The morning sun gently shines on the earth. The light is not as strong as at noon, but the training ground of the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun has already shown a more fiery side than usual training.

At this moment, every soldier is running desperately, as if racing with his own life, looking a little crazy. Everyone is sweating and wet, as if they just emerged from a pond. Not only that, everyone's physical condition has been stretched to the limit, but no one is willing to stop, and they stare at the small back in front of them and chase wildly.

"Brothers, he is just a 9-year-old child. We can't lose to him. Keep up and surpass him."

"Fuck, we must not fall behind. Don't let a child look down on us."

The footsteps and shouts on the training ground continued to be heard, and the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun was completely stimulated to madness by Chen Haonan's small figure.

Who can accept that they can't run faster than a little kid?

Shit, I can't even outrun a kid... He Chenguang kept staring at the little figure in front of him that he could never surpass, his eyes almost popped out, but no matter how he accelerated, the distance did not decrease.

"Is this still a kid?"

The disbelief in He Chenguang's eyes became more and more intense, he chased so hard that he was on fire, and raised his hand to take off his coat.

With a snap, the coat fell to the ground, and then his roar rang out, "Comrades, if you can't catch this kid, everyone will be looked down upon today."

"Fuck him!"

At this moment, Wang Yanbing seemed to feel that the third leg was not so painful, and he also shouted, "Yes, we can't lose to that little bastard, he is even darker than the old black squad leader."

"Be careful, the old black squad leader is still watching." He Chenguang threw a reminder to Wang Yanbing, and the other party's eyes flickered, and then he stopped talking and accelerated silently.

Under the stimulation of Chen Haonan, the people in the fourth company of the sharpshooter went crazy, taking off their coats one by one, wearing small vests, chasing Chen Haonan.

Chen Haonan was still far ahead, with a smug smile on his face. It must be said that his sprinting skills brought him many surprises, at least he could suppress all the people in the fourth company of the magic gun.

As long as he wanted to stay in the first place, those guys couldn't catch up, because he could still speed up. After running for so long, he didn't feel tired. With the big black off-road, it was like a Gatling gun plus a missile.

"Come on, chase me, don't let a child look down on you."

Chen Haonan's childish voice continued to stimulate the soldiers behind him, which made the atmosphere on the scene more intense.

Da Da Da...

There were footsteps behind him, and the competition between the two sides continued, but after 10 laps, the distance between the soldiers behind disappeared by half.

Da Da Da...

After running another 10 laps, only one-third of the people were left, and Chen Haonan still maintained the first place.

"Fuck, is that really a child, not a backpack transformed by a goblin? Why can he run so fast?"

"Damn, we were fooled, we were fooled by a child, I really can't run anymore..."

The soldiers who fell behind lay on the ground and sighed, looking at the figure of the backpack, feeling indescribable in their hearts.

"You backpack turned into a spirit, I think you are cowards!"

Gong Jian looked at the soldiers he brought out, one by one, and some of them lay on the ground gasping for breath. He walked over and kicked them directly.

"Get up, lying dead, you are not even as good as a child."

The kicked soldiers all sat up, all with sad faces.

"Instructor, I tried my best."

"Yes, we have reached our limit and can't run any more."

"Instructor, you can see that kid, his legs are like flying feathers, too fast, where did he come from, could he be a robot... AI?"

"Fuck..." Gong Jian's face was gloomy, and he cursed, "Coward, if you can't run, just say it's a robot, who can't run anymore, no lunch today."

"Ah, don't..."

Watching the instructor and several others pass by, the soldiers who lay down felt a chill in their hearts, and struggled to get up and continue running. There was no way, lunch was important...

Next to him, Lao Hei suddenly gave a thumbs up to Kang Tuan, "Captain, you still have good eyesight, this kid is really amazing, can he really kill 19 enemies?"

Originally, Lao Hei had always maintained a neutral attitude towards Chen Haonan's combat heroism, and didn't take it too seriously, but when he saw that the kid could actually run and paralyze two-thirds of the people in the fourth company of the Shenqiang, he had to refresh his opinion of the kid.

Many soldiers couldn't catch up with this speed. If he had some more fighting power, it would be possible to kill the enemy, because there were not many people who could suppress Wang Yanbing. If he could beat Wang Yanbing, he could beat the enemy.

Lao Hei already had some preliminary understanding of Chen Haonan.

Kang Tuan's eyes never leftTraining, nodded directly, "Nonsense, Wen Tiankeng from the Donghai Hall is the guy who made Shi Guo disabled this time. They all want to dig him and book him to be a policeman when he grows up."

"Oh, poor Shi Guo."

Hearing this, Lao Hei's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help sighing, "Shi Guo is a squad leader who is more ambitious than me, Lao Hei."

"He applied to go to the border defense. During the battle, the special forces support was late, and they killed many enemies. Shi Guo was the only one left in the entire 3rd squad, so he applied for a professional. Unexpectedly, he ended up like this, disabled for life, the most difficult result for a soldier to accept."

"Let him spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, which is more painful than killing him."

As he said, Lao Hei's eyes turned red. Although he was not the squad leader Shi Guo and had not experienced those things, he could imagine how much pressure the other party would have to bear in the future, and even dared not imagine how the other party would spend the rest of his life.

Soldiers can give their lives on the battlefield and dedicate themselves to the country and the people, but they are unwilling to live in humiliation.

Squad leader Shi Guo is destined to bear many times more pressure than others if he lives like this. To put it bluntly, if he can't figure it out, he will never be able to get out of this shadow.

This is why Lao Hei said that it is more painful to live than to kill him.

Kang Tuan looked back at Lao Hei with a serious face, "We soldiers should strive for self-improvement. Sacrifice is not terrible, but the most terrible thing is the lack of upward spirit."

"Look at that child, 9 years old, he has a terrible spirit."

"Yes." Lao Hei swept away his previous negativity, his face became more serious, his eyes fell on Chen Haonan, and his eyes began to change.

This time Gong Jian also nodded, he said, "Captain, that little guy is a bit interesting, did you notice that when he ran, it seemed that his heels didn't even touch the ground, he was either a ghost or a robot, normal children, are they so strong?"

After observing Chen Haonan for so long, Gong Jian came to a conclusion, that is, this child is not normal, at least, he is so strong that people question, and he is not like a normal child at all.

Kang Tuan looked up at the small figure and said sternly, "Take off his pants and take a look. I heard from the doctor that his lower body is bigger than yours. Do you believe it?"

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