A nurse looked surprised and murmured, "This melody is so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere, Xiao Li, don't you think so?"

The nurse named Xiao Li nodded subconsciously, "It seems a little familiar. Douyin pushed it to me some time ago. I felt a little interesting, so I clicked it to listen. Unexpectedly, I felt a kind of blood boiling after listening to it. It made me sleepless that night. I was impressed. I wanted to think about what melody it was..."

After a while, the nurse named Xiao Li said excitedly: "I remember it, it's the charge. This is the charge of the army in the past, which has such a strong appeal."

Lin Huaide beside her was shocked and nodded, "It's the charge, it's indeed the charge. Once it sounds, our soldiers will fight to the last man no matter what enemy they encounter, no matter how powerful it is. Even if they know that they will die, they will fight to the last moment of their lives."

"In the past, it was because of Under the guidance of the charge, our soldiers have won more battles with fewer troops and created miracles one after another. It is the role of the charge that has inspired the blood of our ancestors. They calmly faced tens of thousands of enemies and used their flesh and blood to create our peaceful and beautiful life now. "

"It's strange. Every time I watch documentaries in the past and see the melody of the charge, I am extremely excited and want to join in the activities of killing the enemy. Maybe this is the meaning of the charge."

"I remember that our ancestors used horns to blow the charge. My God, this child blew it with his mouth. The melody was correct and it sounded even more exciting. I was so excited. He is really amazing. If he were in a ventriloquist competition, he would definitely win the championship..."

Suddenly, Chen Haonan roared, "Charge."


A nurse subconsciously followed the roar and prepared to rush forward.

"What are you doing? Xiao Huang."

Lin Huaide quickly found out that something was wrong and quickly pulled Xiao Huang. He was also infected just now and almost rushed forward, but his years of surgical experience made him more stable than ordinary people, so he stabilized himself.

The others were also full of fighting spirit and almost followed Xiao Huang to charge. Even with Director Lin's low shout, they couldn't hold back their passion and wanted to rush to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

"Calm down, everyone calm down... It's all because of this kid's ventriloquism. Don't move around because of the sound he made. You are all adults. How can you be impulsive when being teased like this?"

Lin Huaide felt that the emotions of the people present were not right, and they felt like they were about to move, so he quickly scolded them.

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized and looked at Chen Haonan with shock on their faces, and couldn't help whispering to each other.

"This kid is so amazing. The charge horn he blew out of his mouth is more inspiring than the real one. I feel my blood boiling. I want to take off my clothes immediately, put on my military uniform, and go to the battlefield to kill the enemy."

"I have this feeling too. I even feel like I am charging on the battlefield and fighting the enemy to the death."

"Yes, it's amazing. It's the first time I've heard such an infectious melody. When he shouted "charge" just now, if it wasn't for Director Lin's reminder, I would have rushed out to kill the enemy."

"That's right. I thought my predecessors exaggerated the role of the charge horn before, but I didn't expect that I was narrow-minded. The real charge horn really has the effect of inspiring fighting spirit..."

The medical staff present whispered, and each of them praised Chen Hao.

However, Chen Haonan had no time to pay attention to these, and devoted himself to the work of awakening Shi Guo.

Suddenly, a voice full of iron and blood resounded throughout the operating room.

"Charge, for the new China..."

Lin Huaide and others couldn't help but shudder, and goose bumps all over their bodies.

Here it comes, here it comes again...

If it were normal times, they would only snort at hearing this, but now it's different. Under the effect of the charge, they seem to have witnessed history, and feel like they are on the battlefield, with high morale and wanting to go into battle with guns.

Their medical staff are all infected. If they were soldiers, they would have rushed out long ago.

This kid is really awesome.

After Chen Haonan finished his roar, he saw Shi Guo trembling constantly but not waking up, and he couldn't help but frowned. It seems that he has to take drastic measures.

He turned to look at Lin Huaide, "Director Lin, do you know what other slogans there are? Soldiers are not afraid of death, and the new China seems to have expired."


Lin Huaide was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and said in silence: "I think that what soldiers like to hear most is to kill the enemy. You can continue to shout to kill, I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. When you shouted to kill just now, I wanted to slap the female nurse next to me to death. I felt like she was a devil."

This sentence scared the female nurse next to him and she couldn't help but step back,She was worried that Director Lin would be led by the rhythm and really take the scalpel to cut herself...

Chen Haonan looked at the little action of the female nurse, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Unexpectedly, this ventriloquism worked well.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Lin Huaide couldn't help asking: "Little comrade, don't you try to shout kill again, I think it will have a great effect, what do you think?"

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of killing killing killing rang out. This time it was not a baby voice, but it was strengthened by ventriloquism, and the effect was completely different.

The voice that Chen Haonan roared out was full of iron blood, giving people a feeling of iron and steel.

The people present felt particularly deeply. They looked at Chen Haonan with a solemn face, and felt like they were in the Shura battlefield, murderous and murderous, as if they saw countless soldiers fighting bravely. Even if they left the last drop of blood on their bodies, there was no trace of retreat on the faces of those soldiers.

As the sound of killing killing killing continued to ring, Shi Guo's body kept shaking, as if he was about to sit up the next moment.

"It works!"

Chen Haonan's face lit up, and he quickly pressed Shi Guo's acupuncture points with his little hands, and shouted, "Kill!"

This time, he increased the murderous aura of the word "kill", and the effect should be different.

Sure enough, Shi Guo was struck by lightning in an instant, his body trembled violently, and his mouth actually followed with a roar, "Kill, kill, kill..."

Shi Guo's voice became louder and louder, and the amplitude of his body shaking became more and more intense. His tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

Oh my god! It really works...

The medical staff and others present were stunned, and their eyes were as big as lanterns.

My God, the charge and the shout of killing really woke up the vegetative people. This is a miracle!

Lin Huaide came back to his senses and blurted out: "He's awake, really awake. I didn't expect that the charge and shouting to kill would have such a great effect. It's a legend in the medical field. Comrade, you're amazing."

Chen Haonan glanced at him and said lightly: "There's nothing strange about it. It's just the fighting spirit engraved in the bones of soldiers."

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