Meditating Lao Ni was about to take off the sword, and when he saw Yun Lei's strange look, he asked, "Lei, what's wrong with you?"

Yun Lei Nana: "Master, should I go again? The disciples' spiritual power is low ..."

Meditation Lao Ni laughed: "Stupid child, you are now a slump like before. If you use it properly, your spiritual power is almost as far as a teacher. What you lack is just the experience of the enemy. This time, It ’s the right time to exercise your hands and feet, and you should increase your knowledge. "

Yun Lei nibbled her lips slightly, summoned her courage, and asked her doubts over the past few days: "Master, is this Ao-ri deity really a demon? I ... I see them acting like bad people what?"

"Shimei, what's the matter with you ?! This proud Sun religion is the world's first evil sect, and the Xiuxian sect of the whole world knows all about it, why would you ask such a question? Is it evil?" Suddenly asked such an outrageous question, he could not help rebuke.

The meditation Lao Ni was a move in his heart: "Raile, are you young and superficial, and you only look at superficial phenomena when you look at things, it is no wonder that you will be confused by the people in Ao Shrine. It has been committed for hundreds of years The iniquity is almost exhausted, and I have time to talk to you again for the teacher. But Leier, you must remember that since ancient times, evil and evil have not been in opposition, immortals and demons have not coexisted, and the difference between the two thoughts is the magic! "Afterwards, the voice turned harsh.

Yun Lei was the first time she saw Master's enthusiasm, and she was surprised, she nodded involuntarily: "Disciple, disciple took note."

The meditation old man saw Yun Lei's look of sincerity and horror, her heart softened, and she sighed softly: "Okay, let's go." The royal sword rose, and the group of six went west in the direction suggested by Zifu. .

Several people followed the instructions of the Qingxu Daodao in Zifuli, galloping all the way, flying about three or four hours, and came to a mountain. In front of this mountain, the mountains are so high that the mountains are lined up thousands of miles.

Yun Lei stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up, but when the snow-white clouds filled the sky, the snow-capped ice peaks stood under the blue sky, sparkling like crystals. At this time, it was dusk, the sunset on the horizon reflected on the ice peaks, colorful Brilliant and magnificent. Yun Lei rarely goes down the mountain, seeing such wonders, can only see the fascinating, can't help but say: "What kind of mountain is this? Compared to our Emei, this mountain has another captivating charm!".

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