"Is this the sacred tree brought by the Otsutsuki clan?"

Sitting on Fenghu's back, Sasuke looked at the island below with disdain and curled his lips.

"It's a replica of the sacred tree, but some of its abilities still exist, such as drawing power from the ocean and turning the mermaid experiment into a Jinchūriki."

Feiyu motioned for them to look at the half-human, half-fish creature under the tree, which was the companion of the replica sacred tree.

During the battle, they will merge into one, not much different from the Jinchūriki.

"Whatever it is, I'll go destroy this place first!"

Sasuke stepped out into the air, and his figure disappeared and then appeared above the replica sacred tree.


The mermaid sitting under the tree woke up in an instant, and looked at Sasuke with horror.

However, its reaction was still very fast. After confirming that it could not see Sasuke's strength clearly, it quickly merged its body into the tree. The trunk and branches twisted for a while and then slowly shrank. After successfully merging, it became a strange creature with a human body, a fish tail, and a branch arm.

"It's so ugly, it hurts my eyes!"

Sasuke snorted coldly, and the thunder dragon flew out of his palm, circled around her, and then turned into a giant dragon and rushed down.

She rarely fights with people in close combat now, except for the daily sparring with Naruto.

"Stupid human, even if you are immortals, you will eventually become slaves to be ruled in the future!"

The mermaid looked at Sasuke who was still flying in the air, and had a completely contemptuous attitude towards the immortal level among humans.

In a hundred years, these modified creatures have already considered themselves superior to humans. As long as the Otsutsuki come to this world, they will be the attendants of God, and maybe they can also become gods.

At that time, humans who used them as food can also be used as food by them after replacing their positions...

"Slaves? Seafood should look like seafood. If it becomes a state that makes people lose their appetite, then it has no value in existence!"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and controlled the Thunder Dragon to directly pass through the created water curtain. With a flick of the dragon's tail, the mermaid flew far away.

"The seafood barbecue seems good, but it's a pity that you are too ugly. The eyesore garbage cannot be served on the table!"

Looking at the island after the water curtain was broken, those half-human and half-fish creatures made Sasuke extremely disgusted.

The next moment she suddenly flew higher, and the Thunder Dragon flew around the island, regardless of the mermaid who had merged with the pseudo-god tree, and directly let the Thunder Dragon rush into the center of the island.

A series of thunderstorms broke out after the Thunder Dragon smashed down, and the mermaids on the island almost turned into charcoal and smoke without even resisting.

After the explosion, the Thunder Dragon rushed out from the tumbling seabed, and with one tail, it whipped the half-fish, half-wood guy into the air.

This was not the end. The Thunder Dragon suddenly twisted and circled from bottom to top, and each time it used its tail to accurately whip the guy a little higher.

"What is Sasuke going to use, Shadow Dance Leaf? Lotus Flower? Or Lion Bomb?"

Naruto sat on Fenghu's back, watching Sasuke's Thunder Dragon constantly whipping the flying mermaid in the sky, and always felt that this scene was familiar.

Thinking about it carefully, this is very similar to the physical skills of the thick-browed teacher. Xiao Li has also demonstrated this kind of physical fighting method.

"Only flying but not landing, this mermaid can't go back to the water..."

Feiyu sat next to Naruto, looking at the mermaid and Thunder Dragon that were getting closer and closer to them, smiled and shook his head, and then hugged Naruto in his arms.

He knew what Sasuke was going to do. The mermaid hadn't had time to exert her fusion power yet, but now she had no chance.

Once inside the clouds, even the seemingly pure white clouds were Sasuke's home turf.


Naruto was still a little confused, but when she saw the originally light-colored clouds above her head gradually becoming gloomy, she finally understood.

"Sasuke, this guy, is so insidious!"

Leaning in Feiyu's arms, Naruto smiled and let Fenghu fall down to prevent being affected later.

"Seafood is out of the sea, you can't jump!"

After whipping the mermaid away again, Sasuke smiled.

The mermaid was already inside the clouds at this time, and the Thunder Dragon's spinning and whipping action finally stopped.

Without waiting for the mermaid in the clouds to react, the thunder power in the entire cloud was activated, and the dull lightning strike was directly pulled after locking.

"Damn human——"

The mermaid finally let out a desperate and resentful cry, and then there was no other sound.

When the black and red clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, a cloud of black smoke fell towards the sea below.

The breeze blew, and the smoke melted after dispersing.After entering the sea, the fake god tree made by Otsutsuki, the mermaid, and even the island in the sea completely disappeared.


Sasuke returned to Fenghu's back and raised his eyebrows at Naruto in a good mood.

Her mission was completed, and the next one depended on Naruto.

"Tsk... What's so great about it, wait and see me!"

Naruto stared back directly, she must be stronger than Sasuke later, and the effect will be more gorgeous!

Absolutely, absolutely will not lose to this guy!

"Let's go, now that the ninja coalition has set out to sea, let's continue to the next one."

Feiyu embraced the two people who were still staring, and looked at another locked island in front.

Although the distance between these islands on the sea is not close, the one closest to the disappearance of this island has received the news.

They sat on Fenghu's back, this time at a height where they could be seen, and approached the second island leisurely.

"Naruto, don't get hurt by those seafood, or you won't be able to save face even if you eat fish in the future!"

Sasuke leaned on Feiyu's arms and reminded Naruto who was ready to go.

This time, her battle with Naruto, in addition to testing her own strength, also has another focus, which is to reduce the fear of the ninja world towards Otsutsuki.

Only ninjas can have such strong beliefs, and in the future, when fighting against the advent of Otsutsuki, more ninjas will have the confidence to fight.

She thought that she would do this as the two who set out with the coalition forces, but before setting off, Orochimaru pointed out that only when you don't see clearly, will people have more expectations and fantasies in their hearts.

Those two were with the coalition forces, and they were seen too clearly in that situation.

At that time, whether it was a quick kill or a slow fight and then killing, the effect would not be as good as their vision of being able to see a little from a distance.

"I know, I promise to surpass you!"

Naruto looked back and then approached the island in front of him that was ready for battle.

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