Let a child participate in the operation?

The nurses and doctors present were shocked by Chen Haonan's words. It was hard to accept that this child who looked only 1 meter tall actually knew medical skills. However, he seemed quite professional. He knew about excessive blood loss affecting the brain and leaving sequelae.

Having said that, surgery is a major matter of saving lives, and it cannot be done carelessly. If the female soldier had not stood up to speak for the child, the surgeon would have refused without thinking.

The surgeon was Lin Huaide. He thought about it and finally chose to refuse. He said seriously: "You are not fooling around, let professionals come. Surgery is a big deal, not a child's play.

Chen Haonan did not give in at all. He opened his mouth and said loudly: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry in, I must be there to stimulate him and let his bone marrow produce blood automatically, otherwise, he will never wake up. "

Stimulate the bone marrow to produce blood automatically??

Lin Huaide's mind was a little blank. He rarely heard such a professional term, but now it came out of a child's mouth. Is this a scam?

He really doubted the scam he heard, after all, the person who said it was a child, but his intuition told him that this method was useful, but he didn't know how to do it. Not to mention that he didn't know how to do it, no one in the modern medical community knew how to do it.

If there really was such a method, he would also like to see it.

"What did you say? Is it really so stimulating? Can it stimulate bone marrow to produce blood?" Lin Huaide finally couldn't help but asked Chen Haonan.

"Nonsense." Chen Haonan nodded directly, "I'm not a three-year-old child, playing tricks with you. I'm talking about top medical skills. Also, on the way here, if I hadn't stopped his bleeding with my hands and kept stimulating him, he would have fainted and fallen asleep long ago."

Beside him, An Ran also nodded repeatedly: "Doctor, he is right. The patient relied on his medical skills to stay awake until now. You can rest assured and let him go in. "

"Really?" Lin Huaide looked at Chen Haonan in doubt, still a little hesitant.

"Alas, no one believes the truth now." Chen Haonan shook his head and sighed, and then said, "Let me show you first, there is not much time left, and we can't delay any longer."

As soon as the voice fell, Dr. Lin Huaide was shocked to see Chen Haonan's little hand moving several times on the patient's body. The flexible little finger was like playing the pipa, and it looked very mysterious with a light flick. However, strangely enough, as the little finger moved, the patient's body came from the sound of bones snapping.

After the snapping sound, the patient's face actually flushed, and the look was like a last gasp. The skin was normal and the epidermis was full, not much different from normal people.

"Oh my god... just a few flicks, it worked? "

Lin Huaide, the surgeon in charge, was shocked. After all, as a doctor, he could tell from the patient's mental state that some indescribable changes were taking place in the patient's body.

What he couldn't understand was that there was such a technique in the world, and it was a technique that a child could do. It was incredible.

"Little friend, can you really stimulate the bone marrow to produce blood automatically?"

Facing the doctor's questioning eyes, Chen Haonan was speechless and said coldly: "Didn't you see it with your own eyes? I tell you, if you hesitate any longer, the patient's life will be in danger. It will be too late to save him by then. Arrange the operation immediately."

"Okay, okay."

Hearing Chen Haonan's firm words, Lin Huaide did not hesitate and nodded immediately.

Soon, Shi Guo was pushed into the operating room by the nurse, and Chen Haonan also changed into clean sterile clothes and followed in. However, An Ran was waiting outside.

Suddenly, An Ran's mobile phone rang. Without thinking much, she answered it and found that it was actually General Gao who called.

"Hello, Chief, what instructions do you have? "

In the phone, General Gao's voice was not authoritative, and he asked with concern: "An Ran, Chen Haonan, how is his health now? Is it convenient for me to go see him again?"

"Replying to the commander, Chen Haonan is not in the hospital today. He came out to visit a colleague. As a result, he encountered an injured colleague. Now he has sent the injured colleague to the hospital for treatment..."

An Ran roughly told the whole story, which surprised General Gao. After listening, he couldn't wait to ask: "Didn't Chen Haonan get injured himself? Why did he run to save people?"

"He was injured, but he recovered quickly and was able to jump and jump. He just met those troublemakers and taught them a lesson."

General Gao listened to the excitement and slapped his thigh and shouted: "Good guy, compared to the special forces, he is stronger. Which hospital is he in? I have an urgent matter and I need to discuss it with him. "

"Commander, he is currently in surgery and cannot come out for the time being. How about I bring him to see you after the surgery is over?"


General Gao was completely stunned, and his expression was as if he was listening to a mystery. After a while, he came back to his senses, sighing and exclaiming: "You said Chen Haonan can be a doctor? Is it true? Is this kid a genius? How can he know everything?"

"Commander, I am also surprised. I didn't expect that he also knows medical skills. But just now, I saw him stop bleeding for his injured colleague with my own eyes. Moreover, even the director of the military hospital called him master and said that his medical skills are very good. I don't understand it either."

"Okay, he is really a genius..."

Headquarters, office, after hanging up the phone, General Gao was already excited, but when he looked at Lao Fan and Lei Zhan who were still standing in front of him, his expression suddenly sank.

Just now, these two idiots came to report that Chen Haonan did not accept their apology and drove them out, saying that Chen Haonan did not have the magnanimity of a soldier...

These words were a bit unpleasant to General Gao. After all, it was normal for soldiers to compete with each other to win or lose. If Chen Haonan looked down on other soldiers just because he won and did not even give them a chance to apologize, he was really a bit arrogant. However, he was still young and his thoughts might be a bit biased. He could be guided correctly, so he made this call. As a result, he found that Chen Haonan went out to save people with injuries. This was not arrogant at all. He was even more ideologically conscious than many soldiers.

Damn, these two idiots must have failed to apologize because of their wrong attitude. Instead, they wanted to blacken Chen Haonan... General Gao looked at the two generals under He Zhijun and felt worse. He felt that they were Liao Hua. There were no generals in the army, and Liao Hua was the vanguard.


The more Mr. Gao thought about it, the more he couldn't help but slam the table and yelled, "Chen Haonan, he was eight or nine years old, and he went out to save people while he was in the hospital recovering from his injuries. What did you just say?"

"He said he was a rude boy and couldn't communicate?"

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