Chapter 133: The Beginning of Love

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Second Mistress was escorted back to the Jinglan Pavilion, and the other managers had dismissed themselves. The assassin was locked inside the firewood storage, while Zhao Liu’er was sent back home.

 Old Yu walked behind Su Jiu and asked in a low voice, “Young Mistress, if Zhao Liu’er is allowed to leave just like that, will her life be in danger again?”

 Based on the ruthless methods the Second Mistress had used to settle her scores, anything could happen!

 Su Jiu shook her head and replied, “Previously, the Second Mistress hired assassins because Zhao Liu’er knew her weakness. Since the beans have already been spilled, she has no reason to kill her anymore. After all, murder is punishable by death! Zhao Liu’er has a sick mother back home, so she can’t remain in the Ji Manor.”

 “Indeed, the Young Mistress has made thorough considerations!” Old Yu said, and after a pause, he continued speaking with guilt, “The Young Mistress has only been in the Ji Manor for one year and yet, so many accidents have happened. Not to mention you were almost poisoned! This servant has not taken care of you well enough.”

 Old Yu was the head housekeeper of the Ji Manor. He spent most of his time in the front courtyard and only took care of the main estate in the rear courtyard. Many things were beyond his control.

 Su Jiu’s smile was like a gentle breeze, and she replied reassuringly, “This is not Housekeeper Yu’s fault. Housekeeper Yu, you are already very busy with managing both important and petty matters of the Ji Manor. Furthermore, Old Yu doesn’t understand the intentions of women!”

 Old Yu furrowed his brows. “The Young Mistress may not know this, but this old servant has known about the Second Mistress’s venomous ways since a long time ago. However, I had no evidence. Moreover, the Patriarch and his Mistress have already passed away, making the Second Mistress the only elder in the Ji Manor. She remained steadfast with her vegetarian diet and chanted scriptures daily, and she was also kind and warm to others, so it was difficult to find flaws in her. This old servant’s only desire was to protect the Eldest Master well, and yet, I couldn’t even do that. I am quite ashamed of myself.”

 Su Jiu knew that Old Yu was referring to the incident where Ji Yuxian was poisoned. She consoled him gently. “You have taken good care of Ji Yuxian for so many years. You don’t have to blame yourself.”

 A trace of modesty appeared on Old Yu’s usually stern face. He grinned and said, “In the future, the Young Mistress will be around. This servant can rest easy!”

 Perhaps at this moment, Old Yu truly acknowledged Su Jiu’s place as the Mistress of the Ji Manor.

 “Mm, I will protect him well!” Su Jiu declared sincerely.

 Old Yu clasped his hands together. “This old servant will represent the Patriarch and his Mistress to thank you, Young Mistress!”

 “Old Yu, you are too courteous!”

 When the Second Mistress returned to the Jinglan Pavilion, she immediately lost her temper and threw a tantrum. Yuan’er cautioned the servants, before dismissing them.

 “Su Yuejiu, you have done very well. This Mistress was too careless. I always assumed you were just a sickly cat, but I never expected your claws to be this sharp! You scratched me!” The Second Mistress gritted her teeth, her complexion pale.

 She had only encouraged Ji Yuxian to marry Su Jiu because she was weak and did not have any connections in Shengjing, making it easy to manipulate her. Looking back, this was a poorly planned move.

 Yuan’er spoke up, “Mistress, don’t be angry anymore. We made a mistake. No one expected Su Yuejiu to be so cruel and wicked!”

 “This Mistress suspects that before she got married, Su Yuejiu’s frailty was all an act. She had intentionally tricked this Mistress! How cunning!” The Second Mistress slapped the table forcefully as she declared with spite.

 Otherwise, how could anyone change so much within one year?

 “She’s only relying on the Eldest Master to support her!” Yuan’er announced in disdain.

 “No… Su Yuejiu was able to find Zhao Liu’er, and could even catch that assassin. No ordinary girl can achieve that. She must be hiding something; this Mistress has been negligent. I shall send out some men to investigate Su Yuejiu promptly, and I’ll uncover all the illegitimate dealings she makes every time she leaves the manor!”

 Looking back, Xie Ying and Ren Zhi’er died consecutively, one after the other. Even Jin Mi, who was usually unrestrained and rampant, had been put in her place. She did not believe that all these were Ji Yuxian’s doings.

 She had been too careless, enabling Su Yuejiu to create such a ruse and bite her back today. She should have eliminated her early on.

 “Mistress, don’t worry. It doesn’t matter if other people find out what you’ve done. Mistress, you are the only elder in the Ji Manor. Even the Eldest Master can’t hurt you!” Yuan’er continued to comfort her.

 Even when the Second Mistress heard this, her ashen face did not become any warmer.

 It was true that he could do not much to her, but today, Old Yu and the other managers were all present. Once this matter spreads, all the effort she had previously put in to build up her image as a benevolent, motherly figure, would all go to waste.

 How was she going to get rid of Ji Yuxian and pass the baton to Ji Ze? Unfortunately, any small movement she made in the future would attract suspicion from the people in the manor.

 Additionally, she was even more worried that this would have a detrimental impact on Ji Ze’s impression of her. If the servants discussed this matter and he overheard it, how would he view his mother?

 Regrettably, she had to put aside her promise to Zhu Hecheng to kill Ji Yuxian.

 Sighing deeply, the Second Mistress sat down on the couch in defeat.

 Ji Yuxian only returned past noon, while Su Jiu was taking her afternoon nap.

 Old Yu followed Ji Yuxian into the study and repeated the events that happened that morning in detail.

 Ji Yuxian’s face did not reveal a trace of shock. He reclined lazily on the wooden chair and rested both arms on the armrest. Not a ripple could be seen in his phoenix eyes, though it contained a sliver of coldness. He asked softly, “What did my wife say?”

 Old Yu replied, “The Young Mistress said that she would wait for the Eldest Master to return before discussing this matter!”

 “Then, how does Old Yu think we should handle this?” Ji Yuxian asked.

 Old Yu also felt that this was a rather complicated matter. If they reported this to the magistrate and allowed them to settle the matter, at most, she would only receive a few beatings. However, this would hurt the Ji Manor’s reputation. Additionally, the Second Mistress was Ji Ze’s birth mother. Even if her ways were villainous, Ji Ze was innocent, and he had always treated Ji Yuxian with respect. After all, Ji Ze was still a son of the Ji family.

 Hence, reporting this to the authorities would not benefit the Ji Manor in the slightest.

 Although the Second Mistress was dishonorable, she was still Ji Yuxian’s elder and his father’s concubine. Ji Yuxian had no right to abolish her and send her back home.

 This was such a difficult matter!

 Ji Yuxian announced, “Madame Zhu harbored ill intentions and tried to harm the Mistress of the Ji Manor. From today onwards, she shall be locked in the Jinglan Pavilion, and will only be allowed to retain one maidservant and one old servant to serve her. Her monthly allowance will be halved, and she is not allowed to take a single step out of her estate without my permission!”

 Old Yu heeded his words and bowed his head in acknowledgment. “Yes, this old servant will immediately make arrangements!”

 Although Ji Yuxian’s method of handling the incident appeared lenient, Old Yu knew that doing so was definitely a heavy blow to the Second Mistress’s esteem, and would humiliate her greatly.

 This was equivalent to putting her under house arrest. It was also proclaimed to everyone in the manor that the Second Mistress had lost her standing in the Ji Manor.

 As expected, when Old Yu passed the message to the Jinglan Pavilion, the Second Mistress erupted in anger. She wanted to look for Ji Yuxian to reason with him; that she was his father’s concubine and he had no right to punish her.

 If they were going to imprison her in the estate, she would immediately commit suicide by knocking her head on the wall!

 Old Yu’s face remained solemn as he advised, “This servant suggests that the Second Mistress give up on looking for him. You poisoned the Mistress of the Ji Manor, the Eldest Master’s wife. The Eldest Master’s way of handling this matter is already considered lenient. If the Old Master was still alive, he would probably have sent the Second Mistress back to the Zhu Manor. If that was the case, you would lose even more face, Second Mistress!”

 “Furthermore, if the Second Mistress continues to make a fuss, it would not be advantageous to the Second Young Master!”

 The Second Mistress’s frown deepened. The makeup that she had applied in the morning had already been smudged by sweat, and it looked like her face had been smeared with a layer of mud. She took a deep breath as her expression remained grim, her eyes incandescent with hatred.

 Her eyes no longer contained the same gentleness, nor was she as demure as before.

 Old Yu lowered his head, and he did glance at her before turning around to head out.

 Apart from Yuan’er and Mrs. Xu, all the other servants of the Jinglan Pavilion were brought away. The iron gate was shut firmly as Old Yu instructed the servants to install a lock.

 When the Second Mistress heard the sound of the lock turning, she slumped onto the ground and sobbed, with one hand thumping her thigh.

 Yuan’er was busy consoling her by the side. She was anxious, and she could only hope that Ji Ze can plead for leniency on the Second Mistress’s behalf when he returns.

 At that moment, the news that the Second Mistress had poisoned Su Jiu with the Stone Flower Powder had already spread. It was like spraying water into boiling oil, causing the entire pot to explode.

 Almost everyone was shocked, as they did not expect the kind and benevolent Second Mistress to be responsible for such a horrid deed. It was completely unbelievable.

 However, the gates of the Jinglan Pavilion had been locked, which served as proof that everything was true!

 “As it turned out, the person who poisoned the Young Mistress previously was the Second Mistress! I never expected this!”

 “She had even deliberately used a servant from the Lotus Pavilion, meaning that she had intended to blame the Second Young Mistress. Such intentions are way too vicious!”

 “Indeed, we’ve worked for the Ji Manor for so many years, and yet, we never realized who the Second Mistress truly is. Even the Eldest Master did not lack any respect for the Second Mistress. She’s such a devil!”

 “When one does too many evil deeds, karma will follow!”

 The servants in the manor were heated in the discussion. When Ji Ze returned from the court session, naturally, he heard everything.

 He did not believe that his mother would poison someone, and he hastened to the main courtyard to find Ji Yuxian.

 When he stepped into the main estate, he bumped into Old Yu. Ji Ze asked urgently, “Housekeeper Yu, what on earth happened?”

 Old Yu knitted his brows and replied, “This matter has nothing to do with the Second Young Master. Second Young Master should turn back!”

 “No, it’s impossible that my mother could hurt somebody. I need to find my older brother to clarify things!”

 Old Yu held him back. “The Second Young Master does not need to look for the Eldest Master. If you feel that he has treated you well in the past few years, then please don’t make things difficult for him! Regarding the incident where the Young Mistress was poisoned, there were witnesses present, and even the Second Mistress herself has admitted it!”

 When Ji Ze heard this, his complexion underwent a complete change, his face paling. His eyes were full of anguish as he lamented, “How did this happen? Why would my mother do this?”

 “As to why she resorted to poison, only the Second Mistress herself would know!” Old Yu replied.

 “Then, can I go and meet my mother?” Ji Ze pleaded.

 “This… For now, you can’t!” Old Yu conveyed with difficulty. “Second Young Master, be rest assured. The Eldest Master will not make the Second Mistress suffer too much!”


 Crestfallen, Ji Ze looked as though his soul had left him. He was ashamed and guilty and did not dare to find Ji Yuxian anymore. He turned back to leave.

 Ji Yuxian stood in the study and saw Ji Ze’s solemn, departing figure. A layer of gloom shrouded his beautiful brows.

 As the sky darkened, the setting sun cast slanted shadows on the ground. It was as though the sky had been stained by a bloody blotch of red. It was bleak, and not a hint of beauty could be seen.

 When Ji Yuxian returned to the bedroom, Su Jiu had awoken and was reclined on the chair reading ledgers. When she saw the man walk in, she smiled faintly. Her countenance was clear and calm.

 Ji Yuxian walked over, plucked out the ledger from her hand, and put it aside. He bent over and planted a kiss below her lip, right above her chin.

 The man’s slender and towering figure completely engulfed her. His thin lips were crimson, and his narrow phoenix eyes were like crescents, carrying the brilliance of the moonlight and completely hooking her soul.

 Su Jiu straightened her posture and leaned against the cushion, which was embroidered with Su style embroidery. Her eyes glimmered as she asked, “How are you going to resolve the Second Mistress’s matter?”

 Ji Yuxian paused for a moment, his gaze shifting onto her pink glistening lips. He gave them a gentle peck, before explaining how he planned to deal with the issue.

 Su Jiu nodded her head. They could neither kill the Second Mistress, nor could they send her back to the Zhu family. This was the only possible solution!

 At this moment, the proud and arrogant Second Mistress might have already gone crazy in her manor!

 “I know, my wife did this for me!” Ji Yuxian’s eyes were boundless as he gazed at her with deep affection.

 Even though Su Jiu had exposed the Second Mistress for attempting to poison her, Ji Yuxian knew that Su Jiu had done this because her heart ached for him. She wanted to avenge him.

 He liked this.

 This proved that in this girl’s heart, he had already occupied a place of his own.

 Su Jiu grinned. “I have always been someone who repaid kindness and returned wrongs. I need to take revenge so I can be at peace!”

 Ji Yuxian’s lips smiled as he whispered, “My wife is not the only one who knows how to take revenge. The Second Mistress has taken such a big loss this time, so she must hate you now. She may have raised her suspicion and began to investigate you. I will assign people to hide your tracks, but my wife must be more careful in the future!”

 This was also the reason why he locked the Second Mistress in her estate. At least by doing so, the Second Mistress would not be able to carry out her plans with ease.

 Su Jiu wrapped her arms around Ji Yuxian’s neck, her clear face decorated with smiles as she said, “Don’t worry! At most, she’ll discover that I am Master Su Jiu. She would not be able to find a trace of information regarding the Dragon Conqueror Gang!”

 Ji Yuxian nodded his head. “It’s good this way!”

 Two days later, Jin Feng appeared in the Ji Manor.

 The moment he stepped into the study, he got down on one knee and lowered his head. “My mother made a mistake and caused the Eldest Master to suffer the agony of the Half Moon Devourer every month. Jin Feng is here to receive punishment in place of his mother!”

 Ji Yuxian replied nonchalantly, “The things of the past have nothing to do with you. You may stand up!”

 Jin Feng remained motionless and said solemnly, “After all, your subordinate is the Master’s bodyguard, and I am responsible for protecting you, Master. I am determined not to leave your side unless Master no longer trusts this subordinate!”

 Ji Yuxian’s black eyes stared silently at him. “If my father was the one who killed your father, are you sure you still want to follow me?”

 Jin Feng’s straight back trembled slightly, but he continued sincerely, “The grudges and gratitude of the previous generation have nothing to do with Master and this subordinate. This subordinate only believes that following Master and protecting him is my duty!”

 Ji Yuxian nodded his head slightly, but said, “I’m afraid the Nanny will no longer permit you to enter the Ji Manor!”

 “There is no evidence for what happened that year. Jin Feng believes in the Old Master’s character. He wasn’t someone who would kill Jin Feng’s father! I’m only resentful that my mother was used by someone. She’s confused for now, which is why she remains obsessed and fails to realize her mistake!”

 Ji Yuxian nodded his head faintly and said, “Come over!”

 Jin Feng straightened his back, and stood up slowly, before walking towards the table.

 Ji Yuxian retrieved a mahogany box carved with flowers. Upon opening it, dozens of letters were seen inside.

 “I spent the past two days going through items my father left behind. Among the pile of letters, I found a few letters that my Father and Uncle Jin exchanged. Whether my father is innocent or not, and how Uncle Jin died… I think you’ll receive such answers from these letters! You should take a look!”

 Jin Feng’s pupils shook slightly. He extended an arm to pick up a letter, and slowly opened it.

 These letters were exchanged between Jin Feng’s father and Ji Zhongyi, back when Jin Feng’s father was still working as a manager in Chongzhou. Most of the contents of the letters were business-related matters, and at the end of each letter, he would ask about the well-being of the people in the Ji Manor and the siblings of the Jin family.

 Jin Feng confirmed that it was his father’s handwriting. Although Jin Feng was quite a strong-willed person, tears still welled up in his eyes when he read those sentences that asked about his well-being.

 He was still young when his father passed away. Because his father spent most of his time in Chongzhou and rarely came back, he did not have a very strong impression of his father.

 But when Jin Feng read the lines in the letter that expressed concern and affection towards himself, the image of his father slowly came alive in his heart.

 He read every word and every line carefully. From the language used in the letter, he discerned that his father shared a close relationship with Ji Zhongyi. They didn’t merely have a working relationship.

 In the last few letters, his father mentioned that his health was declining and that he did not see any improvements even after taking medication. He felt that he was reaching his limit, but could not rest easy when he thought of his children and wife. However, he could not bear to let them know, as he did not want Madame Gu to worry in vain.

 In the final letter, his father’s illness seemed to have made a turn for the worst. His handwriting was no longer as steady as before and had become more illegible. He ardently requested Ji Zhongyi to help him nurture his son and daughter as they grew up.

 Jin Feng closed the letter. He lowered his head, and both his shoulders seemed to be shaking.

 Ji Yuxian patted his shoulders. “I think Uncle Jin’s letters are enough to prove that my father was innocent!”

 Jin Feng nodded his head continuously, and asked with a hoarse voice, “These letters… May this subordinate take them back?”

 His mother had always assumed that it was Ji Zhongyi who murdered his father. She must have suffered all these years. He wanted to show her these letters and help her understand the truth so that she could cease her hatred towards the Ji family.

 But with all the things that his mother had done to Ji Yuxian, how could they compensate and make up for it?

 Ji Yuxian nodded his head. “You may take them!”

 “Alright, thank you, Master!’

 Jin Feng turned around to walk away. It was only when he was out of the study that he used his sleeves to wipe his eyes, before taking big strides out.

 Before he left the main estate, he saw Su Jiu walking over. She was surprised to see him, but quickly smiled and greeted, “Jin Feng!”

 The way she spoke was the same as before, carrying no hint of hostility whatsoever.

 Jin Feng hurriedly came over to pay his respects to Su Jiu.

 “Jin Feng, you won’t leave the Ji Manor, right?” Su Jiu asked.

 “Yes! Jin Feng will always stand behind the Eldest Master!” Jin Feng replied earnestly.

 Su Jiu nodded her head. “I am not clear about what happened between the previous generation, but Ji Yuxian is not to be blamed. Every month, he suffers the pain inflicted by the Half Moon Devourer. It’s a form of agony that ordinary people would not be able to endure. Jin Feng, could you ask your mother if there are any antidotes?”

 Jin Feng’s eyes were filled with remorse, as he shook his head solemnly. “There isn’t, this subordinate has already asked. That year, it was the Second Mistress who passed the Half Moon Devourer to my mother. She didn’t even know the effects of the poison.”

 Su Jiu bit her lips as she asked in contemplation, “Then, would the Second Mistress have the antidote?”

 Jin Feng shook his head once again. “The Half Moon Devourer has no antidote. This subordinate has traveled the four corners to look for the antidote for many years, and yet, my ventures were always in vain. Even Doctor Gu has no idea, so the Second Mistress can’t possess the antidote!”

 Such was the Second Mistress’s cruelty. She had purposely chosen a poison without an antidote, to force Ji Yuxian to suffer in agony for the rest of his life.

 Su Jiu’s eyes betrayed her disappointment. She snorted, “Everything in this world is balanced. If there is a poison, there will be an antidote. It just hasn’t been discovered yet!”

 “Yes, this subordinate definitely will not give up his search!”

 “I will also send people to gather information. There will surely be a day where we find it!’ Su Jiu’s words were brimming with faith and optimism.


 Jin Feng brought the letters back. Su Jiu had no idea how Madame Jin reacted when she saw them, and she could only guess that she did not take it well.

 On the seventh day of the eighth month, Qiao An and Hu Dapao returned to Shengjing from Xuzhou.

 When they got back, they returned to the imperial palace first to submit their report. By then, Xuzhou had already settled down well, and the commoners had received the grain. The government office assisted in the reconstruction of the infrastructure, and the refugees were sent back to their hometowns. The uprising and revolt had already calmed down.

 The Emperor was very pleased and promoted Hu Dapao to a general of the fourth rank, bestowing a general’s manor to him, along with a fertile plot of land. Qiao An was promoted to an official of the fifth rank and arranged to work for the Ministry of Finance. He was also awarded one thousand taels of silver.

 Both of them expressed their gratitude, before leaving the palace and rushing over to the trading company.

 Su Jiu, Ah Shu, and Chang Huan were all waiting. When they caught sight of them, there was an outburst of joy and emotion.

 When they heard that Qiao An and Hu Dapao were promoted, the crowd became even more excited, as their hearts swelled with happiness.

 This time, they remained in Xuzhou for a total of two months. Qiao An and Hu Dapao had both undergone many changes. Qiao An had become even more composed, and his face displayed more energy and vigor. He seemed to anticipate the journey ahead of him for his career.

 For Hu Dapao, he had become steadier and was less rash than before. His stature was tall and upright, and he appeared more dignified. His countenance was now that of a general, firm and unyielding.

 Everyone was in good spirits, and naturally, they could not do without wine.

 At the restaurant, they realized that Nangong Shu and Nangong Bi were there waiting for them. They were present to welcome Hu Dapao and Qiao An back with a feast.

 Nangong Bi smiled and said, “The moment we heard that Hu Dapao and the rest have returned, my brother and I came over immediately. My brother said that Hu Dapao brought him glory, and he must properly reward Da Pao with food and drinks!”

 Nangong Bi’s voice was crisp and just as sprightly as that of a kid. Hu Dapao blushed slightly as he replied in embarrassment, “General, you are overwhelming me with flattery!”

 Nangong Shu had donned a tight-fitting uniform, which gave him a powerful and handsome appearance. He chuckled lightly and said, “You did well, so you should be rewarded! I heard that you were promoted by the Emperor, so I came here especially to celebrate with you!”

 “General, I must thank you for this. Without the General, Da Pao would not have reached this point today!” Su Jiu smiled sincerely.

 “Master Su, you are too courteous. It was Da Pao himself who did well!”

 “Enough already!” Nangong Bi giggled. “Stop going back and forth to thank each other. Don’t you guys want to drink? You should just pour all your sentiments and words into your wine!”

 Ah Shu laughed heartily. “Lady Nangong is right. Let’s just drink our wine!”

 Su Jiu called Li Tai over and spoke, “The restaurant can close for business today. Close the doors, and don’t let anyone disturb us!”

 Upon hearing Su Jiu’s words, Chang Huan exclaimed in agreement. Li Tai sounded an acknowledgment, before heading out to shut the doors and thank the customers.

 The dishes were served in no time. Everyone sat around the table while Chang Huan stood up to pour everyone a full glass of wine.

 Su Jiu raised her glass and said, “General Nangong, Su Jiu represents the Dragon Conqueror Gang to thank you for the grace you have shown us!”

 The few of them from the Dragon Conqueror Gang raised their glasses to toast Nangong Shu.

 Nangong Shu stared at Su Jiu’s exquisite face and smiled soundlessly. “Alright then. It looks like you will only let me go if I accept this toast. Everyone, please!”

 “Count me in!” Nangong Bi also raised a glass to join in on the excitement.

 Nangong Shu’s gaze brushed past her and he reprimanded, “You are not to drink!”

 Nangong Bi’s smile, which was originally as bright as a flower, was instantly swept away by a gust of autumn wind. She pouted and reluctantly replaced the wine with a cup of tea.

 Everyone watched and laughed along.

 As they drank, the atmosphere became livelier as they listened to Hu Dapao recount the events that happened in Xuzhou – How charismatic Qiao An was, how they suppressed the original governors of the prefecture, and how the commoners had cheered for them. As he depicted these, his eyebrows wiggled and danced.

 Qiao An sat at the side, smiling. It was only when he heard Hu Dapao praise him that his brows furrowed slightly.

 Nangong Shu was not someone who would enjoy such hustle and bustle, but when he was with Su Jiu and the rest, he felt very relaxed and not weary in the slightest.

 “Back then, when you first entered the capital, we met each other at the small restaurant on Xieyang Street. Looking back, that seemed like a whole decade ago. But if you think carefully, it has only been one year!” Nangong Shu recounted nonchalantly, as he poured Su Jiu a glass of wine.

 Su Jiu also recalled the details when they met in the restaurant one year ago. At that time, they had just reached Shengjing, and they had brought the one hundred taels of silver that the Ji Manor had given them to drink. Coincidentally, they encountered the members of the Bai family bullying the shopkeeper of the restaurant. Realizing that things weren’t favorable, they had whipped out their swords to help him. In the end, not only did they purchase that restaurant, but they also formed bonds with the Nangong siblings.

 Back then, they were sprouts that had just germinated. They knew nothing and feared nothing. Their guts knew no boundaries.

 It hadn’t even been a year, but every single one of them had already undergone such a massive change.

 Fortunately, they always had people to depend on, which allowed the Dragon Conqueror Gang to grow to what they were this day.

 “It was our fortune that we met General Nangong that day!” Su Jiu raised her brows and beamed.

 Nangong Shu glanced at her. The depths of his eyes were boundless as he smiled and asked, “If you guys did not have the capabilities, would it matter if you met me or not?”

 “We were only trying our best to survive!” Su Jiu said with a chuckle.

 Back then, they had only robbed the Su family’s entourage only because they had nothing to eat. She had disguised herself as the Miss of the Su family for that very same reason. Subsequently, everything they had done when they entered the capital was to bring a meal to their table. They were merely striving to live.

 She had initially dragged the Dragon Conqueror Gang from prosperity to poverty, but now, she had raised it back up again.

 Nangong Shu looked at her indifferently. “You guys will continue to do even better!”

 Su Jiu shrugged her shoulders, her eyes lucent. “Hopefully everything goes as you say!”

 When Nangong Shu saw the radiance in her clear eyes, his heart was moved slightly. He shifted his gaze and continued to sip his wine calmly.

 Without blinking, Nangong Bi listened to Hu Dapao recount the events in Xuzhou. When she heard that the governor of Xuzhou; who had turned a blind eye to all the evil deeds, was imprisoned, she exclaimed in satisfaction. Her emotions were even more immersed than Hu Dapao.

 Nangong Shu looked over and exchanged glances with Su Jiu. They both laughed tacitly.

 Nangong Bi observed that they were engrossed in drinking. When Nangong Shu wasn’t paying attention, she took the opportunity to secretly finish half of Su Jiu’s wine. It didn’t take long before her face flushed bright red. Her bright eyes gradually became hazy.

 Afraid that Nangong Shu would notice her tipsiness, Nangong Bi excused herself to the toilet to have a fresh breath of air, and at the same time, allow the redness in her face to subside.

 The crowd continued to drink. Nangong Shu saw that the jars of wine were empty, and summoned the waiter to serve more.

 However, even after calling a few times, no one came over. The waiters had gone to a secluded corner to laze around when they saw that there were no more customers for the day.

 Hu Dapao could only get up to retrieve the wine personally from the back of the restaurant.

 The area behind the restaurant was quite large. Its space was mostly taken up by random knick-knacks, along with piles of empty wine jars and chopped vegetables.

 Both sides were divided into three areas. A century-old osmanthus tree was planted in the west area and it just so happened to be in the season for blooming. The moment one stepped into the area, the refreshing fragrance of osmanthus flowers would permeate their senses. The scent of wine was mixed in the air, which was slightly intoxicating.

 As Hu Dapao walked towards the wine cellar, he heard a girl humming faintly as she walked under the tree. He paused in his steps and walked towards the same tree.

 A stack of empty wine vats that reached the height of a human was under the tree, and a few hay mats were laid out on the ground. Nangong Bi was sitting on the hay mat, her body leaned against the tree trunk, as she muttered to herself with her eyes closed.

 Because she was hidden by the vats of wine, Hu Dapao only saw her when he was entering the building.

 He froze, before shouting, “Miss Nangong! What happened to you?!”

 The girl’s fair and oval face was flushed scarlet red. She slowly opened her eyes and raised her hand, though she was unable to distinguish the person standing in front of her. She muttered, “Help this Miss up, my head is spinning!”

 Hu Dapao quickly went forward to support her. How would he know that the girl would be rendered powerless after just a few drinks? She had casually flung her other hand, which just so happened to collide with the topmost wine vat in the stack, causing it to topple onto her.

 Hu Dapao panicked, and he hurriedly grabbed that wine vat. At the same moment, Nangong Bi slipped onto the hay mat below her and fell backward with a ‘plonk’. Just as Hu Dapao was about to steady himself, he lost his focus and was pulled back by the girl. As a result, both of them fell onto the mat simultaneously.

 Hu Dapao landed on the girl’s body. The girl exclaimed in pain, and he swiftly lifted his body in alarm.

 However, Nangong Bi pushed Hu Dapao against the tree in one move. She tilted her head and leaned onto his body.

 At that moment, Hu Dapao’s body stiffened and his entire being trembled, as though all the blood coursing through his veins were boiling. A faint fragrance drifted over, mingled with the scent of wine. When Hu Dapao caught sight of her hazy and reddened eyes, he knew that Nangong Bi was drunk. Her ability to hold her alcohol had always been poor, and even half a glass of wine could render her unconscious.

 With such a soft fragrance within his arms, Hu Dapao was so nervous that he had no idea where to place his hands or feet. His face turned purple, and his voice unconsciously became gentler. “Miss Nangong, you’re drunk. I’ll send you back!”

 Nangong Bi clung on tightly to his clothes and rested her head on his shoulders. She felt that his shoulders were wide and strong, and they were especially comfortable to snuggle with. She could not help but nestle her head, and her pink lips opened slightly as she murmured, “Su Jiu, let me rest against you for a while. Just a short while, my head hurts!”

 Hu Dapao did not dare to move, and he was even more afraid to touch her. His throat continued to rumble as he swallowed his saliva.

 The girl’s head pressed against his neck, triggering an unbearable itch that could only be relieved by scratching. He lowered his head slightly, only to see the girl’s pretty eyes and elegant nose. Her fair face had a tinge of red, just like a ripe apple on a tree. Its skin was so clear and translucent to the point that you could see the tender flesh of the fruit. Her long and luscious lashes fluttered slightly, leaving faint shadows that resembled butterflies. With a slight movement, his heart skipped a beat.

 A gust of wind blew by, causing the tiny petals of the osmanthus flowers to land onto the space between the girl’s brows. The additional touch of yellow increased the charm of the already beautiful and lively girl.

 As he observed those petals flutter in the wind, Hu Dapao fell into a trance and felt the urge to blow those uncooperative petals away, just in case they disturbed the girl’s sleep.

 He had never seen a girl up close before. In other words, he had never been in such proximity to a girl.

 It felt as though something had germinated from the depths of his heart, and it was developing at a crazy rate.

 Hu Dapao’s breathing became unsteady. His back remained straight as he leaned against the osmanthus tree. As the girl breathed against his face, it seemed to dig out all the tenderness from the depths of his heart.

 In the past, Ah Shu had brought him to the Drunken Joy Pavilion, but he was completely uninterested in the girls there. Ah Shu joked that he only knew how to kill and slaughter, and did not understand the joys of male and female relationships.

 He also thought he was like that.

 However, now that he was hugging Nangong Bi, he suddenly realized that he too enjoyed the company of a girl.

 Such a desire was hard to control once it erupted. It was just like besieging a city that had broken walls, and there was no way to defend against it. The only way out was to surrender your guns and artillery to prevent being utterly annihilated.

 This foreign emotion contained a sliver of joy, causing him to feel both refreshed and fearful. His desire made him feel like a traveler who was on a journey that spanned a few thousand miles, with a thirst that made one yearn for water.

 An unknown period had passed. The girl raised her head, which was throbbing with discomfort. She groaned and tried to stand up, but stumbled and fell back towards the hay mat. Hu Dapao immediately caught her by the waist.

 His face flushed red and he speedily retracted his hands. When he saw the girl lying on the hay mat, he took a few deep breaths and left in a fluster.

 As he walked away from the girl, a cold breeze blew past, immediately clearing his mind. With a lowly status, he was no match for Nangong Bi. Having such a fleeting thought felt like a sin.

 Hu Dapao took one last look at the girl’s captivating and beautiful face, before turning around.

 When he saw an old granny walk over, Hu Dapao hurriedly went over and said, “Miss Nangong is intoxicated! Go and support her so that she may rest. Once you’re done, go report this to Master Su!”

 “Yes!” The old granny quickly nodded her head. She acted according to Hu Dapao’s instructions and found Nangong Bi lying under the osmanthus tree. She helped her up and brought her into a room to rest.

 Hu Dapao returned to the wine cellar to carry out two jars of wine only after he saw Nangong Bi enter the room.

 Inside, Ah Shu shouted, “Were you retrieving or brewing wine? You were gone for half a day!”

 Hu Dapao’s eyes wandered onto Nangong Shu and he hastily lowered his head. The edges of his ears reddened as he smiled goofily. “I went to pee!”

 Once the wine was served, everyone continued to chat and converse.

 Nangong Shu glanced at the back door and asked, “Why isn’t Bi’er back yet?”

 Hu Dapao lowered his head to take a big gulp of wine and did not dare to respond.

 Su Jiu also recalled that Nangong Bi had already disappeared for quite a while. Just as she was about to get up to search for her, she caught sight of the old granny who worked for the restaurant. She walked over and conveyed cautiously, “Masters, Miss Nangong was drunk, so this servant brought her upstairs to rest. I came to inform all of you, masters.”

 Nangong Shu frowned slightly. “Drunk?”

 Su Jiu suddenly realized something. “She must have secretly drunk my wine!”

 Nangong Shu revealed a helpless expression. Restless, he stood up and said, “Bring me there to have a look!”

 “Yes!” That old granny brought Nangong Shu upstairs.

 Hu Dapao took another big gulp of wine in silence. He was no longer as chatty as before, and his face got redder and redder as he drank.

 Nangong Shu returned in a short while. He mentioned that Nangong Bi had already fallen asleep, and would only leave once she woke up.

 She knew that she could not hold her liquor well, and yet she still coveted wine. She would get excited whenever she saw others drink wine.

 Su Jiu smiled. “I got the kitchen to brew some hangover soup! We can let Miss Nangong drink it later. Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal!”

 Nangong Shu nodded his head and continued to eat with the rest.

 The evening was fast approaching and yet, Nangong Bi remained asleep. Nangong Shu had other matters to attend to, and could not help but feel that he was in a scramble. Even after calling her a few times, she refused to wake up.

 Su Jiu suggested, “Why don’t you go attend to your matters first? When Nangong Bi wakes up, we’ll send her back home!”

 Naturally, Nangong Shu trusted Su Jiu and the group. He nodded his head and said, “Then I must trouble Master Su!”

 “No problem!”

 Once Nangong Shu took his leave, Su Jiu got Chang Huan, Qiao An, and Ah Shu to return. She stayed behind to wait in the restaurant.

 Chang Huan originally intended to accompany Su Jiu, but the managers at the trading company reported that they have some matters to discuss with him. Chang Huan had no choice but to head back first.

 The sky had darkened, and only Su Jiu and Hu Dapao were left in the restaurant. Su Jiu said, “You should go back as well. The Emperor just bestowed a manor to you, and you haven’t gone over to take a look!”

 “I’m… I’m in no rush…. Stay behind… with the Chief!” Hu Dapao stammered, smiling awkwardly.

 Both of them were bored, and so they whipped out dice to play games.

 Suddenly, the doors of the restaurant were opened, and Ji Yuxian appeared outside the door. He wore a dark purple brocade robe, with sleeves that were embroidered with silver thread. His tall stature exuded a sense of nobility as he slowly walked in.

 “Eldest Master!” Hu Dapao hurriedly stood up to greet him.

 Ji Yuxian smiled. “Congratulations!”

 Slightly embarrassed, Hu Dapao replied, “Thank you, Master!”

 Su Jiu turned around and asked with a faint smile, “How did you know I was here?”

 “Your Dragon Conqueror Gang received such joyous news, and you all just welcomed Qiao An and Hu Dapao back. If you guys didn’t drink, then something is wrong!” The man chuckled softly.

 He had spent the day carrying out an audit at the bank. On the way back to the manor, he instructed Jin Feng to stop by the restaurant. As expected, the smell of wine was still lingering in the air.

 Su Jiu chortled. “Thank goodness Nangong Bi got drunk! If not, you would have charged into an empty nest!”

 “Can you follow your husband and go home now?” Ji Yuxian asked without hesitation.

 “I can’t go back yet. Nangong Bi got drunk and she is sleeping upstairs now. I promised Nangong Shu that I will send Nangong Bi back home when she wakes up!” Su Jiu replied.

 Ji Yuxian knitted his brows. “If she continues sleeping until tomorrow morning, are you going to wait for her till then?”

 Su Jiu widened her eyes. “That shouldn’t happen!”

 Hu Dapao quickly suggested, “Chief, why don’t you return with the Eldest Master first? We can’t let the Eldest Master wait here as well. When Miss Nangong wakes up later, I will send her back!”

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 Su Jiu contemplated for a moment before nodding her head. “That works fine too. Remember to send her back home. You should leave only when you see her step into the Nangong Manor!”

 “Yes, I understand!” Hu Dapao immediately agreed.

 Su Jiu nagged him once more, before leaving the restaurant and heading back to the manor with Ji Yuxian.

 Hu Dapao sent Su Jiu off at the door. When he returned to the dining hall, he continued to wait calmly. He had never been so patient in his life.

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