"Earth escape, earth flow wall!"

Kakashi pressed his hands on the ground, and a wall of earth quickly appeared behind him, and it appeared continuously, marking the area that was not allowed to be crossed.

Just a few special signs on the wall...

"This guy..."

Obito looked at the iconic dog head on the wall and wanted to step on it directly.

"Teacher Kakashi..."

Naruto also saw the dog head signs. Although it was not the first time he saw it, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward now.

But since the dog heads appeared, it meant that he could not go in this direction anymore. At least everyone on his side knew how much Kakashi loved canine creatures.

"Kakashi, I am now very sure that your teacher-student relationship with the Fourth Generation..."

The ninjutsu that Tobirama was about to condense was directly abandoned. He suddenly agreed with some of Izuna's ideas.

Except for him, there seems to be no normal Hokage!

His brother...

Maybe I should say sister...

The position of Hokage passed down seems to always have some kind of magic. Even normal people will become strange when they sit on it, such as that dead monkey!

And those who are not led astray must be born with a bit of abnormal personality.

Maybe after the sixth generation takes the throne, they will soon prepare for the seventh generation, right?

"White hair, what do you mean, others are working, why are you standing here!"

Izuna came over instantly and stood beside Tobirama, looking at his behavior of not working and showing disdain.


Tobirama looked over, then turned his head away with disdain.

He didn't want to pay attention to Izuna, not at all!

No matter how much this guy said, he should take care of their younger generation, right?


Being ignored like this, Izuna was instantly unhappy.

But he didn't continue, because the two people who had been confronting each other for a while had already started fighting.

The Tailed Beast Ball was used. Naruto's action made the Raikage who was leading the rescue tremble in his heart, but fortunately the Tailed Beast Ball did not go to the crowd, and was blocked by Obito's Susanoo.

Blocking the Tailed Beast Ball...

This kind of thing looks really cruel, but soon the battlefield between the two large beings continued to expand.

Although it was moving outside the Hidden Cloud Village, even so, the Hidden Cloud Village near the newly rebuilt gate suffered serious damage again.

"Fei Yu, what's going on?"

Shikamaru had quietly slipped back to his residence when the battle was chaotic over there. Looking at Fei Yu sitting on the roof, he couldn't help but come over out of curiosity.

They were still recognizing their relatives in the morning, why did they suddenly fight?

"More than a decade ago, the Nine-Tails Rebellion in Konoha was caused by a masked man with a Sharingan, and that masked man was that guy..."

Temari and others were also sitting on the roof watching the excitement. At this time, Shikamaru came over to ask, and she gave a general explanation after seeing Fei Yu ignored her.

She hadn't heard much before, but the cause and effect should be correct.

"Is it him?"

Shikamaru looked at the two fighting with a confused face. This Obito didn't look very old, and according to the records, he was indeed the student of the Fourth Hokage.

How much hatred did he have to return to the village at that time to kill his former teacher and take devastating revenge on the village.

"Obito, he..."

After erecting a series of earth walls, Kakashi's chakra was consumed a lot. At this time, he returned to the roof and heard Temari's words.

He only knew that Lin didn't want to come to see everyone, but at that time he never thought that Obito actually had such a grudge with Konoha.

He seemed to have seen the man in the mask, but how could that be Obito...

"No matter what the reason is, the past cannot be erased..."

Fei Yu sat on the roof, his eyes slowly narrowed, and after speaking, he couldn't help but sighed, and then fell directly behind him.

Behind him was Gaara's sand, which turned into Gaara's real body after catching him.

With her long red hair spread out, Gaara was very satisfied with her changes. As for whether other people would feel entangled after seeing it, that was not within her consideration.

At this time, she was holding Feiyu leaning on her, and she looked around. The sand lingered around and wrapped them both.

As for how the battle went...

Gaara didn't care, and didn't need to care.

At this time, the battle was still going on. Naruto and Obito had already fought outside the Hidden Cloud Village, but occasional attacks might cause irreparable damage to the Hidden Cloud Village.

The battle was still fierce.

At this time, the Raikage finally had time to appear next to Tobirama and Izuna, looking at the outside.The two men who were fighting desperately frowned tightly.


Suddenly, a loud noise appeared in the Hidden Cloud Village, and the earth trembled.


The Raikage turned his head and looked into the village. The place where the violent explosion occurred was actually in the direction of the underground secret base of their village!

Moreover, he saw the runaway Eight-tailed Gyu-ki...

The tailed beast left the body of the Jinchūriki. This happened just two days ago, but it was controlled by these guys in Konoha.

But now, everyone is by his side. The runaway of the Eight-tailed Gyu-ki naturally means that something happened to Killerbee.

"The Eight-tailed Gyu-ki is going berserk at this time? Why does it feel so similar to more than ten years ago..."

Uchiha Itachi looked at the Eight-tailed Gyu-ki that was wreaking havoc. Now the Hidden Cloud Village is really a tragedy.

And not only the Eight-tailed Gyu-ki is running wild, but a strange chakra is also emerging nearby. It should be the Two-tailed, right?

The Eight-tailed Gyu-ki and the Two-tailed Gyu-ki are running wild together. This Raikage is probably going to have a headache.


Raikage roared, and rushed out without saying a word.

But his direction was not the location of the Eight-tailed Gyuki, but the Two-tailed that had just begun to emit chakra.

To be precise, it was the location of the Two-tailed.

Although the area destroyed by the Eight-tailed Gyuki was important, the area where the Two-tailed was located was the core area. Once something happened...

"This is really strange. The Raikage seems to be more concerned about the Two-tailed..."

Yamato had just quietly slipped over. At this time, looking at the two groups of tailed beast chakras getting closer and closer, he suddenly felt that his Wood Release Ninjutsu seemed to be useful.

It is said that when the first generation used Wood Release to seal the Nine-tailed, he did not dare to think about the Nine-tailed, but he still wanted to try the tailed beasts of other people's homes.

"The Hidden Cloud Village should have some special secrets..."

Izuna's eyes were locked on the Eight-tailed, observing the traces of the explosion again and again.

Under normal circumstances, the Eight-tailed's full-strength attack could almost cause this kind of damage, but it certainly couldn't do it now.

Although the Eight-Tails has grown those octopus claws now, it actually lacks chakra and combat power.


These explosions are not simply the power of the tailed beasts, but something special is being destroyed underground in that area.

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