Chapter 186: The Ambush

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Since the prince’s wedding was an important, joyous event, the palace went through lavish decoration. Colorful lanterns were hung high, and all the servants were busy preparing the ancestral worshipping ceremony scheduled for the following day.

 A carriage idled outside Fushou Palace. Imperial Concubine Rong personally escorted Bai Jingrou out of the door.

 “It may seem inappropriate to send you back this late, sister,” Imperial Concubine Rong apologized. “I’ll explain everything to you later.”

 “Did something happen in the palace? Where is His Majesty?” Bai Jingrou asked, knitting a frown.

 Emperor Zhao Ping had frequented Fushou Palace whenever he had time, but she hadn’t seen him in recent days. The Empress Dowager claimed the Emperor was sick, but she could sense that there were some untold secrets.

 “His Majesty is perfectly fine,” Imperial Concubine Rong insisted. “Please leave the palace for the time being, sister. You’ll find out more after tomorrow.”

 Bai Jingrou nodded. After all, she was merely a civilian who had no qualifications to participate in palatial affairs. “You and the Empress Dowager ought to take care of yourselves,” she stated sternly.

 “We will. Rest assured, sister!”

 Imperial Concubine Rong personally helped Bai Jingrou onto the carriage and gave an order to the driver, who proceeded to ride out of the royal palace.

 Soldiers of the Forbidden Army inspected the carriage thoroughly at the palace gate, before letting it through.

 Bai Jingrou turned back and gazed at the sprawling palace behind her, a sense of concern growing in her heart.

 This one day, Su Jiu had only just entered Yuhu Mountain when a stretch of the mountain road collapsed, trapping the carriage in a small town.

 Su Jiu waited for an entire afternoon, yet the road was still not repaired.

 It was already late at night. According to the letter, Xiao Lie and Yu Long were to get married the following day. Till now, Su Jiu still couldn’t believe the fact that Xiao Lie had betrayed her.

 Then again, on second thought, Xiao Lie had indeed intentionally sent her to Fuyang City.

 With coldness glimmering in her eyes, Su Jiu returned to her room and ordered Er Mao to help Li Rong find lodging in town. She then hopped onto her horse and rode back to the capital city alone.

 Although carriages could not ride through the collapsed mountain path, a single horse was not subjected to such restriction.

 Baffled by the urgency, Er Mao couldn’t understand why Su Jiu was so determined to return to the capital city. “Please be careful on the way. I’ll take good care of Li Rong!”

 “Alright. I’ll make it quick and come back to fetch you after my mission.”

 “No worries. Please take care!”

 Er Mao watched Su Jiu hopping onto her horse and riding into the night. He stood there until the departing hoofbeats could no longer be heard, then returned to his room for sleep.

 The 22nd of May was the lucky day selected by the Ministry of Rites for Prince Rui. All preparations were done for the ceremony.

 Early in the morning, the weather was pleasing, and the whole of Shengjing City was bathed in the warm glow of the sun.

 All the citizens were awakened by deafening firecrackers. Everyone hopped out of bed and went into the streets to participate in the wedding celebration.

 The sedan chair for the bride emerged out of the palace garden, followed by an intricate parade marching down Zhuque Street.

 Onlookers lined up on both sides of the street. The crowd was cheerful and boisterous, eager to see Prince Rui and the princess in person.

 Xiao Lie, Prince Rui of the kingdom, rode on a high horse while donning a bright-red robe. His face was handsome, and his eyes were glistening. He exuded pride and nobility, enshrouded by a majestic aura that could only come with a royal upbringing.

 Behind him, an ornate sedan chair was carried by 16 men. Its curtains were lavishly embroidered, with numerous luminous pearls hanging down their eaves.

 16 teenage girls in pastel robes lined up on either side of the sedan chair, scooping up flower petals from the baskets in their hands and spreading them along the way. The petals sprinkled and fell like raindrops, filling the entire Shengjing City with an aromatic fragrance.

 The onlookers cheered aloud, utterly impressed by the spectacle of grandeur.

 The parade reached the palace gate. Xiao Lie hopped off his horse and took Yu Long into the palace to pay their respects to the Emperor.

 All the officials were already waiting by the palace gate by then. Seeing the two, they promptly knelt and bowed to Prince Rui and Lady Rui.

 Upon entering the palace, Xiao Lie and Yu Long prayed in the ancestral temple and paid their respects to Emperor Zhao Ping and the queen. They then left the palace and returned to Prince Rui’s Manor.

 The manor was already packed with guests and relatives. Upon seeing the parade coming their way, drums started beating and music began blaring. The joyous atmosphere was vibrant, splendid, and even overwhelming.

 Meanwhile, Su Jiu hadn’t slept for the whole night. Around noon, she reached the city gates, hopped off her horse, and entered Shengjing. Along the way, she could hear the passersby chattering incessantly about the wedding ceremony.

 “Prince Rui is so handsome. He is the pride of our Liang Kingdom!”

 “The princess ain’t that bad, either. I’ve never seen such a lavish wedding parade!”

 “The marriage is between His Royal Highness and Lord Yun Nan’s family. Surely it deserves such extravagance!”


 Su Jiu listened quietly to their comments, her eyes gleaming coolly, and her heart sinking further by the second.

 Once inside the city, Su Jiu again mounted her horse and hurriedly rode toward Prince Rui’s Manor.

 The inner city was even more lively and joyous. From a distance, she could already see the bright red lanterns hanging outside the manor’s front door. In the thundering drum beats, Xiao Lie dismounted his horse, kicked open the sedan chair’s door, and took Princess Yu Long into the manor.

 Both of them were wearing bright-red robes, emanating charm and beauty. Truly a match made in heaven.

 Other than the onlookers, all the guests followed them into the manor.

 Su Jiu stood quietly and watched on as Xiao Lie and Yu Long disappeared into the front door. Just then, Xiao Lie’s previous passionate declarations of his love rang vividly in her mind.

 “Stay with me, Ah Jiu!”

 “I love no one else but you, Ah Jiu!”

 “Ah Jiu, I’ll make you Lady Rui and announce it to the world!”

 “Ah Jiu…”


 It turned out he was a liar, just like everyone else.

 Su Jiu walked over slowly and promptly bumped into Ding Fei, who was on his way out to greet the guests. Upon seeing Su Jiu, his face turned pale, and he stood motionlessly.

 Su Jiu’s face was blank and expressionless, pale like the cloudless sky. She took a deep breath to suppress the heaviness in her heart, then lifted a hand, forcibly ripped off the jade pendant hanging down a string around her neck, and handed it to Ding Fei. “Please give this back to Xiao Lie for me!”

 She was surprised by her own calmness. At least she didn’t recklessly charge into the manor to slay Xiao Lie.

 Ding Fei gaped at the jade pendant in astonishment. “Lady Su… His Royal Highness…” he stuttered, scrambling to find words.

 Before he could finish, however, Su Jiu turned around to leave. Ding Fei watched on as she hopped onto her horse and rode away, soon disappearing into the roaming crowd.

 Knitting a deep frown, Ding Fei turned and went back into the manor, the pendant in hand.

 It was extremely crowded inside the manor. Waves of loud laughter seeped out of the wedding hall, accompanying the voice of the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Rites. The wedding ceremony had been completed.

 The bride was led into the bridal chamber in the back courtyard. Xiao Lie also exited the hall, surrounded by a sizable entourage.

 Upon seeing Ding Fei’s awkward expression, Xiao Lie walked over to him. “What happened?” asked the prince.

 Clutching the jade pendant in his hand, Ding Fei approached the prince, his steps heavy and sluggish. “Lady Su asked me to return this to you, Your Highness.” He hesitantly delivered the message and handed over the pendant.

 Xiao Lie’s gaze locked onto the jade pendant. In an instant, all color drained from his cheeks, as if a bucket of icy water had poured onto his head and turned his blood frozen solid.

 All the brightness vanished in his sight, and all the noises faded away in his ears. The jade pendant became the only thing he could see, and its coldness was the only thing he was able to feel.

 “Where is she?” he asked in a husky voice as he took the pendant with a trembling hand.

 Wasn’t Su Jiu in Fuyang City? Why was she back in the city?

 “She left after giving me the pendant,” Ding Fei replied with his head lowered.

 Xiao Lie jolted, then hurried out of the front door, his red robe fluttering fervently through the air.


 “Your Royal Highness!” Ding Fei scrambled to block his way, only to be flung aside by Xiao Lie.

 All the guests looked over, stunned to see a ghastly pale Xiao Lie dashing out of the manor and disappearing into the crowd outside.

 Ding Fei hopped back onto his feet and chased after the prince. “Please calm down, Your Highness!” He plunked down onto his knees before Xiao Lie. “This is an important day, and Your Highness still has a lot to do!”

 “You can explain everything to Lady Su later on, Your Highness! This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion, and it can’t be ruined by mere impulse!”

 “Please come to your senses, Your Royal Highness!”

 Xiao Lie felt his breaths turning glacial as if he had suddenly been tossed into the coldest of winter days. He gazed at the direction into which Su Jiu had long disappeared.

 “You know as well as I do, Ding Fei,” he said hoarsely after a long stretch of silence. “If I ever lose Ah Jiu, I’ll go to hell and never be forgiven!”

 “You won’t lose Lady Su!” Ding Fei insisted, still kneeling.

 “Is everything prepared in the palace?” Xiao Lie asked.

 “Yes, all things have been arranged.”

 Xiao Lie cast a final glance down the street, but Su Jiu was ultimately nowhere in sight. He turned back and walked back to the manor.


 Su Jiu rode out of the city and dashed toward the small town in Yuhu Mountain.

 She had made a promise to Xiao Lie. A promise she had no intention of breaking.

 The wind whooshed through Su Jiu’s eardrums. Her mind was hopelessly muddled, with snippets of memories flashing across beyond her control. She recalled how they had met and become close. How he had confessed his feelings for her outside Youzhou City. She recalled the night in which he had stood in the rain and gazed at her longingly with his glistening, passionate eyes.

 How vividly those eyes glimmered in her mind. Yet they soon faded away, like everything else.

 The anger of having been deceived and betrayed surged up. The girl felt a heaviness in her chest as if it was about to explode at any moment.

 Her face ghastly pale, the girl rode on faster and faster, wanting nothing more than melting into the wind.

 When she reached Yuhu Mountain and climbed up Blood Cliff, the sun was already setting. The deeper she traversed into the mountain, the dimmer the sky became.

 Suddenly, the stench of blood was carried over by the wind. Su Jiu hurried ahead, alarmed. Before long, she heard the sound of someone fighting a distance away before her. Weapons clanked, and pained screams echoed.

 As she rode up the narrow path toward the cliff, she spotted a man being ambushed by a group of attackers in black robes.

 “Chang Huan!” Su Jiu’s eyes bulged wide.

 It was indeed Chang Huan who was being ambushed by the assailants, and he was reaching the end of his life. A sword slashed into his chest, and Chang Huan plunked onto his knees.

 Astounded, Su Jiu lunged over like a bolt of lightning. With a spin-kick, she sent the attackers flailing, then crouched down to hold Chang Huan in her arms. “Are you hurt, Chang Huan?” she asked.

 Yet at this very moment, the kneeling man in her arms abruptly jumped up. A sword in his hand gleamed across and stabbed deep into Su Jiu’s chest.

 Blood splattered in the glistening dusk sun.

 Su Jiu turned frozen, her hand grabbing onto the blade. Her eyes widened when she realized that the man before her was not Chang Huan, but someone wearing Chang Huan’s clothes. It was none other than Yuan Lu, Chang Huan’s personal guard who had been assigned to him after his return to Lord Yun Nan’s Manor.

 “Sorry, Lady Su,” Yuan Lu muttered blankly. “I’ve been ordered by the crown prince to take your life.”

 Su Jiu was still clutching the sharp blade with her bare hand. Her palm was slashed open, and blood dripped down onto the ground. “No, Chang Huan would never want me dead!” she shook her head slowly and firmly.

 Yuan Lu abruptly shoved the sword forward. The blade pierced through Su Jiu’s torso and pinned her to the cliff-face.

 The sword trembled, and blood spewed out of Su Jiu’s mouth. With her remaining strength, she sent a fierce punch to Yuan Lu’s face and sent the man flying.

 “You’re lying to me!” she screamed hoarsely. “Chang Huan would never betray me! Never!”

 All the attackers in black lunged over again. All of their weapons slashed down at Su Jiu.

 Su Jiu pressed one hand on her wound and leaped up into the air, her face as white as a sheet. She sent an attacker tumbling with a fierce fly-kick and seized his weapon. With a forceful swing of the blade, she knocked the other attackers into the air like ragdolls.

 As blood soaked her robe, the girl swung her blade swiftly and furiously, a cold, murderous light glistening in her eyes. She lunged forward and slashed her sword in all directions in seething anger as if having transformed into the angel of death.

 Yuan Lu gawked at her in utter horror, shocked to find her still a formidable, fearsome fighter even after such a severe injury.

 Clank! Their weapons collided, and Su Jiu’s blade snapped into two halves. Blood gushed out as another deep wound was carved into the girl’s shoulder. Her face was turning paler.

 Ding! The azure bracelet on Su Jiu’s wrist shattered into shards and scattered in the wind.

 “The crown prince knows well how skilled you are in martial arts. That’s why he gave me this precious sword. Please don’t fight anymore and prepare for your death, miss. I shall leave your corpse in one piece.” Yuan Lu inched toward the gravely injured Su Jiu, wielding his precious sword into a thousand sparkles.

 “Chang Huan wouldn’t kill me!” With her chest soaked by her blood, Su Jiu could feel her strength, as well as her life, slowly draining away. She ducked from Yuan Lu’s slashing sword and sent another kick to the man’s chest. Yuan Lu again tumbled aside.

 “Don’t you understand now, lady?” Yuan Lu smirked, lying on the ground. “As long as you’re alive, Prince Rui can never love the princess wholeheartedly. To our crown prince, you’re just an outsider after all. However, the princess is the crown prince’s older sister. Don’t you understand who is closer to him?”

 “No!” Su Jiu clutched her chest and tumbled aground, covered in blood. Tears welled up in her bloodshot eyes as she lifted her head and lunged at Yuan Lu. “Chang Huan would never betray me!”

 Agile like a panther, she unleashed another round of attacks.


 How could Chang Huan ever betray her?

 No way!

 Yuan Lu leaped back to duck from the girl’s crazed assault. “Our crown prince sent you a letter and asked you to go back to the capital city,” he sneered. “Had he not ordered us to ambush you, who would’ve known you would have traveled through here?”

 Su Jiu shuddered. With staggering power, she lunged forward, kicked the sword out of Yuan Lu’s hand, and thrust a hand to grab the man’s chest.

 Seeing that the girl had lost her senses, Yuan Lu became fearful. “Archers! Shoot!” he hollered.

 The black-clad assailants instantly retreated as numerous arrows cut through the air and shot at the blood-drenched girl.

 The arrows slashed through the howling wind, buzzing like thunder, and shattering nature’s tranquility.

 Su Jiu struggled to duck amid the flying arrows, which soon tore open a thousand wounds throughout her body. In the excruciating pain, Su Jiu’s long hair came loose and fluttered in the wind like numerous daggers.

 Numerous arrows continued to shoot her way. Behind her, the cliff dropped precipitously down into a bottomless haze. She had reached the end of the rope, destined to die in this godforsaken place.

 With her blood quickly draining and her strength fast dissipating, Su Jiu felt her mind turning hazy and her vision becoming a crimson blur. She wanted nothing more than to shut her eyes and go into an eternal slumber.

 Just then, the long blade of a sword abruptly slashed into her bleeding chest. Su Jiu flew backward and fell off the cliff.

 She closed her eyes. This was it.

 Death wasn’t as horrifying as she had expected.

 “Su Jiu!”

 A shrill scream suddenly pierced through her eardrums, which brought her back to her senses.

 Who was calling her?

 The voice was panic-stricken and filled with genuine concern.

 Was there still someone who genuinely cared about her?

 A red shadow suddenly lunged over and, without hesitation, leaped off the cliff. Another booming holler rose at the same time.

 “Kill them all!”


 Atop the cliff, Jin Feng appeared and charged over on his horse. His men followed and lunged at the attackers without saying a word.

 “Su Jiu!”

 Ji Yuxian grabbed onto the falling girl, and his quivering voice called out her name.

 Su Jiu opened her eyes. In her blood-smeared vision, she could see the man’s handsome face and the utter fear in his eyes.

 “I came too late, Su Jiu!”

 “They all lied to me, Ji Yuxian!” Blood gushed out of the girl’s mouth, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

 “I know. Your husband is here now. I’ll kill every single person who has hurt you!” Gazing at the tears on the girl’s face, Ji Yuxian felt as if his chest had been torn open. The shrill wind was gushing into the gaping hole in his chest, about to rip him into shreds.

 “Husband?” Su Jiu whimpered, her eyes losing focus. “I wish Miss Su had never shown up. You would’ve remained my husband.”

 Ji Yuxian dangled in midair, holding onto a stretch of wild vines on the cliff-face with one hand, and grabbing onto Su Jiu with the other. Both of them swayed wildly like wilted branches in autumn, about to be uprooted any second.

 “Ji Yuxian,” the girl opened her mouth feebly. “I’m so tired. I want to go back to the mountain. Just let me go.”

 “You’re my life, Su Jiu! How can I ever let you go?” Ji Yuxian squeezed out all of his strengths and tried to hurl Su Jiu back atop the cliff.

 “Ji Yuxian…” Su Jiu whispered, closing her eyes. Her hand fell out of the man’s grip, and she plummeted down the cliff.

 “Su Jiu!”

 Ji Yuxian also dropped down, following the girl into the haziness under the cliff.

 The battle atop the cliff had come to an end. All the assailants in black had been killed. Only Yuan Lu, who was also gravely injured, had managed to flee.

 The gale howled on as the sky darkened. Jin Feng leaned over the edge of the cliff, but he could no longer see Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu’s figures. “Move it!” he hollered. “Find a way to the bottom of the cliff!”

 His men quickly spread out.

 After pondering for another moment, Jin Feng sent out a man to go inform the Dragon Conqueror Gang.

 In the bodyguard agency, Ah Shu was waiting for the news of Prince Rui’s wedding, when a bodyguard dashed in. “Something bad happened to Chief Jiu, sir!”

 Ah Shu jolted and hopped onto his feet.

 In the barracks outside the city, one of Hu Dapao’s men entered the commander’s tent. “Someone came to the barracks to see you, General Hu.”

 Hu Dapao hurried out, his heart pounding violently.

 Outside the barracks, a man was eagerly waiting. “Chief Su Jiu is in trouble, General!” he reported hastily upon seeing Hu Dapao.

 “What did you say?” Hu Dapao’s face dropped.

 Overwhelmed by concern and panic, he hopped onto his horse and rode toward Yuhu Mountain’s direction, swift like the wind.

 In the city, Qiao An and several colleagues were about to head for Prince Rui’s Manor, when a man rode over and hurriedly hopped off his horse. “Are you Master Qiao? Chief Su Jiu is in trouble!”

 “Where is she?” Qiao An was stunned.

 “Blood Cliff of Yuhu Mountain!”

 Qiao An instantly bade his colleagues farewell and dashed out of the city.

 At the same time, the palace had already descended into chaos.

 It was Xiao Lie’s wedding. Emperor Zhao Ping didn’t have to be present, but Xiao Jing needed to attend.

 Taking with him more than ten guards, Xiao Jing was exceptionally cautious. He planned to only show his face briefly, then leave without even drinking.

 As he arrived at the manor, the servants led him into the banquet hall. To his utter shock, upon entering the hall, all the doors abruptly slammed shut, and a slew of armed guards lunged out from the side door for a vicious assault.

 While Xiao Jing was being apprehended, Xiao Lie and Nangong Shu were in the palace.

 “Your Royal Highness!” The guards greeted the prince from the distance.

 Jin Sheng, who was guarding outside Yangxin Hall, thought Xiao Jing had returned. Upon hearing footsteps, he bowed with the utmost respect. “Your Royal Highness…”

 The person reaching before him didn’t say a word. With a blinding gleam, a sword stabbed into Jin Sheng’s chest.

 Jin Sheng reeled back in horror, the blade half-embedded in his chest. He looked up and was shocked to see Xiao Lie, who was supposed to be getting married in his manor.

 “What are you doing, Prince Rui?”

 “I want to see my father,” Xiao Lie said coldly as he slashed the sword again.

 Meanwhile, Nangong Shu also led his guards in and charged at the soldiers of the Forbidden Army in the palace.

 “General Nangong, you led your men into the palace without His Majesty’s approval!” Jin Sheng hollered in anger, fending Xiao Lie off as he spoke. “Are you and Prince Rui carrying out a coup?”

 “My elite soldiers are not in the city,” Nangong Shu sneered. “These are merely the guards in the Nangong Manor. The Nangong Family is willing to be held liable for anything that happens.”

 “Who started a coup, who the traitor is, we will find out when we see my father!” Xiao Lie fought alongside Nangong Shu. Jin Sheng reeled back under their attack.

 The Forbidden Army and the Nangong guards battled outside Yangxin Hall. War cries and pained hollers rose and fell, echoing throughout the palace.

 Within moments, the formerly peaceful royal palace became shrouded in the stench of blood. Dead bodies piled up outside the hall, and blood flowed like a river.

 Under Xiao Lie and Nangong Shu’s joint attack, Jin Sheng soon found it difficult to fend them off. His sword got knocked out of his hand, and his chest suffered another sword wound. Before long, he was apprehended by the Nangong guards.

 Xiao Lie flailed back and slew two more Forbidden Army soldiers, then charged toward the inner halls.

 Suddenly, he screeched to a halt, his face dropping.

 Imperial Concubine Xian emerged from the inner halls. She had in her hand a dagger, the tip of which was pressing against Emperor Zhao Ping’s neck. The concubine gingerly walked forward, followed by Ji Zhaoyi and Eunuch Bai.

 “Stop! All of you! Or I’ll kill the Emperor this very instance!”

 “A traitor will be executed together with all of her family members, Concubine Xian,” Xiao Lie declared glacially. “Stop right now, and I’ll consider sparing your life!”

 “Spare my life? In this palace, those who don’t have power end up dead sooner or later. Just like you and Jing’er— one of you will meet his demise for sure.”

 “The successor to the throne is to be decided by our father!” Xiao Lie squinted his eyes. “Meanwhile, you are bringing death unto yourself!”

 “No one knows who the victor will be in the end,” Imperial Concubine Xian argued, a crazed light glistening in her eyes. “Aren’t you the most filial son, Xiao Lie? If you kill yourself now and give the throne to Jing’er, I shall spare the Emperor’s life. What do you say?”

 “Stop your treacherous scheme, Concubine Xian!” Xiao Lie yelled crisply.

 “No, I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m only helping my son take the throne. Don’t you also want to become an Emperor, Prince Rui? Stop your pretentious act! Concubine Rong goes to Fushou Palace every day to sweet-talk the Empress Dowager. Isn’t she also trying to help you take the throne?” Imperial Concubine Xian’s voice grew more and more shrill. “We strive for the same end, only using different means!”

 “How despicable!” A deep voice suddenly bellowed. Empress Dowager Xiao emerged and hurried over, helped by Imperial Concubine Rong. Seeing the physically feeble Emperor Zhao Ping, the Empress Dowager was heartbroken. “You’ve already made a grave mistake, Concubine Xian. Repent now before it’s too late!”

 “As soon as the Emperor gives the throne to Jing’er, I’ll let him go!” Imperial Concubine Xian shouted, panicked to see Empress Dowager Xiao.

 “Let the Emperor go. I’ll take his place as your hostage!” Empress Dowager Zhao struggled to walk over.

 “Empress Dowager!” Imperial Concubine Rong hurriedly stopped her.

 “Step back! All of you!” Imperial Concubine Xian screamed like a madwoman. “Don’t you come near me. Or I’ll kill the Emperor!”

 Empress Dowager Xiao halted her steps and gazed at Emperor Zhao Ping, gravely concerned.

 With Jiyu and Eunuch Bao propping him up on either side, Emperor Zhao Ping smirked. “Even if you kill me, your son will never take the throne!”

 “What did you say?” Imperial Concubine Xian snickered. The dagger in her hand trembled, slashing a cut in the Emperor’s neck. “I know you favor that b*tch’s son, but why? What’s wrong with Jing’er? Why do you despise him?”

 “Don’t! Don’t harm His Majesty!” Imperial Concubine Rong shouted, tears running down her cheeks. “Xiao Lie can give up the throne, as long as you don’t harm His Majesty!”

 “You hypocrite b*tch!” Imperial Concubine Xian shrieked. “I simply cannot stand hypocrites like you! Years ago, you harmed Bai Jingrou, your sister, behind her back, and pretended to be empathetic in front of others. How disgusting!”

 Hearing her words, Emperor Zhao Ping jolted and looked up at Imperial Concubine Rong.

 Imperial Concubine Rong plopped down onto her knees, weeping out of control. “If you don’t believe me, just have your men kill me. As long as you let His Majesty go!”

 “Kill yourself then,” Imperial Concubine Xiao sneered. “If you kill yourself, I’ll let the Emperor go!”

 “Fine!” Imperial Concubine Rong stood up, took a long knife from one of the guards, and slashed it across her own throat without hesitation.



 Xiao Lie and Empress Dowager Xiao rushed over at the same time. Both reached out their hands to block the swinging blade.

 The blade slashed a long cut in Xiao Lie’s arm, and blood instantly gushed out.

 “Xiao Lie!” The long knife dropped out of Imperial Concubine Rong’s hand. She held onto Xiao Lie’s arm in panic.

 “Don’t trust her, Mother! Even if we all die, she still won’t let Father go!”

 Imperial Concubine Xian suddenly burst into cackles of laughter. “Aren’t you smart, Prince Rui? Even so, I won’t allow you to live!”

 “We don’t know who the last person standing will be yet,” Xiao Lie sneered.

 Just as he finished speaking, Nangong Shu, who had been gone for a moment, returned while holding Xiao Jing as a hostage.

 “Jing’er!” Imperial Concubine Xian’s face turned pale.

 “Mother!” Xiao Jing was tied up, apparently in utter panic.

 “Your wedding today turns out to be just a front, Xiao Lie!” Imperial Concubine Xian shouted, gritting her teeth. “It’s meant to lure Jing’er out of the palace!”

 “You’re right,” Xiao Lie replied. “We have apprehended Xiao Jing now. If you want him to live, let Father go and hand us the antidote!”

 “Don’t listen to him, Mother!” Xiao Jing screamed, “If you let Father go, both of us will get killed. Don’t let him go!”

 Xiao Jing’s sudden appearance shattered Imperial Concubine Xian’s confidence. Her hand holding the dagger began to shake.

 “Jiyu!” Empress Dowager Xiao abruptly hollered. “How dare you plot a coup with Prince Zhao? Do you want to see your mother and brother die?”

 Jiyu hurriedly shook her head. “This has nothing to do with them. It’s my own decision!”

 “Let go of His Majesty at once, and I’ll spare all the lives of the Ji Family!” Empress Dowager’s face turned solemn.

 Jiyu reflexively looked over at Xiao Jing, panic-stricken and not knowing what to do.

 “Don’t do it, dear Yu,” Xiao Jing screamed, struggling desperately. “If you let him go, I’ll die!”

 “Dear Yu?” Empress Dowager Xiao smirked. “Turns out you’re having an affair!”

 Losing his patience, Xiao Lie squinted his eyes and abruptly swung down the blade at Xiao Jing’s arm. Slash! Xiao Jing’s arm was instantly severed. Blood gushed out as the arm dropped onto the ground, creating a pool of crimson. The prince lifted his head and shrieked in agony.

 Xiao Lie gaped at Xiao Jing’s severed arm on the ground, profound hatred glistening in his eyes.

 If not for Xiao Jing’s scheme, he would never have forced Su Jiu away from him.

 “Jing’er!” Imperial Concubine Xian screamed.

 “Prince Zhao!” Jiyu’s eyes bulged wide.

 “Let Father go!” Xiao Lie pressed the blade onto Xiao Jing’s other arm and slowly lifted it.

 Imperial Concubine Xian descended into utter panic. The dagger in her hand shook uncontrollably.

 Xiao Jing collapsed onto the ground and struggled in desperation, his veins popping out of his forehead. “Don’t let him go!” he shouted.

 Xiao Lie squinted again and swung down the blade at Xiao Jing’s good arm.


 The dagger in Imperial Concubine Xian’s hand dropped onto the ground. She staggered over to Xiao Jing and threw herself on top of him. “Don’t hurt my son! Don’t hurt him anymore!” She bawled sorrowfully.

 At the same time, Nangong Shu leaped up and sent Jiyu and Eunuch Bai flying with a spin-kick.

 Empress Dowager Xiao and Imperial Concubine Rong also rushed over and held onto Emperor Zhao Ping.

 “Are you all right, Your Majesty?”

 Somewhat relieved, Xiao Lie pointed the blade straight at Xiao Jing’s chest. “Where is the antidote?” he demanded coldly.

 At this moment, Imperial Concubine Xian only cared about Xiao Jing’s wellbeing. Nothing else mattered anymore. She hastily retrieved the bottle of antidote from her robe and handed it to Xiao Lie. “Here, take it. Take it all. Just don’t hurt my son!”

 It was all over. A dizzy spell conquered Xiao Jing, and he promptly passed out.

 Nangong Shu ordered his men to apprehend Xiao Jing and his followers. All the traitors were imprisoned, and they were to await their punishment once the Emperor could resume his courtly affairs.

 Seeing Emperor Zhao Ping’s face regaining its color upon taking the antidote, Xiao Lie was further relieved, knowing that the antidote was, in fact, genuine and effective.

 He said a few words to Imperial Concubine Rong, then hurried out of the palace.

 He needed to see Su Jiu right away. He needed to explain everything to her!


 As the crown prince of Lord Yun Nan, Chang Huan came to Prince Rui’s Manor as a guest, on behalf of Yu Long’s mother and her family.

 He waited a long while for Su Jiu, who never showed up.

 She ought to have received his letter. She should have arrived two days ago.

 After a few drinks, Chang Huan could no longer contain his restlessness. He stood up and headed into the courtyard for some fresh air.

 Prince Rui’s Manor was shrouded in bright-red light. All the servants were busy serving the guests in the frontcourt, leaving the inner courtyard unusually quiet.

 Chang Huan sat down in the veranda and gazed up blankly at the hazy moon. For some unknown reason, he had been irked by uneasiness the entire day. Something was troubling him, rendering him unable to stay calm.

 The red light flashed onto his handsome yet gloomy face. A breeze brushed by, swaying a myriad of shadows.

 He longed for Su Jiu’s arrival. At the same time, however, he feared to see her again.

 Once she found out about his secret intentions, would she hate him?

 Feeling incredibly anxious, he couldn’t wait any longer. Maybe he ought to send someone to go look for Su Jiu?

 Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed across and headed deep into the inner courtyard.

 Startled, Chang Huan jolted and hurried to follow.

 In the inner courtyard of the manor, Yu Long had sent away all the bridesmaids. Donned in a red wedding robe, she sat in bed and waited quietly.

 The one she was waiting for was not Xiao Lie. She knew very well that Xiao Lie would not show up tonight.

 She was no longer wearing the bridal veil, exposing her exquisite, well made-up face. The phoenix crown on her head glistened coldly. She sat ramrod straight, exuding the dominant aura of the main consort that she had just become.

 Candles flickered on the table. Melted wax dripped down soundlessly. The patterns of dragon and phoenix were carved into the candle holders, giving out an air of luxurious abandonment.

 Suddenly, a rustle rose outside the window, as if it was carried over by the wind. Yu Long balled up both hands into fists. She stood up and hurried out, with a mixture of excitement, nervousness, and expectation flashing across her face.

 All the servants had been sent away. Outside the door, Yuan Lu was kneeling in the veranda, in the same posture as the night before, awaiting her orders.

 Still wearing her red wedding robe, Yu Long hurried over. “So?”

 “She was wounded by the sword.” Yuan Lu nodded. “One of my men shot an arrow into her chest. She fell off the cliff and is dead for sure!”

 The summer night was warm, yet Yuan Lu’s voice was chilling.

 Yu Long felt an instant sense of tranquility as her lips curled into a satisfied grin. Just as she was about to enquire further, a figure suddenly lunged over above-head and landed before her. It was Chang Huan, whose face was ghastly pale.

 “Who was wounded by the sword? Who fell off the cliff?”

 “Huan’er?” Yu Long’s smile stiffened, and her face was instantly drained of color.

 Yuan Lu was also shocked. “Crown prince!” He hurried to kowtow.

 “Why are you wearing my clothes?” Chang Huan asked in a husky voice. He slowly marched over and picked up the sword on the ground. When he noticed the bloodstains on the blade, he shuddered. “Who did you kill with this sword?”

 “Please forgive me, crown prince!” Yuan Lu bowed down his head.

 “You set me up and lured me into a trap. You made me write a letter to Boss and ask her to come back here. Then you ambushed her en route. Am I right?” Chang Huan’s voice quivered, rendering his words almost unintelligible.

 “Listen to me, Huan’er…” Yu Long took a panicked step forward and held his arm.

 “Don’t touch me!”

 Chang Huan staggered backward and pointed the sword at Yu Long, his face contorted. “I’m not Huan’er. I’m Chang Huan,” he said, teary-eyed. “From this day on, you’re my enemy, my nemesis! If something happens to Boss, I’ll take your life!”

 With these words, he dashed out like a gust of wind.

 “Huan’er!” Yu Long screamed and chased after him. Yet, Chang Huan’s figure had already vanished into the night. Unbeknownst to herself, teardrops tumbled down Yu Long’s cheeks.

 Once he was out of the palace, Xiao Lie headed straight for Qiao An’s house, only to find both Qiao An and Su Jiu missing.

 His anxiety instantly transformed into utter panic.

 She hadn’t gone home after having left the manor. Where could she have gone?

 Xiao Lie exited the far door, shivering from head to toe. Just as he was about to call someone, Ding Fei suddenly rode over, hopped off the horse, and knelt on one knee. “Your Highness, Lady Su… Something happened to her!”

 Xiao Lie’s body stiffened, his face turning pale.

 “What happened to her?”

 “I don’t know for sure. Lord Yun Nan’s son just hurried out of the city and headed for Yuhu Mountain’s direction.”

 Overwhelmed by a sense of foreboding, Xiao Lie immediately hopped onto Ding Fei’s horse and rode toward the city gates.

 Meanwhile, a big crowd had already gathered in Yuhu Mountain. The guards from the Ji Manor, Hu Dapao and his soldiers, the members of the Dragon Conqueror Gang; everyone was dashing to and fro on the mountain path.

 Upon climbing atop Blood Cliff, Xiao Lie was shocked to see corpses sprawling everywhere. A wave of intense fear struck him. He could barely stand straight in the howling wind. His chest tightened, and his face turned sheer white.

 A crisp chime suddenly sounded. On the ground, the golden bell tumbled in the wind, emitting the most chilling chiming noises.

 Xiao Lie walked over and knelt on one knee. Upon picking up the azure bracelet and the golden bell, he felt an unbearable dizzy spell.

 Beyond the edge of the cliff, there was nothing but pitch-blackness. Xiao Lie’s red robe and loose hair fluttered in the strong wind. In his mind’s eye, he could see the girl getting shot by an arrow and falling off the cliff. He could see her sorrowful, despaired face.

 The man slowly rose onto his feet, and leaped off the cliff!

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 “Your Highness!”

 Ding Fei rushed over, but it was too late. Xiao Lie’s figure had already vanished into the dark abyss.

 Petrified, Ding Fei turned around and screamed at the guards.

 “Move it! Go to the bottom of the cliff!”

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