The scene was completely silent, and everyone looked at Chen Bo with a puzzled look.

Chen Bo wiped his cold sweat, waved to everyone, and asked them to continue eating and drinking, then said to the phone: "Son, don't get excited first, give the phone to the person in charge, I'll tell him, let me think about who is in charge of that project, oh, yes, it's a regional manager, called Lao Bi..."

The approval of materials and the signature of documents all have to go through his hands, so Chen Bo suddenly remembered.

He knows his son's character, he has always been reliable and will not make trouble for no reason, it must be those people who are too much.

At this moment, the middle-aged man next to Chen Haonan was also on the phone.

"Boss, a kid came and messed up the matter. He is like Huang Feihong, very skilled, my people are not enough for him, and the villagers have been provoked by him and are on his side. We are not good enough, boss, please send some more people over..."

A curse came from the other end of the middle-aged man's phone.

"Fuck! You are useless. You can't even handle a child. It's a waste of food. Listen carefully. You appease the villagers and arrest the child. If they don't cooperate, call the police immediately and say that they are disrupting the normal demolition work and injuring people at will. Take more photos as evidence."

"But... Boss, we have tried. Those villagers are like crazy, especially the children of those villagers. They obey the child's orders as if they don't care about their lives. We can't beat them at all, and we are also worried about someone's death."

The middle-aged man didn't dare to say that he was beaten, otherwise, he would only be scolded more miserably.

"Fuck! Why are you still talking nonsense? Just call the police. You can't handle such a small matter, and you still want to be in charge of a big project. Okay, I'll come right away..."

Before the phone was hung up, suddenly, the middle-aged man saw a small hand reaching out. He looked up and found that the child who beat him was looking at him with a malicious smile.

"What are you going to do?"

The middle-aged man felt that he was going to be beaten again, and subconsciously wanted to retreat, but unfortunately he couldn't move a step because he was tied up.

The next moment, Chen Haonan, with a stern face, pinched his neck, dragged him over, and then handed him a mobile phone, saying fiercely: "Listen to the phone."

After that, Chen Haonan turned on the speaker.

The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the phone with a puzzled look. He didn't know what the kid was up to. Was it a negotiation?

Just when he was thinking about it, a majestic voice came from the phone.

"I'm Chen Bo, what did you do to my son? Damn it, he is a first-class combat hero of the country, what did you do to him?"

What's going on?

The middle-aged man was stunned. He was hit in the waist and his whole body was in pain. He was tied up. What happened to him? The child was fierce and fierce. It was all right that he was not beaten to death.

He had a sad face and didn't react at all. The person who was talking was Chen Bo, the boss of his boss.

When the middle-aged man was about to complain, his boss's trembling voice rang in his ears.

"Director Chen, I'm Xiao Bi, don't worry, talk about it..."

As a result, before he finished speaking, Chen Bo started to curse.

"Bi, your mother, you hurt my son, how can I not be anxious, Damn, don't you have a brain? How did you develop the project? I told you a long time ago that this is to build a civilized countryside, set a new trend, and be civilized. How did you arrange the work? There is something wrong. I am from a military meritorious family. You are smearing me, you don't have to do it, and this matter is not over..."

"No, Director Chen, I, you misunderstood, listen to my explanation..."

"Stop talking nonsense, come to me immediately, right now, I want to know what you did, and Director Wen of the Donghai Hall is also drinking here, which is equivalent to calling the police..."

Bi Dongliu wanted to say something, but he heard the beeping sound of the phone being hung up.

How could he dare to neglect it? Chen Bo was his immediate superior and controlled his fate. If he couldn't solve this matter well, his career would be over, and he might even be sent to the police station because Director Wen was also at the scene.

Thinking of this, Bi Dongliu cursed at the phone again.

"Damn, you have no sense at all. Don't you know the young master? You are blind. Apologize to me immediately. You must kneel down and crawl to make him calm down. Keep the scene stable. I will come later."

After explaining, Bi Dongliu hung up the phone and rushed out in a hurry to meet Chen Bo.

What is going on?

The middle-aged man was confused. After thinking for a long time, he figured out the key. He cried and cried in his heart, "It's over, it's over. I have offended the young master. I may not be able to get a good meal without a few years in prison.Can't get out..."

He sat on the ground with a pale face, not caring about the phone that fell to the ground.

Chen Haonan glanced at him, took back his phone, turned around and ran back to An Ran.

"Wife, it's done. The flood really washed away the Dragon King Temple. It turned out to be a project under my immature father. "

An Ran nodded and said seriously: "Shi Guo was hit by a bulldozer. The situation is a bit serious. The blood hole in his head is very deep. I am worried that there will be sequelae. "

Chen Haonan frowned and shouted in a baby voice.

"Everyone, please make way. I know medical skills. Let me take a look. "

Everyone looked at this cute little kid, half believing and half doubting, and made way for a small passage.

Chen Haonan immediately raised his short legs and rushed into the crowd.

At this moment, Yang Hua was crying as she watched her beloved's life and death unknown.

"Shi Guo, wake up, don't leave me and our child, Shi Guo..."

Chen Haonan looked at Yang Hua with tears in her eyes and gave her a thumbs up in her heart.

This is an admirable military wife.

It can be seen that Yang Hua has a deep affection for Shi Guo, otherwise, she would not have stayed with him when she knew that Shi Guo was disabled last time.

Chen Haonan turned his head to look at Shi Guo, who was lying unconscious on the ground. He knew that the situation was urgent and he had no time to talk to him. As soon as Yang Hua spoke, he immediately started the Great Black Witch Doctor Technique, stretched out his little fist, and punched at the acupuncture points on Shi Guo's body.

Bang, bang, bang.

More than ten consecutive punches hit Shi Guo.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded.

What's going on? Is this kid really a doctor? Oh my God! This is going to kill people, using such force...

And Yang Hua, who was crying, was also surprised. Why did he do this? Isn't this adding insult to injury?

Everyone had no time to stop it, and saw Chen Haonan punching back and forth many times.

Strangely enough, they found that just as Chen Haonan retracted his little fist, Shi Guo vomited a mouthful of black blood with a wow, and actually woke up.

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