Chapter 205: Out on Commission

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

For three consecutive days, Lord Yun Nan requested an audience with the Emperor. Every time he left, his straight back appeared a few degrees more hunched.

 In the end, Yu Long maintained her position as the Crown Princess Consort, and there were no divorce or divorce documents. She was personally escorted back to the Crown Prince Manor by Lord Yun Nan.

 Despite that, rumors of the Crown Princess Consort’s jealousy and cruelty spread among the court officials, and her initial image as a dignified and refined lady was utterly destroyed.

 After all, it had happened on the first day of the New Year, and there was quite a significant number of people who had witnessed Lan Zhihui tumble down from the steps. It was difficult to seal the mouths of the crowd, and the rumor spread even more rapidly by word-of-mouth as a result.

 Normally, many banquets would be organized in the palace during the first month of the Lunar New Year. As the Crown Princess Consort, Yu Long had to attend these banquets, but now that she was the talk of the town, the discussions of everyone around her were centered around her no matter where she stepped. She was left with no choice but to lock herself behind doors.

 With these developments, everyone knew that Yu Long’s position as the Crown Princess Consort was now precarious.

 On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, Ah Shu and Zhao Shan’s son was born.

 After the two of them got married, Zhao Shan continued to reside in the Zhao Manor. She did so to manage her family’s business, as well as to take care of her father, who was sick in bed.

 On that day, Su Jiu and Ah Shu waited outside the room for an entire day. Zhao Shan was having a difficult birth, and four midwives were summoned to assist her in the room.

 The woman’s cries from inside caused Ah Shu to be stressed and unable to sit still. His entire body was covered in a layer of cold sweat, as though winter had frozen the heavens and earth.

 Su Jiu held him back, to the point that even her fingertips were white. “Don’t fret, Zhao Shan’s body is considerably stronger than an average woman’s. Nothing will happen!”

 Ah Shu sat on the steps and gripped Su Jiu’s hands tightly. “Chief, I can’t sit still. Have a duel with me, it’ll be best if you knock me right out!”

 Su Jiu chuckled. “Once your son is born, he’ll need to call his father first. How can you be unconscious at that moment?”

 “How can a newborn call me Father?” Ah Shu asked in shock and curiosity.

 Su Jiu was stunned for a moment. “I haven’t given birth either! How would I know?”

 Ah Shu’s heart was already wrought with anxiety at that point. When he heard her words, he could not hold back both his laughter and tears.

 The servants dashed in and out of the room. Ah Shu attempted to step in but was immediately dragged out by a midwife.

 Past noon, the loud and clear sound of an infant crying was heard. Ah Shu jumped up with a whoosh and swiftly barged into the room.

 The midwife had already bundled the child up. When she saw Ah Shu rush in, she immediately welcomed him with a smile. “Master, congratulations. It’s a young master!”

 Ah Shu immediately dashed to the bedside, not even glancing at the child. He held Zhao Shan’s hand without delay. “Wife, how are you doing?”

 Zhao Shan’s hair was already drenched in sweat. Her lips were covered in bite marks, and her complexion was ghastly pale. The corner of her lips curved into a weak smile as she assured him, “I’m fine!”

 “Wife, you have suffered!” Ah Shu held her hand tightly and brought it to his cheek.

 Su Jiu walked in behind him. She glimpsed at the two of them conversing at the bedside, before moving over to the midwife to have a look at the child.

 The child must have remained in his mother’s womb for too long, for his tiny face was swollen and purple. Bundled inside the blanket, the face that peeked out was wrinkly, and his faint and almost non-existent brows were joined together. After crying for a while, he immediately fell into a deep sleep.

 Just then, Su Jiu’s heart seemed to have softened.

 She gently held the child in her arms. To her, the child felt like a soft package, as though it would require a great deal of effort to hold him.

 “The little young master’s cries are so loud! He will surely be a top talent in the future!”

 “Indeed! Take a look at his nose and mouth! Those are all fine features!”

 “He’s an auspicious child!”

 The few midwives continuously showered praises at the side.

 Happiness surged in Su Jiu’s heart, and it felt as though they were speaking highly of her child.

 “It has been tough for the few of you. I have already prepared food and monetary rewards for you all! You may all head out to eat!” Su Jiu smiled.

 “It’s our duty, it wasn’t tough at all!”

 The few of them walked out with a smile.

 The servants had already cleaned the house. The two people on the bed were still whispering sweet nothings to one another, completely forgetting about their newborn child.

 Su Jiu carried it over and said to Ah Shu and Zhao Shan, “Baby, hurry up and call your father and mother!”

 At that point, Zhao Shan was already so weak that she was on the verge of fainting. When she heard Su Jiu’s words, she was so excited that milk almost leaked out.

 The child slept very well. Su Jiu carefully placed him in Zhao Shan’s arms so that she could have a good look at her son.

 Ah Shu finally had a proper look at him. His heart was overflowing with joy, and he didn’t know where to start caressing.

 He looked up and grinned. “Chief, give our son a name!” he said.

 Ah Shu’s original surname was ‘Qiang’, and he was an orphan.

 Su Jiu smiled and replied, “Among the few of us, Master An is the most educated. You should wait for Master An to come before deciding on a name!”

 “Chief must give the name!” Ah Shu insisted with a chuckle. “Even if you call him ‘Dog Egg’, he will be pleased as long as it was you who named him!”

 Su Jiu pondered for a moment, before suggesting, “What do you think of ‘Qiang Yuanyou’?”

 ‘Yuan’ referred to the lunar month, while ‘You’ meant that he would receive protection from the heavens.

 Zhao Shan nodded with a faint smile. “It’s very good!”

 As such, Ah Shu’s son officiated in this way

Qiang Yuanyou.

 Once she saw her child, Zhao Shan went into a deep sleep. Yuan You also slept very well, showing no inklings of waking up.

 Su Jiu and Ah Shu carried him to the next room. The two of them exchanged glances, and then their eyes were fixated at the sleeping child. They felt that they grew fonder of him the more they looked at him.

 After court, Qiao An hastily rushed over and carried Yuan You in his arms, overcome by emotion. He declared, “This is the first child of our Dragon Conqueror Gang! What a joyous occasion!”

 “Yes! I am his Daddy Su, and you are his Daddy Qiao!” Su Jiu was pleased.

 Ah Shu and Qiao An burst out in laughter at the same time.

 On the ninth day of the New Year, Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu visited the Zhao Family to see Yuan You. Ji Yuxian gifted a piece of an auspicious jade pendant as a congratulatory present.

 The jade pendant was crafted out of top-grade Hetian jade. The jade was mildly translucent and purely-colored, with its surface covered by exquisite carvings of jade trees. Strangely, a natural green hue emanated between the gaps of the leaves and branches, making it a precious treasure. Its high value could be appraised at a glance, and it was an ornament that was hard to come by.

 Ah Shu was no longer a brash person after crossing rivers and lakes and broadening his world view. He refused the gift and said, “This piece of jade is too valuable! Eldest Master, you do not need to be so courteous!”

 Ji Yuxian smiled and replied, “This is also a gift from the Young Mistress of the Ji Manor for Yuan You’s baby shower. Just accept it!”

 Su Jiu grinned from ear to ear. “It’s just as he said. Ah Shu, you must accept it!”

 “In that case, I’ll thank you on Yuan You’s behalf, Eldest Master!”

 Su Jiu carried Yuan You over for Ji Yuxian to take a look. “Take a look! Is my godson handsome?” she asked with pride.

 Ji Yuxian’s phoenix eyes were radiant as he smiled at her. “He’s handsome!”

 Su Jiu instantly brimmed with elation, as though she had eaten a jar of honey.

 They then left the Zhao Manor afterward, and Ji Yuxian embraced Su Jiu the moment they boarded the horse carriage. With a grin, he suggested, “Since you like children that much, let’s have one together!”

 “No!” Su Jiu immediately rejected the notion. “Zhao Shan cried for one whole day before giving birth to Yuan You. Her cries were way too pitiful!”

 Ji Yuxian smiled faintly and stroked her face. “But we also need to have our own child!”

 Su Jiu rested on his shoulder. “We’ll talk about this another day!” she casually answered.

 “Mm!” Ji Yuxian nodded his head. “Indeed, we must. Later… we’ll discuss this.”

 Su Jiu froze for a moment, before understanding the meaning behind his words. She bit down hard on his shoulders. “Ji Yuxian, what’s going through your mind now?

 “I’m thinking of you!” the man whispered in a low voice. He propped her chin up and kissed her.

 It was noon. Since she was grateful for the generosity Ji Yuxian showed earlier that day, Su Jiu parked the horse carriage outside Qingxin Tavern to treat him to a meal.

 The two of them found a clean spot beside the window and took their seats, before ordering some of the restaurant’s signature dishes.

 It seemed to be their first time eating out together, with just the both of them.

 The dishes were served in succession. Su Jiu poured out some wine and smiled as she said, “I’m happy today. Let me toast you a cup!”

 “Don’t go looking for an excuse. You’re not allowed to drink!” Ji Yuxian clutched her hand and took her wine glass over.

 However, Su Jiu froze. In the past, Ji Yuxian’s hands were always warm, but when it pressed against the dorsum of her hand just now, his touch felt ice-cold.

 As she raised her head to look at Ji Yuxian, she realized that recently, his complexion was pale, its whiteness akin to that of an anemic patient. His phoenix eyes were pitch-black, seemingly hiding a dark abyss.

 “Ji Yuxian, your health hasn’t been good recently, right?” Su Jiu asked.

 Ji Yuxian gently brought her hand under the table. He smiled and muttered, “Nothing to fret about. It must have been because of the cold weather recently, and I did not put on enough layers.”

 “Has the Half Moon Devourer flared again recently?” Su Jiu asked.

 “It’s the same as before!” Ji Yuxian replied dryly.

 After drinking a cup of warm wine, Ji Yuxian held Su Jiu’s hand, and his lips curled into a faint smile. “Is it still cold?”

 Su Jiu shifted her hand and held his instead. Her eyes curved into crescents as she shook her head. “It’s better!”

 Maybe he had truly brought the cold with him when they walked in from outside, just as he said.

 Since Su Jiu could not take alcohol, Ji Yuxian pushed the wine cup far away, not bearing to torment her.

 Li Xin was helping to serve the dishes. She placed the plate on the table and smiled, saying, “Master is here! I heard Ah Shu recently had a new addition to his family. I’m happy for him!”

 Su Jiu raised her head to look at her. She replied, “Yes, this is the first child of the Dragon Conqueror Gang. I have already deployed all my best guards from the bodyguard agency. If anyone dares to hurt Zhao Shan and her child, this little master will dig out the graves of all 18 generations of his ancestors!”

 Li Xin’s hands which were holding the dishes trembled. She hurriedly flashed a smile and commented, “Yes, with Master around, who would dare to go against the Dragon Conqueror Gang?”

 Without replying to her, Su Jiu only spoke to Ji Yuxian, “In the next few days, I need to make a trip out!”

 “Where to?” Ji Yuxian questioned.

 “A wealthy family in Fanyun is moving to the capital. They must have heard of the infamous mountain bandits at Yuhu Mountain, and out of fear, they commissioned the bodyguards from our agency to protect their valuables and family members,” Su Jiu casually explained. “This is a big transaction, and Ah Shu was supposed to make the trip personally. Now that Zhao Shan has just given birth, however, I asked him to stay at home over the next few days. Hence, I’ll make this trip myself!”

 Ji Yuxian raised his eyebrow. “Is there no one else at the bodyguard agency?”

 “The New Year has just gone by, and the bodyguard agency is currently very busy. The top-tier bodyguards are all out at the moment, and the few managers were unable to go. It just so happened that I was free,” Su Jiu said casually.

 “Then, take care of your safety!”

 “Don’t worry, there’s no one more familiar with Yuhu Mountain than me! Furthermore, with the peerless reputation of the Dragon Conqueror Gang alone, no one will dare to make a move!”

 “Return soon!”


 As the two of them spoke, Li Xin had already placed all the dishes down. She gave Su Jiu a curtsy before taking her leave.

 After stepping out of the restaurant, Ji Yuxian held Su Jiu’s hand. “Are you coming over tonight?”

 Su Jiu nibbled her lips. “I’ll be leaving at the break of dawn tomorrow, so I won’t go over!” she answered.

 Ji Yuxian nodded his head gently, not speaking any further. He hugged her, before turning around to walk towards the horse carriage.

 The man’s figure was tall, and the broad robe on his body ruffled in the wind, producing a rustling sound. His red robe was akin to a formation of clouds, slowly melding into the night fog as he faded into the distance.

 Su Jiu stood there, transfixed. A strange sense of panic bloomed in her heart.

 Early the next day, just as the sky was shrouded in the early rays of light, Su Jiu brought along ten bodyguards and left the city on horseback. They galloped towards Wuling County, which was north of Yuhu Mountain, to escort the wealthy family coming from Fanyun.

 Time was not tight, so Su Jiu and her men did not have to rush through the night. A formation of people traveled in the day and rested at night. It took them slightly more than two days to reach Wuling County.

 Previously, the villagers there were the ones who took lead in defying the imperial decree and refused to pay the autumn taxes.

 Presumably, since Wuling County was located at the base of Yuhu Mountain, they had intermingled with the mountain bandits on the mountain for a long time, and even the people who resided here carried themselves with the spirit of a bandit.

 Wuling County bordered Chongzhou and Qingzhou, and it was a landmark transportation pass. Hence, even though the county was not large, there were throngs of people passing through the area.

 Within the city’s inns, most of the guests were all people from other regions stopping over.

 Su Jiu had already contacted the client beforehand, and the moment they stepped into the city, they went straight to the Liuyun Guesthouse.

 That night, they met with that wealthy household, which was an extremely tight-knit family.

 The man, also the head of the house, was approximately 50 years of age. He had brought along his wife, one son, and one daughter, as well as a group of servants over from Fanyun. It was said that their ancestors originated from Shengjing, but an ancestor had subsequently moved his family over to Fanyun after being stationed as an official there. Their client, however, did not follow in the footsteps of the ancestors and chose to go into the line of business instead of being a civil servant. As such, the family could move back to Shengjing.

 There were around 20 horse carriages with them, with a fraction containing the family’s necessities, while the rest housed their gold, silver, and valuables. With so many valuable possessions, it was indeed safer to commission bodyguards.

 “This humble person’s family name is ‘Jun’. I have heard of the Qinglong Bodyguard Agency’s resounding reputation. I shall leave the lives of me and my family into your hands, Master Su!” The man brought his fists together and smiled.

 “Old Master Jun, you are being too courteous. Don’t you worry, we will escort you and your family to Shengjing City safely!” Su Jiu flashed a clear smile.

 “You are Su Jiu?” A handsome and charming man walked over. He introduced himself with a smile, “My name is Jun Jin.”

 “I am Jun Yu!” The girl next to him smiled bashfully.

 “Nice to meet you!” Su Jiu replied with a faint smile.

 Just as she finished speaking, a palm strike abruptly blasted towards her. That man named Jun Jin had attacked her from the front.

 Su Jiu’s expression did not change as she retreated into the air. Her body spun, and she used one hand to grab his wrist in one fell swoop, while her other hand gripped onto his waist. Suddenly, she lifted the man, prepared to toss him aside.

 “Master Su, please don’t!” the man’s father urgently exclaimed.

 Naturally, Su Jiu was not going to throw the man aside. She casually placed the man down and grinned. “Now, does Master Jun trust our Qinglong Bodyguard Agency?”

 The man was not hard-pressed after observing her otherworldly skills. On the contrary, his smile became even more warm and harmonious. “This master’s martial arts are excellent!”

 He had originally taken into account Su Jiu’s youth and assumed that the rumors were false since she appeared younger than him by a few years. Hence, he decided to test her, but he never expected to be blocked in one move.

 “Master Jun, you were easy on me!” Su Jiu flashed a lukewarm smile.

 The Jun Family members noticed her outstandingly clear temperament. Seeing that she was neither arrogant nor ill-tempered, and with her commendable martial arts, they finally put their worries to rest.

 Jun Jin even began to treat Su Jiu like an old friend and seemed to regret not meeting her earlier. He smiled and said, “Master Su, would you like to share a room with me tonight? Even though my martial art skills are mediocre, I have always admired practitioners of martial arts. Would you be willing to give me a few pointers?”

 “Apologies, I do not like sharing a room with someone else. Regarding the exchange of pointers, there will be opportunities in the future!” Su Jiu tactfully rejected his proposition.

 Jun Yuanfeng added, “Master Su is right. In the future, once we get to Shengjing, we must still rely on Master Su to look out for us. We will have many opportunities to interact in the future!”

 Jun Jin looked at Su Jiu with radiant eyes and gently nodded his head.

 After deciding on a time to set off the next day, everyone returned to their rooms to rest.

 In the middle of the night, just when Su Jiu was fast asleep, she heard a strange noise from the adjacent room.

 It sounded to be the creaking of a shaking bed, accompanied by vague and stifled moans. Within the dark and blurry night, it sounded far away, as though it was heard in a dream.

 Su Jiu woke up abruptly. She plastered her ear against the wall to listen in, but nothing could be heard anymore.

 The people next door were not members of the Jun Family. It might just have been a husband and wife doing things at night.

 Su Jiu returned to her bed again, but she was no longer tired.

 The moonlight was akin to water, filtering through the windows, and illuminating her exquisite and cold countenance. A pair of black pupils reflected the faint strands of light, glittering like shimmering stars.

 Su Jiu snuggled into the blanket, and suddenly, she yearned for that person in the same way.

 She was setting off for the capital the next day and would be able to see him in another two days.

 She gazed at the window lattice under the moonlight for a long time, before falling back to sleep.

 The next day, Su Jiu woke up at the appointed time. The Jun Family members had already packed everything and were waiting for her downstairs.

 After breakfast, the servants of the Jun Family drove the horse carriages and parked them outside the guesthouse to wait. They were arranged in a long line and seemingly occupied half of the street.

 Su Jiu delegated the bodyguards and rode a horse to the very front.

 Jun Jin did not board a horse carriage and rode parallel to Su Jiu. His handsome face appeared kindly and cheerful under the sunlight as he asked, “Master Su, did you have a good night’s rest?”

 Nodding her head, Su Jiu replied nonchalantly, “It would be best if you return into the horse carriage, Master Jun. If anything happens on the way, there will be bodyguards to protect you!”

 Jun Jin smiled gently. “Although I lost to you yesterday, in your eyes, am I so weak that I’ll be toppled by the wind, Master Su?”

 Su Jiu shook her head. “I’m just taking considerations for my client!”

 “More than that, I want to be Master Su’s friend!” Jun Jin replied.

 Su Jiu threw him a side-glance, before focusing straight ahead, not giving him a reply.

 Jun Jin’s gaze landed on her side profile, and he was slightly stunned. The youth’s black hair was tied up with a purple sash. Her eyelashes were luscious, and her nose bridge was high. It was an exquisite and perfect form of beauty.

 The sunlight shined on her fair face, which was clear and translucent, without a single impurity. Her delicate earlobes glowed white in the morning light, and it was almost like she was female.

 If it wasn’t for the oppressive aura around her, no one would be able to tell that she was a man.

 Especially under such careful inspection, she almost appeared to be a pure and cold girl.

 Su Jiu could sense the other party’s gaze and turned her head over. She asked bluntly, “Is anything the matter?”

 “No-nothing!” A hint of embarrassment flashed past Jun Jin’s eyes.

 In no time, they had already exited the city gates and were heading north.

 After traveling for over ten miles, everything was peaceful and uneventful. A village was up ahead, and the houses were built on both sides of the main road. After exiting this village, they would enter the mountain roads.

 20 horse carriages traversed the public roads, with Su Jiu at the very front. Suddenly, her eyebrow twitched, and she raised her hand to signal to the bodyguard behind her.

 The bodyguards who were protecting the Jun Family’s horse carriages immediately entered into a state of alert.

 “What’s the matter?” Jun Jin, who was next to her, asked.

 “Go back into the horse carriage!” Su Jiu instructed expressionlessly.

 “Is it a robbery?” Jun Jin asked.

 “Back to the horse carriage!” Su Jiu merely echoed the sentence without replying.

 Jun Jin tactfully did not question further. He knew that staying behind would only cause Su Jiu’s attention to be divided, preventing her from protecting him. He nodded his head slightly and nudged his horse to turn back, before boarding the horse carriage behind.

 After moving another 30 meters forward, they reached the heart of the village. Su Jiu suddenly reined in her horse and bent over to pluck out the dagger that was tied to her leg. Her body leaped into the air and flitted gracefully along the ground. The dagger in her hand flicked at the three hidden ropes meant to trip horses, and she slashed them as her body spun.

 The girl’s moves were meted in one fell swoop, and her movements were akin to treading clouds and running water, confident and regal. Jun Jin, who was sitting behind her, immediately gasped in amazement when he observed this!

 Almost simultaneously, an outcry was heard from the houses along the road. A throng of men wearing mountain garbs surged out, each with a sword in their hands. They bellowed loudly,

 “Last time, it was the men from the Dragon Conqueror Gang that beat us up and took away our grain. Block their horse carriages, it’s a compensation for our loss!”

 The moment they finished speaking, several hundred mountain dwellers charged towards the horse carriages, each with a malicious expression on their face, akin to that of devils.

 When the servants of the Jun Family saw many villagers streaming out at once, and when they realized that there were only a few dozen bodyguards available to protect them, they immediately panicked and ditched the horse carriages in an attempt to flee.

 “Nobody is to move! Stay where you are!” Su Jiu ordered. She pushed off from the ground, a chain from the trap still in her hands.

 Peals of thunder rocked the air as the girl moved like a terrifying wind and a flash of lightning. A metal chain whizzed through the air and instantly felled the mountain dwellers who were the first to charge forward. In an instant, the few dozen men were knocked down, and just like a water dragon returning to a lake, those who deserved to die died.

 Su Jiu waved the metal chain in her hands, her eyes as piercing as icicles.


 Every villager had the same set of military weapons. Did they usually make a living in robbing others?

 Moreover, they all seemed very well-trained. Apart from their clothes, there did not seem to be any other feature that indicated that they were truly mountain dwellers!

 Facing the vicious villagers, the bodyguards from the bodyguard agency were not alarmed in the slightest. Each of them took the necessary preparations to guard their positions, encircling the Jun Family members in such a way that not even a gust of wind could penetrate their defense.

 Just as the two parties were about to exchange moves, the sound of a horse cantering over was heard. Su Jiu spared some time to take a glance, and alas, two groups of people on horseback approached from the northern and southern sides of the road.

 They moved at the speed of light, and before Su Jiu had time to discern whether they were friends or foe, they were already right in front of her.

 Jun Jin’s eyes were fixed on Su Jiu, looking at her with both shock and worry. When he noticed that more people had arrived, he was unsure which side they were on. Just as he was about to alight the horse carriage, he realized that the people from the northern and southern sides of the road had already begun slaughtering the mountain dwellers.

 Jun Jin watched on with widened eyes. He noticed a crimson figure sweep over like a gust of wind on horseback, weaving through the crowd and extending his arm to scoop Su Jiu, who was in the middle of the fight, into his arms.

 Afterward, he retreated out of the battle zone.

 At that point, there was no longer a need for Su Jiu to personally make a move. The newly arrived reinforcements annihilated those mountain dwellers!

 Tossing away the chain in her hands, the girl raised her head against the wind as ripples ran through her eyes. “Why have you come? I can handle a few measly people like them on my own!”

 “I know!” Ji Yuxian lowered his head and kissed her brows. He said gently, “But what if I am still worried?”

 Su Jiu’s heart felt like it had been swept by a warm breeze. Spring suddenly arrived, causing her entire body to feel joyful.

 She nestled her body comfortably in the man’s embrace as she watched Jin Feng direct the people from the Ji Manor to hunt down those ‘mountain dwellers’. At the same time, another wave of men on horseback joined in the battle.

 Opposite the mess of people and their pitiful shrieks, a man donned in a light-purple robe sat on a horse. His handsome and outstanding face was shrouded in a faint layer of gloom as he stared at her without blinking.

 The two pairs of eyes met, and in the next second, Su Jiu had already shifted her line of vision.

 Jin Feng rode a horse over and asked respectfully, “Master, should we keep someone alive?”

 “No need!” The man’s voice was frosty and indifferent.

 Su Jiu raised her head to look at the man. They seemed to have a telepathic connection, and both of them laughed when they met each other’s eyes.

 Leaving someone alive had no advantage to Su Jiu. Everything she did, he understood.

 “When did you arrive?” Su Jiu asked.

 Why would Ji Yuxian arrive behind them?

 “I reached this morning. We took a shortcut to Wuling City, but we realized that you all had already left!” Ji Yuxian explained with a warm voice.

 Jin Feng was directly behind Ji Yuxian. When he heard his words, his brows knitted slightly, but he kept his mouth sealed in the end.

 In actuality, they had already arrived last night. Not long after Su Jiu’s group left the capital, Ji Yuxian left the city after he had completed his work, completely ignoring Doctor Gu’s deterrence.

 Now that the Half Moon Devourer was flaring up more often, Doctor Gu was worried that Ji Yuxian would have an episode on the road. He had originally disagreed with him leaving Shengjing.

 But how would the Master be willing to let the Young Mistress go?

 On the way here, Ji Yuxian had started to feel uncomfortable, and right outside Wuling City, the pain was so agonizing that he could no longer sit on a horse.

 Hence, after they entered the city, they stayed at the same guesthouse that Su Jiu was resting at. They did not inform Su Jiu about their arrival.

 Last night, Ji Yuxian only had a short nap at dawn. The moment he woke up, he immediately rushed out of the city to chase after Su Jiu.

 His Master had intentionally concealed this so that the Young Mistress would not feel worried. Hence, he could only maintain his silence.

 The slaughter ended in no time. At that moment, the originally peaceful little mountain village was now littered with amputated limbs and broken bones, and the thick stench of blood permeated the air.

 Su Jiu sent out some men to bring out a villager, who was found hiding in his home, shivering with trepidation. She pointed to the corpses on the ground and asked, “Take a look. Are these people from your village?”

 The villager shook his head in alarm. “I don’t recognize them! They’re not!”

 Su Jiu took out 100 taels of silver. “Find some people and find somewhere to bury the corpses as you wish!”

 That villager received the money with trembling hands. He agreed in a panic-stricken voice, “Yes, yes!”

 Xia Huan had already left with his men. Jin Feng’s men and the bodyguards from the bodyguard agency cleaned up the area together, before preparing to set off once again.

 The Jun Family members alighted from the horse carriage, and when they saw so many corpses, they could not help but pale. They asked, “Master Su, who are these people?”

 Su Jiu replied modestly, “Apologies, these people have some personal vendetta against me. They knew that I would pass by here with my men, and thus they had set up an ambush. I see that everyone has received quite a shock! As a means of compensation, we won’t take a single dime in commission from this trip!”

 With a smile, Jun Jin assured placidly, “No worries, we did not receive damage in any way. Master Su, you do not need to feel apologetic about this!”

 When Ji Yuxian heard this, his long eyes looked over and landed on Jun Jin’s figure. His gaze deepened slightly.

 Jun Jin subconsciously lifted his head and noticed the man in a red robe standing behind Su Jiu. His visage was exquisite and stunning, but he was not an androgynous beauty in any way. On the contrary, he eluded a sense of nobility. When their eyes met, his heart trembled involuntarily, and he almost winced.

 “Master Su, is this Master your friend?” Jun Jin asked.

 Su Jiu turned her head and glanced at Ji Yuxian. She nodded her head with a faint smile. “Yes!”

 Jun Jin noticed the conspicuous warmth in Su Jiu’s eyes.

 He could not help but freeze. What was the relationship between these two people?

 “Everything is fine now, so let’s hit the roads!” Su Jiu added.

 Given that the road had already been cleared, the group set off once again.

 Meanwhile, Ji Yuxian carried Su Jiu and sat on his horse. He nudged his horse and galloped ahead.

 After departing from the village, it was already afternoon. The group started a fire in the mountainous forest by the road to cook a meal.

 Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian sat together. Their demeanors and appearances were outstanding, which continuously attracted the side-glances and peeks of the people around them.

 Jun Yu brought out several pastries and passed them to Jun Jin. “Older brother, pass these to Master Su and the other Master to eat!”

 Jun Jin was naturally very willing to do so. He brought the pastries over, but before he could open his mouth, his words could no longer come out.

 The food in front of the two people was many times more extravagant than the ones in his hands.

 Su Jiu noticed his stupor and looked up to ask, “Master Jun, are you here to join us for this meal?”

 Jun Jin seized the opportunity to sit down. He smiled brightly. “Yes, I hope both of you won’t mind!”

 Ji Yuxian’s expression was indifferent. His eyes were half-closed as he carefully peeled the tangerine in his hands, before putting it in Su Jiu’s palm.

 “No problem! It’s fine if you sit here, Master Jun!” Su Jiu smiled faintly.

 “Master Su Jiu, I heard that you have not only opened a bodyguard agency, but you also own restaurants, a trading company, and other businesses. Especially with the trading company, my father and I were full of admiration when we heard about your business model. This time, we were brought together by fate. When we noticed how youthful you were, it was almost unfathomable!” Jun Jin praised.

 Su Jiu’s smile was like a light cloud. “It’s not much. I must thank the brothers by my side for their help!”

 “Our family is also involved in the business. Once we reach Shengjing, I hope that we can collaborate with you in the future, Master Su!”

 “Of course!” Su Jiu nodded her head.

 Jun Jin knew that he was not a cut sleeve (1), but he did not understand why he wished to be close to Su Jiu. Although Su Jiu was cold on the surface, interacting with her would make people feel especially comfortable.

 “Master Su, are you married?” Jun Jin asked.

 If he was not married, it would be good to introduce his sister to him.

 Su Jiu nodded her head. “I’m already married!”

 “Ah?” This was out of Jun Jin’s expectations, and he felt a little disappointed. “But you’re so young! Why did you have such an early marriage?”

 “I already had a marriage arranged for me when I was in my mother’s womb. Hence, it was earlier than usual,” Su Jiu replied in a lukewarm voice.

 Ji Yuxian, who had an indifferent expression plastered on his face, suddenly burst into a gorgeous smile at this moment. He gently used a handkerchief to wipe the corner of Su Jiu’s lips as he asked, “Do you want to drink water?”

 Su Jiu shook her head. “I’m not thirsty!”

 Nevertheless, Ji Yuxian poured out some water from the water pouch and brought it to Su Jiu’s lips. “Just drink some. Once we get on the road, we might only find a place to lodge in the evening.”

 “Okay!” Su Jiu obediently drank half a cup of water from his hands.

 When Jun Jin saw the intimate actions between the two of them that indicated that they were not ordinary friends, more doubts flashed by his eyes.

 Feeling a little awkward hanging around them, Jun Jin stood up and dismissed himself before taking his leave.

 “I don’t like this person,” Ji Yuxian remarked. “Don’t travel with him on the road later on!”

 Su Jiu quirked her brow and glanced at Jun Jin’s departing silhouette. “What’s not to like about him? He’s the son of a family with a literary reputation, and he’s amiable and well-mannered. He’s not bad!”

 Ji Yuxian turned her head over. “Darling, remember not to praise other men in front of your husband!”

 Su Jiu’s pupils turned. She then chuckled, before moving closer to his ear and whispering, “Eldest Master Ji, you’re even jealous at random men I’ve met by chance. Will I still be able to leave the house in the future?”

 “It’s best if you don’t leave the house. We can stay at home every day to make babies, is that okay?” The man’s phoenix eyes were resplendent as they looked at her.

 The edges of Su Jiu’s ears reddened, and she swept him a glance. “Who wants to make babies for you? This master won’t do what the ladies do!”

 “The fear that you were referring to… was this?” Ji Yuxian suddenly asked.

 Su Jiu nibbled her lips and did not reply.

 Ji Yuxian lowered his brows and smiled. He held her hands and said, “Then let’s not talk about this. Let them take the main road, and we can traverse via another route!”

 Su Jiu mulled over for a moment, before nodding her head. “Alright, then let me discuss this with the Jun Family!”

 The mountain bandits at Yuhu Mountain were not as scary as they were made out to be. They had already been rooted out by the court a long time ago, and with Jin Feng protecting the Jun Family, it was more than sufficient.

 On the contrary, it might be even safer for them without her presence.

 Su Jiu walked before the Jun Family members and said modestly, “Shopkeeper Jun, Mistress, I have several matters that require me to take my leave first. Jin Feng and his men will continue to escort you back into the city.”

 The moment she finished speaking, Jun Yu could not help but turn to look in Ji Yuxian’s direction. A trace of despondence flashed past her eyes.

 Jun Yuanfeng smiled, saying, “No problem, you may leave as you wish, Master Su!”

 “Master Su, are you not entering the capital together with us?” Jun Jin asked with a bit of disappointment.

 “Yes, I have other matters to attend to, but I’ll probably return by the time you reach the capital!”

 “Then, we’ll meet again at Shengjing!” Jun Jin immediately said.

 “Alright, Jin Feng will protect you until you arrive at Shengjing safely. We’ll meet another day!”

 Su Jiu brought her fists together, before turning around to leave.

 Jun Jin’s eyes trailed after her, watching on as she and that man in the red robe mounted a horse, leaving a cloud of dust in their wake.

 Jun Yu walked over and asked, “Older brother, who is that man in the red robe?”

 Jun Jin shook his head. “I don’t know!”

 He did not appear to be an ordinary person and had a vague relationship with Su Jiu.

 Soon, Su Jiu’s silhouette could no longer be seen. After everyone was well-rested, the group continued their journey with Jin Feng in the lead.

 Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu strayed from the main road and took a more remote mountain path.

 The moment they entered the woods, the light immediately dimmed, and the wind also seemed much colder.

 They could not see the end of the meandering path ahead. The two of them did not even care if this road led to Shengjing as they trotted on slowly and leisurely, without any worry and any sense of urgency.

 Inside the woods, it was quiet and secluded. Spring had yet to arrive, and dried leaves and grass carpeted the ground, piling up to a height above the knee. Occasionally, the chirps of one or two migrating birds could be heard as they flew above their heads, accentuating the silence in the forest.

 The horse trotted on, and the sounds of the hooves resonated between the trees.

 Ji Yuxian wrapped the cloak on him around the girl in his arms. He lowered his head and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “If you’re tired, you can sleep for a while!”

 Su Jiu shook her head lazily. “I’m not tired. Ji Yuxian, whenever I’m in the mountains, I feel exceptionally relaxed and at home!”

 “Then, we can move and live on the mountain in the future!” Ji Yuxian whispered with a smile.

 Su Jiu raised her head and kissed his chin. “Won’t you miss the flourishing capital?”

 Ji Yuxian held her waist and turned her body to face himself. He wrapped one arm around her waist and lowered his head to kiss her lips. He murmured, “To me, everything that flourishes is you!”

 Su Jiu’s narrowed into a smile, just like a lazy cat. Her arms hooked around the man’s neck, and she shifted her lips up to respond passionately.

 Due to the tree branches around them, both of their shadows were dotted, but they overlapped and gradually melted into one.

 The steed slowed down its pace, seemingly afraid of disturbing the two engrossed in the kiss. It trotted on slowly, as though it was taking a stroll, probably enjoying the peace and comfort on the mountain.

 Just when the sky was about to get dark, they spotted a household living in the mountain valley and brought their horse with them to seek shelter for the night.

 When they moved closer, they could see that it was a three-roomed thatched hut. Its premises were fenced up, and a small path led directly to the wooden gate.

 The exterior of the courtyard was surrounded by trees, and although it was winter and the branches were bare, it did not evoke a sense of melancholy. The ground had been swept clean, and several hens were between the trees pecking for food and clucking away. It was a lively and vibrant scene.

 It was evening, and the sun was setting. The plumes of smoke ascending from the courtyard caused one’s heart to feel an immense sense of tranquility.

 Su Jiu looked up and smiled. “Take a guess. What kind of person lives here?”

 Ji Yuxian gently hooked his lips upwards. “At the very least, it won’t be an idiot who eats human brains!”

 Su Jiu raised her brow, remembering the village that they had encountered on the road to Jingzhou. It was the first time they worked together after her identity was revealed. She protected him on the road to Jingzhou, and a certain person pretended to be weak the whole way.

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 Ji Yuxian seemed to have guessed what she was thinking about as he grinned and lowered his head to kiss her cheeks. “Today, if we bump into a man-eating monster again, I’ll still need to depend on my wife to protect your husband!”

 Su Jiu smirked and threw him a glance, before walking forward to knock on the door. Her voice involuntarily became gentler, probably because of the serene atmosphere surrounding the area.

 “Is anyone inside?”

 (1) A cut sleeve: Implies one is homosexual.

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