"I didn't bring much, but what's going on with you? Where did these strange things come from?"

Shikamaru took out a scroll, opened it, and took out several potions and handed them to the Raikage.

They are now cooperating with Orochimaru on many projects, and these antidotes and recovery medicines are among them.

Nowadays, other villages have to queue up to buy them, and the production is limited, so every time there is a new product, it is sold in limited quantities.

But only some of the partners in Konoha know that there is already a large inventory of this thing, and the small amount sold is just to recover the cost.

"It is said that a hundred years ago, a fisherman in the town salvaged a strange box from the sea, but no matter what method was used, it could not be opened. Later, it was placed in their town as a sacred object, but half a month ago..."

The Raikage took the antidote and recovery medicine and used them by himself, and then told them the reason why these things appeared.

A strange box from a hundred years ago suddenly opened by itself half a month ago.

That night, the people in the town happened to be performing sacrificial activities. The box was placed on the high platform in the center, but suddenly a beam of moonlight fell.

The box that could not be opened no matter what was done was opened under the moonlight, and then a strange phantom with a human body and a fish tail flew out.

‘Foolish mortals, the gods will return to the world, and you will be punished by the gods! ’

The phantom left such a sentence and then disappeared.

For the people in the town, this is a sacred object they have worshipped for a hundred years, and now it has suddenly become something that will destroy them. Naturally, they can’t help it.

The opened box was thrown into the fire and burned that night, but that night, this creature with a human body and a fish tail appeared in the sea, and it would directly grab and tear people to pieces and eat them when it saw them.

The only thing that can still make people feel relieved is that these creatures cannot go ashore, but when the cloud ninja came to check, they soon discovered this new species of octopus.

This octopus can not only go ashore, but also has a super healing ability. The ninjas tried their best to bring one back before, but not long after they left, the octopus here grew new tentacles.

This speed is much faster than the Eight-Tailed Gyuki. After all, the Eight-Tailed Gyuki was chopped off to a head more than two years ago, and it has barely grown seven tentacles until now. It is estimated that the eighth one will not grow in the short term.

"God? This kind of thing is too smelly. You guys deal with the situation here first, and check the nearby sea area by the way. I will go to the Pure Land to talk to the God of Death about the problem of God. If the god in this sea is really this kind of thing, we may have to play a game of killing gods before facing Otsutsuki..."

Fei Yu looked at the octopus head in the water that had been chopped into a ball by Sasuke and could not be restored again, shook his head and began to plan for the next thing.

In the sea, there are both mermaids and octopuses. It is either the God of the Sea or the God of Water. Anyway, it can't be the God of Fish...

Sure enough, I'd better go to the God of Death to ask what is in this water!

"Someone is coming this way..."

Just when the battle was almost coming to an end, several figures appeared from the distant horizon.

After seeing who it was, the eyes of the people present became a little subtle.

This standard jacket of Akatsuki with black background and red clouds, although it has been transformed into a mercenary organization, is still not popular in several major ninja villages.

After all, this is a team of rebel ninjas, although now almost half of them are not rebel ninjas...

But this cannot deny their past!

"The bounty mission was intercepted?"

Kakuzu stood on the back of the white bird, looking at the battlefield that was about to end from a distance and expressed his entanglement. The money was about to be earned, but it was intercepted by someone?

This is really infuriating!

"That's Sasuke and Naruto, so it's still ours!"

Konan sat on the head of the bird and laughed at the two girls who were cleaning the battlefield.

The girls of their Akatsuki organization are cute, but it's a pity that they were taken advantage of by a philandering scumbag.

"Sister Konan, Sasuke and Naruto are not wearing Akatsuki robes now. Do you think he will give money to the Raikage if we ask him for money like this?"

Deidara looked down with a face full of resentment. After he was rescued last time, Kakuzu took out a bill. If he can't make money again, he will have no recovery potion to use next time.

"He dare not deny it!"

Nagato stood beside Konan, and he was full of momentum when he looked down.

But when he saw Feiyu in the other direction, he suddenly felt a little entangled.

How come I can meet this person everywhere? I finally came out for a walk, wanting to make some money and then go to Orochimaru to buy something, but I bumped into this person again...

It seems that I have to let Feiduan ask his evil god before going out.Let's see if the day is suitable first.

"Naruto and the one from Sasuke's family, I didn't expect to meet again so soon!"

Deidara was the only one among these people who didn't think there was anything to worry about. After controlling the clay bird to fall, he jumped in front of Feiyu and waved enthusiastically.

But when he saw Uchiha Itachi next to Feiyu, his expression was still a little unnatural.

He was tortured by Uchiha Itachi's illusion at the beginning and had a psychological shadow.

"I really didn't expect to meet again so soon, and I didn't expect that the Raikage actually learned to adapt. It's really rare..."

Feiyu looked at the members of the Akatsuki organization who jumped down one after another. This time, all of them were dispatched.

Nagato, Konan, Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, Hidan, and Neji.

If we follow the logic of Nagato and Konan just now, and add Sasuke and Naruto, there is indeed no one missing.

"Ningji, long time no see..."

Shikamaru looked at Ningji standing behind the crowd, with a helpless smile in his eyes.

For Konoha, an Uchiha Itachi and a Hyuga Ningji are both very special.

At first, the Uchiha was the largest family, and then they were destroyed by Uchiha Itachi.

Later, the Hyuga clan was the largest family, and then their Hyuga Ningji was destroyed...

So now all the families in Konoha dare not compete for the first place, but later there is no need to entangle, the Senju clan rebuilt a new clan land, and the Uchiha also returned so many people, and the other families were completely relieved.

Otherwise, everyone is afraid that the curse of the first family of Konoha will befall them.

Although the extermination of their own family was due to the original leadership, it is too difficult to prevent!

"Long time no see, I heard you're engaged, congratulations!"

Ningji looked at Shikamaru's expression and smiled. Although they didn't spend much time together, they still had a good relationship at that time.

When Naruto mentioned it before, he had doubts about how Shikamaru and the eldest princess of Sand Village got engaged. It was probably Shikamaru who deliberately set a trap for her.

In the end, she was going to marry into Konoha, not Shikamaru marrying into Sand Village. He was sure that this result explained everything.

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