Seeing the boss's dark face, Fang Tang was immediately panicked when he saw him start to curse. He immediately ran over to salute and shouted, "Hello, Chief."

Zhang Tianhe asked in a cold voice, "Do you still have the chief and the leader in your eyes? Such a big thing, you didn't even investigate it clearly, and you came to judge. Do you know how to judge? Who did you judge today? Tell me."

"Ah, this..." Fang Tang didn't dare to speak, hesitating for a long time, without saying a word.

"Are you very brave? Speak up. Didn't you speak loudly and reasonably just now? I'll give you a chance to speak."

Fang Tang's face flushed slightly after being beaten by his boss. He stammered and explained, "I... came here because of Comrade Tang Xinyi's opinion. I... really didn't know anything."

Hearing Fang Tang push the matter onto herself, Tang Xinyi's face wrapped in white gauze turned black. Looking at General Gao and the deputy commander, she hurriedly explained, "Chief, listen to me. I have videos and evidence. My original intention was not for myself, but for discipline and organization. This kid is really too much. He shouldn't appear in the army and disrupt the normal order. This is completely against the rules..."

General Gao interrupted Tang Xinyi directly and said in a deep voice, "Okay, you come here dressed like a mummy. I tell you, don't think I don't know what you are up to. I just gave Chen Haonan the title of a first-class young combat hero in a meeting here, and you are judging him here. What do you mean by this? Are you slapping me in the face?"

First-class young combat hero? ?

Hearing this terrifying title, Fang Tang's eyes bulged and he froze in place. It was over. It was completely over this time. He judged a hero in the eyes of the chief.

"Damn it, why didn't he check it out clearly? He just listened to the one-sided words of that woman Tang Xinyi. No wonder the chief was so angry. This matter is too big, no one can cover it up..."

Fang Tang felt cold in his heart. He looked at Tang Xinyi with hatred, wishing to tear her apart. This woman hurt him a lot. She actually dragged him to the trial. The battle hero who was just rewarded by the chief, let alone other things, the saliva of the crowd could drown him.

Who has ideological problems? The answer is already obvious. No wonder Lao Kong and Kang Tuan didn't even want their personal honor to protect this child.

Damn... This time it was outrageous.

The more Fang Tang regretted, the happier Kang Tuan, Lao Kong, and the people of the Iron Fist Group were.

"Chen Haonan was actually awarded the first-class young combat hero. That's awesome. It's worth it!"

"This is the honor he earned with his blood and life. However, his achievements are what he deserves. It's just that some people are short-sighted and want to judge our hero. It's too inhumane."

"The truth is in people's hearts. Those who have crooked minds can only succeed for a while, but not for a long time. What error correction cadres and scientific research directors are not as ideologically conscious as a child. Others have killed enemies and made meritorious contributions at the age of 9, but they can only scream behind their backs. These people should learn more. They have become rigid in their thinking after sitting in the office for too long."

"Chen Haonan is really a role model for our Iron Fist Group. It's amazing. A first-class combat hero, the first person in the history of the Iron Fist Group..."

When the Iron Fist Group heard that the little hero Chen Haonan was awarded such a high honor, everyone was excited. Little did they know that the more excited they were, the more uncomfortable Tang Xinyi, who initiated the trial, felt. Her fair face changed madly the moment she heard the words.

First-class combat hero?

My God, does he deserve it?

How can a person who has no organization and no discipline and respects his comrades deserve it?

"Report." The next second, Tang Xinyi immediately reported, "He doesn't deserve it..."

"Shut up." General Gao roared, "Do you think you are great because you are a scientific research cadre? If you say you don't deserve it, then you don't deserve it. You clearly know how Chen Haonan was injured and he killed the scorpion's people. You put aside this fact and talk, right?"

"Why don't you just fly to the sky? You are staring at your own three acres of grievances and judging others here. If you put aside your personal achievements, what is your behavior? Shouldn't you also be brought to trial..."

Tang Xinyi was scolded by General Gao and her face turned red. She didn't dare to talk back. The leader said so. What can she say? If she says more, it's all deliberate black.

Zhang Tianhe next to him was also scolding Fang Tang, his tone did not allow for any negotiation: "You don't know this information, or you pretend not to know it, even Jesus can't save you, Langya has determined that the child is a hero, Commander Gao will go to visit him in person, you are judging him here, I really admire you." Fang Tang heard the words and his whole body turned cold, regretting it so much that his intestines were about to turn green, this time he was really wrong, if he had investigated more and thought more, there would be such aThe result?

The last trial of Gong Jian and this kid was a warning, but he didn't know how to reflect on himself. Instead, he was so angry when he heard Tang Xinyi's one-sided story that he came straight to kill her. He was too impulsive. He was also a little dissatisfied because he was suppressed by Liu Tao for the first time.

This time he made a serious mistake...

The more Fang Tang and Tang Xinyi regretted, the more relieved the people of the Iron Fist Group were. Everyone had a comfortable smile on their faces.

"See? Those two guys who have nothing to do are being scolded. They deserve it."

"Without investigation, there is no right to speak. These two guys are blinded by their own advantages and can't see the advantages of others. In the end, they still hurt themselves."

"No one can judge anyone based on their own subjectivity. They deserve to be scolded. Haha, scolding is light. Wait and see, the key is how to punish them..."

General Gao looked at Tang Xinyi and growled: "Comrade Tang Xinyi, you two will each be punished for a serious mistake. Go back and write a thought report of at least 100,000 words. I will notify your research group."

A serious mistake... Gu Xiaojie's body trembled, and she almost couldn't stand and fell down. In today's action, she just wanted to find an explanation for herself, but she didn't expect to shoot herself in the foot and hurt herself in the end.

I didn't expect that the child had made so many contributions. According to his achievements, he is a hero. He was really blind and did it without investigation.

Gu Xiaojie regretted it, but she endured it silently and didn't dare to say a word.

Tang Xinyi's face turned green, and she was filled with dissatisfaction. She opened her mouth and wanted to explain, but Deputy Commander Wang yelled at her: "Get out of here! You are abusing patrol resources and you want to add insult to injury."

Tang Xinyi shook her head helplessly, and then left with Gu Xiaojie silently. General Gao followed and turned to look at all the patrol comrades present...

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