Wife Doting Addiction:My Abducted Tsundere Husband

Chapter 97 - Murder and Assassination

Chapter 97: Murder and Assassination

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

That night, there was someone else other than the people in the Qu Family who was unable to sleep. He was the shop keeper of the Shengyu Pawnshop, Shopkeeper Zhu.

He had obtained a ledger from the Ji Manor that afternoon, and while flipping through it, an object had slipped out.

Upon inspection, it was found to be a snow-white handkerchief that was stained with ink.

The handkerchief was made of silk, with a flawless snow-white appearance. Under the light, one could see the faint shimmer of clouds on its surface. Considering its value, it only took one glance to know that this was a handkerchief usually used by Ji Yuxian.

It had been sandwiched between the pages of the ledger, with a blotch of ink stain on its surface.

The page that had been marked out was precisely the record of Old Wu’s account regarding the landscape painting!

Shopkeeper Zhu heart was immediately in turmoil!

What were the intentions of Ji Yuxian?

Why did he place a snow-white, yet dirtied handkerchief into the ledger, and so coincidentally at that page? What did he know?

What was being implied?

Shopkeeper Zhu clutched the handkerchief tightly in his hand, furrowed his eyebrows and paced back and forth nervously in his study.

At a glance, one could tell that Ji Yuxian was someone with profound thoughts. It was impossible for him to have placed a dirtied handkerchief into the ledger for no reason, and had even intentionally asked him to bring the ledger back.

At this point, Shopkeeper Zhu was quite certain that Ji Yuxian had already found out that he had colluded with Qu Wenchang to falsify the accounts and deceive the Ji Manor of their money.

But according to what he knew, among the merchants in Jingzhou, there were others who had also colluded with Qu Wenchang. Why did Ji Yuxian only look for him?

The more Shopkeeper Zhu thought about it, the more unsettled he became. He grasped the handkerchief in his hand and did not rest that night.

Early the next morning, dark circles could be seen around his eyes, and he was still undecided.

Should he find Ji Yuxian and voluntarily confess about his dealings, or should he discuss the matter with Qu Wenchang first before taking the next step?

After having breakfast, Shopkeeper Zhu, who was still hesitant, realised that the sun had risen and that afternoon was approaching. He decided to go find Qu Wenchang first. After all, both of them had a hand in this matter, and if something went wrong, they were both accountable and had to bear the consequences together.

Shopkeeper Zhu had his servants prepare a sedan and brought the ledger over to the Qu Manor.

The servants brought him to wait outside the study and went in to announce his visit. However, when the door opened, it was Madam Lee who came out instead. Her head was bowed and both her eyes were red, as if she had just been crying. She hurriedly used her handkerchief to cover her face and rushed towards the rear court.

“Shopkeeper Zhu, the Old Master has invited you in!” the male servant reported.

Shopkeeper Zhu snapped out of his daze and thanked the servant before heading into the study.

The study was in a state of disorder, as though there had just been an upheaval. Although the servants had already tidied the place up, there were still shards of broken porcelain littered on the ground, and tea was spilt all over the wooden chair.

Qu Wenchang was sitting at his desk, his eyebrows furrowed and his face dark.

From the situation at hand, it seemed as though he had encountered some family problems. Originally, Shopkeeper Zhu wasn’t completely sure what to make of the situation but after seeing this, he started to feel uneasy.

“Greetings to Housekeeper Qu!” Shopkeeper Zhu went forward to pay his respects.

Qu Wenchang adjusted his expression, forced out a smile and said, “Shopkeeper Zhu, have a seat!”.

Shopkeeper Zhu sat on a mahogany chair at the side, the servants poured him some tea before taking their leave.

“What’s the matter Shopkeeper Zhu?” Qu Wenchang asked as a flash passed between his eyes when he saw the ledger in his hands.

Shopkeeper Zhu placed the teacup down and frowned, unsure of what to say.

“If Shopkeeper Zhu has something to say you should just say it!” Qu Wenchang got up from his desk and moved to sit opposite Shopkeeper Zhu.

“I do!” Shopkeeper Zhu nodded his head, and without mentioning the painting, said, “Yesterday the Eldest Young Master summoned me over and passed me a ledger to refer to. I went back and while flipping through it, I found a white silk handkerchief hidden within it. What was strange was that it was stained with a blotch of ink, and that the handkerchief was coincidentally placed at the page that recorded the matter regarding Wu Xuan’s painting.”

Qu Wenchang frowned, and plastered a smile onto his calculative face, “And what could this even prove?”

Shopkeeper Zhu shook his head, “Eldest Young Master Ji would not do this with no apparent reason. White defiled by black, doesn’t this reference to the fact that we have corrupted the righteous Ji Manor? And it just so happened to be that page. I’m afraid the Eldest Young Master has already caught on.

“What does Shopkeeper Zhu think the Eldest Young Master knows?” Qu Wenchang smiled pretentiously as he raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Shopkeeper Zhu panicked, “I was only taking a guess!”

Qu Wenchang stood up and paced around the study, his heart restless.

The commotion last night not only involved Ji Yuxian, it also exposed the matter between Yuan Zhu and himself. Madam Lee was not willing to let things go and Yuan Zhu was making things difficult for him. He was even more worried that the matter last night had allowed Ji Yuxian to catch on to something and that he had intentionally set this up to trap him.

He had already had matters weighing on his mind, and yet, Shopkeeper Zhu had chosen such a time to visit him, and even mentioned that Ji Yuxian was suspicious of the accounts.

“The Eldest Young Master might just be testing you, if he had solid proof, he would have exposed it much earlier on, let us not mess things up ourselves!” Qu Wenchang said seriously.

“But…” Shopkeeper Zhu still felt uneasy.

“There are no buts! As long as he has no evidence, and if you stubbornly refuse to confess, what can he do about it?” Qu Wenchang said coldly.

Shopkeeper Zhu could only furrow his brows, “Alright!”

His expression however, betrayed his hesitation and unease.

Qu Wenchang shot him a glance and said coldly, “Just follow what I say, do not confess to the Eldest Young Master on your own accord no matter what. If you do, we will be finished!”

Shopkeeper Zhu’s figure trembled, and said in fear “Yes, yes!”

“That’s it, you may return!”

Shopkeeper Zhu saw that Qu Wenchang was feeling restless that day, so he stood up and took his leave.

Once he left the Qu Manor, although the conversation with Qu Wenchang had reassured him to a certain extent, his brows remained tightly knitted.

Back at the Qu Manor study room, Qu Wenchang was still troubled. He summoned his housekeeper in and quietly gave an order, “In the next two days keep an eye on Shopkeeper Zhu. If there are any movements on his side, report to me immediately.”

“This old servant will immediately make arrangements!” The housekeeper replied and left.

In the rear court, Qu Miao had not slept well the previous night and woke up later than usual. After washing up, she recalled the matter that happened last night and started to feel more and more jittery. She got up and went to find Madam Lee.

Once he entered the room she saw Madam Lee sitting on the bed crying, the handkerchief in her hand was soaked through.

“Mother, what happened?” Qu Miao immediately asked.

Tears poured out as Madam Lee embraced Qu Miao and cried in agony, “Miao ‘er, your mother can’t live anymore!”

“What happened? Is it because father refused to chase that vixen out?” Qu Miao asked worriedly.

Li Shi nodded her head, and choked as she said, “That slut is pregnant with your father’s child. Not only does she refuse to leave, she even wants a title. It’s better for me to just die than have to endure this injustice!”

Qu Miao was angered to the point of trembling, “Your daughter already mentioned a long time ago that the slut would bring disaster and asked mother to betroth her to someone. Look, what has just happened!”

Madam Lee could only sob and wipe her tears.

“Mother, just wait. I will go and drive her out right now!” Qu Miao said before she rose and walked out.

Madam Lee did not stop her and let Qu Miao go stir up matters. She herself did not dare to make a fuss because she was scared to provoke Qu Wenchang and really give the slut a chance to take over the bedroom. But Qu Miao was Qu Wenchang’s daughter, it was reasonable for her to kick up a row.

Qu Miao walked furiously into the front court, and kicked the door open with a “Peng”. She screamed, “Slut, come out and meet me right now!”

The servants in the room immediately rushed out and greeted fearfully, “We pay respect to the eldest miss!”

“Where is Yuan Zhu?” Qu Miao asked.

“Miss is in the room!”

Qu Miao widened her strides and entered the inner room. Yuan Zhu was indeed sitting at the dressing table in front of a mirror and drawing her eyebrows.

Qu Miao went over, raised her hand and swept the rouge off the table.

The rouge landed on the floor in a clatter.

Yuan Zhu remained seated without movement, the usual deference and meekness was no longer seen on her face. She only raised her eyebrows and smiled, “Little miss Miao ‘er is pampered by all, your appearance today is no different from the housewives seen at the market!”

Anger flashed in Qu Miao’s eyes. She raised her hands to slap the girl’s face.

Yuan Zhu raised her arm and caught her hand. She stood up and directed the hand onto her belly.

She smiled coldly, “If you hit me here, you’re hurting two lives. Shall we see how your father will reward you?”

Qu Miao was so upset that her body started to shiver. She gritted her teeth and cursed, “Slut! You seduced my father, you won’t die well!”

Yuan Zhu grabbed Qu Miao’s hand and forcefully pushed and laughed sarcastically, “Right, I was the one who seduced him, but it was because I was forced by you and your mother! My father sacrificed his life for your father, and was your family’s saving grace. But you and your mother did not treat me like a human! Your mother even wanted to betroth me to an old man, who at his age, could probably be my father. She purposely let that old man into my room at midnight. The way you repaid kindness with evil, why should I let your life be easy!”

Qu Miao saw the girl’s vengeful glare and was stunned.

“Did you think your father was a good man? He only drank two glasses of wine and pretended to be drunk. He embraced me and did not let me go, did I even need to seduce him?” Yuan Zhu sneered.

“You are making things up!” Qu Miao anxiously cried.

“You go ask him yourself!” Yuan Zhu said in contempt as she sat in front of the dressing table and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

“No, my father is not that kind of person. It was you who seduced him and harmed him!” Qu Miao could not believe that her strict and upright father would be as loose as how Yuan Zhu put it.

Yuan Zhu glanced at her, and with a smile that bore ill intentions, said, “I’m telling you, the doctor has already taken my pulse. The baby in my belly is a male and your father has not yet borne a son. He has been anxious and as long as I bear him a son, he will divorce your mother and give me her title. When that time comes, watch out for my expression.”

Qu Miao’s eyes widened in disbelief as she looked at the girl. Hatred filled her eyes and in a flash, she picked up a tea cup and tried to throw it at her belly.

Yuan Zhu stood up and pressed her belly closer. She said calmly in anticipation, “Go ahead and hit me. Once you do, I will go to the government office and report your entire family for kidnapping an innocent woman and harming a life. At that time, all the ‘good things’ that your father has done will be known by everyone in Jingzhou. Not only will his reputation be damaged, you and your mother will be despised by all. Will you be able to find a family to marry into then?”

“Peng!” The teacup in Qu Miao’s hand landed on the floor and shattered into many pieces. She looked in shock at the proud girl, before turning around and running out.

Yuan Zhu looked at Qu Miao’s departing figure and laughed without restraint. She rested her palm on her belly, “Good son, in the future, no one will dare to bully us anymore!”

Qu Miao returned to the rear court, found Madam Lee, and immediately repeated everything that Yuan Zhi had said to her.

Madam Lee started sobbing even more, “We mother and daughter do not have a way to live anymore!”

Qu Miao was helpless and could only hold onto Madam Lee and cry bitterly.

Over the next few days, Madam Lee would find Qu Wenchang every day and make a scene. Qu Wenchang was wretched and spent the whole day drinking away his worries.

The grounds of the Ji Manor, however, was extremely calm. Ji Yuxian looked through accounts and checked them every day. Or, he would bring Su Jiu out to play.

Su Jiu would practice her calligraphy in the morning and learn how to read accounts in the afternoon. The days were passed in leisure and contentment.

In the blink of an eye, it was 78 days since Su Jiu had entered Jingzhou. On this day, Su Jiu was practicing her calligraphy when she saw Ji Yuxian sitting on the bench opposite her, leisurely flipping through a book to read. She could not help but ask, “Are we going to stay like this? How is the investigation of the merchants’ accounts going?”

“Almost done!” The man rested lazily on the cushion, and said without concern.

Su Jiu thought of Qiao An and Chang Huan, who were both in Shengjing, and wondered how the preparation for the Bodyguard Agency was going. She had also previously instructed Ah Shu to take over the management of the Qingfeng gang and wondered how things had progressed thus far.

“Bored?” Ji Yuxian lifted his head and smiled gently at the girl.

Su Jiu nodded her head and rested her chin on her hand, turning her head to gaze out of the window.

Ji Yuxian put down the book and went over to pull the girl up, “I shall bring my wife out for a stroll!”

“Ah, where to?” Su Jiu hurriedly put down her brush and followed behind him.

“We can just casually stroll around!”

The two of them settled onto a horse carriage and left the premises. As they headed towards the river bank, Ji Yuxian led Su Jiu down the carriage.

Su Jiu changed into a male outfit consisting of a light-grey robe, and draped a coat made from the fur of a snow fox over herself. She had tied her black hair up, and looked especially elegant and handsome. Standing next to Ji Yuxian, both of them had remarkable appearances and dispositions, catching the attention of passer-by’s.

The weather was cold, but the river bank was still bustling with activity. There were people selling buns, bamboo baskets, firewood while others sold more refined items such as cosmetics, porcelain, picture books … many different hawkers were peddling their goods.

On the river bank, there were merchant ships from afar, as well as boats that brought people across the river. There were also many stationary pleasure boats of varying sizes. One could hear the sound of bamboo flutes and take in the fragrance that permeated the air. It was a lively scene.

As both of them alighted the carriage, someone who appeared to be a servant came over and whispered a few words to Jin Feng.

Jin Feng had a grasp of the situation and turned over to give a nod to Ji Yuxian.

Ji Yuxian grabbed Su Jiu’s hand, “My wife, let’s take a joy-ride on a boat!”

Even though Su Jiu had no idea why Ji Yuxian wanted to bring her onto a pleasure boat, she knew that he had done so purposefully. She did not question him and followed Ji Yuxian towards the boat.

Ji Yuxian brought her to the biggest pleasure boat docked on the river bank. Once she got on, the melodious sound of a zither and a delicate voice of a woman drifted into her ear.

The pleasure boat belonged to the city’s Yiqing Tavern. Brothel madams would bring their ladies out to enjoy, while numerous men held ladies in their embrace as they took in the scenery at the bow of the boat. The sound of a zither resonated from the cabin of the ship, it was a quaint and extravagant scene.

The pleasure boat was two stories high, with sheer bead curtains, carved beams, painted rafters and upturned eaves. On both sides of the wooden door, the servants who stood guard were donned in silk garments. When they saw Su Jiu and the rest board the boat, they quickly opened the carved door with a smile.

Once inside, the cabin was spacious and decorated majestically, with glass lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Numerous folding screens marked out several rooms, and in the middle, several girls were dancing, with zither players on both sides decked in colourful robes playing music.

When the brothel madam saw that Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu were dressed decently, her eyes lit up and she hurried over, “Oh, these two young masters look dignified. Please hurry on in!”

Jin Feng slipped two pieces of silver and said, “Find us a room and serve some good tea!”

“Alright, young masters please take a seat inside!” The brothel madam tucked away the silver and grinned from ear to ear as she summoned a servant to quickly serve the tea.

The few of them sat inside the room and immediately, the waiters served the tea as well as pastries, candied sweets and other snacks.

It was called a room, but in actuality, it was just a small area segregated by a sheer silk screen with no door. Those who sat inside could directly view the dancers in the middle, and enjoy the river scenery through the window. It was comfortable and elegant at the same time. Su Jiu had just taken a seat when she swept her eyes across and saw a man in the opposite room leaning on his seat cushion. His eyes were half closed and his fingers were drumming lightly against the table as he listened to the music contentedly. At his side, a beautiful woman in a pink robe was peeling lychees and placing the flesh of the fruit into his mouth.

The man kept his eyes closed as he ate the fruits, his mouth humming softly to the music.

Su Jiu licked her lips in joy, how convenient!

That man was precisely Shopkeeper Zhu of the Shengyu Pawnshop.

Shopkeeper Zhu had been anxious for a few days, but after seeing that Ji Yuxian had not come to find him, had slowly set his mind at rest. It just so happened that he had a mistress at the Qing Tavern. When he heard that there would be a pleasure boat that day, he decided to come over with her to relax a bit.

Su Jiu stared at Shopkeeper Zhu. Even though he was definitely the same man she saw at the Pawnshop, she saw little semblance.

That day at the pawnshop, Shopkeeper Zhu was dressed in a black robe and carried a solemn expression. He had been restrained in his speech and was decidedly calm. However, the man that sat here today was frivolous and proud. It was as though they were two different people.

Su Jiu lifted her eyes to observe the other men in the rooms and found them to be similarly unabashed.

Brothels could actually bring out a person’s true character!

Shopkeeper Zhu, who had been humming to the music with his eyes closed, could faintly feel that he was being observed and slowly opened his eyes. He looked past the dancing ladies and when his gaze fell upon Su Jiu, he was immediately dumbfounded.

He person who pawned the painting that day?

He did not even have time to be shocked, as when he shifted his gaze, he saw Ji Yuxian right opposite her.

His mind exploded and started to buzz!

He could not react at that moment.

Ji Yuxian had already looked over and gave him a slight smile.

There was only one word in Shopkeeper Zhu’s mind, finished!

The mistress from the tavern next to him saw Shopkeeper Zhu’s dumfounded expression and laughed flatteringly, “What happened? Which of those sisters has sucked your soul away?”

In the instance that she saw Shopkeeper Zhu, Su Jiu already understood the purpose behind Ji Yuxian coming here.

On the other side, Shopkeeper Zhu had already walked over, his previously frivolous conduct was nowhere to be seen as he greeted respectfully, “I did not expect to meet the Eldest Young Master here!”

The corners of Ji Yuxian’s lips were lifted in a grin, his expression was calm and collected as he smiled saying, “Yes, there was nothing to do today so I brought my wife out to enjoy the scenery of Jing Province. What a coincidence!”

“Wi-Wife?” Shopkeeper Zhu startled.

“Yes, let me introduce her to Shopkeeper Zhu, this is my person!” Ji Yuxian pointed to Su Jiu.

Su Jiu lifted her head and smiled at Shopkeeper Zhu, “Greetings to Shopkeeper Zhu!”

Shopkeeper Zhu’s face became pale and stared at Su Jiu for a few seconds before grimacing, “Greetings to young master’s… young master’s wife!”

At that moment, he finally understood everything. That painting belonged to Ji Yuxian and he had purposely brought it to the pawnshop to pawn.

The only thing he could not understand was, how did that painting end up in the hands of Ji Yuxian?

Was it Qu Wenchang?

But then he thought that it wasn’t possible as he had no reason to do so!

“Shopkeeper Zhu should take a seat!” Ji Yuxian laughed lightly.

“Yes, yes!” Shopkeeper Zhu sat down uneasily on a chair, his face as white as a sheet.

However, Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu did not bring up the matter regarding the painting and only made small talk as they talked about the weather, the beautiful dancers, and the river scenery…

Shopkeeper Zhu, who was sitting at the side, did not dare to get up and walk away. Once in a while, he chipped in a few sentences as a local of the area and forced himself to laugh along.

Things remained this way till the evening, and only when most of the guests in the boat cabin had left did Ji Yuxian and Su Jiu rise to take their leave.

Shopkeeper Zhu had been tense the whole afternoon and could not sit comfortably. He could no longer endure it and seeing that Ji Yuxian was leaving, he hurriedly stood up and followed behind.

Once they alighted the boat, Ji Yuxian smiled saying, “My wife and I will be heading back to the estate. Shopkeeper Zhu may do as he please!”

“This servant will visit young master another day!” Shopkeeper Zhu respectfully replied.

Ji Yuxian smiled meaningfully, “Alright, I will get my servants to prepare tea in anticipation for your visit.”

Shopkeeper Zhu did not dare to life his head and said, “Yes, I will go as soon as possible!”

It was only when the horse carriage was drawn into the distance that Shopkeeper Zhu finally straightened his waist. He realised that his back was soaked through with cold sweat, and felt chills from his head to his toes.

Back home, Shopkeeper Zhu spent the whole night sorting the ledgers. He knew his in heart that he had to give an account of what happened. The fact that Ji Yuxian had not taken the initiative to bring it up meant that he had been given some leeway. He had come to realise what had to be done for his own good.

According to laws of the land, the punishment for cheating someone of their money and coveting their wealth was a prison term.

He could not drive himself into a dead end.

Su Jiu and Ji Yuxian still had not returned to the estate after disembarking the boat. The carriage continued down the streets and eventually stopped in front of a rouge store.

Ji Yuxian waited on the horse carriage while Su Jiu got off the carriage alone.

She let her hair down and used a purple hair tie to secure her hair. Dress in a fur coat, and with her outstanding appearance, she attracted the attention of many as she stepped into the store.

The store assistant saw her remarkable appearance and hurriedly went forward, “This miss, what would you like to purchase?”

Su Jiu strolled inside leisurely, and said lightly, “Just casually taking a look!”

At that time, there were numerous noble ladies from the city in the store. Qu Miao turned her head when she heard the voice and was stunned for a moment. The store was only this big and knowing that there was nowhere to hide. She could only go over and greet, “Miao ‘er greets the young mistress!”

Ever since the commotion at the Qu Manor, Qu Miao’s face was harried and she kept her head bowed, not daring to look up at Su Jiu.

However, Su Jiu acted as if nothing had happened, and gently smiled, “So it’s Miss Qu, what a coincidence!”

Over the past few days Qu Miao had become haggard, her complexion was sallow and her eyes lacked her usual energy and vitality. She had gone out that day to clear her mind, and yet she had had unexpectedly bumped into Su Jiu. She could only smile awkwardly, “Yes, what a coincidence!”

Su Jiu looked around at the rouge powder displayed on the shelves, with no intention carry on the conversation with Qu Miao.

Qu Miao glanced out of the store and could not help but ask, “Why do I not see the Eldest Young Master here with madam today?”

Su Jiu casually replied, “He has gone to the Jinshui temple to listen to the old monks preach today, he will probably only be back tomorrow!”

“Oh!” Qu Miao shifted her gaze and secretly nodded.

In a flash, Su Jiu randomly selected a few boxes of rouge, and after paying, she said goodbye to Qu Miao before taking her leave. Qu Miao respectfully sent her off at the exit.

After Su Jiu left, Qu Miao no longer had the mood to shop for rouge. She got on her horse carriage and instructed the carriage driver to quickly return to the manor.

Once she reached home, the sky was already dark. Qu Miao entered Madam Lee’s bedroom and saw Madam Lee seated, staring blankly into space.

It was barely a few days and Madam Lee had already lost a lot of weight. She had cried so much that her eyes seemed to have shrunken in.

“Mother, what is the use of crying like this every day?” Qu Miao sat at her bedside and comforted her.

“I resent your father for being so fickle towards us. Even so, I have been at his side assisting him and raising his children for so long, never daring to make a single mistake!” The more Madam Lee talked about it, the more wronged she felt.

“Mother please stop crying!” Qu Miao used a handkerchief to dab her tears away, a sinister intent was hidden in her eyes as she said softly, “After all, her child has not been born yet. Whether she is able to give birth is still not known yet!”

Madam Lee sniffled, her eyes glistened in the dark.

“Mother, let’s leave the city tomorrow to offer some incense. You can let relax for a bit. Otherwise, you will definitely fall sick if you sob like this every day!” Qu Miao said.

“Since when did I have the mood to go out?” Madam Lee sighed.

“We have not had it easy at home recently, it might do us good to pray to Buddha!” Qu Miao advised.

Madam Lee thought for a bit, and nodded her head saying, “You are right, we should go pray to Buddha. Let us leave tomorrow morning.”

“Alright, mother should rest well!” When Qu Miao thought of the fact that she would be able to see Ji Yuxian on the mountain tomorrow, her heart leaped with joy, and the colour of her face gradually returned to her face again.

Early the next morning, Qu Wenchang sat in his study and after listening to his servant’s report, his face hardened.

The previous day, Shopkeeper Zhu and Ji Yuxian had a “private conversation” in the pleasure boat through the entire afternoon. At night, Shopkeeper Zhu had spent the entire night sorting through the ledgers. Was he unable to sit still now?

Qu Wenchang’s eyes twitched as he contemplated for a moment before a cruel glint rose in his eyes. He instructed discreetly, “Go to the Zhu Estate right now and bring Shopkeeper Zhu over right now. Quickly, we must not let him meet Ji Yuxian!”

“This servant will go right away!”

The servant immediately acknowledged and hurriedly galloped towards the Zhu Estate.

Worry built up in Qu Wenchang’s heart, and he felt as though he was sitting on a bed of needles. As he got up to head to the entrance to wait, he saw Madam Lee and a group of servants, as well as Qu Miao, head out.

“Where is my lady going?” Qu Wenchang asked.

Madam Lee grunted coldly as she turned her head away. Qu Miao’s complexion appeared much better after applying make-up. She glanced at her own mother before replying, “Mother has been in a good mood, this daughter is bringing her mother out of the city to offer incense.”

Qu Wenchang was originally feeling unsettled, and he barely processed the words he heard He nodded, “I see, go on then. Go early and come back early!”

Madam Lee just ignored him and led Qu Miao out.

At the side, Qu Miao quickly walked forward and at the same time, turned her head back to bid farewell to Qu Wenchang, “Yes, your daughter shall leave now!”

At the entrance, a horse carriage was already prepared. Qu Miao supported Madam Lee up the carriage and they departed through the city gates.

Very quickly, Shopkeeper Zhu was brought over by a few men. After greeting him, he asked, “Why has Housekeeper Qu summoned me?

Qu Wenchang order the servants to take their leave before securing the doors behind them. He personally poured a cup of tea for and asked, “I heard Shopkeeper Zhu went to find the Eldest Young Master yesterday?”

Shopkeeper Zhu’s hand, which was holding the tea cup, trembled slightly. He steadied himself before replying, “It was only a coincidence. We sat together and exchanged a few sentences.”

“Is that so?” Qu Wenchang snorted and smiled meaningfully.

Shopkeeper Zhu sat at the side with the tea cup in his hand, and pretended to take a sip.

“Shopkeeper Zhu, we are in the same boat, if one rises the other will rise, if one falls the other will fall. I have a few words to say to you. That person Ji Yuxian is not as amiable as he appears. All these years, Eldest Young Master Ji has killed decisively when he handled his affairs. His merciless actions are well known. If it wasn’t so, he would not have been able to take control of the complicated politics within the Ji Manor.” Qu Wenchang sat on the old-fashioned wooden armchair, his hands clenched as he said coldly.

Shopkeeper Zhu’s looked up and agreed, “Indeed, this servant has also heard rumours regarding his character!”

“So, don’t leave things up to luck and assume that he will let you off after confessing everything to him. By doing so, you will only hasten your end!” Qu Wenchang smiled slightly, his eyes sharp.

Shopkeeper Zhu was stunned, and his conscience was pricked as he replied with a smile, “Housekeeper Qu is joking, this servant will not do such a foolish thing!”

“It would be best if that was the case!”

The two of them exchanged a few pleasantries, and Qu Wenchang intentionally tried to drag time to get Shopkeeper Zhu to stay behind at go through the accounts with him. Later, he got his servants to prepare supper, all to prevent Shopkeeper Zhu from leaving.

Shopkeeper Zhu started to feel anxious, but did not dare to reveal any of his feelings. He could only accompany Qu Wenchang to chat and drink.

In the winter, the days are short, and very soon, evening came. Qu Miao was feeling discouraged as she had not bumped into Ji Yuxian on the mountain. After having a vegetarian meal, she took another break before descending the mountain with Li Shi. The sky was already dark and there were less people on the mountain path. The shadows of the trees cast over the path, the cold draught made the atmosphere gloomy.

The horse carriage travelled down the mountain path, the journey bumpy. After offering the incense, Madam Lee was feeling less depressed. She shut her eyes and leaned against the wall of the carriage as she recuperated.

Qu Miao sat there feeling bored, she lifted up the curtains of the carriage and gazed outside. As she thought of Ji Yuxian, she fell into a daze.

The commotion back at home had left things unbearable, and after realising that her father had taken Ji Yuxian to be an enemy, she had spent the last few days tossing in bed without rest, and could not enjoy her meals in peace. She had initially intended to meet Ji Yuxian that day to explain herself, but alas, everything was for naught. On one hand, she felt that she had wronged Ji Yuxian, and on the other hand, she had realised that both of them were not fated to be and became dejected and downcast.

As she was occupied by her thoughts, the horse suddenly startled and cried out. The horse carriage veered to one side and Qu Miao was thrown onto Madam Lee. Madam Lee was shocked awake, “What just happened?”

She had just said the last word when she heard the carriage driver shout, “My lady, it’s a robbery!”

Qu Miao was so shocked that her whole body jerked. She hid in Madam Lee’s embrace and trembled, “Mother!”

Madam Lee was frightened as well, she forced herself to steady her emotions and pushed the door of the carriage open. Outside, two men dressed in black were pointing their knifes towards the carriage, and asked in a stern voice, “Is this Qu Manor’s horse carriage?”

Madam Lee replied in a petrified voice, “These men, we are all good people. Here are some pieces of silver, I can give them to you to spend. Please spare our lives!”

While she said that, she quivered as she took out a money bag from her sleeves and threw it to the ground.

Those men in black did not even look at it, and only coldly exclaimed, “We do not want money. Somebody paid us to take your lives. Don’t blame us!”

With that, someone leapt forward and swung their knife towards Madam Lee.

“Ah!” Madam Lee screamed, and banged the carriage door shut while urgently crying out, “Zhou Cheng! Speed up!”

The carriage driver was a housekeeper in the Qu Family and was terribly shocked. When he heard Madam Lee’s scream, he immediately snapped out of his daze and whipped the riding crop directly on the behind of the horse. The horse raised its head and cried out before darting forward haphazardly.

“Chase after them! Kill them!” The two men in black yelled and chased behind the horse carriage tightly.

Within the horse carriage, Madam Lee and Qu Miao were both huddled together and shaking.

“Mother, who wants to kill us? Qu Miao quivered.

“Don’t know!” Madam Lee did not have the mood to consider this and had put her thoughts on escaping with their lives.

The horse carriage sped down the mountain path while the two assassins kept a close chase. Zhou Cheng desperately whipped the horse. He felt as though his heart was close to jumping out!

Quickly, the horse carriage approached a public street. Zhou Cheng saw that there were pedestrians on the path and yelled, “Save us! Murder!”

As he looked backed, the men in black had already caught up. The knife sliced into the horse carriage.

“Kacha”, a corner of the horse carriage was sliced off. The mother and daughter within the carriage both screamed in fear.

Zhou Cheng’s heart had already jumped into his throat, his whole body paralysed with fear. Yet, he did not dare to stop and could only whip the horse continually like a mad man.

That horse was in pain and violently sped forward, slowly leaving the men in black behind them.

It was unknown how long it ran for, but up ahead, the city gates could faintly be made out in the distance. Zhou Cheng said excitedly, “Madam, madam, we are entering the city!”

Madam Lee and Qu Miao shuddered, and when they heard what Zhou Cheng had said, they hurriedly said, “Quickly enter the city, quickly enter the city!”

Their voices were close to cracking.

Zhou Cheng had been so desperate, and seeing how there was an increasing number of pedestrians on the road, he finally gained the courage to look back. The men in black seemed to have been scared off by the city guards and had already stopped chasing them.

Zhou Cheng sighed in relieve, his entire body was soaked through in cold sweat.

The horse carriage slowed down, and entered the city together with other people on the road. Within the horse carriage, Madam Lee and Qu Miao were both slumped to one side and unmoving. They did not even have the energy to speak.

“Mother!” Qu Miao gradually regained clarity and wailed in Madam Lee’s arms.

“Everything is alright, everything is alright!” Madam Lee’s complexion was pale. She took a gulp of saliva and embraced her daughter tightly.

At that point, Shopkeeper Zhu had just left the Qu Manor and got on a sedan to head back home.

Sitting on the sedan, Shopkeeper Zhu’s brows were knitted tightly, and he was troubled. He had originally intended to give an account of what happened to Ji Yuxian after sorting out the ledgers. But Qu Wencheng had clearly threatened him, and he was unable to come to a decision.

Afterall, this was Jingzhou, and not Shengjing.

If he really confessed and Ji Yuxian did not do anything to Qu Wenchang, he would not have a secure future in Jingzhou.

He had been deep in thought when the sedan came to an abrupt stop. After waiting for a few seconds, and seeing that the sedan still remained stationary, he became irritated and parted the curtains to ask, “Why are we not moving?”

The sedan bearer hurriedly replied, “Master, the road ahead is blocked. Looking at the situation, I think we will have to wait for a while!”

Shopkeeper Zhu was rushing to return back and could not wait. He impatiently said, “Take the alley back!”

“Alright, Master please sit tight!”

The sedan bearer lifted the sedan again and made a U-turn into the alley, intending to make a detour back home.

While the streets were busy, the alley was completely quiet. The sun was setting and the shadow that were cast by the rays of light made the atmosphere dark and gloomy.

The entire journey was silent, and only the sound of the sedan creaking could be heard. As they moved deeper into the alley, a sudden gust of cold wind blew by. From the top of a building, a single arrow suddenly flew over and accurately pierced the front most sedan bearer. He cried out in agony before his body tipped over.

The sedan fell onto the floor with a bang. The others, seeing their companion die so suddenly, were stunned for a moment before shrieking.

“What happened!” When Shopkeeper Zhu raised the curtains of the sedan uneasily, he saw a few men in black jump off the roof of a building. The swords in their hands glimmered in the light. They did not speak a word and instead sliced towards the sedan.

“Ah! Save me!” The remaining three sedan bearers howled in terror and fled in all four directions.

One of the sedan bears was stabbed in the back and was left dead against the wall. Blood flowed endlessly and splattered onto the sedan.

Shopkeeper Zhu was so petrified that his entire body shook. He readied his legs to flee, his arms flailing as he cried for help.

“Somebody! Murder!”

One of the men in black held a sword in his hand and chased after him.

Shopkeeper Zhu was so frightened that his legs turned into jelly. He stumbled and the man in black behind him caught up. He raised his sword and aimed at his neck.

Shopkeeper Zhu fell to the ground, his mouth agape as he watched the cold sword slice towards him.


Suddenly, a loud and clear sound resonated, as though a stone had hit the surface of the sword. The sword was directly sent flying and fell onto the ground with a thud about a few metres away.

The man in black looked up abruptly!

On the roof stood a youth who was clad in a similar black cloak, with her hair tied up and her face veiled with a black cloth, only revealing her eyes. She did not have the same murderous aura around her. Instead she was calm like flowing water, although the water was chillingly cold. She leapt off the roof.

The men in black quickly retreated, but that youth was much faster. In the twinkling of an eye, she caught up and kicked the man at his chest and sent him flying backwards. The man in black was smashed into the wall with a “Peng”. He coughed out fresh blood, his eyes blacked out and died in the next moment.

Shopkeeper Zhu, who was standing behind, was stupefied.

The youth looked back, “Why are you still not leaving!”

“Ai!” Shopkeeper Zhu recovered from his shock and continuously bowed his head, “Thank you young warrior for rescuing me, thank you!”

As Shopkeeper Zhu said this, he staggered up.

He fled in an instance.

The remaining men in black had already rushed over. The youth lifted off the ground and used her hands to grab the shoulders of the person closest to her. Her knees flew upwards. “Kacha!” The man lifted his head up and howled in agony.

The youth shifted her body and avoided the sword which was aimed at her. Her hands clawed the hand that was gripping the sword and took possession of the sword before flinging him to the side.

In such a short period, three of the men in black were eliminated. The youth was swift and ruthless, her imposing manner was fear-inducing!

As they saw the youth with a knife in her hand, the remaining two men in black gripped onto their swords and faced her. They remained on their guard as they slowly retreated.

As the youth waved the sword in her hands in all her splendour, there was only the sound “peng peng” as both men in black threw the swords in their hands and fled.

The youth pulled away the black cloth that veiled her face, revealing her delicate and pure appearance. She grinned and smiled brightly. Her figure flashed and quickly disappeared from the alley which was covered in blood.

The two men in black were flustered as they fled for their lives. They ran into another alley, and sighed in relief when they saw that the youth did not follow them. They removed their black cloaks and tossed it to aside before heading in the direction of the Qu Manor.

On this side, Madam Lee and Qu Miao had also encountered a road block, and had to wait for half an hour before continuing their journey home.

It was fortunate that once they entered the city, they were surrounded by people and the both of them no longer had to be afraid.

Qu Miao voiced out her lingering fear, “Mother, who wants to kill us?”

“Don’t know!” Madam Lee found this scene familiar and hugged Qu Miao in fright, her body shaking.

The horse carriage arrived at the manor and both Madam Lee and Qu Miao disembarked. They observed their surroundings before quickly entering the manor.

Inside the rear court, Madam Lee said, “Miao ‘er, go back to your room first. I will go find your father!”

No matter what, she was still a woman, and when something happened, her first instinct was to find her man.

Qu Miao nodded her head, “Alright!”

The sky was already dark and the shadows cast were eerie. Madam Lee walked uneasily towards the study, and just when she was about to push the door open, she heard Qu Wenchang exclaim, “Didn’t die?”

Madam Lee was stunned, and the hand that was about to push the door open halted.

There was someone else inside, and it was not known what was said, but Qu Wenchang was so angry that he shattered a teacup.

“Useless! I spent so much money to hire you to kill a defenceless person. Such a small matter and you were unable to accomplish anything. What use do you have?”

“Yes, this servant has failed”

“I can be at rest only if he is dead. Only then will there be no worries!”

“This servant will send people out again!”

“This time, he will definitely be more alert. Proceed with caution!”

Madam Lee, who was standing outside, became as white as a sheet with this turn of events. she retreated in shock.

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As it turned out, the person who wanted to kill her, was her husband!

As long as she was dead, he would be able to marry that slut Yuan Zhu. He would also be able to have a son. Indeed, he would no longer have to worry!

Madam Lee clenched her teeth and stared tenaciously at the study door with a pair of dim eyes that were akin to the poison, sombre and bitingly cold. She turned around slowly and walked away.

Qu Wenchang, you want me to die, I won’t let you have it easy!

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