"Get out of the way!"

Izuna suddenly turned around, stared at Beiluohu and cast an illusion.

After just an illusion, the guy who thought he was invincible fell down instantly.

What four blood limit, you still want to show off in front of them?

"You are too anxious... I haven't done anything yet, now I am completely useless..."

Tobirama glared at Izuna, raised his hand and threw a few sealing talismans, which fell on Beiluohu's body to seal.

This kind of stuff also wants to start the Fourth Ninja World War?

If they had known that it would be so weak, they would not have come. This is simply the level of training for young people.

"Then you can unseal it, let him jump out, and then beat him to death, right?"

Looking at the ball that had been sealed, Izuna turned away with a look of disgust.


Tobirama picked up the sealed ball with a snort and quickly chased after Izuna.

How could he know that the user of the Kiyomizu no Jutsu would be so weak, but he was instantly disabled. Only a fool would let this guy jump again.

He now realized that Izuna was just looking for trouble on purpose. He felt uncomfortable if he didn't quarrel with him for a day!

"Should he be considered a young man or an old child..."

Orochimaru stood in the cave that Obiru had carefully prepared, shook his head and complained, and then began to check the layout here.

Not much is useful, but the fusion of this bloodline limit can be recorded to some extent. Maybe a similar method will be used someday, and then it can be directly referenced.

After the final check to confirm that there is no other available information, Orochimaru's figure disappeared from the cave, and the whole mountain began to collapse.


"So they quarreled all the way there and back last night?"

After lunch the next day, Naruto ran to Orochimaru to inquire about what happened last night.

As a result, after listening, when he looked at Tobirama and Izuna again, his eyes were a little strange.

Sure enough, the mission is just a side job, and the quarrel in another place is the real thing, right?

"I guessed it a long time ago, when will they not quarrel?"

Sasuke leaned on Feiyu's arms, eating the fruit that was fed to his mouth, and chatted with Naruto about the two over there in a good mood.

Because they picked the yard last night, and then they cleaned up separately, they were busy until the morning.

Now that they are full and full, everyone starts to stick to Feiyu again.

But now there is a light bulb present. Except for Naruto who failed to grab the position, the other girls are relatively gentle and stay around. Only the winner Sasuke leaned on Feiyu's arms with a proud face.

"Little girl, speak politely. After all, we are all your elders. You are easy to get beaten like this!"

Izuna was complained by her juniors, and finally couldn't help wanting to remind them that although they are not direct descendants, the generation gap is really many generations.

"I am of the same generation as Madara-senpai, so Izuna-senpai, are you really going to be an elder?"

Sasuke, feeling happy, opened his eyes and looked at Izuna, motioning to look at the side.

On the other side of Feiyu were Madara and Hashirama who were playing chess, and there were also a few bystanders around them, but the point is...

She wanted to let some people know now that being an elder was absolutely impossible!

"Stinky girl, it's just that someone is protecting you now. You wait a few days, and then, as an elder, I will teach you to learn the power inheritance of the Uchiha family!"

Izuna was provoked by Sasuke, and her hair instantly exploded.

This stinky girl can like the same person as his sister, that's their business.

But want to threaten him?

This stinky girl is still a little naive!

"Brother, Senior Izuna said he wants to share our family's inherited ninjutsu with me!"

Sasuke shrank his neck, kissed Feiyu on the face, and then suddenly adjusted his sitting position, and shouted to Uchiha Itachi who was studying the current arrangements of the ninja world with Shikamaru and several shadows.

"Senior Izuna wants to exchange ninjutsu inheritance? It's better to leave this matter to brother. Sasuke can go and discuss it with Senior Madara. After all, the power of fairy arts may hurt Senior Izuna."

Uchiha Itachi raised his head and glanced at Sasuke who was winking at him. He smiled dotingly and gave Izuna a heavy blow as soon as he opened his mouth.

Fairy arts...

After seeing the two little girls use fairy arts to send the dead back to the pure land, the word fairy arts has given everyone a new understanding.

This power system, which is different from chakra, does have special effects in many cases.

"Sasuke's power is insufficient, and he is still far from being a sage, and he is not strong enough to hurt Izuna..."

The chess piece in his hand fell, and Madara raised his hand.After raising his head, he met Uchiha Itachi's eyes.

Dare to bully her brother?

It's okay for you to protect your sister, but it's not okay for you to bully my brother!

"It's true that it's not that serious, but Sasuke has been raised by Feiyu for many years, and it's very likely that he will use some special attack methods accidentally. It's not easy for Senior Izuna to be resurrected once. As juniors, we still think safety is the first priority. After all, he doesn't have such a strong self-recovery ability like Sasuke..."

Uchiha Itachi's eyes stared back without showing any weakness.

His sister is not someone who can be looked down upon, even if she is at the level of an ancestor!

"We'll know who is stronger after a fight. If they are killed, Feiyu will be resurrected, if they have broken arms and legs, Orochimaru will connect them, and if they are injured, Hashirama will heal them..."

The chess piece in his hand was crushed directly, and Madara stood up from his position, turned his head and glared at Feiyu.

It was this scourge that made the situation so chaotic. If he hadn't messed things up, these juniors would have called me and Izuna "ancestors" when they saw me and Izuna!

"So cruel..."

Naruto hugged Orochimaru's waist and hid behind her. She finally saw what the Uchiha family's violent temper was like.


"Naruto, I understand that you're scared, but do you want to cut off your hand first and then let me connect it for you?"

Orochimaru looked down at Naruto. This little girl is pretty good. Her waist is so easy to hug?

And, he even dared to touch it?

He was really brave!

"No, no, Orochimaru-senpai, it's a misunderstanding, it's really a misunderstanding..."

Naruto was still sighing that she envied the thin waist, but suddenly a cold breath lingered around her. She was not a fool like Sasuke. If she retorted directly, she would be beaten.

"Since it's a misunderstanding, why don't you let go of your hand?"

A sinister voice sounded in Naruto's ears, and Orochimaru suddenly realized how bad Naruto's roguery was.

He dared to continue even after being caught. This kid, like Sasuke, really needs a lesson!

"One-on-one or several-on-several, I can be the referee and see how strong you are. When I come back, I can check your growth again..."

Fei Yu looked at the originally warm and harmonious atmosphere that suddenly shifted to a strange direction, and knocked on Sasuke's head helplessly.

Now I am really worried that in the two years he will be absent, will Sasuke open his special aura...

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