Chapter 200: Tactics of a Beauty

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Su Jiu rushed straight through the door. The woman’s desperate sobbing filled her with fierce indignation.

 Jinming’s dress was torn up and she lay naked on a big bed. Her mouth was jammed with a cloth towel and she was tied to the bed. A topless man in red underpants was riding her and kissing her body wildly.

 Hearing the sound from the door, the man suddenly looked up. His beautiful face had a feminine charm and crazy lust was written all over his face. He was startled by Su Jiu’s appearance and asked, “Who are you?”

 “Your mother.” Su Jiu hurried over, picked up the man, and kicked him out.

 “Ah!” The man screamed loudly, rolling to the ground. His fair skin was a sharp contrast to his red underpants. Lying on the ground, he shouted with a fierce look, “Guards!”

 Su Jiu quickly untied the rope around Jinming’s hands, took the cloth towel out of her mouth, and covered her with the quilt.

 Jinming was terrified and shivered.

 Su Jiu hugged her and comforted her softly, “Do not be afraid. I’m here with you.”

 Jinming’s face was deadly pale. She didn’t say a word and tears streamed down her cheeks. She hugged Su Jiu and cried loudly.

 “Don’t cry!” Su Jiu was not good at comforting people. She patted her shoulder helplessly and took a coat over to her.

 Quick footsteps came to the door. The man’s lackeys had come up from the first and second floors and surrounded them. When they saw that Su Jiu had hit their master, they looked at Su Jiu with a fierce look.

 “Wait for me,” Su Jiu said to Jinming.

 She turned back and jumped at the lackeys. She fought them in an extremely fierce and merciless way.

 After a short while, the lackeys either dropped dead from stairs or clung tightly onto the wooden fence, howling miserably.

 Su Jiu’s eyes were as cold as snow. She picked up a long knife from the ground and walked towards the man who was hiding in the corner.

 “Don’t…don’t kill me.” The man panicked and begged for mercy. He had a very beautiful face, but now his face contorted because he was staring in fear and opened his mouth wide to plead.

 Su Jiu raised the knife in her hands coldly.

 “No, Su Jiu, don’t kill him!” Jinming suddenly shouted.

 Su Jiu turned around doubtfully.

 Jinming was sitting on the bed with the quilt wrapped around her. She had calmed down a little and hurriedly explained, “Su Jiu, he is Official Lyu’s eldest legitimate son. You can’t kill him.”

 Official Lyu was a minister of the highest rank in the palace. If Su Jiu killed his son, he would never let Su Jiu get away with it.

 “Yes, yes, I am Lyu Yi. My father is the chief minister,” the man said anxiously, gaping at Su Jiu in horror.

 “Official Lyu’s son?” Su Jiu grinned, squatted down, looked at his beautiful face, and said, “You are a good-looking guy. And you are also a rapist.”

 Lyu Yi thought that Su Jiu was afraid of his background and calmed himself down. After a while, he recovered his arrogance and narrowed his eyes to look at her. “It’s a blessing that I like her. She can’t reject me. And you, how dare you disturb me. Kneel and apologize! This is the only way that you can get out of here safely.”

 “You mean ‘safely’?” Su Jiu took the knife and gestured around Lyu Li. She slowly lowered the knife and hovered it between his legs. “Maybe I can help you learn about what living death is.”

 “Don’t touch me! I’ll get my father to kill all your families.” Lu Yi clutched his hands and retreated in horror.

 “I’m really scared.” Su Jiu grinned and threw the knife away. “I don’t like seeing blood.”

 Su Jiu got up and walked to Jinming’s bookshelf. She glanced at the bottles and cans above and asked, “Which one is the strongest?”

 Jinming was stunned and reached out. “The red one.”

 Su Jiu reached for a red porcelain bottle and took it from the bookshelf. She poured out the small red pills in the bottle.

 “Just one is enough,” Jinming immediately said.

 “For a nobleman like Lyu Li, one is far from enough,” Su Jiu grinned wickedly and poured out a handful of pills.

 “What are you going to do to me? Don’t touch me!” Lu Yi looked at the pills in Su Jiu’s hand. He knew that it was not a good thing and kept retreating.

 “Relax, I won’t touch your dirty body.” Su Jiu had a grin on her lips. She grabbed Lyu Yi’s chin and stuffed a handful of red pills into his mouth.

 Su Jiu thoughtfully fed him a sip of water. “How does it taste?” Su Jiu asked.

 Lyu Yi, still in his big red underpants, collapsed to the ground. “What the hell are you giving me?”

 “You will figure it out yourself soon.”

 Su Jiu got up and shouted, “Madam!”

 Lyu Yi’s lackeys had all been knocked out by Su Jiu. The brothel-keeper had come to the third floor when she heard the scuffle and now, she waited outside, closely monitoring what was happening in the room.

 Hearing Su Jiu call for her, the brothel-keeper immediately stepped forward and answered, “Master Su, how can I help?”

 “Find several pimps and cooks from the backyard. Nah, whoever you can find is fine, even the cleaners. Ask them to gather here.”

 “What is Master Su going to do?” the brothel-keeper asked in surprise.

 “Don’t ask. Go!”

 “I understand.” The brothel-keeper glanced at the lackeys who had been knocked out by Su Jiu on the ground and hurried away.

 Soon, more than a dozen people came, including the good-looking male prostitutes, cooks with a greasy face, and dust-covered cleaners. They all stood there waiting for Su Jiu’s order.

 In the room, Su Jiu’s pills started to work on Lyu Yi. Lyu Li had taken a handful of pills and now he was delirious, shaking all over. He took off his underpants and wriggled on the ground.

 Su Jiu took Lyu Yi to the next room and threw him on the ground. Then she asked the male prostitutes, cooks, and cleaners to go in together. “His bill is on me today. One hundred taels for each of you. You must serve Master Lyu well.”

 Lyu Yi was a beautiful guy. Now he was sprawled on the ground with his hair hanging loosely. He was flushed all over with his mouth slightly open, making low and painful groans which sounded more attractive than a woman’s voice.

 The men present were suddenly dumbfounded.

 “Go on, Master Lyu can’t wait any longer.” Su Jiu glanced back at Lyu Yi once, then went out and closed the door.

 Back in the other room, Su Jiu soon heard the violent movements coming from next door. She had a defiant look in her cold eyes.

 Jinming got dressed and looked worried. “He is Official Lyu’s son after all? Isn’t this too much?”

 “Relax, you have me.” Su Jiu smiled meaninglessly.

 “I’m grateful for you today,” Jinmingfu bowed down and said. “I’ll never forget your kindness as long as I live.”

 “Shangguan is not here, so Ji Manor is obliged to protect you.” Su Jiu smiled faintly.

 Jinming’s eyes glinted and said meaningfully, “Miss Su represents Ji Manor? You and Eldest Young Master…”

 Su Jiu coughed lightly and changed the topic. “This place is too dangerous for you. You’d better go with Shangguan.”

 Jinming pursed her lips and said, “Miss Su should know that Chunhua Brothel is mine. No one dares to treat me like this. Last night, Lyu Yi came and a girl of mine caught his eye. That girl makes a living as a performer, not a whore. So I stopped Lyu Yi who wanted to bed her and had other girls serve him. What I didn’t know is that he held a grudge against me because of this. So that’s why today he…”

 “Since you can’t leave, then at least have guards protect you,” Su Jiu said.

 “Thank you, I will be careful in the future.”


 On the evening of the same day, the city gates of Shengjing were surrounded by people. They looked up at Lyu Yi who was suspended from the city wall in his red underpants.

 Many of the people who passed by were women. They peeked over through crowds with a shy look.

 “Who is he? Why is he suspended there?”

 “I don’t know. It looks like he has suffered a lot,” a passer-by said. He seemed to understand what Lyu Yi had gone through when he saw the bruises on Lyu Yi with pity.

 “He’s suspended by a rope from the top of the city gate for a long time. Why is no one getting him down?”

 “He must have offended someone.”

 The suspended man provoked much discussion among the people and the soldiers who guarded the city gates went to their leader.

 Their leader came over and demanded coldly, “Who hung him here?”

 The soldiers immediately responded, “We don’t know. We found him suspended by a rope when we changed shifts earlier on.”

 “Get him down and find out who he is.” The leader of the soldiers looked up and saw that the suspended man seemed to be in a coma. His long hair tumbled untidily around his shoulders and covered his face. The head could not see his face but found the guy a little familiar.

 “Yes.” Several soldiers rushed to the city gates and pulled Lyu Yi down together.

 After seeing the man’s face, the leader’s knees buckled, and he almost fell to the ground. He immediately asked his men to go to Official Lyu’s manor. “Hurry up! Inform Official Lyu.”

 After dispersing the crowd, the leader of the soldiers took off his cloak and put it over Lyu Yi who was still unconscious. Full of anxiety, he called over the soldiers on duty again and asked about how they found Lyu Yi suspended. However, no one knew who did it.

 When Official Lyu arrived, he almost died of shock at the sight of his miserable son. He had his men immediately take Lyu Yi back to his manor and called for the doctor.

 Lyu Yi was Official Lyu’s eldest legitimate son and had always been spoiled and favored. This time the embarrassment Lyu Li had caused made Official Lyu burn and blaze with fury. He gave the word and asked his men to scour the city for the person who had hurt his son.

 The first place his men went to was Chunhua Brothel. However, when they arrived, they hardly saw anyone there except for servants.

 The servants told them without being asked, “Go to Su Jiu’s place in the east of the city and find Su Jiu.”

 By the next day’s dawn, nearly a hundred guards surrounded Su Jiu’s place, and not even a fly could escape from inside.

 “Go catch Su Jiu and bring her to me. I don’t care if the bast*rd is dead or not.” Even after a night, Official Lyu was still full of anger. His face was dark and gloomy.


 A dozen people rushed into Su Jiu’s place but soon they were thrown out one by one across the wall.

 “Kill that wicked meddling maniac! Su Jiu, it doesn’t matter how arrogant you are, you hurt my son, so I won’t let you leave here unharmed. Fire arrows!” Official Lyu sneered and gave the order.

 Official Lyu’s men aimed arrows whose points were set aflame into Su Jiu’s courtyard.

 Suddenly, A troop of soldiers emerged and blocked Su Jiu’s gate. They took out long knives and aimed at Official Lyu’s guards.

 Official Lyu looked at Hu Dapao who came to stand in front of the troop with dark eyes and asked coldly, “General Hu, what does this mean?”

 “I’m sorry, Official Lyu, the people living here are friends of mine and no one can touch Su Jiu unless he has the imperial edict from His Majesty.” Hu Dapao stood in front of the gate. His tall and straight figure was imposing and aggressive.

 Official Lyu narrowed his eyes fiercely. “Su Jiu hurt my son. Without informing His Majesty, I’m going to teach her a lesson.”

 Hu Dapao’s face remained the same and she said softly, “Please don’t make me repeat myself. Unless there is an imperial edict from His Majesty, no one is allowed to enter this courtyard.”

 “What if I must do so?” Official Lyu asked with a solemn voice.

 “Then please forgive me. I must stop you.”

 “You!” Official Lyu stared at Hu Dapao angrily.

 But Official Lyu’s people were only the guards of his manor. How could they fight with Hu Dapao’s strong soldiers? They were already lost in terms of morale.

 “General Hu, you have one last chance. Ask your soldiers to retreat. Otherwise, I’ll immediately enter the palace and impeach you. You lead imperial soldiers to protect a civilian’s house in private! You are breaking the law and harming innocent people.”

 “Official Lyu, please go ahead. I will wait for you.”

 “General Hu, know that if you insist, you will make a huge mistake that you’ll regret the rest of your life.”

 “Your son is a rapist. He has made a huge mistake that he’ll regret the rest of his life.”

 The two people were at a stalemate outside Su Jiu’s place. Their tolerance for each other’s presence had reached a boiling point.

 Suddenly, the gate creaked and slowly opened.

 Official Lyu looked up.

 A man in red came out slowly, holding a woman’s hand.

 The man had thin lips and phoenix eyes that were almond-shaped with the outer corners tilted upwards. There was an unconventional charm about him. The woman stood straight beside the man. She was second to no one in terms of her delicate face.

 “Master Ji,” Official Lyu narrowed his eyes in amazement.

 “Official Lyu, long time no see,” Ji Yuxian smiled slowly.

 It was indeed a long time that they hadn’t met each other. Before Official Lyu became the chief minister, he was in the Ministry of War and worked closely with Ji Yuxian. He couldn’t be more familiar with him.

 Official Lyu’s cold eyes fell on Su Jiu. “She is Su Jiu?”

 “Official Lyu, you have brought many of your manor guards to surround my place. Are you going to break into my house?” Su Jiu smiled lightly.

 “You did that to Yi’er?” Official Lyu asked.

 Su Jiu chuckled and said, “Official Lyu, please check your son’s injuries again. That’s not my work. As for who did it, I’m not sure. At that time, your son needed it desperately, so I picked up candidates from the street randomly.”

 “You!” Official Lyu’s face instantly turned livid and shouted with fury, “Get her!”

 However, before Official Lyu’s guards could make a move, Hu Dapao’s soldiers suddenly stepped forward, forcing the guards to retreat.

 “Official Lyu,” Ji Yuxian said slowly. “The woman your son hurt is the beloved of my friend. Now your son is also injured, so we are even. What do you think, Official Lyu?”

 “How is this even?” Lu Xiang sneered. “Master Ji, if you see my child’s injuries, you’ll know how I feel. If I don’t kill Su Jiu today, what she did to my son will rankle me my whole life.”

 “If you insist, I have to make it clear. I’m just a man of the people and I have no power. However, no one can lift a finger against Su Jiu if I’m still in this world.” Ji Yuxian narrowed his eyes, his voice cold.

 Official Lyu’s eyes trembled slightly and he looked straight at Ji Yuxian.

 “Who is Su Jiu to Master Jiu?”

 “My wife and also the mistress of Ji Manor,” Ji Yuxian responded softly.

 Official Lyu’s eyes glinted in surprise. He squinted fiercely. After a while, he slowly backed away, commanding his guards, “Go back.”

 Then, they turned and strode away.

 After all of Official Lyu’s guards left, Hu Dapao snorted and turned to Su Jiu. “Chief, I will be on watch with my soldiers tonight. Believe me, Official Lyu’s men don’t have a chance of entering this courtyard.”

 Su Jiu said with a smile, “Not necessary. Unless they bombarded my place with big cannons, I’m not afraid of him.”

 Hu Dapao laughed. “If he dares to do that, tomorrow his all of his family will find themselves beheaded and exterminated.”

 If Official Lyu had cannons, he would be immediately be convicted of treason.

 “I’m okay. You and your people go back. Tomorrow morning, Official Lyu might complain to His Majesty. Prepare yourself in advance for that,” Su Jiu said.

 Hu Dapao smiled lightly. “Whatever. Even in the past, I was never afraid of him.”

 Of course, Hu Dapao was not afraid of Official Lyu. The person in power in the court was Xiao Lie. If Xiao Lie knew that Official Lyu wanted to kill Su Jiu, he might kill Official Lyu first.

 After Hu Dapao left, Su Jiu asked servants to close the gate and she took Ji Yuxian’s hand, pulling him into the courtyard.

 “Frankly, you don’t have to come because if I dared to do that to Lyu Yi, I will have my way to deal with him.” Su Jiu smiled under the sunshine. Morning light danced in her eyes, which made for an absolutely beautiful scene.

 What Su Jiu didn’t like was exposing Ji Yuxian.

 “You were doing it for me. How can I let you face this alone?” Ji Yuxian stopped, arms around Su Jiu’s waist. His body was in the shadow and the morning light left a shining golden ring on his head, making his picturesque eyes and brows much more charming than usual.

 Su Jiu smiled. “It’s his son’s fault at first. Even if they go to the government office, I’m not afraid of him. Daliang’s law is clear about it. A man who rapes a woman shall be transported to a distant place for penal servitude after being publicly flogged eighty times. But the law doesn’t say what the punishment is if a man is raped.”

 Ji Yuxian smiled softly and said, “My Jiu’er, you are smarter than ever.”

 Su Jiu narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Because you are a good teacher.”

 Ji Yuxian’s chest felt like water at the moment. He held Su Jiu’s chin and kissed her.

 Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu walked along the covered corridor. Osmanthus flowers were falling, giving off a light perfume. The warm sunlight spread softly on the two people through the branches of osmanthus trees.

 The servants took a detour to avoid disturbing them. They all knew how to behave in such a delicate situation.

 After the kiss, adoration flooded Ji Yuxian’s eyes. He asked Su Jiu with a low voice, “Are you going home tonight?”

 Su Jiu gazed at him with deep feelings. She was lovely and charming this way. “After dinner with my mother.”

 “Then I’ll stay and have dinner with you together.”

 Su Jiu chuckled and took his hand. “Mother is waiting for us!”


 Official Lyu left Su’s place filled with boiling anger all the way back and was almost at the point of breaking down.

 “I’m going to the palace!”

 He gave a cold order to the driver.

 The driver turned the horse quickly and drove towards the palace gates.

 The morning audience was over. Official Lyu hurriedly walked towards Royal Study.

 As soon as he entered the hall’s gates, he saw a noble figure standing under the covered corridor.

 Official Lyu thought for a moment and walked over slowly. “Crown Prince.”

 Xiao Lie turned around and his eyes swept over Official Lyu. “Official Lyu, why are you paying such a rash visit at this time?”

 “I have something to report to His Majesty.” Official Lyu bowed his head.

 “My father is under the weather today. You can report to me if you’d like.” Xiao Lie spoke calmly, standing under the roofed corridor with his hands behind his back.

 “Yes!” Official Lyu hesitated for a moment and told Xiao Lie about how Su Jiu humiliated his son and Hu Dapao privately led soldiers to defend Su Jiu.

 Xiao Lie looked at him coldly and said, “I heard that Lyu Yi was forcing a woman at Chunhua Brothel. Su Jiu stopped him. It’s Lyu Yi’s fault.”

 “Your Highness! That woman is a whore, not an ordinary woman. My son is not a rapist!” Official Lyu said.

 “Even if you are in a brothel and she refuses, you can’t force her. Su Jiu can be convicted of wounding with intent. You can get her flogged, but what your son did was a crime. He’ll get exiled if you insist. Official Lyu, you’d better think it through a second time,” Xiao Lie said slowly.

 Official Lyu raised his head. “Your Highness, why does it feel like you are protecting Su Jiu?”

 “I’m not defending anyone. It’s a matter of fact. A prince who commits the same crime is punished the same as the common people. Lyu Yi is not superior to anyone just because he’s the chief minister’s son. His identity does not grant him immunity. Official Lyu, don’t you agree with me?”

 What Xiao Lie said was irrefutable, so Official Lyu bowed his head and said, “It’s my fault. I’m not a strict father.”

 “If you think so, go back and discipline your son. Official Lyu, you don’t have to attend the morning audience for the next few days. You need to handle your own affairs better before you can even be talking about the state’s affairs.”

 Official Lyu’s heart sank and he frowned. “Yes, I understand.”

 Coming out of the palace, Official Lyu was about to explode.

 He had entered the palace to get Su Jiu into trouble, but unexpectedly he met Xiao Lie. Not only did he fail to seek justice for Lyu Yi, he was suspended from the palace. There was really nothing more upsetting than this.

 A chief minister’s son was insulted and seriously injured by a civilian, but there was no way to punish this civilian.

 Why did Xiao Lie defend a normal woman?

 Was it because Official Lyu worked for Prince Yu that the Crown Prince deliberately made trouble for him?

 Official Lyu’s eyes were glazed with fury. He clenched his fists tightly.


 In the Crown Prince Manor

 Yu Long came back from Lord Yun Nan Manor and saw Ji Ze sitting in the front chamber waiting for Xiao Lie.

 Yu Long walked in and smiled. “Minister Ji!”

 Ji Ze got up and replied, “Crown Princess Consort!”

 “Minister Ji, His Highness guides the state on behalf of His Majesty and is really busy recently. He may come back later. Minister Ji, can I ask what is the reason you want to see His Highness?” Yu Long asked gently.

 Ji Ze said, “Yes, I have to bother His Highness for a little thing.”

 “What’s the matter?” Yu Long asked slowly.

 “Something happened in the city yesterday. Official Lyu’s son forced a woman to have sex with him in Chunhua Brothel yesterday. He was found poisoned and suspended by rope from the city wall. Today, Official Lyu didn’t go to court. He must be dealing with this stuff.”

 “Oh, who dares to do such a thing to Official Lyu’s son?” Yu Long asked with a smile.

 “Su Jiu,” Ji Ze said softly.

 Yu Long was suddenly startled.

 It was her again. This woman really wasn’t afraid of anything. Now she offended Official Lyu.

 Yu Long thought and asked, “Minister Ji, so why are you coming to see His Highness today?”

 “General Hu was there to protect Su Jiu, so Official Lyu couldn’t do anything to her. I suppose he will go to the palace to complain to the Emperor and His Highness will definitely prevent Official Lyu from seeing the Emperor. If His Highness does so, the other ministers and officials will say that he is deliberately marginalizing Prince Yu’s people. In fact, even if His Highness does nothing, the Emperor still won’t punish Su Jiu.” Ji Ze bowed his head and said calmly.

 Yu Long smiled softly and said, “Minister Ji, I’m afraid you have come too late. His Highness may have already stopped Official Lyu. And even if His Highness hears your advice, he will do it anyway.”

 Ji Ze lowered his eyes and responded, “Yes, I’m late. What I’m doing seems superfluous when I think about it now.”

 “It’s worth it. At least I understand your loyalty to His Highness.” Yu Long smiled.

 “I’m flattered!” Ji Ze got up. “I shouldn’t have come here. I’m going back now. Goodbye.”

 “Minister Ji, take care!”

 Yu Long walked Ji Ze out to the door, watching him leaving the manor, her eyes full of deep gloom.

 She was unable to hurt Su Jiu, and even Official Lyu couldn’t, either. In addition to Xiao Lie’s protection, she also had Hu Dapao.

 Hu Dapao had military power, which was the real reason why Su Jiu had no fear of Official Lyu.

 Yu Long’s eyes flashed as she thought of something. She turned and walked towards the inner courtyard.

 As soon as she entered the inner courtyard, she saw that Lan Zhihui was enjoying the flowers in the garden surrounded by a few people.

 She wore a floral dress with jade hairpins and a lotus pendant. She was an elegant woman. Her smile was as fragrant as orchard blossom. Next to her, the flowers seemed boring and her beauty much more attractive and enjoyable.

 No one would dislike such a gentle and beautiful woman.

 So even if Xiao Lie adored Su Jiu, he still fancied Lan Zhihui.

 Lan Zhihui was surrounded by many servants, including one who served tea, one who held a stove, and one who carried a cloak for her, all with flattering smiles on their faces.

 It was always like this in the rear courtyard. Whoever Xiao Lie’s favorite was at the moment was also the most favored by the servants.

 Yu Long walked over and the servants immediately bowed to pay their respects. “Crown Princess Consort!”

 Lan Zhihui turned and there was no arrogance on her face. She also bent into a bow and greeted Yu Long. “My dear sister.”

 “You all leave us. I have something to talk with Zhihui!” Yu Long ordered.

 “Yes, Crown Princess Consort.”

 Servants left.

 Lan Zhihui smiled and said slowly, “Sister, what’s the matter?”

 “Let’s talk while we walk,” Yu Long said mildly and made a “please” gesture.

 “Yes, sister. You first, please!”

 The two walked slowly along the path of the garden. The garden was full of exotic flowers and weeds, rugged rock formations, and elegant buildings. Walking along the path all the way to the end, the two walked out of the garden and arrived at Treasure Pavilion. Few people had been here before because of the many secret mechanisms which barred people from entering Treasure Pavilion.

 Yu Long’s eyes fell on Lan Zhihui’s wrist and she smiled. “This jade bracelet is so delicate that it is a perfect fit for your temperament. Is it a gift from His Highness?”

 Lan Zhihui touched the jade bracelet on her wrist, smiled shyly, and gently said, “Yes, His Highness stayed at my place last night. When I woke up this morning, he had gone to hold court. Then I found this jade bracelet on my wrist. I don’t even know when His Highness gave this to me.”

 A touch of bitterness flashed in Yu Long’s eyes. She smiled and said, “His Highness really likes you, my dear sister.”

 Lan Zhihui smiled and bowed her head in a charming way.

 “Sister, you have suffered so much before and now you deserve it. However, it is always necessary to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Otherwise, your good luck and happiness are just fleeting,” Yu Long said lightly.

 Lan Zhihui smiled and asked, “What do you mean, sister?”

 “Sister, do you still remember how you were taken here by Chang Bo and how you entered Vice Minister Xie Manor?” Yu Long smiled faintly.

 Lan Zhihui suddenly froze, and the slight smile on her face stiffened.

 “Sister, you have once been driven out of Ji Manor because of Su Jiu and lost Robes Square, which you had run for ten years. You suffered all kinds of insults and were even sold to others as a maidservant. Now you have won His Highness’ favor. To be honest, it’s just because Su Jiu wants to use you to deal with me. Sister, have you ever thought about if Su Jiu doesn’t need you anymore, what will happen to you?” Yu Long looked at Lan Zhihui meaningfully.

 Twilight clouded Lan Zhihui’s face with a dark color. Her eyes turned gloomy and she said in a low voice, “I will never forget the insults or the hardships I had to suffer.”

 “Yes, people don’t forget the past and that’s why they prepare for the future. Su Jiu is a ruthless woman. When she finds you useless, she will throw you into hell again and even double her effort to torment you because of her jealousy.”

 “Actually, I know why Su Jiu wants me to follow His Highness,” Lan Zhihui said slowly.

 “Sister, you are smart. You should understand that we are a family now and we should help each other. I can guarantee you that as long as there are no threats to my position, I will protect you and no one can bully you. If I become the Empress, you’ll be an imperial concubine,” Yu Long said solemnly.

 Lan Zhihui turned to look at Yu Long and asked, “Sister, you are not lying to me?”

 “Of course, I swear that I will treat you like my real sister and always be on your side!” Yu Long’s eyes were clear and sincere.

 “What do you want me to do, sister?” Lan Zhihui asked.

 “Su Jiu offended Official Lyu. Official Lyu can’t cope with His Highness in power and influence and he is also no match for Hu Dapao in terms of military power. He is anxious to avenge his son. This is a good opportunity!” Yu Long smiled.

 Lan Zhihui eyes flashed and asked, “Sister, you are thinking…”

 “Yes!” Yu Long’s eyes didn’t show emotions. She leaned over and whispered in Lan Zhihui’s ear.

 Lan Zhihui’s eyes flashed and responded, “This is an easy thing.”

 “Yes, what you need to do is very simple. Just leave the rest to me.” Yu Long smiled with confidence.

 The next day, right after Su Jiu and Eldest Mistress had breakfast together, a servant came to report that they had a visitor.

 Su Jiu asked the servant to take the person to the reception pavilion. When Su Jiu arrived at the reception pavilion, she saw that the visitor was Lan Zhihui.

 “Lady Lan, oh no, I should call you Secondary Consort Lan now.” Su Jiu smiled politely.

 Lan Zhihui got up and bowed to Su Jiu. “I’m grateful for your great help. I have been reborn because of Mistress Su.”

 Lan Zhihui was really reborn. She was not the decadent and humble girl she used to be but had become the gracious and decent woman she originally was.

 “You’re welcome. It’s good to bring a romance to a happy ending. I’m just doing what I’m capable of. The most important thing is that Xiao Lie likes you. Thank yourself.” Su Jiu sat on the chair opposite, drinking tea slowly.

 “But if it weren’t for Lady Su, I would still have been a maidservant whom anyone could beat and bully. Your kindness will not be forgotten.” Lan Zhihui smiled sincerely.

 “As long as you no longer hate me or send someone to kill me,” Su Jiu joked.

 “Lady Su, that’s what happened in the past! Please forget it,” Lan Zhihui said in embarrassment. “It’s a good day today. I have prepared a banquet on a boat. Can I ask you to join me, please? All I want is to thank you for your kindness.”

 “That’s very kind of you,” Su Jiu smiled.

 “Please give me the opportunity to thank you,” Lan Zhihui insisted.

 “Well, if you insist!”

 “Lady Su, please!”

 Su Jiu had someone to inform Eldest Mistress, then she followed Lan Zhihui out.

 Outside the door, a carriage was stopped there.

 The shafts of the carriage were made of ebony and the bead curtain had beautiful embroidery. Behind two tall black horses, six beautiful maidservants were waiting on each side of the carriage. It was indeed the kind of ostentation and extravagance worthy of Crown Prince Manor.

 As soon as Su Jiu and Lan Zhihui came out, a maidservant immediately put a stool on the ground and helped Lan Zhihui into the carriage.

 In the winter, there were far fewer tour pleasure boats on the riverbanks than other seasons. Fortunately, it was warm today. Hawkers occupied the banks and created a bustling scene.

 Lan Zhihui had prepared a ship in advance. The boat was three stories high. It was a magnificent and richly ornamented ship with carved beams and painted rafters.

 Su Jiu and Lan Zhihui went up. There was only the boatman and servants on the ship. The cabin’s floor was covered with soft blankets. Dancers and maidservants were waiting on the side. In the middle, there was a huge table full of delicious and extravagant dishes.

 The superb cuisine and wide selection of drinks emphasized the extravagant lifestyle of Crown Prince Manor.

 “Lady Su, I know that you like wine. Please feel at home. This thirty-year-old pear wine has been carefully aged for smoothness and has a good taste. I specifically took it from Prince Crown Manor. This is my gift for you.” Lan Zhihui gave Su Jiu a gentle smile and helped her sit down.

 “Secondary Consort Lan, thank you!”

 The two of them sat down. Next to them was a huge floor-to-ceiling window with a curtain flying in the wind and through which they could enjoy the view of the river into the distance.

 This was a really nice and elegant place. It seemed like Lan Zhihui had been thinking hard to come up with something in order to please Su Jiu.

 The ship swayed slowly, gradually edging away from the riverbank and headed towards the center of the river.

 The melodious sound of the zither rose, and the dancers began to perform a sleeve-dance.

 The river glinted in the sun. The light curtain was dancing along, and the wind blew water vapor into their faces. It didn’t feel like a cold winter but a warm spring.

 Lan Zhihui poured wine for Su Jiu and raised her cup. “This is for you, Lady Su. After this, you and I should forget about the bad things of the past. Even if we can’t be as close as sisters in the future, we will be friends.”

 Su Jiu smiled gently with the wine cup in hand and said, “To tell you the truth, Secondary Consort Lan, you didn’t hurt me. However, because of me, you lost too much. So, this is also for you. You are right, let’s forget about the bad things that happened in the past.”

 Lan Zhihui smiled faintly. “Yes, I used to be really naïve. I gave up when I should have seized the opportunity and I was stubborn when I should have let go. That’s how I made a big mistake and caused trouble for you and Master Ji. Now that’s finally over.”

 “Don’t bring up that anymore. Fortunately, Lady Lan, you finally got what you wanted. In a sense, what you suffered before was not in vain.”

 “What about you and Master Ji? How are you doing recently?” Lan Zhihui asked Su Jiu with her eyes down in a low voice.

 “We’re fine.” Su Jiu said casually.

 “Master Ji had been protecting me for ten years, but I didn’t know it before. I used to repay his kindness with hate. After seeing the world’s dark side, I finally know that what he did for me in the past was for my good. I really want to thank him for his kindness, but I can’t see him anymore. Lady Su, if you see him again, please tell him I’m really grateful for him. I will pay him my debt of gratitude in the afterlife.”

 “Okay, I will tell him.”

 The two talked and the boat gradually reached the center of the river. Four boats followed slowly behind.

 Su Jiu didn’t drink much but the scenery outside the window gradually became blurred. She thought that perhaps her capacity for liquor was getting worse.

 The wine cup in her hand slipped and Su Jiu fell onto the table, unconscious.

 Lan Zhihui stood up and caressed Su Jiu’s shoulder. “Lady Su, Lady Su?”

 Su Jiu was asleep and motionless.

 Lan Zhihui raised her head and winked at the maidservant next to her. The maidservant understood her and immediately turned away.

 The maidservant went to the stern, put her fingers to her lips, and gave a loud whistle.

 Soon, the boats behind caught up to the ship and a dozen men in black came out from each of them. They quickly got onto the ship where Su Jiu was and walked towards the cabin with knives in hands.

 The sound of the zither came to an abrupt stop and the boatman and the servants fled, jumping into the river. Screams reverberated far away along the river.

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 In less than the time taken to drink a cup of tea, the kill was done, and the center of the river was quiet again.

 Blood pooled along the deck and dripped into the river. The faint smell of blood hung in the river wind.

 Lan Zhihui walked out of the cabin with a calm face and said to the young girl beside her, “It’s done. Let’s tell Crown Princess Consort.”

 “Yes!” the young maidservant responded and boarded another boat, heading for the riverbank.

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