Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 196 - Sneaking Into His Room At Night

Chapter 196: Sneaking Into His Room At Night

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Yu Long returned to her tent and sat on a cushion. Her body was stiff, her face white as a sheet, and she was breathing rapidly.

 Hong Xiu poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of her carefully, saying, “Crown Princess Consort, don’t be too angry!”

 Yu Long held up the tea, her hand shaking. She smashed the teacup hard on the floor.

 Hong Xiu was startled by the loud “Bang!” and screeched in surprise.

 She had never seen her Mistress so furious before. Back in Crown Prince’s Manor, she was always able to handle situations with grace no matter how serious it became.

 Yu Long clenched her hands, her eyes filled with hatred. She must kill Su Jiu!

 She must kill her!

 After Yu Long left, Su Jiu was summoned to Emperor Zhao Ping’s grand tent. She chatted and played chess with him for the whole afternoon.

 Su Jiu’s chess skills were so horrible that even Ji Yuxian didn’t know what to do with her. But Emperor Zhao Ping was extremely patient. Step by step, he taught her the placement rule, how to move, and how to take control of the game.

 Surprisingly, Su Jiu started to play decently after the afternoon lesson.

 That night, Lan Zhihui stayed in Xiao Lie’s tent to serve him.

 The next day was the last day of the hunting season. It was a sunny and gorgeous day. After a day of rest, people went into the mountain to hunt again.

 Su Jiu stayed with Emperor Zhao Ping, Nangong Bi, and the others in the beginning. But she got separated from them while chasing the prey and entered the depths of the forest.

 Although it was late autumn, the trees were still verdant and luxuriant. The branches and leaves interlaced above and kept the sunshine out. A chilly breeze blew, making people shiver.

 Su Jiu chased a white rabbit for a few miles. She couldn’t bear to kill it and wanted to capture it alive to bring back as a pet for Nangong Bi.

 Just as she was weaving a basket of canes to set up a trap, she heard a sudden rapid clatter of hoofbeats.

 A guard riding a horse and came up to Su Jiu. He to say to her hurriedly, “Lady Su, Lady Hu has been injured by a bear trap! You need to go to take a look!”

 Su Jiu dropped the half-finished basket right away and asked nervously, “Where is she?”

 “Please follow me!”

 “Ok. Hurry up and lead the way!”

 The two galloped deeper into the forest.

 When she entered the forest, Su Jiu couldn’t hear the sounds of hunting behind her at all. Leaves rustled in the breeze. Beyond that, it was dead silence.

 “Where on earth is Lady Hu?” Su Jiu asked, reining in her horse.

 The guard in front of her stopped. Out of the blue, he turned around with a fierce look in his eyes. He pulled his knife and leaped at Su Jiu.

 Almost instantaneously, countless men dressed in black appeared around her. They were all strong and vigorous, holding gleaming knives in their hands, and charged at Su Jiu menacingly.

 Su Jiu curled her lips up into a scornful smile. She jumped up, stomped on a guy’s chest, and stretched out her hand to seize his knife, her right leg doing side-thrust kicks. Her movements were natural and smooth, her body was nimble and swift. Several men in black were kicked away in an instant.

 Her black hair wavered in the air and the long knife she had taken was quickly stained with blood. Beleaguered by the men in black, she moved around with ease. The falling leaves swirled in the air like rain and the girl’s figure shifted like a ghost. No one could hurt her.

 The men dress in black fell to the ground one by one without even touching the hem of the girl’s garment.

 “Su Jiu, save me!”

 All of a sudden, the muffled voice of a girl covered by cloth, came from the distance.

 Su Jiu raised her head abruptly. Distracted, she took a hit in the shoulder and was thrust away.

 Her body started to sink with a loud noise the moment she touched the ground.

 A muted snort sounded in the trap. In the meantime, a wide net fell from the sky and long arrows shot into the trap rapidly.

 After a long time, Yu Long walked out from behind a tall tree when no more sound could be heard from the trap.

 Inside and all around, the trap was thickly studded with arrows whose feathers were still shaking slightly. The strong scent of blood filled the air. The forest appeared more lifeless in the face of the silent carnage.

 The woman had no expression on her face. She walked up to the trap step by step.

 That arrogant girl couldn’t possibly be alive again this time. The trap had been filled with long knives, so the girl would have been injured when she fell into it. Added to that, the arrow attack. There was no way for her to be alive.

 A bloodthirsty excitement flashed in Yu Long’s eyes. She strolled to the edge of the trap and looked down from above.

 The trap was dim and murky, gleaming with arrows everywhere. Where was that woman?

 Yu Long was startled. Without warning, a light blue figure spun up from the stone wall of the trap. With a fierce and menacing force, it shot up like the devil and appeared in front of Yu Long in a split second.

 Yu Long staggered back in fright but the black net in the trap flew up and enwrapped her.

 The young woman soared into the sky and stirred the leaves in the air at full tilt. She held a long arrow in her hand and struck out with an intense, powerful force. The aura of death flooded in, grass and turf flipped over, blood sprayed and squirted. All the men in black fell on the ground.

 Just as Yu Long was going to brush the black net off of her, a long knife was placed on her neck.

 The knife was cold to the touch and gave her a chilling sensation. She stopped moving immediately, raised her head, and stared at the young woman.

 The young woman wore her hair high and had delicate features. A frivolous smile was on her face as usual. She said, “Crown Princess Consort, I’m sorry. You lost again!”

 Yu Long’s eyes were as cold as ice. She said in a hateful tone, “What do you want? Kill me?”

 “How are we going to keep playing if I kill you?” The young woman winked at her mischievously.

 “What do you want to—” Before Yu Long could finish her sentence, she felt a sudden pain on her neck and passed out.

 Su Jiu stood up while carrying the knife, and said with a smile, “Those who have lost have to pay the price!”

 By sunset, the campground was in chaos. Crown Princess Consort was missing!

 Everyone had come back from hunting, yet Hong Xiu didn’t find Yu Long back in her tent. Desperately anxious, she went to see Xiao Lie.

 However, the guards in front of Xiao Lie’s tent told her that the Crown Prince was busy and wouldn’t see anyone.

 Hong Xiu had no choice but to see Lord Yun Nan.

 Lord Yun Nan was very worried when he heard that Yu Long had not yet come back. He reported to Emperor Zhao Ping and sent a troop of Forbidden Army to search for her.

 They looked for her around the camping grounds with no success before heading into the mountain.

 Soon, other people learned about the Crown Princess Consort going missing as well and were thrown into chaos and speculation.

 Xiao Lie’s face changed when he heard the guards’ report. He rushed to Su Jiu’s tent first.

 Walked with fast steps, he lifted the curtain of the tent hastily without waiting for someone to announce his arrival and saw Su Jiu and Nangong Bi eating tangerine inside.

 The man set his mind at rest in an instant.

 ” Your Highness, you’re in such a hurry. Do you want something?” Nangong Bi turned her head and asked.

 Xiao Lie looked at Su Jiu and smiled, saying, “Nothing. You keep eating!”

 Nangong Bi’s fingers grasped a slice of tangerine and burst into a laugh after Xiao Lie was gone.

 It was getting dark and still, the Crown Princess Consort was nowhere to be found. Lord Yun Nan was extremely anxious, and even Emperor Zhao Ping started to worry as well. They sent all of the Forbidden Army to search the mountain.

 Countless torches flickered in the mountain like a giant fire dragon coiling up the Mountain Phoenix.

 Lord Yun Nan led a group of people going into the mountain, disregarding Emperor Zhao Ping’s dissuasion.

 The Crown Princess Consort was found in a cave only at midnight.

 Soldiers of the Forbidden Army were shocked at the sight of Yu Long’s condition and were afraid of approaching her. They hastily sent people to look for Lord Yun Nan.

 Lord Yun Nan sped to the cave. He almost blacked out when he saw Yu Long.

 Yu Long was unconscious as she laid in the cave. Her hair was messed up and she was naked with her clothes carelessly tossed over her. Her bare skin was covered with bruises.

 Anyone who gave her a brief glance could guess what the woman went through.

 Lord Yun Nan walked up to her slowly with a grim face. He took off his cloak and wrapped her in it, carrying her as he walked out. He ordered in a murderous tone, “Search the whole mountain and find the culprit! Kill without mercy!”


 The Forbidden Army left to follow the order.

 The Mountain Phoenix was the imperial hunting grounds that were always heavily guarded. No outsiders could enter.

 The criminal who harmed Yu Long had to still be inside the hunting grounds.

 Nevertheless, the culprit was still not found by sunrise. On the contrary, they found some dead bodies clad in black clothes. After some investigation, the men in black turned out to have come from Lord Yun Nan Manor.

 The situation became mysterious in a flash!

 Could it be that the people from Lord Yun Nan Manor harmed the Crown Princess Consort?

 Emperor Zhao Ping barricaded the news about Yu Long’s situation after she was found. Still, gossip spread quickly, embellished with juicy and embroidered details.

 People couldn’t help but feel sympathy for Xiao Lie.

 After only a few months of marriage, Crown Princess Consort was…

 Xiao Lie had remained in his tent the whole time. Everyone figured he must be too devastated!

 With such a horrible thing happening, everyone on the camping grounds was in a state of anxiety and no one could sleep soundly. Only Su Jiu had an undisturbed night of rest and stretched for a long time outside of her tent when she woke up the next morning.

 The sun rose above the horizon. Morning mist veiling the mountain. Nonetheless, the fog could not stop the sunlight shining through. The mountain and the forest gradually become clear.

 People started to prepare for their return to the city. The autumn hunt that was supposed to be a success had turned grievous with what happened to the Crown Princess Consort.

 They heard that Yu Long was not awake yet when they marched back. Of course, the culprit was not found either.

 Nangong Bi was immensely exultant the whole way. She hummed a folk tune while holding the rabbit Su Jiu had caught for her.

 The battalion moved slowly. It was nightfall when they arrived in Shengjing City.

 Su Jiu got off the horse carriage and said goodbye to Emperor Zhao Ping.

 Emperor Zhao Ping was in a heavy mood since the matter concerning Yu Long was still unsolved. Yet his face remained composed as he smiled at Su Jiu and said, “Come to the palace someday with your mother. I will play chess with you again!”

 “Sure! Goodbye, Your Majesty!” Su Jiu waved and parted from Emperor Zhao Ping.

 In the horse carriage behind them, Xiao Lie lifted the curtain and shot a long look at Su Jiu. Through the raised curtain, she could vaguely see Lan Zhihui sitting inside the carriage with him.

 Su Jiu glanced at them briefly, then turned around and rode her horse away.

 It was already dark when she got home. Eldest Mistress knew Su Jiu would be back today and had been waiting for her to eat dinner.

 Eldest Mistress sized Su Jiu up and down upon seeing her. Realizing Su Jiu wasn’t injured, she said, “I couldn’t sleep tight for the past few days. I was worried that something would happen when you meet with the Crown Prince.”

 “Don’t worry. Nothing happened!” Su Jiu smiled and said, “I captured a silver fox on the mountain. The weather is getting cold. I will ask the servants to make a cloak for Mother.”

 Nanny laughed by the side. “My lady is usually casual in manner, but she becomes more attentive than anyone else when she cares about someone.”

 Eldest Mistress hugged Su Jiu and smiled lovingly.

 Just as the three were about to sit down and eat, they heard Peach saying outside the door, “Greetings, Old Master!”

 Su Wenqian walked in with hearty laughter, saying, “I heard that Jiu’er is back. So, I have come for a visit.”

 Eldest Mistress’s face turned a little sullen. She pulled Su Jiu to sit down.

 Su Wenqian walked in and saw their aloof expressions. He simpered and said, “I see you’re about to have dinner. It so happened that I haven’t eaten either. Nanny, add a plate for me too!”

 He was the Old Master after all. Nanny was a servant and had no choice but to follow his order. She took out another plate and a set of chopsticks for him.

 Su Wenqian looked at Su Jiu, smiling affectionately, and said, “Jiu’er is really awesome. You went hunting with the Emperor. Several good friends of mine heard about it and were quite envious of our family!”

 Su Jiu laughed. “Your good friends are really well-informed!”

 She didn’t go hunting with great fanfare. It must be someone in her family who had gone showing off on purpose if others had heard about it.

 Su Wenqian smiled ingratiatingly, saying, “Yes, good things naturally spread around fast!”

 Eldest Mistress picked some fish for Su Jiu and said, “Jiu’er, eat some more. Nanny made this herself!”

 “Thank you, mother!” Su Jiu smiled, her eyes squinting.

 The mother and daughter chatted and laughed happily, while Su Wenqian was left out of the conversation. The atmosphere became somewhat awkward.

 “Speaking of that, some good news has happened to our family. Jiu’er’s two elder brothers are also doing a good job. As the father, my mind has been put at ease!”

 Neither Su Jiu nor Eldest Mistress responded to him.

 Su Wenqian chuckled to himself and continued to say, “Our family can all live together happily. But Madame Lin was working in the outer yard in the cold these days and fell sick. After all, she is the mother of Di’er. It’s not appropriate in the eyes of the servants. I wonder if I can discuss with Jiu’er about transferring Madame Lin to the inner yard?”

 Su Jiu snorted with laughter and said, “You should discuss this with Mother. Did you forget that Mother is the mistress of the Su family?”

 Su Wenqian smiled in embarrassment and nodded, saying, “I was confused! I should have consulted my lady for this kind of family affair! What do you think about it, my lady?”

 Eldest Mistress put down her chopsticks and dabbed the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief. She said, “Madame Lin is a servant now and should be treated the same way as all the other servants in the family. Who would be working in the outer yard if everyone complained about the work and requested to be transferred to the inner yard?”

 Su Jiu smiled with her eyebrows arched and said, “Mother is right!”

 Su Wenqian became even more awkward upon hearing their words. He had no choice but to nod and say, “My lady is right!”

 After that, Su Wenqian didn’t try to talk anymore. He left after dinner, crestfallen.

 Su Jiu kept Eldest Mistress company after dinner and they enjoyed the bright full moon in the winding corridor. Su Jiu said, “Mother, Su Wenqian probably will bring up the thing about Madame Lin again. Don’t be tenderhearted!”

 Eldest Mistress looked determined. “She sold my daughter out. Why would I be tenderhearted when it comes to her!”

 Su Jiu held Eldest Mistress’s arm, raised her head, and laughed. “Mother is great!”

 Eldest Mistress shifted the hair from Su Jiu’s forehead. She hesitated before asking, “Did you meet the Crown Prince during the hunting event?”

 Su Jiu nodded and replied, “I did!”

 Eldest Mistress became nervous instantly and asked, “What did you say?”

 “What is Mother worrying about? Are you afraid that I will be moved by his words again?” Su Jiu sat in the corridor and swung her legs from side to side. Her face was beautiful under the moonlight.

 Eldest Mistress exhaled heavily. “Yes, I was afraid that you would be foolish again!”

 “I won’t!” Su Jiu pursed her lips and smiled.

 It was deep into the night. The autumn breeze blew on their faces and made them feel chilly.

 Su Jiu jumped up to her feet and said, “It’s getting cold. Mother, you should go back to your room and rest. Jiu’er can’t keep you company tonight anymore!”

 “Where are you going again?” Eldest Mistress asked.

 Su Jiu’s wide eyes stopped moving and she said hesitantly, “I’m going to take a walk outside!”

 Watching her expression change, Eldest Mistress suddenly cracked a knowing smile. She adjusted Su Jiu’s clothes and said, “Go. It’s alright if you choose to stay there for a few more days.”

 “What is Mother thinking?” Su Jiu snorted a laugh.

 “Doesn’t Jiu’er miss her husband? Are you saying that I misunderstood?” Eldest Mistress looked at her with a smile. Her tender eyes seemed to be able to see through everything.

 Su Jiu’s ears burned and muttered, “It’s because I have things to say to him. Alright, Mother go back to your room now. I’m leaving!”

 “The wind is freezing at night. Wear some more clothes!” Eldest Mistress called after her.

 “I know!”


 Ji Yuxian had a social engagement that night. It was around 10 pm when he finally returned to the manor.

 The horse carriage stopped outside the manor. Jin Feng hesitated for a moment and asked, “Young Master, do you want to go visit Young Mistress?”

 He knew about Su Jiu going to the hunting event and her impending return today.

 “No need!” Ji Yuxian stepped off the carriage and said gently, “It’s very late. Since she just came back, she would have many things to say to Eldest Mistress.”

 Wearing crimson robes, the man walked into the manor in the moonlight.

 His pace slowed down as he entered the inner yard. He turned around and said, “You should go back and rest as well!”

 “Yes!” Jin Feng answered and left.

 The servants had probably all gone to sleep already. The yard was quiet and tranquil. Candle lights flickered along the path while the soothing flood of moonlight shone through the roof and leaves, pouring into the yard.

 Ji Yuxian stood under the wooden portico in front of his bedroom door. Suddenly, he didn’t want to go to his room anymore.

 Osmanthus bloomed next to him on the portico. The shadow of the flower was cast on the man’s handsome face. His tall and slender figure looked particularly lonely in the moonlight.

 She must have met him on the hunting ground. What would they have talked about?

 Did they solve the misunderstanding between them? Had one poured out his heart, promised to divorce his wife and marry her, and had the other been moved by it and agreed to wait for him?

 Their marriage contract was dispensable to her and had never been a restraint.

 Therefore, he was a little afraid of seeing her.

 He was afraid that she would push him away again, firmly and resolutely this time.

 She had always been stony-hearted to him!

 He drank quite a lot of wine before and was feeling muddled in the head. Nonetheless, her face and her smile were so clear, lingering in his mind, haunting his dreams.

 The man closed his eyes and forced a hollow smile. He felt as if the wine he had drunk that night was turning into bitter tears.

 The bedroom door behind him opened quietly. In the mellow moonshine, a lithe figure slowly walked out behind the man and held him in her arms.

 Ji Yuxian’s body stiffened. His eyes lowered to the arms of the young woman around his waist. He didn’t dare to move.

 Was he hallucinating her because he was drunk?

 Su Jiu pressed her face on the man’s back and said in a muffled voice, “Why didn’t you come into the room? Did you drink again?”

 “Su Jiu, I’m drunk again.” the man said quietly.

 “Hm?” Su Jiu’s eyebrows arched.

 “I only see you when I’m drunk! It’s the same last time in Youzhou. I was drunk when I saw that you were waiting for me. But then you disappeared when I tried to hug you!” The man’s voice was nasal since he had been drinking and sounded especially deep in the gloomy darkness.

 Su Jiu was stunned. A sore, aching feeling rose in her chest.

 He thought she was a hallucination from being drunk.

 “Then turn around and hug me now,” Su Jiu said gently.

 “No.” The man closed his eyes and shook his head slowly.

 “Ji Yuxian,” Su Jiu’s arms tightened around him. She said, “I will leave you if you don’t turn around!”

 “Don’t!” The man panicked and turned. Reflecting the moonlight, his eyes gazed into hers.

 Eyes sparkling, Su Jiu smiled and stood on tiptoe to kiss his rosy lips. She bit him gently, asking, “Is it painful?”

 The man raised his hand and caressed her cheek, then held her tightly in his arms. He said with heavy breaths, “It’s the real Su Jiu!”

 “Mm!” Su Jiu hugged him back, nodding into his chest.

 Her soft, lithe body felt real and warm to the touch. Su Jiu really was in his arms. Ji Yuxian kept kissing her cheeks and felt a sense of wonderment in his heart. He wished they could melt together so that he would never have to worry about her leaving again.

 He carried the girl and strode into the bedroom.

 Putting the young woman on the bed, Ji Yuxian leaned forward and kissed her. His tongue was untamed, sucking on her lips forcefully.

 Su Jiu tasted the wine on his breath, her lips burning from his kiss. She took a deep breath and pushed him away, saying, “Ji Yuxian, you should take a shower first!”

 The man looked at her with his keen, sparkling eyes. He said, “You can’t leave!”

 Su Jiu burst into a laugh. She replied, “It’s in the middle of the night. Where can I go?”

 “Then I’m going to take a bath. I will be back soon!”


 The man stood up and left reluctantly, after holding her chin and kissing her for a little bit longer.

 Sitting in the warm bathtub, Ji Yuxian raised his head slightly. His lips couldn’t help but curl up into a bright smile.

 All of a sudden, he heard the sound of water splashing and saw Su Jiu jump into the water, wearing only her undergarments, wading towards him slowly.

 Her silky, black hair was loose down her back. Underneath the ivory-colored undergarments, he could make out her slender waist and long, straight legs. Her skin was smooth and spotless like jade. Veiled by the misting water, she looked as pure as a fairy, as bewitching as a siren.

 Ji Yuxian stared at her in a daze as lust and passion lit up in his eyes.

 With her soft, tender body leaned forward, Su Jiu wrapped her arms around the man’s neck. She raised her head slightly and gazed at him with bright, gleaming eyes, her eyes trailing from his eyes to his straight nose, then to his rosy lips. She pressed her lips onto his.

 Ji Yuxian’s heart trembled. He felt like he was in a dream.

 Su Jiu kept sucking on his lips and dipped her tongue into his mouth as though she was attracted by the aroma of the wine. Intoxicated, she swirled her tongue and said in a seductive voice,

 “Ji Yuxian, I behaved myself and didn’t drink any wine. You need to reward me now!”

 “What reward do you want?” the man asked, holding her lithe waist in his arms, breathing heavily.

 “I miss wine. You need to give it to me!” Su Jiu’s voice was gentle and enticing, her eyes as pure and clear as a mountain creek.

 Ji Yuxian thought he was going crazy. He exerted strength and pulled her down into the water, kissing her hard.


 The two lay in bed together half an hour later. Su Jiu exhaled a satisfying breath and prepared to go to sleep.

 “D*mned woman! Sooner or later I will make you burn with desire too. You will regret what you did to me!” The man said, clenching his teeth and burying his head in the young woman’s chest.

 Having prevailed at last, Su Jiu smiled with her eyes narrowed. She kissed the man’s face, saying, “Good boy. Lust is just an illusion!”

 Ji Yuxian chuckled and breathed in the fragrance of the young woman’s body. Then he asked in a low voice, “Did you miss me?”

 Su Jiu shook her head and replied, “I didn’t!”

 The man squeezed her waist right away, saying, “What are you doing here if you didn’t miss me?”

 “Then why ask if you already know?” Su Jiu mumbled quietly.

 The man was befuddled for a moment before a pleasing smile cracked on his face. He sat up, supporting his body with one arm, and stroked her cheek gently. “Tell me how much you missed me.”

 Su Jiu held his hand and caressed his slender fingers, answering him softly, “I missed you when I was eating, sleeping, standing, and sitting.”

 Ji Yuxian’s eyes brimmed with tenderness. He said, “Jiu’er…”

 Su Jiu raised her chin and looked at him, saying, “That’s why I couldn’t wait to come home and tell Mother I missed her so much!”

 Ji Yuxian didn’t know what to say.

 Looking at the man’s frustrated face, Su Jiu threw herself onto the bed and laughed with satisfaction. The man pounced on her and took off her already loose underwear, pinning her down under his body. He kissed her and pleasured her body in every possible way.

 After tossing and turning for half the night, naturally, they woke up late the next morning.

 Su Jiu realized that it was daybreak already, but she didn’t want to open her eyes. She felt the man teasing her body again. She squirmed a little and moaned instinctively.

 Resting on her chest, the man’s breath quickened. He touched her more forcefully and explored further down her body with his warm hand.

 With her eyes closed, Su Jiu stilled the man’s hand and said in a lazy voice, “Ji Yuxian, don’t mess around!”

 The man flipped over and laid on top of her. His long legs bore down on her legs. His hot kisses moved forward and lingered around her neck.

 Su Jiu snorted in protest but she couldn’t lift her chin.

 “Don’t leave me, okay?” The man bit on her earlobes and breathed hard, saying, “I will serve you every day!”

 Su Jiu’s heart trembled. She opened her eyes a little bit, still drowsy and half-asleep, saying, “My mother kicked me out. So I have to crash at Young Master Ji’s place for a few nights.”

 “Only a few nights?” the man protested with dissatisfaction.

 “Then, I will leave after breakfast!” Su Jiu said.

 The man gave in immediately, saying, “Alright. A few nights are fine.”

 The two cuddled in bed for half a day. It was already noon by the time they got up and ate.

 Su Jiu had just learned how to play chess and was at the height of enthusiasm. She pestered Ji Yuxian to play it with her after lunch.

 The young woman was very serious and pondered thoroughly before placing each piece. Ji Yuxian yielded to her yet displayed no sign of it. He cleverly dealt with the placement of her pieces.

 The two fought on the chessboard with time passing in the background.

 The sun was setting in the west. Ji Yuxian delivered peeled tangerine straight into Su Jiu’s mouth and said in a low voice, “Su Di works in Mingyuzhai. Do you know who is behind Mingyuzhai?”

 Su Jiu raised her eyebrows, saying, “Yu Long?”

 She couldn’t think of anyone else stupid enough to ask Su Di to be in charge of a shop without it being a deliberate plan.

 Ji Yuxian nodded slightly and said, “She’s coming for you!”

 “What does she want?” Su Jiu asked casually, resting her chin on one hand.

 “She is probably aiming for the palace—to suppress you through Imperial Concubine Rong and the Emperor!” Ji Yuxian said.

 Su Jiu placed a chess piece on the board and laughed. “Then I will take a step back and let her have her way!”

 “Do you need your husband to help?” Ji Yuxian picked up his teacup and took a sip. He held the chin of the young woman sitting across him and fed tea directly into her mouth.

 Su Jiu lapped up every drop of tea in his mouth and said with her eyes sparkling, “No. I will do it myself!”

 Ji Yuxian’s eyes darkened. He clutched her chin, about to kiss her again. He said, “As your husband, I’m happy to be at your service. I don’t want you to work too hard!”

 “Focus on chess!” Su Jiu pushed him away, saying, “It’s only interesting if I play with her alone. I don’t need your help!”

 “What kind of result are you looking for? What do you want after Yu Long leaves Xiao Lie?” Ji Yuxian asked softly with his eyes lowered.

 Su Jiu replied leisurely, “We will discuss it down the road!”

 Ji Yuxian lifted his eyes and glanced at her in silence.

 It was around sunset when the two finished their game of chess. Just as they were about to go to dinner, Jin Feng came in and reported, “Young Mistress, Lady Hu is at Qingxin Tavern and has sent people to call you.”

 Nangong Bi was looking for her?

 Su Jiu nodded, turned around, and said to Ji Yuxian, “Eat dinner by yourself first. I will go and see her!”

 Ji Yuxian grabbed her wrist. “When will you be back?”

 “I will be back after meeting with Nangong Bi!” Su Jiu laughed.

 “OK, I will be waiting for you,” the man said earnestly, his eyes deep.

 Su Jiu glanced at Jin Feng who had his head lowered, then stood on tiptoe and kissed Ji Yuxian’s lips quickly. She turned around and left with rapid strides.

 Jin Feng’s face blushed. He coughed quietly.

 The man’s eyes swept across him, saying, “Lower your head even more next time!”

 “Yes!” Jin Feng felt more and more unwanted as the days passed.

 Su Jiu walked out of the main courtyard to the gate. The servants greeted her one by one.

 “Greetings, Young Mistress!”

 Su Jiu raised her eyebrows. She didn’t come back for a year and never appeared at Ji Manor even after her background was revealed. She had always made her way over the roofs and walls each time, yet somehow all the servants seemed to recognize that she was the Young Mistress already.

 She smiled and walked out the door. A maidservant stared at her from the behind, then hurried to the rear court.

 The young maidservant entered Plum Breeze Estate where the Fourth Young Mistress lived. She walked straight into the bedroom and shut the door behind her, saying hastily, “Fourth Young Mistress!”

 Chen Yuchan was reading a book. She gave her a sidelong glance, asking, “Why are you so flustered?”

 “I just saw Young Mistress in the manor!” the young maidservant answered.

 A pucker appeared between Chen Yuchan’s eyebrows. She said, “Young Mistress is here again?”

 “Yes, she just left!” the maidservant said.

 Chen Yuchan snorted. “What on earth does she think Ji Manor is? How dare she comes and goes as she wishes!”

 Eldest Young Master indulged her too much!

 “Fourth Young Mistress, you need to think of a way to quickly take Eldest Young Master back before Young Mistress returns to Ji Manor. Eldest Young Master finally treats you a little bit better after all these difficulties. We can’t let her take it away from you again!” the maidservant said.

 Chen Yuchan’s eyes dimmed and she said, “For the past few days, Eldest Young Master wouldn’t even let me go to the main courtyard to send desserts to him!”

 “Exactly! Eldest Young Master has already started to distance himself from you even though Young Mistress Ji only comes to Ji Manor occasionally. How will there be a place for you to live if Young Mistress moves back officially? You would have to wait in vain again in this courtyard, barely able to see Eldest Young Master once a month, just like in the past.”

 Chen Yuchan clasped the book in her hand. Of course, she didn’t want that to happen either.

 Perhaps she had been fine being transparent in the manor previously. But now that she had a taste of affection, she could not be resigned to be so easily dismissed again.

 With mixed feelings, Chen Yuchan began to hesitate.

 “Fourth Young Mistress, you must fight for Eldest Young Master’s love. Otherwise, you will have nothing else to depend on for the rest of your life!” the young maidservant persuaded her ardently.

 Chen Yuchan sat upright. She demanded, “Did you see it clearly? Young Mistress has gone?”

 “Yes, I saw her leave with my own eyes!”

 Chen Yuchan nodded. She couldn’t wait any longer indeed. It would be too late by the time Su Jiu returned to Ji Manor for good!

 The sky was completely dark when Su Jiu arrived at Qingxin Tavern. Noisy and bustling, servers shuttled back and forth in the packed dining hall.

 Li Tai welcomed her the moment she stepped inside, saying, “Young Master, Lady Hu is over there!”

 Su Jiu turned her head and saw Nangong Bi sitting next to a window and looking at the night scene outside.

 Other people sat in small huddles, drinking and chatting. It was eye-catching because she was the only person who occupied a table alone.

 Su Jiu walked up to her and sat across the table, laughing. “Why did Dapao let you go out alone?”

 Nangong Bi looked back with a smile, saying, “He has some business at the military camp. I will be home alone tonight!”

 “Did you have something urgent to tell me?” Su Jiu asked.

 The server knew Nangong Bi and Su Jiu and served their favorite dishes without them ordering. He also brought a bottle of fine Nu Er Hong.

 With a solemn face, Nangong Bi spoke, “Su Jiu, when I went to the palace with my mother to pay my respects to the Empress Dowager, I heard servants reporting to Imperial Concubine Rong that Yu Long has woken up but can’t get up from bed yet!”

 Su Jiu smiled and said, “Even if she could get off the bed, she probably needs a few more days of rest.”

 “I worry that she may tell on you to the Emperor. You need to take care of yourself!” Nangong Bi said in a concerned voice.

 “Judging by her temperament, she won’t!” Su Jiu was confident.

 Nangong Bi was still not at ease. She said, “Even if she doesn’t tell on you now, she has a deep hatred for you because of what happened this time. She will definitely find a way to avenge herself!”

 “When does she not have a deep hatred for me?” Su Jiu was not troubled by this.

 “She is the type of person who wouldn’t take it lying down. Anyway, you need to watch out!” Nangong Bi urged her again.

 “Okay!” Su Jiu looked at the wine glass in her hand and nodded.

 “Young Master, this is the new hotpot our chief made. Why don’t you have a taste?” The server came and put down a beef hotpot in the middle of the table.

 Smelling the aroma of the beef, Nangong Bi suddenly frowned and covered her nose. She asked, “What’s this smell?”

 The server became nervous immediately and asked, “What’s wrong?”

 Nangong Bi felt her stomach surging inside as if she was about to throw up. She covered her mouth in a haste and turned her head away. “Take it away, now!”

 Holding the tea, Li Xin walked pass by. He instantly pushed the server and scolded, “You little punk! What did you serve to Young Master and Lady Hu?”

 Su Jiu was rubbing Nangong Bi’s back and shot a meaningful look at Li Xin.

 “Yes, yes. I will take it away right away!” The server lifted the hotpot in a hurry.

 Li Xin poured some water for Nangong Bi and said attentively, “Drink some water, Lady Hu!”

 “Nangong, how are you feeling?” Su Jiu asked, knitting her eyebrows.

 Nangong Bi patted her chest to soothe it and sat up. Her face was a little pale. She shook her head and said, “It’s not the server’s fault. I probably ate something bad and don’t feel good in my stomach. I wanted to throw up after smelling the beef just now!”

 “Do you want to see the doctor?” Su Jiu held the tea and tilted it for her to take a sip.

 “No need. I’m feeling much better now!” Nangong Bi smiled.

 Li Xin looked at Nangong Bi, eyes flickering. He walked away quietly.

 Su Jiu sent Nangong Bi home after dinner. Without Dapao, Su Jiu was worried about her living in General’s Manor alone, so she sent her back to Nangong Manor.

 In Ji Manor, Chen Yuchan carried a lunchbox and went to the main courtyard. Seeing the lights on in the study, she hesitated outside, then said to Jin Feng, “Eldest Young Master is busy. I don’t want to disturb him. I will take these desserts to the bedroom for him to eat after work.”

 Jin Feng nodded and answered, “Thank you, Fourth Young Mistress, for your trouble!”

 “My pleasure!” Chen Yuchan smiled gently and walked to the bedroom; her head lowered.

 Su Jiu entered the courtyard right as Chen Yuchan entered the bedroom.

 Su Jiu figured that Ji Yuxian was still working since he kept her company all day. Instead of going to the study, she went straight to the bedroom.

 Staring at Su Jiu’s retreating back, Jin Feng remembered that Chen Yuchan had just gone in. A peculiar look flashed in his eyes, but he remained silent.

 It seemed like a drama would unfold tonight!

 Jin Feng glanced at the closed door of the study room and suddenly sensed the excitement.

 He felt as though he had become a little crooked after knowing Su Jiu for so long.

 From outside the bedroom, Su Jiu vaguely saw a person’s shadow inside. Her forehead furrowed a little.

 Ji Yuxian was in the study. So who was it inside the bedroom?

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 Su Jiu tiptoed outside the window and dabbed her finger slightly on her tongue before gently pressing it on the window paper. She tilted her head and peeked inside.

 Chen Yuchan had walked into the inner room, taken out dishes filled with pastry, and laid them on the little table. Then she took out a porcelain jar.

 Chen Yuchan opened the lid. It looked like some kind of soup, hot steam whirling up. She turned and glanced at the tightly shut door. Reassured, she fished out a paper packet. It was a fine powder that Chen Yuchan ended up dumping into the porcelain jar until nothing was left in the paper packet.

 Chen Yuchan then stirred it well and put the lid back on.

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