"Just tell me directly. Sakura and the others are still waiting for my help... Or one of you can help them. They may not be able to do it..."

Naruto sat there and did not intend to struggle.

Since it was for Sasuke's safety, she must not move.

But there are still three people here. They are in the mountain...

"Let me do it."

Hashirama looked around and quickly separated three clones beside him. After the wooden clones were completed, they quickly merged into the mountain.

"Don't worry, Hashirama's wooden clone is already beside the girls. You just need to wait now."

Orochimaru looked at his feet. The mountain was no longer dangerous. The strange beast in the mountain had no chance of resistance after Hashirama took action.


In the sea, a violent storm began to rise on the sea surface below Feiyu.

The ball changed from blue to purple, and then to the current black. It has been fluctuating in the same place with the washing of waves.

But no matter how it moved, it never moved a bit.

Outside the space blocked by Feiyu, the seawater was already raging wildly, and the phenomenon of water flowing toward the sky had already emerged. Fortunately, there were no bystanders here.

"It's useless, Sasuke is already mine, it's too late to change it now..."

Feiyu sat above the blocked space, and his fingers turned the water rushing towards him into an ice wall. After a sigh, it did not get relief, but made the seawater even crazier.

But no matter how crazy it was, in the end, all these seawater could do was to cover his blocked space and form a tall waterfall in the sea.

The only weird thing... probably is that this seawater is from bottom to top!

"I succeeded!"

After a long time, a shout came from the black thunder ball, accompanied by a crackling sound. When the thunder ball exploded, the surrounding seawater was annihilated and died.

It disappeared, completely becoming non-existent.

"The end of thunder, annihilation..."

Fei Yu looked at Sasuke with long black hair floating behind him, smiled and stretched out his hand to her.

To become a god, you need divine power as a foundation.

Sasuke has not become a god yet, but his thunder of annihilation is a kind of divine power.

In other words, as long as Sasuke keeps practicing, it will only take time for him to reach the level of god.

This is different from Madara and Hashirama, who have strength and combat power, but lack qualitative change.

It is hard to say which one can enter the level of god faster, because qualitative change can be a moment or a long time...

And quantitative change must take time.

"Fei Yu..."

Sasuke stretched out his hand and put it around Fei Yu's neck. The seven turns were completely completed. After breaking free from the restraints, she was free.


She has grown up!

"How do you feel?"

Fei Yu looked at Sasuke in her arms and suddenly wondered if she did it on purpose.

For Sasuke now, clothes are just a matter of thought, but she just didn't wear them...

As a sage, Sasuke is already a complete adult. Now in his arms, it is inevitable that he will be a little moved.

"It feels weird, your clothes are a bit in the way..."

Sasuke is not in a hurry to experiment with his own power.

What she wants is very simple, that is, to confirm Feiyu after growing up.

Although she blushed a little, Sasuke had a hunch that as long as there was a short relaxation, someone would definitely get ahead of her.

"In the way? Sasuke, are you sure?"

Feiyu's eyes slowly narrowed, he seemed to underestimate his wives too much.

Compared with Naruto, who said first and then did, Sasuke's direct action now is really touching.

"I'm sure, if you don't take me to another place, I don't mind staying here..."

Sasuke's fingers grabbed Feiyu's clothes, and there was provocation in the corners of his eyes when he raised them.

"Okay, let's change places first..."

Leaving other things aside, Feiyu carried Sasuke and went straight back to the big bed at home.

'Rip! '

A sound of cloth shredding was heard, and Feiyu's coat was directly damaged.

He didn't need to do anything next. The Chakra Clothes-Smashing Technique was used, and there was no need for any hesitation.

"The skin is so good..."

Sasuke stretched out his fingers and pinched Feiyu's shoulder a few times. In addition to the good skin, there was also a small scar near the collarbone.

This was the mark left by Sasuke's bite, and Feiyu deliberately left it when he was reshaped.

He had been bitten by Hashirama before.and Madara questioned the source of this obviously strange scar.

But now Sasuke looked at this mark, and the smile in his eyes was no longer restrained.

"I'll do another one, and deepen it at this place..."

Putting his head forward, Sasuke opened his mouth and bit the previous scar.


His teeth bit through the skin, and Feiyu let out a light cry, controlling his skin not to reject the injury.

"Mine, it's the mark I left..."

Sasuke stared at that position for a long time, and then moved his bloody red lips up to Feiyu's lips.

"Well... don't, don't rush..."

Feiyu was pressed directly on the pillow by Sasuke, and then Sasuke's clumsy kiss fell.

Feiyu had already experienced that he was always countered, because he was always afraid that he would hurt his wife if he used too much force.

But now Sasuke is also learning from the two without a teacher, but Feiyu is a little reluctant.

It's better for him to come at this time, and his wife just needs to experience it well.

"Fei Yu... I have a competitive spirit, so... you have to beat me..."

After being suppressed, Sasuke slowly spoke out her request.

She didn't understand this, but now she wanted Fei Yu to teach her all this...

If she still has the strength to fight back after Fei Yu taught her, she would not be polite.


Fei Yu sighed with a helpless look in his eyes, hugged the person carefully, lowered his head and touched his lips...

Red candles began to shed tears, and mandarin ducks played in the water and hummed softly.

The waves were surging, and the wind and rain wet the raincoat.

The golden crow set in the west and rose in the east, and the jade rabbit slept on the moon again...

... Ah Meow's ellipsis...

"Asshole Sasuke, come out!"

Early in the morning, Naruto's roar sounded outside Sasuke's yard, and there were several helpless figures behind her.

"Idiot, don't disturb me while I'm resting, or I'll throw you into the water!"

Sasuke's lazy and somewhat hoarse voice came out, the voice was not loud but everyone could hear it clearly.

Especially Hashirama and Madara, they immediately widened their eyes after hearing the abnormality of the voice.

In this case, that bastard actually brought Sasuke back to attack?

Especially Orochimaru, his snake eyes narrowed.

It was agreed that she would get pregnant and give birth to a baby after returning, but now Sasuke, this stinky girl, snatched it away first. It's worthy of being Sasuke, he will find opportunities to make trouble for her!


Author has something to say:

o(=·ω·=)m Good morning~~ Happy vacation~~

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