The middle-aged man with a slicked-back haircut and a greasy face looked at Shi Guo's wife with malicious eyes and said with a sly smile: "Yang Hua, our boss has always been obsessed with you. This is not a blessing that everyone can enjoy. I suggest you think carefully and come with us now. Don't stick a fresh flower in cow dung."

"Let me go, I don't want to hear this, I've said I won't consider it, get out of my house." Yang Huaxiu's face was full of anger and she struggled hard.

The middle-aged man continued to seduce her: "Don't be so excited. I checked. You are not married yet and you don't have a certificate. Don't spend the rest of your life here. You see, he is a waste. You see, he was just shouting, why is he not arrogant now?"

As he said, he looked at Shi Guo on the ground with contempt in his eyes and continued to yell: "Aren't you powerful? Get up, haha... You are a soldier, but you can't get up with this little injury. Yang Hua, do you like such a weak disabled man?"

"Let me go, Shi Guo is injured, I want to save him, save him quickly, otherwise he will die."

Seeing Shi Guo, Yang Hua's eyes were full of tears, and he looked at the middle-aged man pleadingly, but the other party was indifferent.

An Ran, who had just arrived, happened to hear these conversations, and then he was surprised to find that Shi Guo was lying on the ground, with a pool of blood under him, and a bulldozer hanging above his head. Obviously, he was knocked unconscious by the bulldozer.

"How dare these guys hurt people directly?"

An Ran was shocked, his eyes were full of anger, and he glared at those guys fiercely, but he didn't have time to pay attention in a hurry, and rushed over shouting: "Save people, save people quickly."

"What do you do, treating soldiers like this?"

The middle-aged man looked at An Ran in military uniform, with a little fear in his eyes, and whispered: "He insisted on stopping the bulldozer, and accidentally got like this..."

"Asshole, call an ambulance quickly, if he gets hurt, you will be guilty."

An Ran said coldly, and then pulled Shi Guo up, only to find that he was in a coma, and a blood hole in his head was still bleeding, and he was seriously injured.

"Female colleague, the situation is not as they said. They deliberately hurt Shi Guo with a bulldozer."

When Yang Hua saw An Ran appear, she seemed to have grabbed the last straw and cried for help: "Save Shi Guo quickly, he can't die like this."

She remembered An Ran, a soldier. The other party came to see Shi Guo several times and said that he was a comrade-in-arms. Now only she can help them.

As she said that, Yang Hua, crying like a pear blossom, struggled desperately, "Let me go, it's illegal to forcibly arrest people like this."

The middle-aged man kept holding Yang Hua with his big hand, and refused to let go.

"You actually robbed people in broad daylight and hurt soldiers. Aren't you afraid of being sent to prison?"

An Ran's low roar frightened the middle-aged man and made him hesitate, but his hesitation only lasted for a few seconds. He thought that since he was here anyway, he couldn't go back to face the boss empty-handed. Besides, there was only a female soldier here. What can she do? She didn't have any evidence.

He made up his mind and gestured to the bulldozer driver, "Push this first."

Boom boom...

The heavy bulldozer started again, and the heavy bulldozer shovel slowly dropped. Fortunately, An Ran had already pulled Shi Guo away from the original position, and the bulldozer was facing the old house where Shi Guo lived.

Such an old house was not very solid to begin with, and it collapsed immediately after the bulldozer was shoveled down.

" can't knock down our house, you have no right to do so." Yang Hua was so anxious that his heart was about to burst.

"Stop, stop if you don't want to be sent to prison." An Ran shouted, warning the other party, but the driver of the bulldozer had no intention of stopping at all. The machine kept roaring and kept approaching the house. If it got closer, the shovel would be able to knock down the house.

Just when Yang Hua and An Ran were so anxious that they were staring at their eyes, a small shadow suddenly flashed in front of them, and then someone quickly climbed onto the bulldozer, and a childish voice came out, "Hey, what are you doing."

"Ouch..." The driver inside screamed and was quickly thrown down. When he came to his senses, he saw an eight or nine-year-old child standing in the cab, controlling the bulldozer, and the bulldozer had changed direction, facing the companions who came with them.

"What are you doing? This will kill people."

"Why are you using a bulldozer to hit people? Who is that person on top? Get down quickly, this is a criminal act."

The more than ten people brought by the middle-aged man saw the bulldozer coming towards them, and they screamed and scattered.

The person on the bulldozer was still yelling: "Listen, that person is a soldier, a hero, you actually hurt him publicly, you are breaking the law.”

At this time, they saw clearly that it was a child standing there, about 8 or 9 years old, in other words, a primary school student.

How could a child be so bold?

All the guys were stunned, and at this time, the child Chen Haonan shouted again: "Are all the people in the village dead? Why don't you come and help?"

Don't say it, at the beginning, these villagers were quite afraid of things, but seeing that a child was so brave, they suddenly became a little shaken and hesitated whether to go up to help.

Next to them, some children also heard this, and they were braver than adults. They shouted to their parents: "Mom and Dad, a child has stood up. It's useless to scold you. Are you just watching people die without helping? Go and save people."

"Mom and Dad, you usually say that you want to help others. Why don't you dare to go up to help today? Those people obviously did something wrong. They deliberately hurt the soldier uncle."

"That's right. Brother Guo told me the story of the soldiers. Why should we be afraid of them? Go and help. "

The reason why the adults didn't dare to stop them was that they had already received the demolition compensation. Not to mention Shi Guo's house, even their houses would be demolished. They didn't understand why Shi Guo had to resist. Although those guys were a bit unreasonable, everything here would be demolished, and resistance was useless.

When the villagers were hesitating, they suddenly saw their children rushing up with sticks, hoes, etc., and some adults stood up in desperation.

Seeing a large group of people rushing over like this, the middle-aged man's face changed drastically, and he immediately shouted: "My boss, Bi Donglai of Haonan Group, has a document issued by the government. You who have taken part of the demolition compensation are making trouble here, and the follow-up will not be issued."

Suddenly, he heard a child shouting: "Detain them, my father is the director of Haonan Group, and I am the young master. They must have taken chicken feathers as a command arrow. Arrest them, I will ask my father..."

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