen asleep.

Su Jiu opened her eyes the next morning and her heart felt empty as she saw the vacant space on the bed beside her. One would think that the sunlight was covered by the clouds in the sky during spring, but one would really feel lost and terrified if there was nothing at all that provided the shade.

Su Jiu headed to the study room for her usual calligraphy and reading practice after washing up and having breakfast.

The man was sitting behind the desk as he dressed in a light-purple long robe with silver stitches. His face looked charming as he appeared to behave the same as usual.

Su Jiu walked over and sat down beside him, she arranged the four tools of Chinese calligraphy in order as she looked sideways at him and asked, “Did you not go to bed last night?”

“I didn’t,” Ji Yuxian nodded his head lightly. “It was too late when I finished reading through the ledgers so I settled down to sleep in the study room!”

“I see!” Su Jiu nodded as she laid out the paper and prepared to write.

Ji Yuxian noticed that Su Jiu seemed to believe his words and did not bother to probe further, his gaze turned dark and expression turned ghastly.

Both of them remained silent for the entire morning as they did their own tasks. Su Jiu felt that Ji Yuxian was behaving differently from his usual self and was about to ask him about it, but quickly changed her mind when she turned around to see his frosty facial expression.

Su Jiu headed out to the restaurant to look for Chang Huan after lunch.

Qiao An was also present in the restaurant and was waiting for Su Jiu when she arrived, he immediately informed her that the Imperial Decree was issued and he had been arranged to do editorial works in Hanlin Academy.

Even though it was a small position as a seventh-ranked official, it was considered a good headstart as he would be able to continue his studies at Hanlin Academy and at the same time participate in political activities with the potential to serve the imperial court in future.

Su Jiu and Chang Huan were happy for Qiao An and they called Ah Shu along to celebrate.

Within the Ji Manor, Ji Ze had also received the Imperial Decree and he was posted as the Emperor’s attendant in studies which was a sixth-ranked official.

Being an attendant in studies meant that he will be accompanying the Emperor closely as he reads and writes, and he may even be able to aid the Emperor by voicing his opinions with regards to political matters if he manages to earn the Emperor’s trust. It may seem like a small official posting, but it had significant importance within the imperial court.

Ji Ze was newly recruited into the palace and obviously would not be able to stay close to the Emperor just yet, but his future would definitely be bright and promising.

It was indeed a glorious moment for Ji Ze to attain such a posting as he had just entered the political arena at such a tender age!

The Second Mistress was naturally overjoyed to hear of the good news and immediately offered to host a feast within the manor for their guests. She did not attempt to avoid the hassle this time round and instead attended to the feast’s details personally and busied herself with the preparations.

Within the Ji Manor, one of the daughters had become an Imperial Concubine within the palace and another young master had been posted as an official, it was a joyous occasion as the celebratory mood filled the manor.

It was hustling and bustling all-around within the manor except for the Lotus Pavilion.

Xie Ying lied down on the couch lazily and was unwilling to move as the weather got warmer day by day.

The spring scenery seemed beautiful outside the window and one could imagine the sashaying of an enchanting woman as gusts of wind flew past.

Xie Ying laid on her side as she supported her head with an arm and reminisced about the lovely affair in bed with Ji Yuxian the night before, her heart stirred as her eyes glazed over in sensualism.

The man had entered her bed and indulged in the affair without restraint every night, Xie Ying gradually realized the interest of it and looked forward to the nightfall every day.

Xie Ying’s face flushed and a shade of crimson appeared on her cheeks as she thought about it.

Shao Yao parted the beaded curtains and entered the room as she reported, “Third Young Mistress is here!”

“Let her come in!” Xie Ying replied hazily.

Ren Zi’er walked in with light footsteps as she held onto a lunchbox, only to see Xie Ying lying down on the couch with her outerwear slipping off her shoulders, revealing her fair and supple skin, well-endowed chest and slender waist. Her eyes sparkled with provocativeness and exuded a charm apparent only after having experienced sexual affairs.

It looked like she had been doted on and pampered recently.

Ren Zi’er’s eyes gleamed as she placed the lunchbox on the side table and smiled, “Sister, it’s beautiful outside, let’s head out and look at the blooming flowers instead of lazing around in the room!”

Xie Ying squinted her eyes and said nonchalantly, “I’ve been feeling exhausted lately during the spring season and finding the servants a bother, I prefer the tranquility within the room.”

“Yes, the servants have been busy with preparing the feast to host the guests, it is fine to stay in since it is chaotic outside!” Ren Zi’er replied considerately and opened her lunchbox. “I’ve made some porridge with birdnest and dried longan as it provides hydration to the body during spring.”

She scooped out some piping hot porridge into a ceramic bowl as she spoke, and served it to Xie Ying gingerly.

Xie Ying got up slightly with a smile, “This is just nice as I do not have much appetite.”

She took the bowl and scooped a spoonful of porridge into her mouth, she had just taken the first bite when she felt a sudden wave of nausea and threw up beside the bed.

Ren Zi’er and the servants were shocked and quickly came over to pat her back.

Ren Zi’er asked in a fluster, “What’s wrong, is the porridge not cooked to your liking?”

Xie Ying took a deep breath and sat up to lean back on the cushion, she shook her head weakly and replied, “No, I may have eaten something that upset my stomach, I have been vomiting these few days.”

Ren Zi’er gave a thought and laughed softly, “Maybe Sister is pregnant?”

Xie Ying startled for a moment and quickly replied in embarrassment, “It shouldn’t be that fast.”

“It has been more than a month since Young Master first spent the night in Sister’s room, the time is about right, I will call for the doctor-in-residence to come do a check for you!” Ren Zi’er said gleefully and walked out.

Xie Ying could not mask the euphoria on her face but she quickly reached out to stop Ren Zi’er, “Don’t find the one residing in the manor, go find me a doctor from outside of the manor!”

“Why?” Ren Zi’er asked out of curiosity.

“Just follow my words, if anyone asked, you should reply that my old ailment of headache has recurred and hence there is a need for the doctor to prescribe me with some medicine,” Xie Ying urged.

“Sure, I will go right now!”

Ren Zi’er headed out of the Lotus Pavilion and went out of the manor directly.

Xie Ying’s eyes sparkled as she stayed in the room, she touched her flat tummy tenderly as she imagined the promising future.

If she was indeed pregnant, her child would be the eldest child of the Ji Manor!

The position of Young Mistress Ji would be hers in the near future as long as she gave birth to the eldest child!

Ren Zi’er returned quickly with a doctor dressed in a long, grey robe following behind her.

The doctor was beyond his fifties and had a white long beard, he appeared benevolent and kind as he sat in front of the couch and felt Xie Ying’s pulse while her wrist was covered by an extremely thin cloth. He quickly raised his head and smiled, “Congratulations to the Mistress, you are indeed one month pregnant!”

Xie Ying sat up immediately with much agitation, “Is this true?”

The doctor stroked his beard and replied gleefully, “Yes!”

Xie Ying expressed a look of surprise and quickly asked, “Can you tell if it’s a boy or girl?”

“The age of the fetus is too young to tell at the moment!” the doctor shook his head and replied.

“Yes, yes, it’s still too young! Quickly reward the doctor, Shao Yao, reward the doctor with some silver!” Xie Ying rambled as she was overwhelmed with excitement and quickly ushered Shao Yao to reward the doctor.

Shao Yao was also elated with the news and showered the doctor with a small ingot of silver before sending him out of the door.

Ren Zi’er rejoiced, “The Ji Manor is receiving good news one after another, I will go inform Young Master now!”

“Come back!” Xie Ying halted Ren Zi’er in her footsteps as her face flushed with joy and pouted, “Do I need you to inform him on my behalf?”

Ren Zi’er stunned for a brief moment and slapped herself mockingly, “Look at me, I got carried away by the happiness, Sister should be informing the Young Master personally since this is such big piece of good news!”

Xie Ying bit her lower lip as her eyes sparkled, “It will be my birthday in two days, I will give Young Master a huge surprise then!”

Ren Zi’er lowered her head slightly as her gaze darkened, she remained smiling in joy as she said in a knowing tone, “Yes, I shall wait for the huge surprise that Sister is going to give the Young Master!”

Su Jiu returned to the manor in the afternoon and was passing by the garden when she saw Xie Ying walking over from the opposite. Shao Yao held onto her arm as she walked and a group of old maidservants followed behind them, standing by with her soup and cape as if she was the Empress Dowager.

Xie Ying supported her waist with one arm and walked extremely slowly, pausing to rest after every two steps. The servants behind her came forward to serve her soup immediately when she stopped.

Su Jiu found her actions hilarious and was unsure if she was up to something after staying quiet for a couple of days. Xie Ying held onto her waist as she walked over and smiled dazzlingly, “Greetings to the Young Mistress, please do not blame me as it is inconvenient for me right now to give you a curtsy!”

Su Jiu took a glance at her and continued on her path.

Xie Ying noticed that Su Jiu did not pay her any attention and quickly took a step back to stop her in her tracks, she nudged her tummy forward on purpose and raised her brows, “Did Young Mistress notice anything different about me today?”

Su Jiu frowned and sized her up, “Are you asking for a beating again?”

Xie Ying’s expression froze as she thought that she had been obvious enough, how could Su Yuejiu not realize it when she is also a woman herself?

That was right, she was not like a woman anyway!

Xie Ying was generous towards Su Jiu since she had fallen pregnant and Su Jiu was no longer a threat to her, “Is Young Mistress going to beat me up again? I am not representing two lives!”

Su Jiu startled for a moment, “What does that mean?”

Xie Ying nudged her tummy forward and whispered close to Su Jiu’s ear and smiled softly, “The doctor had checked on my pulse just now, I have been pregnant for a month!”

Su Jiu turned around abruptly, “Pregnant? You are pregnant with Ji Yuxian’s child?”

Xie Ying was pleased with her reaction and curled her lips into a smile, “That’s right! It was indeed too fast and I’ve fallen pregnant ahead of Young Mistress, but that’s because Young Master has been visiting my room too frequently! I am apologetic towards Young Mistress as the eldest child of Ji Manor is currently in my tummy!”

Su Jiu frowned at her as her gaze fell on her protruding tummy and felt a sense of disappointment.

She pursed her lips and stepped past Xie Ying as she thought of returning to the Cloud Pavilion.

“Oh yes,” Xie Ying turned around and smiled as she looked at Su Jiu’s back which appeared straight and upright, “The Young Master is not yet aware that he is going to be a father, I am thinking of informing him personally and hope that the Young Mistress keeps the secret for me!”

Su Jiu paused in her footsteps for a brief moment and quickly continued her way without looking back.

Su Jiu caressed her tummy as she watched Su Jiu’s back view and laughed conceitedly.

Shao Yao stepped forward and asked gingerly, “Second Young Mistress has informed the news of your pregnancy to the Young Mistress, aren’t you worried that she will tell the Young Master?”

“I don’t think she will!” Xie Ying replied with uncertainty. She was not entirely sure, but she could not help herself and blurted out the news in an attempt to give Su Yuejiu a blow.

Shao Yao consoled with a laugh, “It’s alright if Eldest Young Master knows about it anyway, he will be overjoyed!”

Xie Ying pursed her lips into a smile and turned around to head back to her pavilion, “I’m exhausted from the walking, let’s head back!”


The group of people ushered her once more as they head back to the Lotus Pavilion.

Su Jiu sat on the couch, lost in a daze after she arrived back at the Cloud Pavilion. She felt a sense of emptiness and forlorn, similar to the feeling she had when Ji Yuxian was not beside her after she woke up in the morning. Her chest felt tight and stuffed that she yearned to purged everything out.

When did she start to have so many feelings that she had never experienced before in the past?

As the sky darkened, Su Jiu remained seated and did not move a single bit, as if she had become a statue.

The nanny entered the room to light up the candles and got a shock when she noticed Su Jiu seated in the dark. She hurriedly lit the flames and smiled, “When did Young Lady arrive, why did you not turn on the lights?”

Su Jiu’s eyes sparkled with clarity under the candlelight as she raised her head and asked, “Nanny, does a man and a woman have to sleep together before they can get pregnant?”

The nanny stunned for a moment before replying with a smile, “Of course, a man and a woman have to sleep together before they can have children!”

She walked to Su Jiu’s side after speaking and asked expectantly, “Is Young Lady not feeling well, are you suspecting that you are pregnant?”

Su Jiu turned around and looked out of the window while saying flatly, “It’s not me who’s pregnant!”

“Then who is it?” the nanny asked out of curiosity.

Su Jiu’s lips moved as if she was about to speak, but she did not say anything in the end and instead took a sip of cold tea from her teacup. The chillness spread from her lips to her heart and she felt bitter and sore.

Ji Yuxian had returned late at night for the past few days, it turned out that he had been to Xie Ying’s room.

They had been sleeping together for more than once, and now she is pregnant…..

So had he kissed her?

Su Jiu suddenly recalled the paintings which illustrated a man and a woman embracing each other and felt a sense of horror before she hastily took her tea and gulped it down quickly.

She felt that her whole body had turned cold.

During dinner time, Su Jiu acted off and only consumed a bowl of rice before she put down her chopsticks and announced flatly, “I’ve eaten enough, I’m going back to the room!”

She turned around and left upon speaking.

Ji Yuxian was crestfallen and raised his head to watch the young woman’s disappearing back view, he put down his chopsticks and gradually shut his eyes as he breathed slowly.

Is that man so important to her?

Ji Yuxian only returned to the bedroom late at night, he went to bed after showering and saw the young woman lying down and facing inwards. It looked like she had fallen asleep.

It became dim as Ji Yuxian released the bed netting, he lied down on the bed a distance away from the young woman and slowly closed his eyes.

The candlelights slowly faded as the moon rose up the night sky, but the room remained illuminated as the clear and bright moonlight shone through the window.

The night was calm and quiet in spring.

The night watchman’s drum sounded four times at a distance far away and it can be heard faintly from the room.

The man turned around in bed and approached the young woman as he reached out his arms and circled around her body tightly, calling out her name softly, “Su Jiu.”

Su Jiu opened her eyes slowly with her back facing Ji Yuxian, they looked like they were fogged up by the mist at night as they stared wistfully into the dark.

She wanted to ask him badly, why kiss Xie Ying?

Did he not say that he would only kiss her?

Why did he not keep to his words?

Somehow, she could not bring herself to ask the question and hence could only continue to pretend to be asleep.

The heat was transmitted from the man’s chest as Su Jiu held onto her blanket tightly and felt unwilling to leave this comfortable sense of warmth.

Su Jiu was in deep thoughts as she wrapped herself in her blanket, she convinced herself that Ji Yuxian was not at fault since she was not the real Young Mistress Ji, and that he could not be blamed for sleeping with Xie Ying since had to marry another woman and have children someday.

But why did she not like the knowledge that Ji Yuxian had slept with Xie Ying?

Because he did not keep his words?

Su Jiu felt perplexed and rubbed her head out of frustration, she sat up and took a deep breath and decided not to be hung up on this matter anymore!

Su Jiu thought that she had straightened out her thoughts, but the atmosphere in the study room remained eerily quiet in the morning.

Su Jiu practiced her calligraphy as she turned her head slightly to see the man’s gloomy face as he stared at a document in his hands. He appeared serious and distant at the same time.

Su Jiu drank too much water and had to go to the restroom after she filled up an entire piece of paper with her writing. The man held on to her wrist suddenly as she stood up.

“Where are you going?”

The man’s expression was unreadable as his voice revealed a hint of panic.

“I’m going to the restroom!” Su Jiu replied.

Ji Yuxian let go of her slowly and nodded lightly, “Go ahead!”

Su Jiu pursed her lips and walked out of the study room.

The sun was scorching brightly as it was approaching noon, Su Jiu walked along the corridor as the nanny walked towards her after disposing something outside the courtyard, she saw Su Jiu and called out to her, “Young Lady?”

“Young Lady!”

The nanny saw that Su Jiu did not seem to acknowledge her presence even after calling out for her several times, she quickly walked over and held on to her arm, “Young Lady!”

Su Jiu came to her senses and saw that it was the nanny before asking in a daze, “What is the matter?”

“Where is Young Lady headed to?”

“The restroom.”

The nanny chuckled and pointed towards her back, “The restroom is over there, Young Lady has missed it!”

“Oh!” Su Jiu hurriedly turned around and walked back towards the other direction.

The nanny caught up with her and looked at her in doubt, “Young Lady are you alright, you looked distracted, is something troubling you?”

Su Jiu had behaved strangely since last night and was staring blankly into space while holding on to her chopsticks this morning during breakfast, what on earth had happened?

Su Jiu smiled casually as she replied cheerfully, “I’m fine!”

She patted on the nanny’s shoulder to reassure her and strode towards the restroom.

The nanny frowned as she stood and watched her.

Su Jiu got back after visiting the restroom and practiced her calligraphy until noon when Old Housekeeper Yu entered the room to ask if he should serve lunch?

Su Jiu raised her head and replied, “I’m heading out later on, there is no need to prepare my portion!”

Old Housekeeper Yu nodded lightly, “Sure!”

He bowed and retreated shortly after.

Su Jiu tidied up the books and the four tools of Chinese calligraphy before she stretched her body with a yawn and got up to leave the room.

“Where are you going?” Ji Yuxian asked softly in a deep voice.

“I’m going out for a spin!” Su Jiu answered.

She felt bored to tears staying within the manor and wanted to look for Ah Shu and Chang Huan for a drink together, but she did not say anything as she was aware that Ji Yuxian did not like her drinking.

Ji Yuxian walked over and stayed dangerously close to her, he looked down at her in domination as his charming eyes glared piercingly, “Are you going to look for him? Are you this desperate to clear the misunderstandings with him?”

Su Jiu raised her head and knitted her brows tightly, “What are you talking about?”

Ji Yuxian felt a surge of anger bursting out of his chest and got even more frustrated when she saw the young woman acting all innocent, he reached out and embraced her tightly before leaning forward and giving her a hard kiss, “You shall not go! We have completed the traditional Chinese wedding ceremony and have drunk the cross-cupped wine together, I don’t care if you are Su Jiu or Su Yuejiu, you are my wedded wife at the end of the day and you shall not leave!”

The man’s voice was hoarse as he kissed Su Jiu’s lips roughly as if trying to fiercely and demandingly prove that she belonged to him!

Su Jiu felt her lips swelling up in pain and subconsciously rejected Ji Yuxian’s act of intimacy as she thought about Xie Ying, she gave a hard shove and yelled, “Ji Yuxian, let go of me!”

“I’m not letting go!” Ji Yuxian restrained her within his arms in a domineering manner and smiled chillingly, “Are you now not willing to even kiss because of him? Why, have you really fallen for him?”

Su Jiu got heated up and could not understand a single word that Ji Yuxian had said and only felt a sense of disgust to be kissed by the man. She could not overcome his restraint and attempted to kick the man’s leg.

She had used fifty percent of her entire strength as she was filled with anger, the man avoided her attack and led her body onto the couch as he pressed onto her, his body stuck tightly to hers as he gave a cold, hard stare, “Su Jiu, you want to kill me?”

Su Jiu looked at him coldly as she yelled, “Let go!”

The man held her gaze and he gradually calmed down after a long period of time. He briefly closed his eyes as he suppressed his unhappiness and pressed his forehead against hers and said hoarsely, “Do you really fancy him?”

Su Jiu frowned and regained her composure before finally realizing he was talking about Xiao Lie, she said flatly, “What do you mean by fancy him? We are just friends! Just like…”

Su Jiu originally wanted to say just like you, but she also felt that Ji Yuxian was somebody different deep down in her heart and therefore paused momentarily before changing her words to “Just like Ah Shu, Hu Dapao and the rest!”

Ji Yuxian opened his eyes and looked at her wistfully, “Really?”

Su Jiu blinked and replied, “Yes!”

Ji Yuxian curled his lips into a smile and looked at her adoringly before lifting up her chin to kiss her.

Su Jiu quickly frowned and turned her head to the side.

The man’s gaze darkened, “Why are you not allowing me to kiss you since you don’t fancy him?”

Su Jiu gazed downwards slightly as her delicate face expressed strong determination, she said softly, “You have kissed someone else, so you cannot kiss me anymore!”

“Who did I kiss?” Ji Yuxian raised his brows in confusion.

“You have slept with Xie Ying, didn’t you kiss her?” Su Jiu smiled at him coldly.

Ji Yuxian’s eyes glinted and sparkled like the starry night sky, his voice turned gentle as he asked softly, “So you have been upset these two days because I have slept with Xie Ying?”

Su Jiu turned her head away in embarrassment, “You did not keep your words since you have kissed her, why couldn’t I be angry?”

Ji Yuxian pursed his lips into a knowing smile and felt a sense of euphoria emitting from his body, he nibbled on Su Jiu’s ear lightly and asked in a deep, alluring voice, “Who told you that I have slept with her?”

Su Jiu gave him a side-eye, “She is now pregnant with your child, don’t tell me you did not sleep with her?”

The man sucked on her ear lobe gently and mumbled, “No, her child is not mine.”

Su Jiu’s eyes widened abruptly.

Ji Yuxian traced his kiss towards her lips and muttered, “Why didn’t you ask me earlier, you had me…”

Toss and turn the entire night.

Su Jiu avoided his lips and looked at him in surprise, “Xie Ying is not pregnant with your child? Then whose is it?”

“Who cares!” Ji Yuxian replied nonchalantly as he was only focused on holding onto her chin to give her a kiss.

The man kissed her ferociously with his lips and tongue while Su Jiu’s eyes remained widened in astonishment. This cannot be! If Xie Ying was not pregnant with Ji Yuxian’s child, why was she behaving so arrogantly and acting all smug in front of her?

“Focus!” the man bit on her lips lightly with displeasure.

Su Jiu pushed him away with both arms and asked in curiosity, “Xie Ying was intending to let you know personally, how can the child not be yours?”

Ji Yuxian lowered his head and kissed her supple lips before curling his lips into a slight smile, his eyes glazed over with chilliness as he replied, “You will know the answer very soon!”

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As the gloom in her heart finally disappeared like the brightness after the rain, Su Jiu laid on the couch as her eyes sparkled in content. She lifted her head and bit onto the man’s lips before saying grudgingly, “Always leaving me in suspense and not telling me the truth, I’ll bite you to death!”

Ji Yuxian squinted his eyes dangerously as he lowered his head and kissed onto the young woman’s eyes and gradually planted his kisses down across her sharp nose and finally landed gently onto her lips. He closed his eyes and deepened the kiss.

Su Jiu felt a wave of affection washing over her and allowed herself to get lost in the moment by shutting her eyes and reciprocating his kisses.

The world felt splendid and delightful as the sun continued to shine brightly in spring.

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