Seeing this scene, the adults didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The eight or nine-year-old cute kid was like a little general, commanding their children to do this and that.

They had never seen such a naughty child of theirs so cooperative. Wherever the child pointed, they ran there without a word of objection.

It was really the sun that rose from the west, and the naughty child could be so obedient.

How did this child do it?

The adults present couldn't help but look at Chen Haonan carefully, but they couldn't see anything special about him.

At this time, Shi Guo, who was vomiting blood, was still holding Yang Hua's hand and speaking with difficulty.

"Xiaohua, if I can't do it, you can remarry. If it really doesn't work, you don't have to keep our child. I hope you are happy..."

Yang Hua wiped her tears and shook her head. How could she remarry? If Shi Guo was really gone, no matter how hard and tired she was, she would give birth to the child, raise him up, and then tell the child that his father was the best father in the world.

"Xiaohua, you are still young, you must promise me, otherwise, I can't let you go..."

Chen Haonan, who was holding Shi Guo, couldn't bear it anymore and started to scold him fiercely.

"Brother, you are not even as good as a child. They all ran out to fight against the adults. What nonsense are you talking about? You are just injured, but you are telling me about your funeral. You are too naive, right? Be more mature. Aren't we soldiers the bravest? Getting injured and bleeding is like being bitten by an ant. It's nothing."

As he said, Chen Haonan glanced around, "Look, those people have come out, and the adults are here too. They are all working together to save you. What reason do you have to give up first? Also, your sister-in-law has always been loyal to you. Why are you forcing her to do anything? Do you want to be a scumbag? Try to be more motivated. We will be able to get to the hospital soon..."

Shi Guo looked at Yang Hua, who was in tears, with a guilty face, and turned to look at the busy crowd. He was so moved that his eyes were red and his nose was sour.

Yes, I was insane. It was just a small wound. Why did I make it look like a life-and-death separation? It seems that my thoughts are not good, and I am not as good as a child.

Shi Guo's old face flushed red. After he figured it out, he stopped persuading Yang Hua to remarry, but looked at her tenderly.

Chen Haonan saw that he had a clear mind, so he put his mind at ease and focused on directing the children to open the way.

"Little brother, yes, I'm talking about you. Please move that stone."

"Little brother, well, you did a good job. Continue to move those steel bars..."

Chen Haonan looked down at Shi Guo and found that his face was getting paler and paler. His little brows frowned slightly. According to the navigation display, it would be too late to go there in this way.

He looked at the children and said loudly: "Dear children, do you know where there is a shortcut?"

The children stopped what they were doing, looked at each other, and shook their heads.

Chen Haonan frowned, this was difficult.

He thought about it, holding Shi Guo in one hand, and took out his mobile phone with the other hand, opened the Gaode map, and studied it carefully to see if he could find a new route.

Suddenly, a little boy rushed out from the corner, raised his little hand, and shouted: "Brother, I know where the shortcut is, where you can get directly to the highway."

Chen Haonan's face was happy, "Great, brother, you lead the way quickly."

"Okay, brother, please follow me."

The little boy ran away and led the way in front. Chen Haonan followed closely with Shi Guo in his arms, and the other children kept clearing the way.

A few minutes later, Chen Haonan and others stopped.

There was a bridge in front, but due to years of disrepair, it was washed away by water and the car could not pass.

Chen Haonan looked at the broken bridge and immediately said to the children: "Brothers, find a way to get some wooden boards."

The children did not think much and immediately responded.

"Sure, I'll take down the front door of my house, just the wooden planks."

"I also have wooden planks at home, the bed frame left from the bed I took down a few days ago."

"My door can also be taken down, I'll go home and take it down right away."

"I have a long wooden chair at home, you can bring it over..."

One after another, the children stood up, and after they finished speaking, they ran home without stopping.

Soon, all kinds of wooden planks were delivered, and some even brought a pulley with the wheels removed.

The adults saw that the children had taken down the front door and even brought out all the wooden planks and props, and they couldn't help but curse.

"Xiao Ming, what are you doing? Why don't you take the door back?"

"Xiaomi, are you crazy? If you bring the bed frame over, how can I sleep at night?"


Chen Haonan had a serious face, and his tone was serious to the adults who scolded the children.Sincerely said: "Uncles and aunts, can you be more mature? The children are doing good things, you should encourage them. Also, now is the best time to set an example for the children. Jump down and use your body to hold up the wooden board to build a bridge of life for our injured soldiers."

"Uncles and aunts, don't worry, I just asked someone to measure it. The water under the bridge is not deep. It is at most up to the chest of an adult. In other words, if you jump down, your life will not be in danger..."

Some parents who have a headache educating their children heard these words and jumped into the water without saying a word, and then asked the people above to pass the wooden board to them.


With some people taking the lead, others were also driven and jumped down one after another.

"Dad, you are awesome, I love you so much."

"Dad, Mom, you are great."

"Grandpa, you also go down to help, yes, that's it, I love you grandpa..."

The children saw their parents and family members go into the water one after another, and praised them proudly.

Soon, almost all the adults at the scene went down.

United as one!

A wooden bridge was built, which was extremely stable.

"Thank you, uncles and aunts, and children. The country remains unchanged. We will meet again in the rivers and lakes."

After Chen Haonan thanked everyone, he hugged Shi Guo and stepped onto the wooden bridge. His short legs rushed forward quickly. Time is life. He must cross the wooden bridge as quickly as possible.

After An Ran drove the car over, Chen Haonan immediately hugged Shi Guo and got into the car, and then went directly to the highway.

Behind the car, there was a group of children chasing after them, feeling that they were not satisfied, and they kept shouting.

"Boss, come on, drive faster."

"Boss, we'll clear the way for you..."

Inside the car, Shi Guo was a little confused due to excessive bleeding. He grabbed Yang Hua's hand and couldn't help but tell her about his funeral. "Xiao Hua, I'm leaving. Don't worry about me. You have to find a way to live a good life. I have distributed the money donated last time to my comrades. There is no money left. I, as a squad leader, feel sorry for them. I'm so tired and sleepy. I'm going to sleep first..."

Seeing that he was not in a good state, Yang Hua became more worried. Tears kept falling like pearls from a broken string.

Suddenly, with a snap, a big slap hit Shi Guo's face.

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